
Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
AFK Journey really feels like a mobile MMO more than just a simply gacha game. It's interesting that they did not market it that way at all.

I became aware of the game a couple weeks ago, and I instantly fell in love with the art style. It's so beautiful and illustrative. Man, I'd kill for an open world JRPG or Genshin-like in that art style.
What the game actually is, is unfortunately not what I'd ever want to play. :/
Since I saw folks on the Nikke subreddit doing it, how would you fellow Nikke players rank the Anniversary Events, Over Zone, Red Ash, and now Last Kingdom?

For me, I do think overall I think I'd rate them in the order of release, so Over Zone -> Red Ash -> Last Kingdom.

That isn't even saying Last Kingdom was bad or anything, it was great, but I think the really emotional stuff of Over Zone worked for me a bit stronger.

Though it is somewhat hard to compare them directly, cause all the events do have a very different tone to them overall, even if there is some parts that overlap tonally.
Now that I played all,

Over Zone > Red Ash >almost= Last Kingdom, it showcased less units and the mystery is less mysterious.

I wonder how are they going to solve all the rapture stuff they are setting.
Jun 17, 2023
the Elysian Realm
The subreddit? Nothing can save that cesspool of pessimism and negativity.
Too far gone. Especially considering what's been happening in the past few days. Kinda really want Wuthering Waves to release right now, not because I'll be playing it, but to see how that sub will react. The doomposting and reaching would be entertaining to see.
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Oct 26, 2017
While people are focusing more on Wuthering Waves due to its impending release there are still some others I'm waiting for like Duet Night Abyss.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYORE1d2pDw

Anime Warframe with amazing music and dialogue that doesn't seem to be bloaty.

Also some potentially interesting stuff with the the MC since they actually talk like a normal character as well as them advertising a dual protagonist narrative where it seems like the MC you didn't pick takes on a different role and persona going by the art and the little tidbits shown in the beta story.

Really looking forward to seeing how this one turns out.


Jan 2, 2019
Well Crown gave me a good run and got to chapter 26 at only 157,000 CP. But think I'm at a stopping point. These defense stages are kicking my ass.


Mar 1, 2021
it's so funny seeing r Gacha's turn around on snowbreak from the amount of doomposting of it going to EOS /shitting on it from day one to questioning it's pivot to being more lewd then praising it's new found glory while some trolls throwing shade at GFL 2 that it should've caved to give "fans" or rather incels what they wanted lol

having said that im still happy the game is doing well even if at the end of the day to keep the CN fanbase happy you gotta thanos snap all dudes outta of your game
Jun 1, 2021
I mean I'm sure Snowbreak is getting better gameplay wise, but it 100% is now a sexy waifu game. It's working for them, so props. Main reason Nikke does so well I presume. Just offers nothing to me which is fine, if not a little disappointing.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean I'm sure Snowbreak is getting better gameplay wise, but it 100% is now a sexy waifu game. It's working for them, so props. Main reason Nikke does so well I presume. Just offers nothing to me which is fine, if not a little disappointing.

When it comes to Snowbreak theres been some QoL stuff but the core gameplay loop is about the same as its always been. Its mostly the waifu stuff making the game do better.

For Nikke, obviously the character designs are a large part of the appeal but I don't think thats why people stick around.


Oct 30, 2017
Since WW is coming out and uses the Genshin system of gacha (low rates, at most one failed 50/50, lowish pity), do you prefer that or something closer to Nikke's (higher %, higher pity/spark, chance to get really unlucky/lucky).

Or in other words assuming pull income remains the same, would you swap Nikke's gacha system for Genshin's and vice versa? Ignore the weapon banner for now.

Nikke's in Genshin:
  • 2% Rate up, 4% total (1% rate up for Archons?)
  • 200 limited pull tix to exchange for banner char
Whether the standard pool grows is up for debate (I would love to get spooked by anyone not named Qiqi), but for now assume its no and its still the same few chars.

Genshin's in Nikke:
  • 0.3% Rate up, 0.6% total (0.1% chance of Pilgrim)
  • Soft Pity starts at 75, Hard pity at 90
  • At most one failed 50/50
  • Off banners can be any non-limited Nikke
  • Standard banner still exists and has wishlist and you'd only get wishlist Nikkes, but can't pick a specific one
  • No gold tix exchange for banner char
For 160 wall, assume it doesn't exist for now (SSR's can go straight to 200), but frankly that change should be made even with Nikke's current system.

Personally, I prefer higher rates in general. I can save for pity so I don't get screwed, and higher rates at least gives me a chance to be lucky.


Oct 27, 2017
Nikke blows the Genshin gacha out of the water, unless you really like the hard pity I suppose, but you'd have to be so unbelievably unlucky for the Nikke gacha to be worse(Chrono). I have a stupid lucky HSR account and I'd still prefer the Nikke gacha.

Obviously its not going to happen at this point but if WW is even close to being on the level of Genshin and they implemented the Nikke gacha they'd be wildly popular.


Oct 25, 2017
Keep that evil in Genshin.

I'll take Nikkes' all day long. Even if i miss a character i can just stick them on the wishlist and just let them spook me later on.
Feb 15, 2019
I don't even think it's REMOTELY close.

Not only are the rates much higher and you're not actually likely to hit pity/spark all the time, you're also not bound to FOMO as unlike Genshin, the vast majority of Nikke's banners enter the general pool (exception being limiteds and collabs) and there's a wishlist system meaning the pool doesn't get diluted with more units as the wishlist will always guarantee one of those 15 (with the exception of the Pilgrim unit pool).

For Pilgrim banners, since they seemingly only happen 3 times a year (New Year, half anni and anni) you can just save up a spark for them and not even have to bother rolling on their banner. That's what I did with Crown.

Dupes are also wiiiildly less important in Nikke. Nikke MLB changes so little, I was pretty surprised when someone showed me lb0 10 friendship Crown vs lb3 40 friendship Crown. It was barely different at all. Cores change even less. Meanwhile in games like Genshin and Star Rail, you could be playing a completely different character with a different playstyle at C6.

That's again, also not even mentioning the weapon/lightcone gacha which you know, is still there and also is a relatively big difference.

I could not care less about how you can complete all the current content with 4*s or c0 characters and don't need their lightcones. Those people with C6 are playing a completely different character than the people at C0 and it sure looks like it's a lot more fun.

Oh yeah also Nikke is actually a lot more generous on top of the better rates and less important dupe system.

The part where Nikke truly becomes predatory is less its gacha and more its level system, encouraging people to spend to gain more levels as that's where the big power difference actually comes from. Like for example splitting up the playerbases in a shitton of mini servers in content like PvP, encouraging them to spend so they can stay at the top in their server. And its completely unnecessary 160 wall. I don't understand why it's there.
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Oct 25, 2017
Nikke's gacha system is my favorite. While granted, I am not a Free Player in Nikke, I have put money into it, most of my rolls to get characters have been from free rolls and just building up my gold tickets.

Dupes are also wiiiildly less important in Nikke. Nikke MLB changes so little, I was pretty surprised when someone showed me lb0 10 friendship Crown vs lb3 40 friendship Crown. It was barely different at all. Cores change even less. Meanwhile in games like Genshin and Star Rail, you could be playing a completely different character with a different playstyle at C6.

That's again, also not even mentioning the weapon/lightcone gacha which you know, is still there and also is a relatively big difference.

Yeah, don't get me wrong, I love Genshin and Star Rail, but I'll never like how you have to roll for weapons but that both Characters and Weapons get noticeable buffs when you get dupes.

Granted, 99% of the content doesn't need C6 characters, which sort of mitigates it, but honestly wish the Constellation stuff was unlocked via gameplay and not more gacha, though it's too late at this point.
Feb 15, 2019
Nikke's gacha system is my favorite. While granted, I am not a Free Player in Nikke, I have put money into it, most of my rolls to get characters have been from free rolls and just building up my gold tickets.

Yeah, don't get me wrong, I love Genshin and Star Rail, but I'll never like how you have to roll for weapons but that both Characters and Weapons get noticeable buffs when you get dupes.

Granted, 99% of the content doesn't need C6 characters, which sort of mitigates it, but honestly wish the Constellation stuff was unlocked via gameplay and not more gacha, though it's too late at this point.

My biggest issue is just that there's often either limits that dupes just remove or at least lessen, or something that can even potentially change an entire playstyle for the character. It's less so that it's more DPS (often times a looot more DPS though) but moreso that characters are just straight up generally more fun at C6 at best and potentially can play like an entirely different character at worst. You have half the character at C0. You do not have that with Nikke as nothing changes with more dupes other than slightly more attack, HP and defense.

And it's all of course locked behind FOMO as you can't even off banner it randomly, let alone unlock it through a daily mode like say, Snowbreak or something.


Dec 1, 2017
If we're purely talking about getting new characters then King's Raid has the best system of them all. They straight up just let you buy characters.


Apr 9, 2022
Since WW is coming out and uses the Genshin system of gacha (low rates, at most one failed 50/50, lowish pity), do you prefer that or something closer to Nikke's (higher %, higher pity/spark, chance to get really unlucky/lucky).
I failed the 50/50 every single. damn. time. during the WW localization test. So Hoyo-style rates do suck when luck is bad. That said, it cannot be overstated how relieving it is that WW's weapon banners are 100% rate up. I can almost guarantee that'll make people more likely to swipe/open wallet for characters they like. It remains to be seen how "required" the signature weapons are for banner characters. I wasn't paying attention 4* VS 5* weapon performance during the test, and even if I had, I wouldn't be allowed to talk about it.


Oct 25, 2017
331 pulls total during the Railgun event in Blue Archive after I said screw it and sparked for Misaka, with that 331st pull being the very last one I could do with what pyroxene I had left... and NOW I actually pull Shokuhou with one day left. Fine, I'll take it, still beats stewing over getting nothing even though now I'll have nothing for whoever's coming next (at least they'll be guaranteed to get reruns).


Oct 25, 2017
Looking it up, didn't expect yet another case of two characters in BA with the same first name having the same VA, with the other role being another VN example in the case of Railgun's Misaki Shokuhou and Aokana's Misaki Tobisawa.

Trivia aside, was kinda disappointed that the Railgun event didn't play "only my railgun" at any point.


Oct 25, 2017
Looking it up, didn't expect yet another case of two characters in BA with the same first name having the same VA, with the other role being another VN example in the case of Railgun's Misaki Shokuhou and Aokana's Misaki Tobisawa.

Trivia aside, was kinda disappointed that the Railgun event didn't play "only my railgun" at any point.
they prob license the ip but not the song since it involves a different party to deal with


Oct 25, 2017
It looks like a bunch of ZZZ character concepts arts from a new faction called "Virtual Idol" (tentative name) leaked, so they released them themselves:




As this is concept art from a faction and characters that are seemingly a ways off, these designs will most likely not make it into the game in this from, but it's interesting to see what sort of things they have in mind for that setting.
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Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Fun designs, especially the second and third ones.


Bought the event pass, did a final multi on Crown's banner... another Tetra SSR. Unless the last free pulls come through, that makes the final score: ~8 off focus SSRs and 0 Crowns.

Anniversary banners continue to be the bane of my existence. Didn't get a single RH from her banner either in 150+ pulls.
It looks like a bunch of ZZZ character concepts arts from a new faction called "Virtual Idol" (tentative name) leaked, so they released them themselves:




As this is concept art from a faction and characters that are seemingly a ways off, these designs will most likely not make it into the game in this from, but it's interesting to see what sort of things they have in mind for that setting.
This is Yu-Gi-Oh levels of cooking, not bad at all (except for the perceived age)


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Wait, Wuthering Waves is only a week away from release? Where did the time go?

Has it been confirmed if there will be a PC client at launch (not through Epic Games, please)? Preferably its own dedicated client, ala Genshin Impact/Star Rail/Snowbreak/etc.

I assume so, but want to be sure. I'd hate to play something like this on my phone.


Oct 25, 2017
The Endless Mode thing in Snowbreak from the event is soooooooooo fucking boring. Holy shit. I swear it lasts like 20 minutes.


Oct 25, 2017
Still haven't gotten Crown dupes from any of the free pulls or advanced vouchers spent on her banner, saving the final 10x gifted in the mail for a future event, but not the next one. Did get Moran from my last discounted pull before the reset, so perhaps I'll figure out how to be annoying with her in PvP like people who already have her there now that other players suddenly woke up and decided to knock me down with no realistic solution to get back to what was already a meager placement this SP season (I dislike PvP in Nikke, albeit not as much as I hate the purely nonsensical PvP in Blue Archive, but as a F2P player it's still useful gem income and I at least make an effort).
Jun 17, 2023
the Elysian Realm
It looks like a bunch of ZZZ character concepts arts from a new faction called "Virtual Idol" (tentative name) leaked, so they released them themselves:




As this is concept art from a faction and characters that are seemingly a ways off, these designs will most likely not make it into the game in this from, but it's interesting to see what sort of things they have in mind for that setting.
Looks good and cute. V-Tubers, we got v-tubers in the apocalypse.

Edit: Oh, that first one is also included in the characters. I thought it was a pet or something.

This is Yu-Gi-Oh levels of cooking, not bad at all (except for the perceived age)
God, I could already see the comment section being flooded with them. Every time something that remotely looks like a loli is shown. Nope nope nope. Then again, it's not as if any other character is safe from people's horniness.


Mar 1, 2021
BA eh?! yukari spooked me on my first ten pull first actual sonic character get !

nice way to go to bed will read the new chapter tmw


Oct 25, 2017
Went a little ham last night with regards to Snowbreak.

Got Enya's sig, bought her scene and the nurse outfit, and bought Tess's outfit. I'm skipping the battle pass outfit (don't like it as much), but I still spent some cash making all that happen, ha.

Also got 5* Mauxir's sig to T2.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Went a little ham last night with regards to Snowbreak.

Got Enya's sig, bought her scene and the nurse outfit, and bought Tess's outfit. I'm skipping the battle pass outfit (don't like it as much), but I still spent some cash making all that happen, ha.

Also got 5* Mauxir's sig to T2.
Seasun thanks you for your support.
Jun 1, 2021
Wait, Wuthering Waves is only a week away from release? Where did the time go?

Has it been confirmed if there will be a PC client at launch (not through Epic Games, please)? Preferably its own dedicated client, ala Genshin Impact/Star Rail/Snowbreak/etc.

I assume so, but want to be sure. I'd hate to play something like this on my phone.

It will have it's own client on PC.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, tried to get another Crown dupe, but alas none.

I got her LB2, which is still not bad.

Though it is crazy I got not one, but two dupes of Red Hood during this banner lol


One Winged Slayer
Oct 30, 2017
United States
Blue Archive PVP season reset means I'm back up to a spark! That was one of my favorite things about Princess Connect lol.

Waiting for PVP to reset the ranks and then climb up while most teams are low level bots(?) and get a bunch of gems on the way.


Feb 4, 2020
Oh shit BA's Volume 5 is here and I'm still just about half way through Arknights event (which is apparently the longest story in the game for global) and FGO's LB6.5 also just dropped. I'm still not done with Rebirth and WuWa is next week. I still haven't touched any of Honkai 3rd 7.4 content too.
Way too many big updates this month.

And then next month has Shadow of Erdtree and Dawntrail.
Glad I'm no longer interested in ZZZ.


Jan 2, 2019
Oh shit BA's Volume 5 is here and I'm still just about half way through Arknights event (which is apparently the longest story in the game for global) and FGO's LB6.5 also just dropped. I'm still not done with Rebirth and WuWa is next week. I still haven't touched any of Honkai 3rd 7.4 content too.
Way too many big updates this month.

And then next month has Shadow of Erdtree and Dawntrail.
Glad I'm no longer interested in ZZZ.

Wait Arknights newest event is longer than Lone Trail?

Hope it's as good.


Feb 4, 2020
Wait Arknights newest event is longer than Lone Trail?

Hope it's as good.

I doubt it's gonna reach the height of Lone Trail though.

CN and global are having long ass story update at the same time with CN getting Chapter 14 that has significantly higher word count than Lone Trail and Zwillingsturme.

(the numbers are a bit inconsistent from the previous graph but it's Chapter 14 -> Zwillingsturme -> Lone Trail -> Chapter 8 -> Near Light)

These writers are insane.


Oct 28, 2017
Didnt manage to roll a single Crown dupe...but have enough Mileage tickets to get 2...

Should I do it or save the mileage for Summer?