
Alt Account
Feb 8, 2024
+1 ' ing that story is not why I like this game. The gap in writing between this and the other game I'm playing (Hades 2) is astronomical. If only the writing team was at the level of the music team!

There are so many different aspects to this game that bring different types of players though and I just wish Hoyo put this game's profit success back into it instead of creating other gachas.


Oct 31, 2017
Well I'm going to hit AR60 on Tuesday.
Ooh how awesome! I am AR58 right now, so 60 is still a few months away. xD

I made some nice progress again today. I got both Klee's normal attack and E to lv8.

And I am only a few books away from getting Gaming's E to lv12. His multipliers are insane, just getting one more level on his E is almost a 30% dmg increase. I will definitely crown his burst once I am able to.
I have also been enjoying Klee so much more than I had ever expected, I may have found a new main next to Qiqi and Cyno. I've been using her team for all domains and overworld exploration lately. I am planning to triple crown Klee soon, I will start with her normal attack first since I use it for her Furina team and her plunge team.
Once my Furina is C2, my Klee team should be even more damage than it already is. Klee with a C2 Furina and C2 Kazuha will be a force of nature. xD

Kind of funny how your perception can change. Last year shortly after I started Klee's banner ran and I had just done her story quest and did not like her gameplay. But when I won her early on the Chronicle Wish banner and started using her, it just clicked with me and her adorable voice lines and mischievous nature just appeal to me. :D

As for other progress, 46 Wenut drops have been farmed and are ready for Alhaitham. Almost have 160 pupa drops, need to do one more farming run. I will need to do a few Mora and XP leylines in the next few weeks to stockpile for him and also farm some talent materials. His artifact set is not nearly done yet, but I should at least be able to get him to lv90 on the day I get him.

As for the discussions above of what motivates me to play, definitely the store and lore and open-world exploration for me. Then levelling of characters and Abyss after. I do hope though that Wuthering Waves being so hyped in the gacha communities puts a bit of pressue on Hoyo so that they are forced to make Genshin more attractive to players and to innovate more and maybe be more generous. Definitely see already that there is some pressure going by some of the videos on Youtube revealing that Hoyo is forbidding CN content creators from playing WuWa.


Oct 25, 2017
He finally appeared for me!


Welp, I was wrong, he's downstairs in that Lobby zone.

Are you newer to the thread? We did a "how much have you spent? And the rationale behind it" run a few OTs back and many people, especially the big spenders, were very honest about it. It was interesting to get their insight.

Not new to the thread, but if it was mentioned, 2-3 OT's ago, I might have missed it.

But ironically, it being talked about so long ago kinda makes my "unicorn" point for me don't you think? Being that actual spending amounts aren't typically disseminated very often, it makes the moments where they are, kind of stand out, you know?


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, student loans in the United States feel like they're a guillotine. Alkez It's a sorry state of affairs.
And I'm in the 0.1% who's mostly here to play abyss lol.
Honestly I like story and exploration, but also like Abyss and enjoy it pretty thoroughly.

That said, the story's definitely been where most of my interest with the game has been lately. For a long time I played this game for a mix of the exploration and Abyss, but since the writing's gotten a lot better, I'm excited to see where all these threads are leading to.

If anything, I feel like Honkai Star Rail is the first game where Hoyo nailed their particular brand of storytelling right out the gate. Still, despite its slow start, and much like Honkai, Genshin has become more compelling with the passing of years.

Exploration in this game has movement which I've never felt in another open world game before, and it really impacts how much I enjoy the game. The movement of Yelan or Xianyun really changes the feel of the exploration and changes perspective while enjoying the world.

And of course, there's the game's music. Which is just... so absurdly good. It towers over what 99% of games out there achieve. I think without the music being as good as it is, I'm not sure I'd still be playing. A game where, for however much the traditional storytelling is happening on the screen, the music is carrying a through line that describes the experience of the world itself.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That Alice concept art looking like grown Little Red Riding Klee... who could've possibly foreseen such a "leak"...

I've proven to be a worthy Worthy Wolf! :D
I achieved 3825 points on hard with Duke Rizzleton's theme. You might think this isn't very impressive at all...well, it is if you've seen how absolutely terrible I've been in earlier themes, lol.
You never had to prove your worth, for His Grace values all his followers equally regardless of musical ability, but I'm proud nonetheless~ 🐺❄️

What about my fellow Worthy Wolves, how did you fare with our anthem? Alkez, Orion
...and since you asked, I got a perfect canorus score for my first attempt on normal. Then after 2 or 12 attempts I also got a perfect 100% on hard. On controller as well! Then I settled for a 97.1% discantus on pro since I'm not a robot. ☺️

The fact that I'm only just now finding out his theme is called Nippy Bout tho... new favorite song title lol.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
I've taken a closer look at the leaker's timeline on X. It's pretty suspicious to say the least.
They tend to get things right very close to a new patch, but they tend to get more things only partially right or outright wrong when much further away from a patch.
They claimed for example that Chenyu Vale would border Mondstadt (and fill some gaps there) and Liyue, instead of as we now know Liyue and Sumeru.
They also claimed Bayda Harbor would not be part of 4.6.
They also first claimed Natlan was to the north of Fontaine, later they changed that to what was actually already mentioned in game lore, to the west of Fontaine and Sumeru
Seems like they have beta access but before that they are mostly guessing as everyone else.
Most suspicious however:
On two occasions they shared "very very very early concept art that might change significantly", which look exactly like the type of images you'd get when using an AI picture generator. There's no sign of Genshin's usually a bit roughly painted art style and the art style of any genuine Genshin concept arts we know.
One image was left as it is and had a jaggedly cut out Genshin logo pasted on it, and the other, which seemed to be generated from the exact same generator prompts, had no logo but was blurred to unrecognizability. They claimed they had to do that with this image, because they might get into trouble otherwise.
Apart from the different usual art style both pictures had the wrong architecture style of Chenyu Vale as well as the wrong color palette of Chenyu Vale. The images showed an orange and yellow autumn scenery when Chenyu vale is typically very jade green...and if they read up more on the game's lore they would've known this too.

...and since you asked, I got a perfect canorus score for my first attempt on normal. Then after 2 or 12 attempts I also got a perfect 100% on hard. On controller as well! Then I settled for a 97.1% discantus on pro since I'm not a robot. ☺️

Is that right, my fellow Worthy Wolf...? This doesn't sound at all as suspicious as the leaker I talked about above.

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Alt Account
Feb 8, 2024
I pulled on weapon banner and got skyward spine bleh. But did get 2 of my most wanted 4 stars from weapon banner: c6 layla and an hp sword (finally). Sitting right at pity, I was going to get a wanderer constellation to try for layla but that out of the way, caved and got Arlechino. She looks very funny zooming around monstadt!


Oct 25, 2017
Im actually in it for both the story and exploration. The way it's being narrated could be better but I do like the expanding lore and the overarching plot.

I would be happy if Natlan received Remuria treatment. I think combat and end game wise, Wuthering Wave suits me better.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Is that right, my fellow Worthy Wolf...? This doesn't sound at all as suspicious as the leaker I talked about above.

Surely you would never accuse me of being capable of lying or making fraudulent claims, my fellow Worthy Wolf...?

I'll be back with receipts as soon as possible, if you insist. While I'm at it, I might as well attempt the One and Oni rank as well.


Edit: Ok this One and Oni rank is just evil... ain't no way.

El Buga

Oct 25, 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Wdym I got 98% on Hard, game? I'm struggling to even hit 80% in this shit LMAO

In other news, got C3 Gorou from the event and hit lv40 on the BP.

With my blue pull, I summoned… C7 Heizou.


Also finished with Yaoyao's artifacts. Now she's at 42k HP, equipped with the magical girl staff, 6/6/6 talents and 4pc Deepwood. Should be good, I guess lol.

Now, it's Kaveh's time to shine.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Here you are, dear Tyaren:

And while I'm uploading works of art, please enjoy this deleted scene from Ayato's Fontaine visit when he met with Wrizzly for tea to discuss how the Neuvillotter menace should be dealt with moving forward~ ☺️☕️



The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Those images are clearly doctored.


Wow... I'll have you know I mashed on my controller like a cat on a keyboard quite intensely to earn that euphonia for One and Oni thank you very much!

I never imagined the level of distrust could run this deep... it breaks my heart a bit tbh. Name one time I've ever been deceitful!



Oct 25, 2017
I'm in it for the whole package. Love the exploration, story, music and visuals, enjoy the mini-games changing things up and also enjoy giving Abyss a spin with a new character or when the lineup changes (unless the lineup is dogshit and/or my roster has no answers to it, but at this point that doesn't happen often anymore)


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
Thanks for posting that! I never play the card game so I was not aware that the competitions had so much story in it, damn. I will need to start playing it I guess and will watch the old tournament cutscenes on Youtube.

Danger, Buttons, danger! There is no story in the TCG mode! That cutscene is from the one-off event about the TCG (the one where we met Charlotte). Don't start playing TGC to get more stories.


Nov 18, 2017
I think, and I'm happy to be told I'm wrong, the TCG was a bit of a miss. No one really talks about it in the community and it feels like a waste of effort.

It's no Queen's Blood.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I think, and I'm happy to be told I'm wrong, the TCG was a bit of a miss. No one really talks about it in the community and it feels like a waste of effort.

It's no Queen's Blood.
I think it has a playerbase but it's definitely disproportionate considering how frequently they update it. Seems like they update it every patch when less than 1% of the playerbase probably engages with it.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Welp, I was wrong, he's downstairs in that Lobby zone.

Not new to the thread, but if it was mentioned, 2-3 OT's ago, I might have missed it.

But ironically, it being talked about so long ago kinda makes my "unicorn" point for me don't you think? Being that actual spending amounts aren't typically disseminated very often, it makes the moments where they are, kind of stand out, you know?
Hmm not really, no. The posts only happen every so often because of the nature of what they are rather than something we don't talk about. There's no real need for people to post constant updates on their spending and/or financial situation.


Oct 25, 2017
i personally feel that all talks of spending in the Genshin OTs has been very responsible, and we all let each other know that the weapon banner is a scam lol. People will still have their tastes regarding weapon banner (me when clorinde releases) and pulling for constellations, but we all keep each other mindful of the risks and the feasibility of beating the content we have without even needing to spend money.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Weapon banner probably did more damage to my wallet than characters constellations. I've been doing good with Fontaine only spending on welkin and BP. I have not bought the current BP yet. I guess I did buy 2 genesis crystals packs for that concert Glider and another pack when I got a refund for something an just spent it on there but at least they had the 2x bonus.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I spent like $1400 on a weapon banner in one night because I forgot to set my Epitomized path.
I got 3 Haran Geppaku Futsu before realizing I did not select Elegy for the End.
My goal was to R5 the latter, and I got R7 Haran Geppaku Futsu too.

Was so close to quitting the game at that point, it just feels really awful.

El Buga

Oct 25, 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
+1 ' ing that story is not why I like this game. The gap in writing between this and the other game I'm playing (Hades 2) is astronomical. If only the writing team was at the level of the music team!
Credit where it's due, I think they got light-years better from whatever the fuck Mondstadt's AQ was. But they need to stop artificially extending the dialogues based on player retention metrics, because this ends up hurting the writing's quality. Yep, I'm fully convinced the unnecessarily long-winded dialogues are because of this at this point.

There are so many different aspects to this game that bring different types of players though and I just wish Hoyo put this game's profit success back into it instead of creating other gachas.
Yep, I think this is this games' Achilles heel. It ended up attracting groups with vastly different interests, like gacha addicts (staunch dialogue skippers, who only want instant rewards and the casino part of it), exploration fans (who want the maps to be giant and complex theme parks with things to discover, and some skip dialogues too to get back to explore), lore enthusiasts (who read absolutely everything, tearing through thousands of text and post their own walls of text with their conclusions and theories, but dislike or don't care much about the gameplay parts) and combat enthusiasts (who complain about having no content to use their C6R5 Super Saiyan God-level units and generally give zero fucks about story and lore).

So, you'll end up always having at least one of those groups loudly complaining on social networks, in each and every situation, because it's impossible to please all of them. WuWa is bound to have the same problem. And frankly, I have no idea how to solve this.


Oct 25, 2017
Personally my current stance is that I buy a Welkin once a patch if I think it's good value for what that patch contains, treating it kind of like a DLC purchase. I used to "only" buy a Welkin twice a year (x.0 and one of the area updates I really liked), but I've been a bit less frugal since Fontaine and have bought one for each Archon quest patch and area expansion patch, skipping the "filler" patches like 4.3 or 4.5. I don't really giving them some money considering the amount of enjoyment I get out of the game, but the Welkin is the only thing that seems "worth it" to purchase for me.
Incidentally I've also started doing that in Star Rail since 2.0 (only bought one Pass during 1.0 before that) since they've upped their game massively with Penacony and I guess will also do that in ZZZ if I like it enough (...which is likely 😬).
I guess this is how they're still going to get their money out of me 😅
(I'm buying less games otherwise though, so in the end this is probably going to be a net decrease in my yearly gaming spending despite that, huh).


Nov 18, 2017
Not spent in any capacity in about seven months. I don't mind spending money but my enthusiasm has ebbed and flowed since the backend of Sumeru., so it's been difficult to justify in my own mind.

I first threw money at the game because I appreciated just how much I got for nothing and was loving it - why not throw the devs some change and see if I can get someone cool?

Eula was my first five star. I started because of her and I won the 50/50 after a little spend. But I think that really propelled me forward. I had someone I thought was rad so I played even more.

I still can't let her go. I've tried various people in her spot - the latest being Arle - but after a day or two, Eula has to come back in (which is why it hurts that they do so little with her!).

I'm chasing a little bit of novelty in Genshin now. That will make me take out the wallet again.

.0,.1 and .2 are AQ patches.

Archons always get their rerun four patches later ( trend bucked this time around for various reasons).

There's a Dain continuation.

Area every other patch.

Same festivals cycle in and out.

Summer area in .8.

I'd stress that these are obviously different every time. I'm not saying the content in these patches are similar, bad or whatever. But it's a familiar content cadence I'd like to see them break free from.

You can predict the general kind of content you're going to get just because they always deliver it at the same time.

Imagine if they said 'guys, no summer island this patch cycle. We're going back to Inazuma for a two-patch long AQ that moves the nation on'. I'd be like, fucking hell, something different. Great stuff.

You can replace Inazuma with anywhere but my point is, I'd like to see them really mix up their content delivery.

I think when the game starts surprising me again I'll be happy to spend. But I realise they're creating content so quickly, and this pipeline works… but I just want something a little different.

It's why, and I've said it countless times, I'm really excited to see what they do when they've told all the individual nation's current stories, expanded them all and the narrative reaches fever pitch.

Maybe we'll start seeing a new cadence of content then.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
I must've spend around €80, which is about as much as a brand new AAA game costs where I live, in the past almost 4 years on the game. While I sometimes had to sit out a character when they first released (Canadian Aether or Otterlette come to mind), I would say that in the end I got every single character that I really wanted. I own 66 characters total, 28 of them 5 stars, several among them at C1 or more, and We have Batman at Home at C5, eugh! D:
I honestly can't fathom how one would spend like ten times the amount on the game, on a single day. Not shaming anybody of course, if they have the money, but I find it hard to understand and what they gain by that, when I already feel I have all the characters and more that I could ever use.
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Alt Account
Feb 8, 2024
Credit where it's due, I think they got light-years better from whatever the fuck Mondstadt's AQ was. But they need to stop artificially extending the dialogues based on player retention metrics, because this ends up hurting the writing's quality. Yep, I'm fully convinced the unnecessarily long-winded dialogues are because of this at this point.

Yep, I think this is this games' Achilles heel. It ended up attracting groups with vastly different interests, like gacha addicts (staunch dialogue skippers, who only want instant rewards and the casino part of it), exploration fans (who want the maps to be giant and complex theme parks with things to discover, and some skip dialogues too to get back to explore), lore enthusiasts (who read absolutely everything, tearing through thousands of text and post their own walls of text with their conclusions and theories, but dislike or don't care much about the gameplay parts) and combat enthusiasts (who complain about having no content to use their C6R5 Super Saiyan God-level units and generally give zero fucks about story and lore).

So, you'll end up always having at least one of those groups loudly complaining on social networks, in each and every situation, because it's impossible to please all of them. WuWa is bound to have the same problem. And frankly, I have no idea how to solve this.
I look back on the Monstadt AQ fondly as the game world was so fresh and new. I came as a Zelda BOTW lover looking for a similar experience and couldn't believe the quality Genshin achieved connecting mobile, & pc gamers. The idea of multiplayer Breath of the Wild in a constantly expanding world was a dream game for me. That dvalin quest now would feel very different now after the last few AQ's.

It's hard to keep all groups happy... but it feels like a very big mistake to not have added any new combat or multiplayer components.


Oct 27, 2017
I tried the TCG exactly once, but wasn't paying attention enough to understand how to play. I doubt I'll go back to it


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
I buy the Welkin almost every month, the BP twice in the whole run of the game, and a couple of top ups maybe once a year while I still have the x2. My most expensive banner was with Arles weapon. Around 70 dollars there.

Witch of Miracles

One Winged Slayer
Jun 13, 2019
United Kingdom
Cleared Abyss, 12-3 second half boss was a pretty interesting fight, actually required me to use another team then my basic ignore mechanics unga bunga team. I hope they make more of them.


Oct 26, 2017
Yep, I think this is this games' Achilles heel. It ended up attracting groups with vastly different interests, like gacha addicts (staunch dialogue skippers, who only want instant rewards and the casino part of it), exploration fans (who want the maps to be giant and complex theme parks with things to discover, and some skip dialogues too to get back to explore), lore enthusiasts (who read absolutely everything, tearing through thousands of text and post their own walls of text with their conclusions and theories, but dislike or don't care much about the gameplay parts) and combat enthusiasts (who complain about having no content to use their C6R5 Super Saiyan God-level units and generally give zero fucks about story and lore).

So, you'll end up always having at least one of those groups loudly complaining on social networks, in each and every situation, because it's impossible to please all of them. WuWa is bound to have the same problem. And frankly, I have no idea how to solve this.
Honestly I wouldn't call that a problem. Rather, I'd think that's exactly what you want. If people are demanding stuff from you it means they want something and are willing to pay for it.


Oct 28, 2017
Finished the Remuria world quest and... uh... does anyone know if there's a lore video that explains what the heck it was about? Because I understood very little of it


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Credit where it's due, I think they got light-years better from whatever the fuck Mondstadt's AQ was.

What was wrong with Mondstadt's AQ? It was short and sweet and a good introduction to the game and Mondstadt characters. It's called the Prologue after all and not Chapter One.
The one component I thought was pretty poorly done, and I have to cringe every time I watch new players go through it and be utterly underwhelmed, were the first three dungeons. They are each like 3 minutes long, way too simple and easy, and they looked so boring and exchangeable.
I guess they were created at a time when Hoyoverse didn't in their wildest dreams think Genshin would make them multibillionaires, lol.
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Sep 10, 2020
i do miss the low level of anemoculus you had to get even liyue was not bad because now its insane numbers


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I honestly can't fathom how one would spend like ten times the amount on the game, on a single day. Not shaming anybody of course, if they have the money, but I find it hard to understand and what they gain by that, when I already feel I have all the characters and more that I could ever use.
I guess it's mostly if you want to use certain characters, or have them function in a certain way, or want them to clear abyss faster. I've spent the same as you (£80 - 3 BPs and 10 welkins) but it's always tempting to spend more to have my characters work how I want them to. I said I was done spending then I bought another BP, which I think is terrible value for money, for Viridescent Hunt just because I wanted the grouping function for Childe and I didn't have a 5* options. I don't regret it though. I still find it useful. So I think it's easy to spend more if you want say their 5* weapon or additional constellations.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I like big numbers. Do I need it? No but it makes me happier. Then there's stuff like Interuption to resistance for like Neuvilette C1 that I also didn't need but really like.

El Buga

Oct 25, 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
I look back on the Monstadt AQ fondly as the game world was so fresh and new. I came as a Zelda BOTW lover looking for a similar experience and couldn't believe the quality Genshin achieved connecting mobile, & pc gamers. The idea of multiplayer Breath of the Wild in a constantly expanding world was a dream game for me. That dvalin quest now would feel very different now after the last few AQ's.

It's hard to keep all groups happy... but it feels like a very big mistake to not have added any new combat or multiplayer components.
I was talking specifically about the story tho. As a BotW veteran, I was looking for something to tide me over until TotK released, and Genshin ended up being way more than that.

Honestly I wouldn't call that a problem. Rather, I'd think that's exactly what you want. If people are demanding stuff from you it means they want something and are willing to pay for it.
For Hoyo it's clearly not a problem, obviously. Not as long as people are complaining but still spending.

What was wrong with Mondstadt's AQ? It was short and sweet and a good introduction to the game and Mondstadt characters. It's called the Prologue after all and not Chapter One.
The one component I thought was pretty poorly done, and I have to cringe every time I watch new players go through it and be utterly underwhelmed, were the first three dungeons. They are each like 3 minutes long, way too simple and easy, and they looked so boring and exchangeable.
I guess they were created at a time when Hoyoverse didn't in their wildest dreams think Genshin would make them multibillionaires, lol.
I honestly think it was a very forgettable and generic plot. Not rushed like Inazuma's, but… just there. But tbf, the story didn't interest me very much until the end of Liyue with that really badass cutscene of everyone against Osial.

Sumeru and Fontaine's AQs were another level entirely, of course.