
Oct 28, 2017
I'm a bit confused as well. I should feel the person is being made fun of and de-humanized if it's racist.

Barrett doesn't fit the bill at all; he's my favorite character in the game besides Cid and is hilarious.

He's a Mister T stereotype. Barrett is a great character that goes beyond that and has an excellent story but he was quite clearly crafted after Mr.T


Oct 26, 2017
That flash game was ancient but I had no idea someone would dare to upload it to Google Store and become approved before getting removed!


Popular game hunting on gays is now on android! Play and do not be gay! Legendary game, where you are hunter and your mission is to kill gays as much as you can or escape between them to the next level. Gays may be hidden in bushes and unexpectedly catch you. Remember! When they catch you they will do with you whatever they want ;)
Holy shit!


Oct 28, 2017
Having a really hard time understanding why Resident Evil 5 is racist? I mean, they are in Africa right?

Also, forgive my ignorance, but what about Far Cry 3 is racist? I played through it back during release and don't remember anything racist about it.

They are in Africa yeah. The white saviour going to gun down africans and save the world is the same tired trope that we see every day. They added white zombies with normal clothes to deflect the controversy but you often get to fight black zombies with tribal clothes and using ceremonial apparels as weapons such as spears and shields. It's offensive as fuck and not representative of Resident Evil's history at all.


Oct 25, 2017
Basically every 90's SNK game that has a German character that happens to be ultra-evil and Third Reich style Aryan looking.
Come on fam, Krauser is an anime haired Nobleman who likes to chisel people's gravestones and do cartwheels :/
Though tbh I can't think of any German SNK characters that fit your description, could you provide examples? Like how does Geese fit the bill (he's half German)?
Kain is German but for all we know he just...runs Second South and doesn't have any vile ambitions far as I know >_>;


Jun 8, 2018
It might not exactly be explicit racism, but the Civilization series, even with its newest entry, can be frightfully Eurocentric and lenient towards the terrible history of imperialism and colonialism.

A few random examples:

1) Describing an era of history for all civs as the "Renaissance" when the actual Renaissance was a purely European cultural movement. Proper term used for this age in actual history books is the Early Modern period. Having a middle ages as a universal era is similarly problematic.

2) Building the whole tech tree around the order technologies arrived in Europe. Similarly, the culture tree is built around European cultural shifts, going as far as having the Reformation be a universal cultural tech.

3) All kinds of problems with religions. It treats all religions like they are proselytizing and seeking to displace all other faiths, but many, including ones given as default choices are not. The portrayal of animistic/shamanistic faiths as culturally and technologically inferior is also an issue.

4) Civ 6's Colonial War Causus Belli is just gross. Every other Causus Belli is used to establish an idea of "moral and just" war, like liberating a city captured by an aggressive enemy, which gives you less diplomatic pressure for combat. Treating colonialism as if it were anything just is terrible. Even worse, it defines colonialism as the conquest of technologically inferior civs, which propagates the highly racist myth that Europe conquered the world due to Europeans' superior intelligence and culture, and that Europeans brought civilization to the rest of the world. In truth, colonial conquests came about due to opportunism and brutality, no different than any other conquest.

6) I could say a lot about how they choose civs, but a big one is the discrepency in how it names and portrays civs. White and European civs use the names of modern countries and more often use more recent leaders. Darker skinned civs from other regions are more likely to use antiquated cultural names and be portrayed as more primitive. If Montezuma were treated the same as Europeans, his Civ would be called Mexico, not Aztec. Similarly, his units should be upgraded swordsmen at the very least, rather than just warriors.


Nov 3, 2017
Portland, OR
Warcraft 3.

The series has something of a problem in that the humans consist entirely of white men, while non-European cultures are used as the basis of the non-human races like Trolls, Tauren, Centaurs, and Pandarin. Heck, the only women that appear in Warcraft 3 are exclusively elves or half-elves.
I feel like this got even worse when they retconned orcs to originally have brown skin instead of green.


Oct 27, 2017

This dude from Mafia 2 was a stereotypical "Jewish loan shark who works for the mafia".


May 10, 2018
Right on, you mean the environments or the guards etc? It did seem quite cartoony

mostly the layout and environmental design. for such a specific city, it didn't look anything like the place - it was as jarring to me as if they'd have made manhattan semi-rural and completely disconnected from brooklyn/queens/new jersey. but hey, artistic license with an area the audience won't know - but still, i expect better out of ND and it legitimately has way more potential as a setting than the tiny enclosed museum they used it as

I can't remember that much about the guards, but I think their accents were more or less alright, so


Oct 25, 2017

I feel that they at least tried to improve him in Nuts and Bolts


I mean, Mumbo is a goblin man with a cursed head (well, i think they eventually retconned it, but the skull originally was supposed to be something Gruntilda did to him).

If you were gonna go with a BK series Shaman, Humba is straight up a native american racist caricature.


Oct 25, 2017
Phantasy Star Universe features four races: Human, Newman, CAST, Beast. One day I took a closer look at the world map of the Beasts' planet, only to realize the continent looked very much like Africa. Couple that with Beasts having the lowest intelligence stat by design whereas Newmans, whose culture is very much Japanese-inspired, get the highest, and it's pretty obvious how the thought process in the team that made the game went.


Mar 18, 2018
Eh, I think the Ocarina Gerudo stuff is pretty blatant. A race of brown, hook-nosed, desert thieves, whose symbol they use on their stuff literally had to be changed after the initial release for too closely resembling and Islamic crescent and star.


Yakuza 0 has such a bizarre, uniquely Japanese racial politics, with the combination of outrageous Chinese stereotypes and a main plot that ends up involving a pretty nuanced and heart-felt look at the Chinese immigrant experience in Japan (if you can get past their voice actors for the main Chinese characters speaking godawful Chinese)
What chinese sterotype did they use in yakuza 0 i dont remember


Oct 25, 2017
So we seriously have Barret haters. His story demolishes those stereotypes and the only reason I can see people hating him is if they didnt actually play the game.

RE5 was a problem for me. That tribal costume for Sheva is too much, even though I like the character.


Oct 25, 2017
God of War is the most recent title. Had to get a refund in it because I couldn't deal with it anymore.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Punch-Out!! for Wii is a very strange game when it comes to this. On one hand, it leans very, very heavily on stereotypes. But on the other, I can't really remember anyone taking offense to it. It should be offensive, but somehow it managed to squeak by, and I'm really not sure how. Like it managed to somehow laugh with the stereotyped groups rather than at them.

It's an odd game. It really gets away with things that would get other games heavily criticized. Anyone got an idea why?


Nov 4, 2017
Anarchy Reigns kind of pisses me off for missing the point of Black Baron. He's a stereotype in Madworld, but it feels more like a parody of a stereotype (in part because he's a legit badass). In Anarchy Reigns, the satirical black guy seems to be played straight more, unfortunately.

Morrowind is racist as fuck. They even use a bastardized form of n-word "n'wah"

In fairness, it's not exactly presented positively. The Dunmer suffer IMMENSELY later, in no small part due to their massive racism and slavery causing a violent but karmic mass revolt.

Waddle Dee

Nov 2, 2017
- Resident Evil 5. Love that game and have played it countless times with my RE coop friend but the tribal stuff that appears halfway though the game is extremely tone-deaf at best and more than a little fucked up at worst. Lots of really bad implications in there if you read the files.

- Yakuza as a series is often backwards when it comes to minorities. Thankfully(?), the games rarely show minorities so it isn't a common issue but it is apparent.

- I love Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, but having most of the enemies, regardless of race, be voiced by white guys isn't a good look.

- God Hand isn't racist, but it can be pretty sexist at times and it has a very homophobic boss fight near the start. That game really did not give a fuck and while that's an attitude I can appreciate from a game design standpoint, it's hard not to watch some of those cutscenes, or fight some of those bosses, and not cringe at the ignorance on display.


Oct 25, 2017
It might not exactly be explicit racism, but the Civilization series, even with its newest entry, can be frightfully Eurocentric and lenient towards the terrible history of imperialism and colonialism.

A few random examples:

1) Describing an era of history for all civs as the "Renaissance" when the actual Renaissance was a purely European cultural movement. Proper term used for this age in actual history books is the Early Modern period. Having a middle ages as a universal era is similarly problematic.

2) Building the whole tech tree around the order technologies arrived in Europe. Similarly, the culture tree is built around European cultural shifts, going as far as having the Reformation be a universal cultural tech.

3) All kinds of problems with religions. It treats all religions like they are proselytizing and seeking to displace all other faiths, but many, including ones given as default choices are not. The portrayal of animistic/shamanistic faiths as culturally and technologically inferior is also an issue.

4) Civ 6's Colonial War Causus Belli is just gross. Every other Causus Belli is used to establish an idea of "moral and just" war, like liberating a city captured by an aggressive enemy, which gives you less diplomatic pressure for combat. Treating colonialism as if it were anything just is terrible. Even worse, it defines colonialism as the conquest of technologically inferior civs, which propagates the highly racist myth that Europe conquered the world due to Europeans' superior intelligence and culture, and that Europeans brought civilization to the rest of the world. In truth, colonial conquests came about due to opportunism and brutality, no different than any other conquest.

6) I could say a lot about how they choose civs, but a big one is the discrepency in how it names and portrays civs. White and European civs use the names of modern countries and more often use more recent leaders. Darker skinned civs from other regions are more likely to use antiquated cultural names and be portrayed as more primitive. If Montezuma were treated the same as Europeans, his Civ would be called Mexico, not Aztec. Similarly, his units should be upgraded swordsmen at the very least, rather than just warriors.

I don't think 6) is true.

Think Italy versus Rome. The choice was for a civilization that existed in antiquity and doesn't match up to modern Italy so Italy would be a terrible name for it. The same applies to Aztec/Mexico, at least as the names are used in English.

Sometimes you have a shared name, e.g. Classical Greece is the civilization represented (or more often some fusion of Classical and Macedonian Greece), but we still call the region Greece. Notably, however, there is also room for a medieval/Roman Greek civilization with the Byzantines and also room for the Ottomans despite them replacing and ruling over a lot of formerly Byzantine lands (i.e. the Aztec/Mexico example seems akin to asking that the Byzantines be called the Ottomans despite a massive cultural, social, and political turn-over as well as outside conquest).

Or take the Celts who represent ancient cultures all over western Europe and you can still have France, Spain, England, etc. despite them being in some of the games. Or take Germany/Holy Roman Empire with Germany being explicitly post-1871 Germany.

Also, the Asian countries are probably the most extended in time with, say, India having both Ashoka and Gandhi as rulers or China having both Qin Shi Huang and Mao.

I think you have a point wrt 1 through 4. The series does come at "development" from a western-centric worldview.

Deleted member 30569

User requested account closure
Nov 3, 2017
Come on fam, Krauser is an anime haired Nobleman who likes to chisel people's gravestones and do cartwheels :/
Though tbh I can't think of any German SNK characters that fit your description, could you provide examples? Like how does Geese fit the bill (he's half German)?
Kain is German but for all we know he just...runs Second South and doesn't have any vile ambitions far as I know >_>;

I think the poster you're replying to was primarily thinking of Brocken (the M. Bison ripoff) from World Heroes:

Dec 6, 2017
Come on fam, Krauser is an anime haired Nobleman who likes to chisel people's gravestones and do cartwheels :/
Though tbh I can't think of any German SNK characters that fit your description, could you provide examples? Like how does Geese fit the bill (he's half German)?
Kain is German but for all we know he just...runs Second South and doesn't have any vile ambitions far as I know >_>;



We're including silly stereotypes so why not? It's something that stuck out to me in SNK games back in the day being German. I'm not saying I am, or pretending to be, actually offended, it's on the eye-rolling funny side for me.

Edit: Didn't include Brocken from World Heroes since poster above me already posted the pic etc.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
What chinese sterotype did they use in yakuza 0 i dont remember

There just a general tone with most of the game's Chinese people either being the main characters who completely pass as Japanese and are only revealed to be Chinese as big twists, all of whom speak comically bad Chinese after the twist, or being sort of joke characters who are wacky, bumbling incompetents speaking in broken sentences, like the underground Chinese doctor or the gang of Chinese jewelry forgers in one side mission. It's just weird to have a key story beat about the pain of Chinese immigrants feeling foreign, coupled with a bunch of minor Chinese characters where their foreignness and broken speech is all part of the joke.


Oct 28, 2017
I used to play a RPG called Pier Solar, funded via a Kickstarter and released on a real Genesis but also on Wii U and other plateforms.

While it was a pretty average RPG at start, when you come across the second region with the desert, things goes terribly wrong. Like when you look at the description of many items in this place in shops and also talk to women wear a hijab.

I don't know if it's only in the French version but here it comes (Wii U version) :

Looking at a hijab description : "People with retarded beliefs wear that" "Les gens aux croyances arriérées portent ça".
Talking to the woman with hijab : "Hi hi hi ! I wear this but I have no idea why !" "Hi hi hi ! Je porte ça mais je ne sais même pas pourquoi !".

What went wrong, guys ?

I finished this game 2 years ago, probably in english, maybe portuguese, and don't remember anything like this. Tho it's likely that i didn't noticed and i sorta want to check it now.

Good game btw, scratch some Lunar/Grandia itch


These lips, man. I really love this game, but holy shit, these fucking lips!

Oh shit, i keep forgetting about that. They were in BoFIII as well if i'm not wrong.

Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
There just a general tone with most of the game's Chinese people either being the main characters who completely pass as Japanese and are only revealed to be Chinese as big twists, all of whom speak comically bad Chinese after the twist, or being sort of joke characters who are wacky, bumbling incompetents speaking in broken sentences, like the underground Chinese doctor or the gang of Chinese jewelry forgers in one side mission. It's just weird to have a key story beat about the pain of Chinese immigrants feeling foreign, coupled with a bunch of minor Chinese characters where their foreignness and broken speech is all part of the joke.

I think Tachibana is fine, but he's also half-Japanese, much like Tanimura in 4 who also has a story arc involving prejudice against Chinese immigrants. I don't know the series well enough to say if they have a major, non-villainous, competent foreign character who isn't part Japanese, so maybe there's someone better.


He's a Mister T stereotype. Barrett is a great character that goes beyond that and has an excellent story but he was quite clearly crafted after Mr.T

So he is a stereotype of Mr T, which is not racist. He was modelled after Mr T, who is a very unique individual with a unique style of his own.

So I suppose he is racist to the Mr. T's of the world, of which there is one.


Dec 28, 2017
I was watching a friend stream Greendog a while back and this enemy appeared and... oof. And this was a US dev game too.



Oct 27, 2017
I haven't played the game. One would think opportunities for casual racism would be rare in a game about Norse mythology by a western developer.
I guess our mistake was in thinking an internet forum was a place to discuss things. I played GoW when it released and am drawing a complete blank as what could be considered racist in it. The enemies are basically all nondescript zombies, trolls and rock monsters.
Oct 25, 2017
There just a general tone with most of the game's Chinese people either being the main characters who completely pass as Japanese and are only revealed to be Chinese as big twists, all of whom speak comically bad Chinese after the twist, or being sort of joke characters who are wacky, bumbling incompetents speaking in broken sentences, like the underground Chinese doctor or the gang of Chinese jewelry forgers in one side mission. It's just weird to have a key story beat about the pain of Chinese immigrants feeling foreign, coupled with a bunch of minor Chinese characters where their foreignness and broken speech is all part of the joke.

The Chinese assassin is also this incredibly frightening, monster-like man. The bizarre thing is they actually made an attractive model for the Chinese localisation.




Oct 27, 2017
The Chinese assassin is also this incredibly frightening, monster-like man. The bizarre thing is they actually made an attractive model for the Chinese localisation.


Reminds me of the smiling assassin from the Raid 2. The monster like appearance fits the character more though, imo, and it's not like all Chinese are presented to look like this.