Oct 26, 2017
Regardless of how much better Bloodborne is over the likes of The Witcher 3 (like, a thousand times better), The Witcher 3 just has a much broader appeal. That's just the reality of things, and in the conversation about awards and recognition, popularity is a more important metric than quality.
No, quality is also very important. The vast majority of games that win a ton of GotY awards are also rather good. It's more like certain types of games are more likely to win them than others, even if plenty of other games are also of high quality, which I'd say is a fair point and one I'd agree with

Deleted member 249

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Oct 25, 2017
No, quality is also very important. The vast majority of games that win a ton of GotY awards are also rather good. It's more like certain types of games are more likely to win them than others, even if plenty of other games are also of high quality, which I'd say is a fair point and one I'd agree with
Yeah, it's like:
  1. Games need to be at least 9/10 or above to win (arbitrary number, pick whatever you want)
  2. Once games are 9/10 or more, the deciding factor comes down to intangibles: appeal, zeitgeist, influence, etc.
Bloodborne and The Witcher 3 were both very well made games that achieved what they set out to do exceptionally well; it's just, what The Witcher 3 set out to do resonated with more people than what Bloodborne set out to do did.

Deleted member 17952

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Oct 27, 2017
No, quality is also very important. The vast majority of games that win a ton of GotY awards are also rather good. It's more like certain types of games are more likely to win them than others, even if plenty of other games are also of high quality, which I'd say is a fair point and one I'd agree with
Exactly. And that is why a racing game or a fighting game, regardless of how good it is in its genre, cannot possibly join the awards conversation in any given year. Some games are simply awards material, just like movies that are Oscar-bait.


Oct 26, 2017
First, I like Uncharted 2 a whole lot more than Demon's Souls, and I think it's the better game. But I'd actually argue Demon's Souls is more influential, it essentially birthed a sub genre that we're still seeing iterated upon and new successful entries in today. Uncharted 2 perfected the Uncharted formula, but that formula existed in the original Uncharted. Uncharted 2, by design, can't be as influential as its predecessor.

I dont agree.

Uncharted 1 was a rudimentary project of what UC2 was going to be. It was a very polished TPS game with good presentation but it came nowhere close to what UC2 would represent for cinematic games going forward.

The blend between gameplay and cinematics with its setpices was just on another level compared to anything on UC1.

But yeah, Demons Souls basically creates a genre, you are indeed right. The Souls design philosophy doesnt have an appeal as wide as UC2 design though. It is limited to a very niche spectrum of games that try to mimick it.
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, it's like:
  1. Games need to be at least 9/10 or above to win (arbitrary number, pick whatever you want)
  2. Once games are 9/10 or more, the deciding factor comes down to intangibles: appeal, zeitgeist, influence, etc.
Bloodborne and The Witcher 3 were both very well made games that achieved what they set out to do exceptionally well; it's just, what The Witcher 3 set out to do resonated with more people than what Bloodborne set out to do did.
Right, exactly. It's not exactly dissimilar to why, say, handheld games don't win much or why mainly Western games tend to win. For the most part, it's mainly the big console Western titles that nail both of those criteria and so they mainly take home most of the awards. It's just what it is. The games that don't win them aren't any lesser for not winning them. Plenty of stellar titles don't win much

Exactly. And that is why a racing game or a fighting game, regardless of how good it is in its genre, cannot possibly join the awards conversation in any given year. Some games are simply awards material, just like movies that are Oscar-bait.
The fact that some games flat out don't have a shot because of their genre or design philosophy does suck and is a reason as to why I tend to not be as absorbed as to what sort of game wins the majority of GotY awards. The other is that my own personal GotYs rarely, if ever, align with the majority pick. That being said, I wouldn't say that there are games that are simply awards material, unless you specifically mean more than others, as they're all still of fairly high quality, even if I'm not so hot about them


Nov 14, 2018
Costa Rica
I always thought the Era bubble was just a meme but people are really gonna try and argue that Skyrim wasn't influential as fuck

Read my post above
O Skyrim was definitely influential, how can it not be If everyone played it? But what im saying is that Skyrim was not the only game with its design philosophy and was definitely more iterative compared to Darksouls which left more of an impact on years to come since very few studios are even capable of designing a game like Skyrim since what it excelled at was scope. GoW 2018 is an example that has very obvious influences from Fromsoft ironically since its setting is Skyrim-like.


Oct 27, 2017
OH Lordy. Closet Haters? I don't think that's a thing. I think people who don't like From are pretty damn open about it. Just because Skyrim (one of the biggest games of last gen) has a lot of recognition doesn't make people "closet haters" with some kind of anti-from agenda.
Dude. There's a guy in this thread complaining that "elitist gatekeepers are soooo vocal it just becomes about them most the time". Like, I haven't really read every post in the thread, maybe I missed all the elitist gatekeeping? or maybe it's not just closet From haters but closet From fan haters as well. In any case, they're running rampant in here ;)


Oct 30, 2017
I don't know what it is about From games that make people blind to the many issues they have.

Oh wait, I do know.

Deleted member 48897

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Oct 22, 2018
I agree with the posters who say MK8 should have had it in 2014, but frankly I'm just coming in here to be thankful that now I can say that Bioshock: Infinite is The Green Book of videogames and people will quit looking at me like I'm proselytizing in the subway


Oct 26, 2017
All right so while we're at it, someone tell me what's so influential about uncharted 2? I must be missing something. It influenced me to fall asleep.


Oct 27, 2017
Dude. There's a guy in this thread complaining that "elitist gatekeepers are soooo vocal it just becomes about them most the time". Like, I haven't really read every post in the thread, maybe I missed all the elitist gatekeeping? or maybe it's not just closet From haters but closet From fan haters as well. In any case, they're running rampant in here ;)

The git gud brigade have that reputation for a reason ;)

Deleted member 249

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Oct 25, 2017
All right so while we're at it, someone tell me what's so influential about uncharted 2? I must be missing something. It influenced me to fall asleep.
The whole cinematic storytelling shift in games is basically traced back to Uncharted 2. That, plus just how well paced it is, and how well it seamlessly integrates setpieces, shootouts, and all around gameplay segments with its storytelling, and how seamlessly it does it, makes it stand out to this day, even when the technology available should theoretically allow for far better games on these fronts.


Nov 14, 2018
Costa Rica
My friend, if you legitimately think the influence of Dark Souls, or really, any game in the last ten years except for Modern Warfare, comes anywhere close to Skyrim's, you need to step back and get some perpsective.
Your personal assessment of Skyrim's merits or demerits is irrelevant. The game is literally marking an epochal shift in development, very little else compares.
What games have direct Skyrim influence? Things like Modern warfare had a huge impact on game design for shooters to come but what did Skyrim bring to the table in terms of game design that made it so influential because the best part about Skyrim is its scope and very few games can achieve that but the studios that can like Rockstar doesnt seem to have parallels unlike Darksouls which without counting the almost exact clones of it like the Surge (and many, many more) did affect game design way more, even with small things like making Kratos have light and heavy on R1/R2.


Oct 27, 2017
I agree with the posters who say MK8 should have had it in 2014, but frankly I'm just coming in here to be thankful that now I can say that Bioshock: Infinite is The Green Book of videogames and people will quit looking at me like I'm proselytizing in the subway

people were kinda always saying that, not that there wasn't some launch hype fog but that dissipated pretty quickly


Oct 25, 2017
What games have direct Skyrim influence? Things like Modern warfare had a huge impact on game design for shooters to come but what did Skyrim bring to the table in terms of game design that made it so influential because the best part about Skyrim is its scope and very few games can achieve that but the studios that can like Rockstar doesnt seem to have parallels unlike Darksouls which without counting the almost exact clones of it like the Surge did affect game design way more, even with small things like making Kratos have light and heavy on R1/R2.
Skyrim was very much the game that started the trend of open world RPGs from that point on instead of more (at least somewhat) linear narrative-based RPGs like Mass Effect and Dragon Age.

Deleted member 249

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Oct 25, 2017
What games have direct Skyrim influence? Things like Modern warfare had a huge impact on game design for shooters to come but what did Skyrim bring to the table in terms of game design that made it so influential because the best part about Skyrim is its scope and very few games can achieve that but the studios that can like Rockstar doesnt seem to have parallels unlike Darksouls which without counting the almost exact clones of it like the Surge did affect game design way more, even with small things like making Kratos have light and heavy on R1/R2.
Studios that have directly cited Skyrim as an influence, with their games alongside them:
  • BioWare on Dragon Age Inquisition
  • CD Projekt RED on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • Capcom on Dragon's Dogma (this was almost certainly for marketing purposes, though, given the two games' release dates)
  • Kojima on Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
  • Square Enix on Final Fantasy XV
  • Nintendo on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The modern open world craze was single handedly set off by Skyrim, not GTA or any other Rockstar game.


Jun 29, 2018
Hard games will probably never win goty. Not anymore. You can't make Sekiro or Bloodborne easy. But you can make Witcher 3, Uncharted 2, Skyrim, God of War, Uncharted 4, Dragon Age Inquisition easy. Zelda didn't have an easy mode but nothing about that game was challenging. At least nothing in the 80 shrines, 4 beasts, or multiple open world bosses that I ran into.

Race to the bottom in terms of difficulty always wins. It's better for most people to have a game be a mile wide and a mile deep in terms of difficulty options rather than having a rigid structure for your difficulty. Especially if that rigid structure means the game is stuck in a place that makes the game impossible to complete for 90% of players.

For the audience they serve, From Software games are an event. And as long as they sell enough to keep producing more games, that's the important part. I don't care if people don't think Bloodborne isn't better than Witcher 3 (it is to me).


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty sure Bloodborne beat Witcher 3 back on gaf goty. I still remember the salt.
Hmm....kinda curious to go back and see discussions on that since those are basically Era's two favorite games (somewhat recent and popularity-wise) to this day.

Also just realized Minecraft released in the same year as Uncharted 2 and Demon's Souls. I'm somewhat curious what the state of the game and how popular it was at the time.


Oct 27, 2017
Pretty sure Bloodborne beat Witcher 3 back on gaf goty. I still remember the salt.
Funny. I remember the salt from Bloodborne not winning TGA GOTY and GAF spawning its own meme behind it. And the comments today, like Imps, saying GAFs was the only GOTY list that mattered because it got the GOTY "right."

But okay.


Oct 27, 2017
Hey, Bloodborne was Gametrailer's GotY back then. Knew there was a reason i liked those guys :')

Surface of Me

Oct 25, 2017
Lol at people saying Demon Souls is more influential than UC2. Y'all for get that huge trend at the end of last generation of set piece driven cinematic action games that UC2 spear headed? Meanwhile DS has that DS clone no one remembers and The Surge.


Oct 27, 2017
When I saw the thread title, I wasn't sure if the DiCaprio comparison meant that From always made the same game, or that From kept getting robbed of awards. It turned out it was the latter comparison.

(ilu From Software. <3

re: DiCaprio, I still maintain What's Eating Gilbert Grape was the highlight of his career, and it's all mostly been pretty same-y since.)

Oooookay. I've got three games to finish and then I'm going to try witcher 3.

I hope you enjoy! It's one of the very few open world games I really enjoy. TW3 is pretty good about not wasting the player's time*, and has a really smart gameplay reward/exploration loop - when you explore, you'll either find an interesting side quest, a monster, money, extremely valuable recipes to help you craft gear/potions/bombs, crafting materials, food, equipment to use or sell, etc. Also, play all the Gwent!

*Ignore the smugger's caches on Skellige, though, unless you need money.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah but for some reason in 2016 you say "Bioshock Infinite? Ugh, that game is what The Green Book is for movies" and they start thinking you're making crazy talk.
Bioshock Infinite came out at a time when games media was desperate to have a game to point out as video games as art. This probably contributed to Walking Dead winning in 2012 as well. Of course, it got all of its wind stolen when Last of Us came out three months later.

Different reasons, but a somewhat similar thing happened with Dragon Age: Inquisition where it was considered the peak RPG when it released with a lot of its flaws overlooked when it had its wind stolen by Witcher 3 releasing six months later though Inquisition got criticized more a couple months after release.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Demon's won gamespots GOTY 2009, they knew what was up

This year is tough though, we've already had three GOTY contenders with RE2, DMC5 and Sekiro.

Deleted member 249

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Oct 25, 2017
Lol at people saying Demon Souls is more influential than UC2. Y'all for get that huge trend at the end of last generation of set piece driven cinematic action games that UC2 spear headed? Meanwhile DS has that DS clone no one remembers and The Surge.
I don't know if it's more influential, but the argument was whether or not it is influential at all, and I think that Demon's Souls is definitely an influential game.


Oct 26, 2017
The whole cinematic storytelling shift in games is basically traced back to Uncharted 2. That, plus just how well paced it is, and how well it seamlessly integrates setpieces, shootouts, and all around gameplay segments with its storytelling, and how seamlessly it does it, makes it stand out to this day, even when the technology available should theoretically allow for far better games on these fronts.

Okay this is a good start for the Battle of influences 2009. Uncharted 2 v demon souls.

Round one.

Making games more movie like has been sort of a manifest destiny for at least a hundred years. Uncharted series maybe the pinnacle of this evolutionary path thus far, but I see a strong through line of games integrating cinematics in new and exciting ways over the years. Right up to uncharted.

Now! I am concerned with the difference between influence and excellence. So I asked you, what games have exceeded uncharted 2 in it's movie like presentation?

Deleted member 249

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Oct 25, 2017
Okay this is a good start for the Battle of influences 2009. Uncharted 2 v demon souls.

Round one.

Making games more movie like has been sort of a manifest destiny for at least a hundred years. Uncharted series maybe the pinnacle of this evolutionary path thus far, but I see a strong through line of games integrating cinematics in new and exciting ways over the years. Right up to uncharted.

Now! I am concerned with the difference between influence and excellence. So I asked you, what games have exceeded uncharted 2 in it's movie like presentation?
Exceeded, or followed in its footsteps? Because the latter is influence, the former is quality.
If I argue influence, Sony's entire first party strategy from Ucharted 2 on follows its footsteps (and we know how big Sony's first party games are today). Any "cinematic storytelling" in games is really attempting Uncharted. Games like Wolfenstein: The New Order defined themselves with relation to Uncharted, games like DOOM defined themselves contrary to Uncharted. Japanese developers like Capcom have asttempted to emulate the Uncharted cinematic storytelling template, most notable in the Resident Evil series (for good or for bad). Quantum Break was a very clear attempt by Remedy to try to channel Uncharted.
There are many, many more, but to be perfectly honest, Uncharted 2 (and TLOU) is one of the rare cinematic games I do enjoy, so I'm not quite the best person to tell you about the, er, genre, so to speak, others are more qualified. But "cinematic storytelling in games" is hardly a rare quality, and in its modern incarnation dates back to UC2.


Nov 14, 2018
Costa Rica
Studios that have directly cited Skyrim as an influence, with their games alongside them:
  • BioWare on Dragon Age Inquisition
  • CD Projekt RED on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • Capcom on Dragon's Dogma (this was almost certainly for marketing purposes, though, given the two games' release dates)
  • Kojima on Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
  • Square Enix on Final Fantasy XV
  • Nintendo on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The modern open world craze was single handedly set off by Skyrim, not GTA or any other Rockstar game.
I understand now. So Skyrim was so successful while being an open world that it popularized the concept of an open world and not any specific mechanic or design decision. Sounds like it was incredibly influential from a pivoting
standpoint for companies since it was so successful rather than a game design perspective (yes making an open world game is a design decision but a very, very broad one) and I definitely value more one type of influence over another, we were just talking about different types of influence. That being said those games play nothing like Skyrim which is what I mean when I talk about meaningful game design influence other the the broad concept of "an open world" which I agree was due to the success of Skyrim.

Deleted member 249

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Oct 25, 2017
I understand now. So Skyrim was so successful while being an open world that it popularized the concept of an open world and not any specific mechanic or design decision. Sounds like it was incredibly influential from a pivoting
standpoint for companies since it was so successful rather than a game design perspective (yes making an open world game is a design decision but a very, very broad one) and I definitely value more one type of influence over another, we were just talking about different types of influence. That being said those games play nothing like Skyrim which is what I mean when I talk about meaningful game design influence other the the broad concept of "an open world" which I agree was due to the success of Skyrim.
I agree with your assessment, yes. Nothing plays like Skyrim (or BGS games in general), which is one reason for their enduring appeal, and its influence is more broad strokes and large scale. That said, however, I think that some Soulslikes aside, the actual influence of Dark Souls and the like is also broader—those games countered the movement towards cinematic games that all but played themselves, those games proved that you don't need to coddle the player, those games proved that you don't need excessive tutorialization, basically Dark Souls and Minecraft are the games that demonstrated to developers at large that you don't have to babysit the player. That mentality does continue to be imbibed across multiple games today. I think that mechanically, there are very few true followers of From's games; their larger influence is far broader.


Nov 14, 2018
Costa Rica
I agree with your assessment, yes. Nothing plays like Skyrim (or BGS games in general), which is one reason for their enduring appeal, and its influence is more broad strokes and large scale. That said, however, I think that some Soulslikes aside, the actual influence of Dark Souls and the like is also broader—those games countered the movement towards cinematic games that all but played themselves, those games proved that you don't need to coddle the player, those games proved that you don't need excessive tutorialization, basically Dark Souls and Minecraft are the games that demonstrated to developers at large that you don't have to babysit the player. That mentality does continue to be imbibed across multiple games today. I think that mechanically, there are very few true followers of From's games; their larger influence is far broader.
But my argument is that Darksouls had very obvious and specific influence on many games to come and yes the lack of tutorial and difficulty is the broad influence it had on the industry but when it comes to specific design decisions like control scheme, bonfires equivalents, estus flask equivalents, 3d metroidvania-like levels, etc there are few games that have had such a specific impact on how games are designed in the last decade.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think Sekiro will win just like many From games in the past have been bridesmaids but rarely the bride. Sekiro is not special enough to break that mold nor imo is it as good as previous entries that failed to break into GOTY territory.


Oct 25, 2017
You realize that none of From's games have ever realistically been in contention for GOTY awards, right? Most major media outlets are drawn to games that have broader appeal with a wide audience. From Software titles are too niche to really be considered.


Nov 14, 2017
I'm really curious what innovations Skyrim brought to the table, because as far as I can tell it's Morrowind: Dumbed Down Edition. The only thing Skyrim does well is its big, immersive world.

Things it does bad on the other hand... it has some of the worst combat I've ever experienced in a video game. The animations, dialogue, and voice acting are offensively bad. Enemy variety? I hope you like fighting draugr and bandits because that's what you're fighting a vast majority of the time. Dungeon variety? Hope you like caves, crypts, and dwemer ruins because that's all you get. Also, I hope you like quest markers in your immersive game, because who wants to read in an RPG? Yuck! Speaking of RPG elements, who cares about choices? Thieves Guild? Mage Guild? Fighter's Guild? Why choose when you can just join them all! You truly are the chosen one. It's ugly as sin, and was at launch even on a powerful PC. The amount of bugs, glitches, typos, and oversights that had to be fixed by modders is absurd. Just look at the changelog for the Unofficial Patch. I've spent quite a bit of time in the Creation Engine myself trying in vein to make the game enjoyable and some of the things I've seen... clusterfuck doesn't even begin to describe this game behind the scenes.

Like it's cool that you like it and it certainly has mass appeal due to how accessible it is, but to call it a good video game is hilarious to me. Skyrim is a 4/10 and that's the best I can do.