
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, it's kind of crazy that a show where one of the leads had a transexual parent could be considered homophobic or a problematic show in general. Sure, there are gay jokes about Chandler. There are fat jokes about Monica. There are jokes about how dumb/Italian Joey is. There are jokes about Ross being an archeologist. There are jokes about the dumb bullshit that Phoebe believes. There are jokes about Rachel having a nose job. Everyone is mocked gently in equal measure, it is a comedy.

You can critique the show for being representative of most 90s sitcoms with it's white cast of mostly aimless rich people but I think it's a stretch to call it a harmful show. It's simply a show that wouldn't be made the same way in 2019.

Someone in this thread actually said that it's still causing negative cultural impact in 2019 lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, it's kind of crazy that a show where one of the leads had a transexual parent could be considered homophobic or a problematic show in general. Sure, there are gay jokes about Chandler. There are fat jokes about Monica. There are jokes about how dumb/Italian Joey is. There are jokes about Ross being an archeologist. There are jokes about the dumb bullshit that Phoebe believes. There are jokes about Rachel having a nose job. Everyone is mocked gently in equal measure, it is a comedy. Even the jokes about Chandler's father's transition were solely about Chandler's uptight, insecure nature than the transition itself. Nobody else on the show took any issue with it.

You can critique the show for being representative of most 90s sitcoms with it's white cast of mostly aimless rich people but I think it's a stretch to call it a harmful show. It's simply a show that wouldn't be made the same way in 2019.

They're not really even "rich" people, yes the apartments they have are oversized compared to real life, but that's common of basically most movies/TV shows. They were pretty much always portrayed as working people that were somewhere vaguely middle income (ie: Joey can't afford a Porsche but pretends to have one by buying a Porsche jacket/hat/etc. and its played as a joke).

Beverly Hills 90210, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Melrose Place were the "look at these rich people" shows of the 90s.

Deleted member 203

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
a lot of people itt would be SHOCKED to discover there are entire university courses dedicated to discussing media that's more than 20 years old apparently. really wild to see so many posts dismissing the entire OP, I'd say the majority of posts itt are doing that. just because something was made a while ago doesn't mean it's not worthy of discussion. if you think Friends' problematic elements don't exist in American culture anymore you're kidding yourself. The very fact that netflix is paying through the nose for Friends points to it still being very culturally relevant. stop being defensive.


Aug 31, 2018
Hey, I realize I'm a little late to the party.

Yes you are, OP. Because you see a lot of this criticism everywhere on the internet nowadays.

And It's a valid one. I loved the show back then, and still enjoy watching it sometimes, but some episodes are reaaally hard to digest.

Good signs that despite all the shit in society, a lot have changed in a good way in our mentality

And everytime is a good time to say it: Fuck Ross
Dec 4, 2017
You are right OP. Even my ex who is a huge fan of the series told me something similar after re-watching all 10 seasons.
I think that the fact that we feel uncomfortable now means that we evolved as society


Linked the Fire
Oct 25, 2017
It's so weird to go back. I was in college back when the show was huge, and it's embarrassing to see how oblivious I was to all of the fuckery. It was on the TV at my parents' house during my last visit and I really couldn't stand it


Nov 29, 2017
Don't forget that it makes it seem like NYC only has white people.
This is one of my main issues. I as high schooler during the 90's when Friends was was already a very unrealistic look for a group of New Yorkers. There literally are no PoCs around, and a token asian and a black girlfriend later on. The OP points are valid, but the show itself is problematic in bigger ways. HIMYM is similar, and a more modern show. The David Spade sitcom, Rules of Engagement is even more recent, and is very popular apparently (worldwide even) and is extremely offensive....very homophobic, misogynistic, I mean I don't know how most people watch this shit and find it funny. Only modern comedy that's really impressive is Parks and Rec, and The Good Place is awesome as well.

Deleted member 27246

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
You got a problem with Goku shirts?

Besides them being really ugly? No.

Mr Popo shirts on the other hand....


Now that is what I would call problematic.


Nov 29, 2017
I wonder how I would feel watching Married with Children again.
Married with Children is actually good because it wasn't trying to be wholesome, it was offensive on purpose and very satirical. Sometimes went a bit too far, but the Bundies were basically ignorant white trash and proud of it.


Oct 28, 2017
Friends is my guilty pleasure. I watch it whenever I can. The first few seasons were really decent but it got really bad in the later seasons.

I see where you're coming from OP. But it's a comedy show. They tend to be offensive. I mean if you think a vanilla show like Friends is offensive I dont think you should bother with other shows. My fav show of all time is Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Very offensive but so funny.

About those examples you mentioned. I don't think the show is homophobic. I remember the episode where Joey was secure in his sexuality that he wanted to kiss a guy, Chandler and Ross were not ok with it. Until Ross kissed him at the end. Or when Chandler did Joeys eyebrows. For a big part of the shows earlier seasons a lesbian couple was an important part of the show. Or when Chandler wanted a new years eve kiss and Joey kissed him. The show mocked the characters who were homophobic. I wish you had mentioned some of these examples as well.


Oct 28, 2017
But one of the worst to me —

4. PLAYING OFF FEMALE-TO-MALE DOMESTIC ABUSE FOR LAUGHS. Joey dates a girl played by Punk Brewster, and her thing is that she is constantly "playfully" punching Joey as hard as she can. When Joey expresses this to the group, EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. Lines up to gaslight him and tell him to "man up". This isn't funny now and I can't even believe it was "funny" then.

The funny part was that she was tiny and Joey was big. You wouldn't assume it would hurt. But what happened at the end ? They were laughing UNTIL it happened to one of them. Rachel understood after she went through the same experience. As soon as she did her playful hitting on the arm thing to Rachel her opinion totally changed. Again, I wish you had mentioned this as well.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
If its garbage, why and how are on you on season 6?


Oct 25, 2017
Non token? Can you actually remind me?
The boss who sends Chandler to head up the new office is Aunt Viv, then he bombs an interview with a black exec, and then his boss at the ad agency is black.

Joey has taken auditions given by black directors/dancers.

Ross had at least one black coworker at the museum (technically Joey too) and at the university.

Monica had the Latino coworker/love interest.


Nov 29, 2017
I watched Gossip Girl which is pure schlock with an unredeemable rapey main character that they try to redeem for the next six seasons. Doesn't mean it isn't shit just because I watched it :).
You mean Chuck Bass? That's very problematic. A similar show, "Pretty Little Liars" has a primary couple, where the dude is 23/24 and the girl is 15. I mean, what were they thinking? How were they even trying to normalize that shit?


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
You mean Chuck Bass? That's very problematic. A similar show, "Pretty Little Liars" has a primary couple, where the dude is 23/24 and the girl is 15. I mean, what were they thinking? How were they even trying to normalize that shit?

Yeah Chuck and Blair are like the "it couple" of the show too. It just completely glosses over it after he's made to be the primary antagonist in the beginning of the show.

And ew at that Pretty Little Liars stuff.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
That's because Seinfeld doesn't have a character as aggressively terrible as Chandler.
Seinfeld's writing was miles ahead of Friends. Friends indeed had a lot of problematic moments (not like Seinfeld was immune) but it's mostly just nostalgia that makes me like it (haven't watched it in probably good 10 years). I went to High School and College in the 90s, so shows/movies/music from that time period is very nostalgic. People here are fully accepting that there is a lot of problematic materials from media of that era but as bad as the excuse is, it was indeed a "Product of its times".


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
They're not really even "rich" people, yes the apartments they have are oversized compared to real life, but that's common of basically most movies/TV shows. They were pretty much always portrayed as working people that were somewhere vaguely middle income (ie: Joey can't afford a Porsche but pretends to have one by buying a Porsche jacket/hat/etc. and its played as a joke).

Beverly Hills 90210, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Melrose Place were the "look at these rich people" shows of the 90s.
Got to admit that I have similar nostalgic view of Fresh Prince (Will Smith and Alfonso Ribeiro were funny as hell) as I do of Friends (Seinfeld I still will defend to being one of the best sitcoms ever made). Melrose Place and Beverly Hills were complete trash though.

Which brings to mind the travesty that Fresh Prince isn't on any streaming sites without paid episodes, at least in US.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean 25 years is quite a bit of time culturally though. That's difference of time from 1955 to 1980 ... there were earth shattering culture changes in that amount of time.
1994 was 25 years ago, I knew that, but I never stopped and think that that's the same difference as 1980 and 1955.

That certainly puts things into perspective, doesn't it? These 25 years is basically the entire history of the internet!

Frozen Viper

Feb 7, 2019
Friends reaffirms why I think Frasier is one of the better timeless American Sitcoms, it handled a lot of sometimes sensitive material, and maybe it's my nostalgia talking, but I think it handled it with some modicums of dignity.

Mr. Fantastic

Apr 27, 2018
Yeah, it's kind of crazy that a show where one of the leads had a transexual parent could be considered homophobic or a problematic show in general. Sure, there are gay jokes about Chandler. There are fat jokes about Monica. There are jokes about how dumb/Italian Joey is. There are jokes about Ross being an archeologist. There are jokes about the dumb bullshit that Phoebe believes. There are jokes about Rachel having a nose job. Everyone is mocked gently in equal measure, it is a comedy. Even the jokes about Chandler's father's transition were solely about Chandler's uptight, insecure nature than the transition itself. Nobody else on the show took any issue with it.

You can critique the show for being representative of most 90s sitcoms with it's white cast of mostly aimless rich people but I think it's a stretch to call it a harmful show. It's simply a show that wouldn't be made the same way in 2019.
Well said.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm certain that in 20 years some will find stuff in Brooklyn 99 that offends them and that show for all intents and purposes is progressive as all hell in 2019 as was Friends considered in the 90s.
Pretty much.

Half the complaints here are just reminding me what people were like in 90s myself included.

I can look back and criticize, but I'm not gonna pretend I had a 2019 mindset back then.


Apr 27, 2018
It was a bit shameful it took them 9 seasons to have a significant black character. People like to point to Ross having a black girlfriend at one point to prove it wasn't a very white show but it took so long and I remember at the same that aired it was made into a big deal because there'd been next to no black actors on the show. It definitely wouldn't be the case if it was made these days thankfully.


Comics Council 2020 & Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
We need to look at these things to help be better. Doesn't mean we can't enjoy it or have to change the past.

But while friends may be a product of the 90s, last year Two Broke Girls was still on the air and it was far more problematic and gross. If we want to be better we have to identify how.
Oct 28, 2017
I always wondered how people feel about gay representation in "Modern Family". The two characters seem rather fleshed out and aren't always just being "the gay couple".


Oct 25, 2017
How many of them have names? And that's a pitiful amount black people for a 10 year show in one of the most diverse cities in the world, and they are mostly extremely small single scene characters.
I never claimed Friends is a very diverse show, quite the contrary, but there are some on this thread claiming there were zero POC on this show or that they only have "tokens" and that's just a complete lie.

The characters in the periphery to the main cast (excluding family, obviously) I'd say we're close to being as diverse as NYC is. Whether they have big roles or not is another matter entirely.


Nov 24, 2017
Jerry had enough space in his apartment to store a bicycle that he admits to have never used in one episode.
To be fair, Jerry was always portrayed as a very successful comedian from the beginning of the show. I recently rewatched an early episode where Elaine doesn't have $ 5,000 to make a deposit on an apartment, and Jerry just has it laying around to lend her.


Oct 27, 2017
To be fair, Jerry was always portrayed as a very successful comedian from the beginning of the show. I recently rewatched an early episode where Elaine doesn't have $ 5,000 to make a deposit on an apartment, and Jerry just has it laying around to lend her.

How the hell does Kramer have money is what I'd want to know, lol.

At some point you have to let nit picks like this go. It's TV/movies ... if the characters have an apartment in New York, it's simply not going to look like what it would in real life. People don't want to see "real life" in sitcom's or many movies.

It's not a Friends or Seinfeld thing exclusively by any means.


Nov 24, 2017
How the hell does Kramer have money is what I'd want to know, lol.

At some point you have to let nit picks like this go. It's TV/movies ... if the characters have an apartment in New York, it's simply not going to look like what it would in real life. People don't want to see "real life" in sitcom's or many movies.

It's not a Friends or Seinfeld thing exclusively by any means.
I think Kramer is even sort of a jab at that trope. A man who never seems to be employed or doing anything productive with their life, but who can somehow afford a Manhattan apartment. They poke fun at the fact a whole bunch of times!

Incidentally, I just remembered that Monica's apartment is inheritance from her grandmother, which makes that one a bit more believable (and also perhaps explain why that apartment has so much nice furniture and a cute paint job while the one across the hall is a dump).


Nov 24, 2017
Rachel only had sex with Ross.

Monica and Chandler got married.

That's all.

Fair enough, if one is to criticize one should try to do so accurately. Cheerfully withdraw my concern about them all banging each other.
Rachel made out with Chandler before Ross, and Joey after. She also made out with Monica to get their apartment back.

Everybody pretty much hooked up with everybody in that series, including brother and sister Ross and Monica, in a dark room on Ross's college dorm, where they didn't realize who they were kissing.

But hey, I'm not judging! Just pointing it out. It's even kind of a running gag in the show.

(But yeah, sex wasn't part of the deal usually.)


Jan 10, 2019
a lot of people itt would be SHOCKED to discover there are entire university courses dedicated to discussing media that's more than 20 years old apparently. really wild to see so many posts dismissing the entire OP, I'd say the majority of posts itt are doing that. just because something was made a while ago doesn't mean it's not worthy of discussion. if you think Friends' problematic elements don't exist in American culture anymore you're kidding yourself. The very fact that netflix is paying through the nose for Friends points to it still being very culturally relevant. stop being defensive.

That's a waste of University resources. No wonder tuition keeps going up.


Oct 25, 2017
Incidentally, I just remembered that Monica's apartment is inheritance from her grandmother, which makes that one a bit more believable (and also perhaps explain why that apartment has so much nice furniture and a cute paint job while the one across the hall is a dump).
It was an illegal sublet after their grandmother moved down to Florida. Phoebe was also living with her grandmother, though she died during the series.

Chandler/Joey were always portrayed as needing a roommate (at least until Joey gets his fulltime gig back).


Oct 25, 2017
Can we all just agree that Scrubs is the best of all time?

Friends was good but it had its issues yes