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▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Dec 3, 2018
I actually like Diluc. He seems like one of the few reasonable people in Monstadt and the game isn't trying its damnedest at every turn to make you date him unlike Jean.


Oct 27, 2017
I tried the genshin wishes website. I like it quite a lot, shame I haven't tried it earlier cause it only shows the last 6 months.


Oct 27, 2017
Diluc is great. One of the few adult males. Fairly straightforward. Actually competent. Not annoyingly quirky. That's better than half the cast. Kayea is better but it is hard to reach the great heights of Kaeya.


Oct 28, 2017
Used my latest BP standard fate this morning and C1 Bennett came home.

I've now gone from the next banner being a must pull to a banner I can easily rationalize pulling on.


Nov 1, 2017
The issue with Diluc isn't that he's serious.

It's that he doesn't know how to talk like a normal human being.

Like jean may have the occasional waifu bait post. But she can actually crry a conversation.

Half of Diluc's dialogue is about why is he here when he could be out being batman.

That's fucking tilted. And unlike Fischl he's not a dumb kid playing pretend.

"Like really dude, the abyss order? Here, when everybody is enjoying the beach?"


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Aug 8, 2018
damn really don't want an atlas, what a rough banner. if it was a spear I'd have considered pulling.


Dec 13, 2017
That's so disappointing. :( It's been so long since a spear was featured on the banner. It makes me want to hold off for Ayaka's weapon, presumably on the following banner (which looks insane). But also, I have nothing for Kazuha… I have zero 5 star weapons and a burning desire to change that.


Teyvat Traveler
Nov 22, 2019
Pffff... Skyward Atlas... I feel like a loser now that I pulled Lost Prayer

I got Skyward Atlas on the standard last month and I'm not that impressed after leveling it to 90. It's better than Lost Prayer if you have absolutely cracked artifacts, but since I don't Windsith feels stronger to me. Also the weapon effect isn't all that fancy, a little orb that shoots out 2-4k physical damage that is barely noticeable :(


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Hmm, I'm kinda tempted by that weapon banner cuz I'd really like a 5* catalyst for Klee and could actually make use of Freedom Sworn (unlike Skyward Pride) if I pulled it instead.... 🤔
Guess I'll wait and see how (un)lucky I am on Kazuha's banner first and then go from there.


Teyvat Traveler
Jan 23, 2019
It's interesting seeing beta tester reactions to Ayaka, that Zhongli and Xingqiu are her essential teammates to get the most out of her ult
I wish I had 2 Zhongli and Xingqiu dammit, Zhongli is busy Xiao babysitting and Xingqiu is busy carrying Hu Tao


Oct 25, 2017
Kazuha still looks dope to me so I'm gonna pull in hopes I win the 50/50. If I don't then it's just a matter of if I'll get enough wishes prior to his banner going away. I missed Venti so I hopefully won't miss him.


Oct 25, 2017
It's interesting seeing beta tester reactions to Ayaka, that Zhongli and Xingqiu are her essential teammates to get the most out of her ult
I wish I had 2 Zhongli and Xingqiu dammit, Zhongli is busy Xiao babysitting and Xingqiu is busy carrying Hu Tao
Xingqui was obvious considering she's a melee cryo user, but Zhongli is surprising to hear. Guess it's due to his Res shred.

Both character have the problem of being useful on pretty much every team. Same for Venti, Jean, and Bennett (non C6).


Oct 25, 2017
Skyward Atlas was the first 5 star weapon i got from the standard banner free pulls. Was hyped to use it on Klee.
Only to accept 8 months later, that there will never be any way to fix her, as its impossible to get a Critrate Circlet or Pyro Goblet from the Crimson Witch set, so her Critrate will always be awful no matter what i do. I have to accept 2pc Gladiator and 2pc Crimson Witch, just to scratch 50%. Its beyond abyssmal.

So yeah: I wish i had Lost Prayers for her >.> Skyward Atlas is a trap.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
We're getting somewhat close to the one year anniversary. We are totally going to only get a log in bonus that's identical to Seize the Day aren't we


Nov 1, 2017
It's interesting seeing beta tester reactions to Ayaka, that Zhongli and Xingqiu are her essential teammates to get the most out of her ult
I wish I had 2 Zhongli and Xingqiu dammit, Zhongli is busy Xiao babysitting and Xingqiu is busy carrying Hu Tao
sounds like she's squishy and needs someone to keep her targets in place.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Jan 11, 2018
It's interesting seeing beta tester reactions to Ayaka, that Zhongli and Xingqiu are her essential teammates to get the most out of her ult
I wish I had 2 Zhongli and Xingqiu dammit, Zhongli is busy Xiao babysitting and Xingqiu is busy carrying Hu Tao
I saw Sukuna's tweets about this, but isn't it odd that they're not running double cryo for energy and resonance bonus? Freezing an enemy in place shouldn't be difficult, she has practically 100% cryo uptime. I'd want Diona and an anemo support in place of anything else for a typical freeze comp instead of relying on Zhongli's petrification.


Nov 15, 2017
scam weapon banner and do not care for elemental mastery anemo samurai
ez skip for gem saving until Yoimiya/Sayu then


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Xingqui was obvious considering she's a melee cryo user, but Zhongli is surprising to hear. Guess it's due to his Res shred.

Both character have the problem of being useful on pretty much every team. Same for Venti, Jean, and Bennett (non C6).
Kazuha helps with the needing an Anemo character at least.


Oct 26, 2017
It's interesting seeing beta tester reactions to Ayaka, that Zhongli and Xingqiu are her essential teammates to get the most out of her ult
I wish I had 2 Zhongli and Xingqiu dammit, Zhongli is busy Xiao babysitting and Xingqiu is busy carrying Hu Tao
Given my Hu tao team use both, it seems more and more likely that I won't commit to pull for her ( thought I would go or a perma freeze team if I could which can replace zhongli from what I understand ).

I can at least imagine Xingqiu getting some alternatives, but the way her ult worst is exactly what I feared when I complained about her kit in the previous OT
Ayaka leak had cool animation but I'm really not sure I like what I saw from her kit. Her burst while cool looking seemed like a very bad idea, I can only guess it bring ennemies with it, which seems counter productive for a melee dps since it goes away from you, probably wouldn't work against big ennemies meaning it would lose most of it's dps against them.
Obviously there is speculation, and things could have changed anyway ( and likely did ).
Didn't know zhongli ult & freeze could alleviate that problem thought, but yeah her kit sadly felt meh for a long time now.

On the other hand I have 250 pull saved, 25 more if I use my Starglitter for pull rather than 4*, and I don't want to spend 2 more month doing no pulls.... yet the 3 next characters seems to have big downsides to them ( for me ). Kazuha seems to finaly be a sub dps, but I have 0 interest in his design. I love Ayaka design, but she is yet another main dps and her party comp use character I already use in my Hu Tao comp. Yoimiya look even better than Ayaka but also does not seem to be good sub/burst dps and would I suppose also need to be in a comp with Xingqiu...


Oct 25, 2017
Only comp for Ayala I can think of that doesn't involve Xingqui would be a Xiangling/Bennett melt comp, because god forbid you run Xiangling without a pyro battery.

Once again, a pyro Xingqui/Fischl would be massive.


Dec 28, 2017
Diluc is basically Mondstadt Batman, which is pretty neat. Wish he would stop spooking my rolls. I think Diluc likes people who play hard to get, because he REALLY loves me.


Oct 27, 2017
Diluc is basically Mondstadt Batman, which is pretty neat. Wish he would stop spooking my rolls. I think Diluc likes people who play hard to get, because he REALLY loves me.

So what your saying is that some of us are too easy and free with our gacha love? No wonder he won't show up for me.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I don't mind Diluc's personality, but I wish he would talk about something other than the abyss order. His obsession is kind of disturbing lol.

Surprised the other weapon is Skyward Atlas. Was fully expecting a spear or claymore.


Dec 28, 2017
is that how I get him?
Diluc, you're trash, don't ever come here. 🤔
So what your saying is that some of us are too easy and free with our gacha love? No wonder he won't show up for me.

You have to treat him like dirt. Whenever people start complaining about Diluc, and they will because half this thread is just people obnoxiously trash-talking characters they don't like (myself included), do not join the defense force. Tear him apart and soon Diluc will be groveling at your boots too. Rinse and repeat when you feel like adding another constellation. Don't feel bad about it either - trust me, he LOVES it.




Oct 25, 2017
You have to treat him like dirt. Whenever people start complaining about Diluc, and they will because half this thread is just people obnoxiously trash-talking characters they don't like (myself included), do not join the defense force. Tear him apart and soon Diluc will be groveling at your boots too. Rinse and repeat when you feel like adding another constellation. Don't feel bad about it either - trust me, he LOVES it.


This explains a lot, I'm a Klee main so I am obligated to never build Diluc and now I have C1 because of that.


Oct 27, 2017
You have to treat him like dirt. Whenever people start complaining about Diluc, and they will because half this thread is just people obnoxiously trash-talking characters they don't like (myself included), do not join the defense force. Tear him apart and soon Diluc will be groveling at your boots too. Rinse and repeat when you feel like adding another constellation. Don't feel bad about it either - trust me, he LOVES it.



Smh. I've been playing the game wrong this whole time.


Dec 28, 2017
This explains a lot, I'm a Klee main so I am obligated to never build Diluc and now I have C1 because of that.

Same. The first Klee banner is the only time I whaled hard for a character and she's been my main since. I think 4 of these constellations came from that banner alone. I guess Diluc just got jealous that I thought a literal child would be a cooler Fire DPS than him. How pathetic.
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Nov 18, 2017
I like Diluc... but I'd kill for a Jean. The odds are not in my favour sadly. Crossing my fingers and toes that's she used in the one-year anniversary in some way.

I did Ganyu's quest the other night and yeah... not the best character in the game.


Dec 28, 2017
Yeah, for as much as I meme, the only character I genuinely dislike is Childe. I actually really like Bennett. His hangout did a great job of endearing me to him, and even though I'll probably never build him, I think he's super cute.

Won't stop me from bullying him though.
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