Bobson Dugnutt

Self Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I have covid right now, 4 days in. I have asthma (triple jabbed) so I was nervous but apart from day 2 ( constant muscle aches
and light headedness) its been like a bad cold with more fatigue and sharper coughs. Day 2 sucked and I would never want to repeat that for a prolonged period though. Couldn't sleep on day one at all but slept for 11 hours on day 2 as I was so exhausted.
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Oct 27, 2017
I caught it last June a couple of weeks after my first vaccine. Felt like absolute crap for about three days, hot flushes one second then shivering cold the next. Losing my smell and taste was odd, I could tell if something was bitter or sweet but not taste it at all. Thankfully my cough wasn't too bad.

I suffered from hot flushes for a couple of months after and I still think my depth of taste isn't what it used to be. Picking out subtle flavours in food is definitely harder.

Just drink plenty of water OP and look after yourself and you'll be good.


Oct 26, 2017
Yup. Somehow caught it late last week and have been quarantined for almost a week now.

I get to spend my 30th sick and stuck alone at home.

I did the same with my 31st a week ago :D Was weirdly chill honestly.

@OP, you are going to be OK. It hit me like a truck and I was out of commission for 4 days straight and sick for close to 2 weeks, but now I'm perfectly fine again. Isolate, ride out the fever if you get one and enjoy some games and shows you wanted to catch up on afterwards!


Oct 25, 2017
Birmingham, UK
Had it a few weeks ago. Felt pretty shit for about a week and lost my sense of smell temporarily (it was like there was a constant smell masking everything). Hardly coughed though, and it was nowhere near as bad as flu I've had in the past.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Still in the clear here, but thanks for reminding me that I should convince a pharmacy to get me a booster.


Oct 27, 2017
Yo, London here and I tested positive Friday for the first time, and girlfriend got hers on Wednesday. Def was a few rough days for me of aching and just absolute fatigue and then completely unable to sleep. Feeling a lot better after that though, just got a bit of a cough.

It's def going around, sounds like last week it was 1.7mil cases, wouldn't be surprised if that's doubled.

Best of luck to ya!


Oct 27, 2017
San Jose, CA
My family's just getting over it after we went over two years without catching it. We just couldn't avoid it this time.

We were all really sick for 1-2 days but the rest of the time it was pretty much just minor symptoms. It took 9 days for it to clear out of my system.


Nov 2, 2017
Pensacola, FL
I'd look into maybe seeing if you can get a prescription for Paxlovid stuff seems to help a lot. I have a family member who has COPD and is a dumbass antivaxxer (nearly 70 years old). They got covid, started paxlovid within about 4 days of symptoms, and tested negative after 2 weeks of symptoms. It's not perfect but it can be a life saver. They did loose their sense of smell and taste though who knows how long that will take to come back.

Pfizer's Paxlovid reduces COVID risk in seniors regardless of vaccine status -study

Pfizer Inc's antiviral treatment Paxlovid reduces COVID-19 hospitalization and death rates in vaccinated and unvaccinated patients 65 years and older, according to a new study in Israel conducted during the rise of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus.


Oct 28, 2017
It seems to have really ticked up in numbers in the last month where I am. Anecdotally more people I know have had it recently by far than any other time.

I somehow have avoided it (or never had it detected) this whole time, but I don't fancy my chances lol.
Oct 29, 2017
I tested positive on Tuesday. I'm vaccinated and boosted and it's been rough. My symptoms are going away. Now, my sleep patterns are out of whack.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
OP, I got COVID about 11 days ago, triple jabbed like you, and the first few days were brutal, couldn't swallow and/or sleep due to an extreme throatache, could barely talk, severe cold, but I got checked up with a doctor and with a quick jab they managed to relax the symptoms. What I still have is difficulty breathing and I get exhausted quite easily, however it's not that bad. Take it easy for a few days, and you'll be fine.
For what it's worth, I talked to a few doctors and they told me that you should isolate for the first 5 days since the symptoms show up, after that, so long as you respect distancing and facemasks, you're not a hazard to others.


Oct 27, 2017
I got it the week before last. I think I caught it from a Run The Jewels gig. I was ok with mildly annoying symptoms. Cough seems like it's finally clearing up now too.


Jan 6, 2021
I've gotten it twice now after being fully vaxxed with boosters and masked to boot. Even here in the SF Bay Area with some of the lowest rates thorough out the pandemic I only know one person in real life now that hasn't gotten it yet around here. You gonna be fine since the virus isn't as deadly anymore with vaccines and what not.
Lightning Count
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
About to go bed. Feeling surprisingly ok for now.

Was going to watch AEW X NJPW live but I really need the sleep so I'll watch it in the morning.
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Oct 25, 2017
I've got coworkers on their third confirmed infection. Fully boosted. If this is your first dance I'd say you're a global outlier.

I've gotten it once and feel lucky.


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
I picked it up today too - after all this time, and a bunch of close calls.

No idea how I got it, but just hoping I bounce back quick - minor throat/nose stuff started overnight and some slight body aches so far.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Seattle, WA
I just tested positive for the first time today too. We're pretty careful so it's pretty easy to trace back, looks like my wife and kid caught it while out at Trader Joe's just over a week ago.


Oct 29, 2017
I haven't caught it yet (just probably jinxed myself) but you're triple vaxxed so it's highly likely you'll be fine after a couple of days. Take care of yourself and hope it passes quickly.


Oct 31, 2017
I need to go get my booster. I was supposed to get it in February, but I got COVID in January, so that fucked that up. My three months were over in April, but I haven't gotten it yet. I got my first two at a Wal-Mart pharmacy, so I was wanting to go back there so I wouldn't mix vaccines. I went about a month ago and they wouldn't give it to me. They said they hadn't given a dose all day and couldn't open a vial for one person. I tried again a few weeks later and they were out. I tried again a week after that and they were still out. I haven't tried since.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm triple shotted and also just came down with it for the first time after picking it up from someone at work.

Yesterday was the worst day by far felt like every bone in my body was about to explode. Luckily today it's mostly just normal cold symptoms. You'll push through, I have a few of the issues that make Covid really bad to get but it seems like I'll be okay, who knows how it'd be if we weren't vaccinated.
Lightning Count
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
Testing again, I have 10 days worth of kits. Did have have 12 but I bungled 2 tests. Let's see what happens.

I feel a bit better but still not 100%.


Oct 30, 2017
Yea most likely. I still maintain I got it over 2 years ago when I came back from Vegas in January feeling like total shit. But shit didn't hit the fan until about Feb/March.

i also came back from vegas in january 2020 and days later developed the worst flu of my life, couldn't shake it for a month. i was at CES, which used to get like 200k attendees from the tech industry, so it seems kind of unlikely that it wasn't circulating at that point.

tests didn't exist back then so i'll never know but yeah, wouldn't surprise me. never had it otherwise as far as i know.


Oct 27, 2017
I finally got it back at the start of the month and I'm considered a "high-risk" patient due to having a lung disease, cystic fibrosis. It was a confluence of events, I got my booster a week prior so antibodies were not back up, I went to a massive wedding for my first cousin the weekend before, and I went to a baseball game that same weekend as well. Luckily, I only had a fever and sore throat the first day and went on Paxlovid as soon as I could and never felt anything more than what amounted to a very, very mild head cold. I tested negative for a few days and then I got the Paxlovid "Rebound", but I only knew I had it because I had the sore throat again. With the Rebound I felt even less symptoms, but I was still testing positive. I was always worried that if I got it I would be relegated to bed for a week or so, just absolutely miserable as everyone says it made them feel "sicker than anything I've ever had before" but that just never materialized. Honestly, I have felt worse when my cystic fibrosis is in exacerbation mode and I'm coughing my head off, fully congested and producing mucus from said coughing, and needing to go into the hospital for iv antibiotics. Try and get on Paxlovid if you can, I feel like it was a real gamechanger for me.

Smart person. Listen to Keywork . So many people never take paxlovid even though it's plentiful right now! 🤯


Oct 25, 2017
It does make me somewhat annoyed that you can't get Paxlovid here unless the government marks you as high-risk enough for it. Like, my 71 yo mum can't get it even privately? Crazy.


Oct 31, 2017
Happens to the best of us OP, even when being super careful.

I know a lot of people around me that got it or got sick but I somehow avoided covid since it all started, with the exception of 2 days in which I felt horrible (but no covid) (something my parents brought over from visiting my brother and his kid) I haven't even been really sick for 2 years.
Oct 26, 2017
I just checked, paxlovid will be available here soon. Although I checked the recommendations and it shouldn't be taken along with a huge number of other medicines, so if you're on something else you'd need to check with your doctor.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 27, 2017
Athens, Greece
Calm down my friend really. You are gonna be fine most probably. Of all the people I know currently around half them already had it and none of them died or had any permanent side effects.


May 15, 2018
Sorry to hear that. I hope that it doesn't affect you too badly. I have not gotten it yet, but my girlfriend is just recovering from it after spending a night in hospital on Tuesday on a ventilator. My kids mum just tested positive this morning right before I was about to hand them back and now I have them for an extra week.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 29, 2017
I tested positive Friday night and I'm now in isolation for seven days as required by the government. I had to report myself and everything. I've had three jabs which I think has kept my symptoms relatively mild. Saturday was pretty shit though. Felt really weak and had a killer headache. I've now got a semi-blocked & runny nose and started getting a cough today which has been annoying. Thankfully I've still got my taste and smell.