Tiago Rodrigues

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Nov 15, 2018
And just like that a possible cross-gen online mode, this game just ensured it's selling well over 10M long term.

Maybe Japan will be into the co-op as well?

How the hell did they keep this a secret for so long? And for free? Holy shit!
Anti-consumer Sony is truly back! /s


Oct 25, 2017
Wouldn't normally be too hot for an additional co-op mode, but after platinuming the game, I find myself still aching for that mêlée combat, so I guess I'm in.


Oct 26, 2017
Sounds like it'd be fun, definitely something that will interest my friends, be interesting to see how much content they have for it too. Though I'm not a huge fan of wave modes, it with Samurai definitely peaked my interest too.
Oct 29, 2017
Folk lore and mythology?? I'm now interested. But then not interested because it's locked behind a multiplayer mode where I have no intention of buying PS+. Sucks...


Nov 15, 2017
Sounds like it'd be fun, definitely something that will interest my friends, be interesting to see how much content they have for it too. Though I'm not a huge fan of wave modes, it with Samurai definitely peaked my interest too.

Its not only waves.
It has co op story missions, waves and a Raid at a later date.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, wasn't expecting that at all. Already got the platinum trophy but will have to pop back in for this.

I wonder now if they will also bring in some competitive stuff, a duel mode where you fight against other players could be damn good considering how the battle system works.


Oct 25, 2017
Eternally reserving my man Tadayori.


Oct 25, 2017
This is sucker punch's first mulitplayer game mode makes me wonder if they are testing the water for their future game


Nov 15, 2017
Free download makes me wonder if there'll be micro-transactions though?
I would imagine so. I hope there's a decent amount of unlockables though. And I don't really mind as long as they don't sell P2W stuff.

This seems to be a thing bigger studios have been doing over the past few years, starting with maybe GTA V. Release a very polished, story heavy single player game, then release a large GaaS multiplayer component a bit afterward, using the base built by the single player, as a revenue stream while you start work on the sequel. The multiplayer components are usually referred to as separate products altogether. Like, no one calls GTA Online "GTA V's Multiplayer Mode", even though that's essentially what it is.

GTA V -> GTA Online
RDR -> RDR Online
The Last of Us 2 -> Factions
Ghost of Tsushima ->Ghost of Tsushima: Legends

Didn't the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series have similar multiplayer modes?

Obviously we don't know just how big Ghost of Tsushima: Legends will be, but given their use of the MMO/MMO-Lite terminology like "Raid", I imagine they intend it to be a platform.


Oct 29, 2017
I'll be interested to see what happens when Factions comes out - presumably it will be free-to-play or included for TLOU owners like this? Not sure why they would make the multiplayer free for one of their games and paid for the other.
Oct 27, 2017
Holy fuck that's amazing, and it's free too! Co-op is so much better than competitive for me so I guess I will have to resub to PS+ when this releases and give it a crack.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
GamesBeat: Did you think about multiplayer at any point?

Fox: We were always very focused on telling this one story of Jin's transformation. It's inherently a single-player experience. But who knows what the future holds?

That sounded like such a standard non-answer, but here we are!
Oct 25, 2017
I would imagine so. I hope there's a decent amount of unlockables though. And I don't really mind as long as they don't sell P2W stuff.

This seems to be a thing bigger studios have been doing over the past few years, starting with maybe GTA V. Release a very polished, story heavy single player game, then release a large GaaS multiplayer component a bit afterward, using the base built by the single player, as a revenue stream while you start work on the sequel. The multiplayer components are usually referred to as separate products altogether. Like, no one calls GTA Online "GTA V's Multiplayer Mode", even though that's essentially what it is.

GTA V -> GTA Online
RDR -> RDR Online
The Last of Us 2 -> Factions
Ghost of Tsushima ->Ghost of Tsushima: Legends

Didn't the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series have similar multiplayer modes?
Also a great way to not let a cynical view of the game cloud the marketing cycle. If the game was announced as "an open world game full of content and also MMO-lite co-op missions and raids", people would just flood every comment section with "oh boy, another Destiny clone" and stuff like that, just look at the reception to Avengers or how people are already dreading the reveal of Suicide Squad because they know beforehand that it's GaaS multiplayer. But keeping it for until after the game comes out, you can have the exact same experience you've always planned, but without that negative stigma around it for months.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll be interested to see what happens when Factions comes out - presumably it will be free-to-play or included for TLOU owners like this? Not sure why they would make the multiplayer free for one of their games and paid for the other.

Factions will probably be F2P and likely PS5 exclusive. I think they will be greatly changing the formula/scale vs Factions 1. They are always really good about stuffing their MP modes full of MTX as well


Oct 27, 2017
This sounds like it would be perfect to follow the Warzone model. Free to play spinoff with character customization, that also acts as an ad for the main game.