Jul 2, 2022
Oh are the children crying about something they don't understand again? How utterly predictable.

This is literally part of every editing and script review process ever, at least ones competently produced. But not everyone on every writing staff is perfectly aware of how things can be offensive, so you bring in outside consultants to help. But it's very much work that's ongoing in-house all the time.

What stands out to me is that the idea of proofreading, as in, objectively improving a script and refining it so that it lands better with the intended audience, is seen as "woke" now. I learned to do this in freaking elementary school, why is it suddenly now seen as an awful thing? Raw, unfiltered dialogue doesn't necessarily mean a work will be objectively good.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
It's so frustrating that we can't get weak women in distress and people dropping the r-word in western games anymore.

Let me make this my entire fucking personality instead of taking an inward look and taking a more measured and calm approach to the world.


Jun 22, 2018
4. Deadshot is a black character in suicide squad, but was white in previous games (my note: this is explained as new deadshot claiming the old was an imposter and it fits the story)
okay, I still have issue with this since it's so insane when you think about it. so a white guy was pretending to be deadshot for over a decade and nobody raised an eyebrow? it would have made more sense just to make it a retcon or at least make deadshot a legacy character

especially since due to his playable nature, the real Deadshot could miss shots while the fake one never does
Feb 24, 2018
I agree but I also don't see the point in derailing this thread around some weird bias rating site. The point is that Bounding into Comics is in fact a Comicsgate site and is basically the comics equivalent of NicheGamer.
True, surprised it's not a banned source.
What stands out to me is that the idea of proofreading, as in, objectively improving a script and refining it so that it lands better with the intended audience, is seen as "woke" now. I learned to do this in freaking elementary school, why is it suddenly now seen as an awful thing? Raw, unfiltered dialogue doesn't necessarily mean a work will be objectively good.
A utter complete lack of knowledge of the creative process (peer review was something encouraged in Film School as well writing partners etc), people they respect telling them to get angry and it being wrong and in some cases, fully well knowing what their complaining about is nonsense but using it anyway to attack people. We been through this so many times now that it's just tiring.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
okay, I still have issue with this since it's so insane when you think about it. so a white guy was pretending to be deadshot for over a decade and nobody raised an eyebrow? it would have made more sense just to make it a retcon or at least make deadshot a legacy character

especially since due to his playable nature, the real Deadshot could miss shots while the fake one never does

Thing is you can look at that and clearly see it was an attempt to tie into the movie. But people would rather go full conspiracy route and blame "wokeness" on it. lol

Big Yoshi

Nov 25, 2018
As a rule of thumb, the exact opposite of whatever opinion asmongold has is probably right. We are talking about a man who for years would just wipe his bloody teeth on the wall while sleeping instead of doing literally anything else in that scenario.


Oct 25, 2017
so this is what that sweet baby thing gamers have been complaining about for months is. kept seeing this mentioned from time to time bit never dug deep into it

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Why do idiots like you always have the same unoriginal "jokes" every single time?
Because subversion is often a major component of strong comedy, and you can't subvert someone's expectations when you're appealing to the same old transphobic views.

I don't even think that necessarily even a joke, though. Lots of idiots think that "woke" people are automatons and if you just they're forced to take your side if you simply connect yourself to the things they care about. Oh, you're saying you're like a vulnerable population whose well being I'm concerned about, then I guess I have to defend you too! You used to see it all the time during the height of Gamergate; there was a 50% chance that any given Gamergater would compare themselves to Muslims when being called out.


Oct 30, 2017
okay, I still have issue with this since it's so insane when you think about it. so a white guy was pretending to be deadshot for over a decade and nobody raised an eyebrow? it would have made more sense just to make it a retcon or at least make deadshot a legacy character

especially since due to his playable nature, the real Deadshot could miss shots while the fake one never does

The incongruity is actually brought up by the game and is covered in some supplementary recordings you can find in the endgame.

It still doesn't really make sense, but it seems like they were building to something that'll probably never be revealed because the game tanked.


Oct 25, 2017
Thank you for confirming this had a friend bring this up. Not understanding what the fuck he was talking about. After his comments about pandering and south park the panderverse. Now this make sense. Should have known.
Oct 25, 2017
okay, I still have issue with this since it's so insane when you think about it. so a white guy was pretending to be deadshot for over a decade and nobody raised an eyebrow? it would have made more sense just to make it a retcon or at least make deadshot a legacy character

especially since due to his playable nature, the real Deadshot could miss shots while the fake one never does

Suicide Squad sets up a multiverse inside the Arkhamverse. There are clues that the deadshot in the older games is from a different universe. This is just classic multiverse stuff, like a new and very different Joker even though Joker died. Or a second Lex Luthor, even though he dies.


Oct 25, 2017
Lmao they were on Suicide Squad?

How did that "One of the good ones" thing get through then?


Jun 22, 2018
Suicide Squad sets up a multiverse inside the Arkhamverse. There are clues that the deadshot in the older games is from a different universe. This is just classic multiverse stuff, like a new and very different Joker even though Joker died. Or a second Lex Luthor, even though he dies.
I know about all that too and it just opens up more questions to me. Tying this to the arkham franchise really did not help this game at all. but at the end of the day it's comic book bullshit so you just roll with it after a certain point...especially since rocksteady's arkham games aren't really well written either

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
i mean, what else is new, shitheads that survive on hatred consistently misinterpreting reality to meet their needs

racist, sexist hateful trash


Oct 25, 2017
Reported that curator about the targeted harassment campaign, even if nothing will probably come of it considering it's libertarian Valve/Gabe.

I'm hyped for most of these games that they've helped on.


Nov 26, 2018
An employee tried to get it removed, but no luck yet.



It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
First became aware of Sweet Baby when a poster on ERA implied that AW2 was a step down in Remedy's writing quality because of their involvement.
Oh god.

I hope it wasn't about the thing the CHUDs were upset about. Namely that Saga was played by someone of mixed race in the game, but was played by a white woman in the easter egg in Quantum Break.

Which is all the funnier now. Saga's race changed, most likely, once it was decided that she should (PRESUMABLY) be Door's daughter. And given the Door is also obviously an iteration of Hatch from Quantum Break... there's really no way any of this had to do with wokism or Sweet Baby or anything like that.


Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
the idea that a consulting company would have so much influence is hilarious, I mean they'd be impacting character modeling, quest design, voice and face model casting and much more.


Jan 23, 2021
Can't believe someone did the "did you just assume my gender" joke in this thread. Incredible stuff. One thing you can say about the chuds - they can't dish it out, and they can't take it either.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
Sweet Baby is a narrative consulting firm designed to help developers hit inclusion goals.

Chuds do not understand it, and call Sweet Baby a cult.

Sweet Baby okayed a script where a villain kills a hero, goes to (suicide squad spoilers) piss on his corpse, and everyone compliments him on how endowed he is. The chuds aren't upset that Sweet Baby is censoring offensive content, they're upset that publishers want a product they can get a large return on and some devs want to include visibility, flags, and generally not be gross.

They're not upset at Suicide Squad because it has content that could be construed as offensive, they're upset because a dev decided to put a pride flag up in one area and Earth 2 Luthor dislikes toxic masculinity.


The stupid thing about that? Inclusionary narrative consulting is happening all over the industry, in different forms. It's not like Sweet Baby is some evil company surreptitiously sticking pro-BLM and pride flags into games without developers knowing.


Oct 28, 2017
Lmao, they act like this company that I've only just heard about now is the source of all things woke…when the devs/publishers themselves are the ones consulting them which shows a desire to be inclusive/inoffensive (which chuds consider woke).

This is like trying to cut the head of a hydra with a toy knife. They'll be mad about something else next month.
Oct 26, 2017
They really really need that crusade of the week to feel any form of validation. What a bunch of pathetic wankers.
Wonder how long they can keep their outrage bait centred on Sweet Baby before they need to move on in order to keep their machine running.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
Lmao, they act like this company that I've only just heard about now is the source of all things woke…when the devs/publishers themselves are the ones consulting them which shows a desire to be inclusive/inoffensive (which chuds consider woke).

This is like trying to cut the head of a hydra with a toy knife. They'll be mad about something else next month.
Youv'e hit the nail on the head. This is the same as the stupid localization in Unicorn Overlord debate.

They're talking about he loc teams like they're evil doers ruining the pure Japanese script, when the publishers 1) sought out those localizers and 2) have to okay the scripts when they're localized and sent back!

People even complaining about the War of the Lions script vs. the original FFT, when Matsuno himself has openly said he prefers the War of the Lions script.

That's all to say that these idiots don't realize that they're going against the wishes of the developers they revere.
Oct 25, 2017
Sweet Baby becoming the new boogeyman of "making games woke" is so funny to me.

Playing as a black deaf girl for one side mission in Spider-Man 2 really broke a lot of people

Wil Grieve

Oct 25, 2017
This website says center news organizations like CNN and NBC are "left-wing biased" so I wouldn't take their word for anything.....

CNN - Bias and Credibility

LEFT-CENTER BIAS These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording

NBC News - Bias and Credibility

LEFT-CENTER BIAS These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording

They were correct about CNN at least until it got bought out by that RWNJ. I think it just hasn't been updated. Generally that site is pretty reliable.


Oct 25, 2017

Those 10+ year old Tweets do absolutely suck. You know what else sucks? Posting something from Mark Kern while acting like it's in good faith.


Oct 25, 2017

Maybe provide some actual context rather than just dropping this shit from years ago and also sourcing a shithead like grummz defending a chud scam like The Fine Young Capitalists as proof (I can't believe this shit has to be referenced in 2024)


Oct 30, 2017

I don't know anything about the person, but:
  1. People change. That was ten years ago and it seems like they've evolved?
  2. Grummz is a piece of shit and credulously acting like he doesn't have an ulterior motive is highly questionable.
Seriously, do some thinking and maybe ask yourself why the "people are afraid of being cancelled" guy is trying to cancel someone instead of just propagating what he's saying.
Last edited:


Feb 16, 2019
Felix is good people and I had no idea this company was even a thing until I saw him getting brigaded on every post on twitter. Gamers suck indeed.

Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
Those 10+ year old Tweets do absolutely suck. You know what else sucks? Posting something from Mark Kern while acting like it's in good faith.
Right. The tweets and their actions are obviously abhorrent, but someone surfacing them (*checks notes*) this weekend to attack Sweet Baby Inc. is very likely to have an ulterior motive, no?

This is so, like, basic internet literacy 101 stuff that I sort of turn a side eye to anyone uncritically reposting it.


Teyvat Traveler
Jan 23, 2019

I don't know who the lego person is, but maybe have some critical thought in your brain before believing the other infamous shlub
From Wikipedia, my gift to you!
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles

Wow, those tweets from 2024 suck ass. Oh wait, there's just one and it's by a nazi and the rest of the tweets are anywhere from 11-12 years old