
Jan 14, 2018
do you ever pick up a game and you just... suck at it? No matter what you do, you're just... bad? I would say I'm "pretty decent" at video games, usually when playing with friends I win most matches, whether it be a naruto fighting game or a call of duty, but for some reason.. I SUCK at Mario Tennis. I have a 10... yes 10% WIN RATIO lmao. In comparison to games like smash or Mario kart where I typically win, it's nearly impossible for me to win in Mario Tennis

Do you have games like this? As a gamer, which games do you just... suck at for no good reason?


Oct 27, 2017
Ottawa, Canada
I am amazing at most video games. But First Person Shooters are not my thing. I can sort of hold my own is OW but you don't want me to party with you for COD or BF.
Oct 27, 2017
I seem to have problems with playing the Most Wanted reboot for some reason. I will have to go back to it in the future and improve.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Im not awesome at competitive FPS. Not bad, but not great. I stay frustrated.


Oct 30, 2017
I feel like I'm pretty garbage at Mario Tennis Aces too, OP, which is weird. I'm a competitive dude. I like to play hard when I play FPS games and fighting games, but whenever I go online in Mario Tennis Aces I tend to get my shit rocked and it's really frustrating.

I also suck at literally all racing sim games because I have no idea how to tune my car for specific event types and I cannot drift to save my life. Forza Horizon and Mario Kart are my jam, anything more serious or demanding than that I do not handle very well.

Azure Wanderer

Jun 27, 2018
Bloodborne! I've started it like 5 times and haven't been able to go past the first two bosses (any of them haha)


Jun 24, 2018
I feel as though I am severely lacking in the RTS genre. I have played a good number of RTS series like Warcraft, Starcraft, and Command and Conquer, and I can usually handle the single player decently enough, but I just get my ass handed to me in multiplayer lol. I realize it probably is a time investment thing, but man I feel like the wall is harder to climb in those games than others.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm shit at fighting games, but I'm trying to get better. I put about 20 hrs into SFV and lost a solid 90% of my online matches. Hoping on a game for an hour and literally ONLY losing as a supremely frustrating experience.

I'm decent to good at most FPS games, but can't seem to nail the gyro controls of Splatoon. It just doesn't click with me at all.


Nov 6, 2017
Tried Just Dance for Switch a couple weeks ago. I have a bit of a background in dance and no matter how close I got to mimicking the movements my score was abysmal, even compared to the friends who were flailing about with the joycons. I swapped joycons, moved from my spot, rotated the joycon a specific way, nothing seemed to work.

I had about 0 interest in the games before, and that experience showed me to keep it that way.


Oct 27, 2017
2D Platformers. idk why. I'm pretty good with 3D platformers but 2d ones i suck at, idk if it's because it's been a more hardcore genre or if i'm fighting bad input/display lag.
I still love 2D platformers though. I also suck at fighting games (still love them) but i atleast know i'm not good at them because i don't dedicate the time to really learn them.


Nov 15, 2017
Lol, not to sound up myself, but not anything as of yet. However a lot of stuff that I just can not seem to enjoy; for example X-com, Driving simulators (i just wanna drive wreckless and fast haha), 2D games. Still decent at them, but simply get bored.

Edit: Fighting games. I can learn the controls etc, but I always always get my ass beat online. Don't mind local vs.
Jun 23, 2018
RPGs. I always manage to miss all the missables even when I have someone telling me what to do, always get into unexpected fight that kills me before I had a chance to save, always forget what I'm supposed to be doing.


Jun 16, 2018
Most strategy games like fire emblem. I do fine up until the halfway mark and then I just start losing every team mate one by one until everyone's dead. In Echoes Valentia I gave up a few chapters away from beating the game because my people would die no matter how hard I tried. I'm good at every other genre except this one.
Oct 27, 2017
Crash Bandicoot 1. I am really, really good at platformers, and I have zero trouble with games that are considered the toughest of the genre, but this game I am terrible at. I blame the shit controls and level design, but secretly it's probably my inability to get used to how unresponsive everything feels.

Deleted member 12186

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Oct 27, 2017
im generally good at most games if I put in the work

The exception currently is fighting games(I have some experience with blazblue where I felt I was above average). I plan on fixing that but havent found the time with all the games I have.


Oct 26, 2017
Some, but you know, if you suck at a particular genre of games there's always a good reason for it

For example if you suck at Mario tennis you prolly are nit very good at tennis irl ;)

And so on and so for


Oct 30, 2017
Fortnite. I only ever play it when my friend is around, but I can't be bothered with learning how construction works in that game, no matter how much I play, and I never know where to land or where to go, from a strategic standpoint. It's just not my cup of tea.


Oct 27, 2017
Richmond, VA
Sportsfriends. I beat most of my friends at everything else we play: shooters, sports games, racing, fighting, puzzle games.... but not Sportsfriends. For some treason, I am terrible, especially at that stupid pole vaulting game.


Jun 23, 2018
For me it's FPS. I can play third person shooters, but something about the limited FOV makes me unable to play these games. Doom 2016 was one of the few ones that I could play, but only because it actually had dodgeable projectiles.


Feb 25, 2018
Almost all genres im at a base level of 'Good' at thankfully.

But RTS are just horrendous to me. I cannot make quick decisions with multiple troops with multiple bases.

My tactic is literally 'Build tons of units, select them all, attack enemy base ' Rinse and repeat until either victory or death.

Kaiser Swayze

Oct 30, 2017
Just about anything that involves online PVP. No matter how strong my command of the solo game, I just cannot compete in any meaningful way online.


Oct 27, 2017
Mostly fighting games that require combo moves memorization, like Tekken, Mortal Kombat and Injustice.

I did practice a lot with most of available fighters, with their available moves, 10 hit combos, chain attacks, etc, but still I could not do the combos that I want; only got like 2 out 15 tries most of times.


Oct 31, 2017
Fighting games. I have mastered the ways of Souls, beaten countless difficult classic console games, etc, but I can't figure out fighting games. I can get as far as doing specials and supers, but anything more than a basic 1-2-3 combo or any ability to win seems to be forever beyond my reach.


Nov 10, 2017
Fortnite probably lol. Getting outbuilt and killed in 1-2 with max shield and health not even managing to shoot once. Been playing since it launched so its even more embarrassing now when people I meet that never play games are 10x better than me.

Deleted member 419

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Oct 25, 2017
Decent at chess, decent at RPGs. Terrible at SRPGs. No clue why. If I had to guess, it's because I hate micromanaging and can't be asked to deck out entire squads with the proper gear, so my tactics themselves are fine but my preparation or lack thereof screws me over.

I wonder if there are any SRPGs where you really just focus on tactics and don't have to worry about outfitting/equipping your entire squad. Those two things seem to always go hand in hand.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
Lumines apparently. Kinda annoyed I used all my Gold Points on it just so I could get it for free.

Could have put them towards Octopath or Crash or something.


Oct 25, 2017
I love challenging action games but I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around Vanquish.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Jan 2, 2018
I tried playing CoD BOPS3 yesterday and I had no idea what was happening most of the time.


Oct 28, 2017
Probably 2D platformers. I suck at 2D Mario games and DKC games. Also, I'm currently playing Ori, and I literally died 50+ times trying to get out of the tree flood.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Dec 4, 2017
I'm decent at most fighting games but I'm terrible at King of Fighters for some reason. I think the games are great and I play them a lot but I suck at them for some reason.


Oct 25, 2017
RTS for sure, I tried playing star craft in the 90s and was always demolished. Sooo nope. MOBAs... not willing to put in the time to get good. Everything else I'd say I'm average to above average.


Oct 25, 2017
The new Mario Tennis. I remember absolutely crushing friends at the N64 game, but there are just too many systems and shit for me in this game. Also I really don't like the barebones simple mode - I feel like it's not designed to play like this.


Oct 26, 2017
Rythm games.

I dont like them so I am fine with that. The frustration comes when games I want to play incorporate rythm mechanics.
I really want to play Patapon. I just cant. I suck at it so much that I cant even beat the first boss.


Oct 30, 2017
Over the years, I've considered myself as being decent to great at Nintendo competitive games. From the Smash games, and Kart games, Tennis and Strikers, etc.. but I'm currently getting absolutely crushed at Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Mario Tennis Aces by my friends... can't win for shit IDK what it is.

Maybe I should get a Pro controller, only been playing on handheld mode.


Oct 25, 2017
Half Life 2 because for whatever reason it makes me nauseous in like 15 minutes. No other FPS does that, and I can't seem to get settings that fix it