

Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
I was talking specifically about the story tho. As a BotW veteran, I was looking for something to tide me over until TotK released, and Genshin ended up being way more than that.

For Hoyo it's clearly not a problem, obviously. Not as long as people are complaining but still spending.

I honestly think it was a very forgettable and generic plot. Not rushed like Inazuma's, but… just there. But tbf, the story didn't interest me very much until the end of Liyue with that really badass cutscene of everyone against Osial.

Sumeru and Fontaine's AQs were another level entirely, of course.

I found Mondstadt's AQ rather simple in terms of story, yes, but nontheless good and charming, and with a deeper meaning. It felt like a fairy tale, and that's what I think they were going for, considering the hero defeating the vile dragon story literally comes from Germanic fairy tale and myth, albeit with the twist of the vile dragon not actually being vile but misunderstood and used. And I think Venti came out really strong in the AQ. He was so multifaceted and likable by the end.
I also think that because it was relatively simple and short the pacing and composition was maybe even the best of any AQ. There were no parts that dragged on, there were no superfluous characters thrown in there just because they had to sell them, there was a good composition of story, exploration and combat. The AQ of newer nations all have some of those issues.
I'm not sure that if they would redo Mondstadt's AQ by today's standards that it would become definitely better. ;)

Got my first Qiqi.

At least it was off standard

Aww... If it is any consolation, it was bound to happen at some point. Better rip that bandaid off as soon as possible and on the standard banner.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
My Qiqi is C5 so I know that pain all too well. If I ever spent money on this game i'm sure she would be c6 and Jean too. My Jean is c4.

El Buga

Oct 25, 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
I'm not sure that if they would redo Mondstadt's AQ by today's standards that it would become definitely better. ;)
Well, I am. I understand what they were going for, but the execution felt shallow and whatever to me. It just came and went, and then we were on our merry way to Liyue. When Port Dornman drops, its WQ's narrative will probably be a stark difference.

Unless it's like Bayda Harbor and it's just… there. 💀


Alt Account
Feb 8, 2024
I guess it's mostly if you want to use certain characters, or have them function in a certain way, or want them to clear abyss faster. I've spent the same as you (£80 - 3 BPs and 10 welkins) but it's always tempting to spend more to have my characters work how I want them to. I said I was done spending then I bought another BP, which I think is terrible value for money, for Viridescent Hunt just because I wanted the grouping function for Childe and I didn't have a 5* options. I don't regret it though. I still find it useful. So I think it's easy to spend more if you want say their 5* weapon or additional constellations.
I keep welkin going which feels like I could have every character c0 if I never went for constellations or especially weapons. The lizard part of my brain gets annoyed both with people who spend more and people who spend less than me haha.

I must've spend around €80, which is about as much as a brand new AAA game costs where I live, in the past almost 4 years on the game. While I sometimes had to sit out a character when they first released (Canadian Aether or Otterlette come to mind), I would say that in the end I got every single character that I really wanted. I own 66 characters total, 28 of them 5 stars, several among them at C1 or more, and We have Batman at Home at C5, eugh! D:
I honestly can't fathom how one would spend like ten times the amount on the game, on a single day. Not shaming anybody of course, if they have the money, but I find it hard to understand and what they gain by that, when I already feel I have all the characters and more that I could ever use.
They really take advantage of the natural gamer urge to finish things... to get all the constellations, to get all refinements whatever. I was so inexplicably excited on getting c6 layla today when I logically know how marginally helpful that is. My standard pulls blessed me with c6 keqing and I've talked myself into her being my favorite character so I don't get the urge to go for other limited cons.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
I'm confused then , how do I lvl up teapot then?

Just keep building new blueprints to up your trust rank to max and plunk down enough crap to hit 20k adeptal energy. I remember screens being quite efficient in terms of being low load and high adeptal energy so you could fill rooms with them.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused then , how do I lvl up teapot then?

Start crafting furniture and place it in your mansion or garden. The more furniture you place, the more points you get each day. You collect the points by talking to Tubby.
It'll take some days of crafting and placing stuff to really get going. After a while you'll have placed so much stuff and earn so many points that there are bascially no limits of what you can do daily anymore.
Friends can visit you in your teapot and speed up furniture crafting. Later you won't need that anymore as you can buy potions with points to speed up crafting.

Unless it's like Bayda Harbor and it's just… there. 💀

I have a feeling it'll tie into Cyno's upcoming story quest. That story quest will likely add or open up new explorable area in the desert too.
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Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
It would be a first for Mihoyo, woudn't it? Populating an entire area only after a new SQ is released, having it completely empty before.

It also was a first that they released an as big and completely empty area, lol.
You misunderstood me though. I don't expect the area to be populated with Cyno's SQ. I just assume they'll have us visit Bayda Harbor and that they'll open up some place, maybe a cave, in the desert. In Zhongli's story quest they opened up the cave that lead to Azhdaha.
I was wondering if the Cyno quest ruins we saw in the preview footage was in the open world or a domain. It looks honestly more like open world than a domain to me.

El Buga

Oct 25, 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
I just assume they'll have us visit Bayda Harbor and that they'll open up some place, maybe a cave, in the desert. In Zhongli's story quest they opened up the cave that lead to Azhdaha.
Was that cave there before that SQ's release?

I was wondering if the Cyno quest ruins we saw in the preview footage was in the open world or a domain. It looks honestly more like open world than a domain to me.
Yes, it resembles the first dungeon we visit in the Golden Slumber quest. That hole wasn't there before the quest, also.

Tuesday we'll know.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Was that cave there before that SQ's release?

Yes, it resembles the first dungeon we visit in the Golden Slumber quest. That hole wasn't there before the quest, also.

Tuesday we'll know.

As far as I remember the Azhdaha cave was closed by a rock wall and the kidnapped miners first had to hack an entrance open during the quest.

What hole are you referring to?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Was doing some resource and chest hunting in Inazuma and just realized there was a whole hidden objective I never completed.


So I think if I had to rank the regions I'd do it on 2 fronts, Story and Exploration.

Archon Quest: Sumeru > Fontaine >>>>> Liyue/Monstadt > Inazuma

Exploration: Inazuma > Fontaine > Sumeru > Inazuma > Monstadt


Oct 25, 2017
Hmm not really, no. The posts only happen every so often because of the nature of what they are rather than something we don't talk about. There's no real need for people to post constant updates on their spending and/or financial situation.

There is no need, but I didn't say there was a need. I'm just saying it's not really talked about that much consistently, therefore, when it, is, talked about it stands out as uncommon. That's all. :)


Oct 25, 2017
Was doing some resource and chest hunting in Inazuma and just realized there was a whole hidden objective I never completed.


So I think if I had to rank the regions I'd do it on 2 fronts, Story and Exploration.

Archon Quest: Sumeru > Fontaine >>>>> Liyue/Monstadt > Inazuma

Exploration: Inazuma > Fontaine > Sumeru > Inazuma > Monstadt

What were you supposed to do in that area? I found it but mines not lit up.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK


Oct 26, 2017
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Teyvat Traveler
May 13, 2020
so uh

probably to the surprise of no one (lmao) for this iteration of the rhythm game event i worked with Hoyoverse/Astra Carnival to create some (mid-)high difficulty stuff for the ongoing $2400/104,000primo prize pool event

go win some primos there's a raffle for just entering

View: https://twitter.com/AstraCarnival/status/1789868173858157015

View: https://twitter.com/AstraCarnival/status/1789879965653065807

unsurprisingly some monsters have already 100%'d it

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIQbI8xDyVI

Amazing stuff, congrats!

what's not amazing is me attempting on controller


Oct 31, 2017
Got my first Qiqi.

At least it was off standard
Qiqi is awesome Meissner, welcome to the club! xD No but seriously, once you pull Furina Qiqi can actually be really good. :)

To start off the new week, I did my dailies and bounties before work and I finally maxed Fontaine. Now I have all gliders that new players that started last year could have! :D I just wish there was a chance to get some of the older event gliders.


Dec 8, 2018
I think Arlecchino's weapon is the only weapon I'll pull for a long while. I pulled it because it looks cool and fits her aesthetic so perfectly.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
What were you supposed to do in that area? I found it but mines not lit up.

There are three star shaped gems that you have to find and then add them into a mural to the underground section of Tsurumi Island. Doing so will release three electo seelie onto the the island that you then have to find and will light up the torches.

https://www.polygon.com/genshin-impact-guides/22726681/star-shaped-gem-locations-map-puzzle-electro-seelie-peculiar-pinion#:~:text=You will not be able,the ruins under Shirikoro Peak.

I loved that each Island had their own distinct world quest and vibe to it. Only thing that I'd change is I wish more than just two islands were largely civilized.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I keep welkin going which feels like I could have every character c0 if I never went for constellations or especially weapons. The lizard part of my brain gets annoyed both with people who spend more and people who spend less than me haha.

They really take advantage of the natural gamer urge to finish things... to get all the constellations, to get all refinements whatever. I was so inexplicably excited on getting c6 layla today when I logically know how marginally helpful that is. My standard pulls blessed me with c6 keqing and I've talked myself into her being my favorite character so I don't get the urge to go for other limited cons.
I remember someone here saying if you got the welkin every month you actually can have every character in the game. I don't know how true that is though.


Feb 4, 2020
I think Arlecchino's weapon is the only weapon I'll pull for a long while. I pulled it because it looks cool and fits her aesthetic so perfectly.
I've only ever pulled 2 weapons since launch and it's Arlecchino's and Furina's because of this exact reasons.

Ended up having R2 of the other weapon both time though. Also the only times I had to top up aside from Welkin are pulling for these weapons. Having to pull 2 5* weapons before you're guaranteed the one you want on the 3rd 5* is absolutely bullshit.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
They uploaded the music event cutscene on their official channel. It's so adorable and Itto and Paimon sing so well:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBPdYyy5bBI

so uh

probably to the surprise of no one (lmao) for this iteration of the rhythm game event i worked with Hoyoverse/Astra Carnival to create some (mid-)high difficulty stuff for the ongoing $2400/104,000primo prize pool event

go win some primos there's a raffle for just entering

View: https://twitter.com/AstraCarnival/status/1789879965653065807

unsurprisingly some monsters have already 100%'d it

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIQbI8xDyVI

Aweseome! Good work! :)

Look what arrived:


Signed CD of Chilichill (creators of lots of "officical" fansongs of Genshin):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yPanOf-QlM

Niiice! :3


Dec 1, 2017
People who complained about Genshin cutscenes being too long are surely happy now considering how short the story event was. It's a shame as I really wanted more.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I went from being at C2 Qiqi for like 2 years, to C6 Qiqi in the space of three months. Once she finds the GPS location to your account, it's over with.
I didn't realize you were a fellow victim of the C6 Qiqi curse... you have my sympathies on this matter.

I'm always wishing they'd add more characters to standard to help me avoid the inevitable C7 trauma, but lately I've been wishing they'd just let us remove at least one character that's already maxed out.


Oct 26, 2017
People who complained about Genshin cutscenes being too long are surely happy now considering how short the story event was. It's a shame as I really wanted more.
ngl it really was the perfect length

threw in its character intros at the start and got out of the way fast

i think the big thing that makes people notice 'long cutscenes' isn't long cutscenes themselves, it's a matter of pacing

if there's a big chunk of story at once like 3.0 2nd half (the groundhog day stuff) that's fine

if an event is light on cutscenes and heavy on gameplay like the moon festival treasure hunt stuff some time back, that's also fine

if an event (or MSQ or world quest or character quest) has pretty long cutscenes THEN interspersed with game stuff that's where it gets annoying because half of it wants you to engage with the game and the other half has you being a passive listener and it's jarring/annoying flipping back and forth. the worst examples of this in action are the ones that ask you to teleport all over the continent just to sit in a string of 5 minute talking head stuff at each teleport point + 100m jog


Oct 26, 2017
Harmonic Whimsy domain is a torture chamber

It was torture for me until I tried Otter hyperbloom with Raiden and Nahida. Then it became a cakewalk.

To start off the new week, I did my dailies and bounties before work and I finally maxed Fontaine. Now I have all gliders that new players that started last year could have! :D I just wish there was a chance to get some of the older event gliders.

Grats. I got fontaine glider two weeks ago. I was disappointed that it had two colors. I'll get the liyue one in two weeks hopefully.