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Oct 26, 2017
It has been pretty odd. Didn't like a ton of misinformation also come out from a magazine about like no waypoints and stuff like that that Sucker Punch had to dispute? Seems like I recall that.

There was no misinformation, OPM just rehashed an old interview with them and presented it as new. The no waypoints thing is still in the game.

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like this game was screwed by TLOU2 delays (especially the initial one).

Feels like Sony still wants to advertise TLOU2 and GoT has to take a backseat even tho it's like only 2 months away.


Oct 25, 2017
What is it with Sony and the persecution complex posts? I swear every thread about a Sony game there are at least a couple posts lamenting the fact that only Sony games get treated this way. That only Sony games have such negativity or some other thing to complain about.

I'm sure I've said this before in a Days Gone preview thread but If you are constantly feeling like only Sony or Nintendo or Xbox etc. gets attacked or treated a certain way its because you are invested way more into that companies games than the others which makes it seem like they get criticized more often than they actually do.

There isn't a directed effort to shit on your favourite companies games or a favourite developer. It's all because you are more invested (sometimes too invested) in those games.


Jul 22, 2019
Wasn't the game meant to be out in June and got moved back a month ???
June 26th I believe.

So about one month after TLOU2. I mean that still is the case except with June and July now. So there is still time for Sony to give it all the attention it needs after TLOU2 comes out.
Oct 26, 2017
I feel like this game was screwed by TLOU2 delays (especially the initial one).

Feels like Sony still wants to advertise TLOU2 and GoT has to take a backseat even tho it's like only 2 months away.

I'm guessing this is the case and they just can't give Ghost of Tsushima more than a month of breathing room (because otherwise is getting way too close to the PS5 launch).


use of an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Angola / Zaire border region.
We've seen far more gameplay of Tsushima than Halo or even Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

Doesn't seem that strange to me.
Valhalla is a really bad comparison. It was revealed last week and isn't releasing til the end of the year. Ghost has been announced for more than two years I believe and is releasing in two months. We are like 95% of the way through Ghosts reveal to release cycle and only 5% of the way through Valhalla's.
Oct 25, 2017
Did the same with Horizon
Horizon was announced 2015 with a gameplay demo-june

Paris game week presentation showing off mechanics unfinished hud and thunderjaw boss breakdown-oct 2015

E3-2016 another full gameplay demo

September- small gameplay clip to promote ps4 pro

than previews January

bunch of trailers mixed in throughout all that


Oct 25, 2017
June 26th I believe.

So about one month after TLOU2. I mean that still is the case except with June and July now. So there is still time for Sony to give it all the attention it needs after TLOU2 comes out.

But then you would think they would have had marketing ready for it by now correct ? As the delay was only confirmed last week. It may turn out amazing but it's odd to see nothing really of actual game play since that 2018 big trailer. Yes I do know about the one they did for the game awards but that's essentially what Assassin's creed did today which was show off in game cinematics and staged parts.


Oct 25, 2017
i agree. The only rationale i can come up with, is that they know their games will sell and thus dont feel the need for huge marketing campaigns any longer

or maybe...their games sell because their marketing is actually effective and posters on this message board are largely out of touch with what is and isn't effective marketing?

nah can't be that.


Mar 30, 2018
For the longest time, I thought Ghosts of Tsushima was Sekiro. When Sekiro finally launched and it was a multiplat, I was like "wtf? I thought it was a Sony exclusive"


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
Los Angeles, CA.
What promotional campaign? If there is one, I've seen neither hide nor hair of it. It's baffling.

To this day, my hype for this game is based entirely on the E3 2018 gameplay reveal/trailer, which could be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it.
Oct 25, 2017
What is it with Sony and the persecution complex posts? I swear every thread about a Sony game there are at least a couple posts lamenting the fact that only Sony games get treated this way. That only Sony games have such negativity or some other thing to complain about.

I'm sure I've said this before in a Days Gone preview thread but If you are constantly feeling like only Sony or Nintendo or Xbox etc. gets attacked or treated a certain way its because you are invested way more into that companies games than the others which makes it seem like they get criticized more often than they actually do.

There isn't a directed effort to shit on your favourite companies games or a favourite developer. It's all because you are more invested (sometimes too invested) in those games.

It's definitely a bit of a problem on the site, I've seen the same thing today about Xbox after the reaction to the presentation. It comes out a lot more around new console time.

On topic, if I remember right TLOU was a February game got delayed until May (month before Ghosts release date) and then they both got pushed back another month each because of Covid.

Seems like the issue is a combination of being delayed before they had a release date (or it was shown too early) Then TLOU got delayed into their marketing window twice.

EDIT: We got a Ghost story trailer in early March. March to mid June is a good time frame to promote a game, Covid really took of literally a week later, thinking about it through that context it makes sense we haven't seen much since.
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Jul 27, 2018
I think that TLOU2 getting delayed from February to May and then COVID-19 happening really messed up this game's promo campaign.

I think the original plan was TLOU2 in February and then GoT comes out four or five months later with tons of marketing. But then everything else happened.
Oct 26, 2017
or maybe...their games sell because their marketing is actually effective and posters on this message board are largely out of touch with what is and isn't effective marketing?

nah can't be that.

Sony has pretty varying promotional strategies and the results have been more varied than you're implying here.

Spider-Man 2018, Uncharted 4, Last of Us 2, Horizon: Lots of traditional promotion with lots of ads, gameplay demos, hands-on previews. Spider-Man and Horizon and Uncharted did incredible and Last of Us 2 will probably do so also.

Days Gone: Simply massive, overwhelming amount of promotion with tons of ads before release and a ridiculous amount of gameplay footage. Sold well but was from a popular genre.

Death Stranding: Bizarre imagery trailers for several years with no hints at the actual game for a while, then a full reveal of gameplay two months before release and extremely aggressive advertising afterward. Did not sell very well but was a very weird game with a mixed reception.

Dreams: No promotion whatsoever, sold badly. Difficult to say which direction was causal though as Dreams' metrics were always bad.

Detroit Become Human: Decent bit of promotion, did fine.

God of War: Went very quiet for a long while after its long gameplay reveal, but resurfaced two months before launch with a ton of promotion for those two months. Obviously did incredibly well.
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Oct 26, 2017
I'm guessing this is the case and they just can't give Ghost of Tsushima more than a month of breathing room (because otherwise is getting way too close to the PS5 launch).
The PS5 will be backward compatible so release closer to the PS5 shouldn't be an issue. In fact Sony better announce something similar to what MS is doing with the enhanced version of XO games for the Series X. I could imagine this game getting a patch to enable higher framerate and other graphical feature.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know why people on this forum think that marketing for a product should start so far out for everything. The game doesn't come out for another what 8 weeks. Chill, you usually will see more about a month from launch.


Oct 1, 2018
There's always concern trolling about Sony first party games. It's like clockwork. I was just talking about this on another thread, so I'll put some of the past narratives here as well:

Uncharted 4: unnecessary sequel with shoehorned brother.

Horizon: no way the game will look/play as good in reality as it did in the promos.

God of War: Sony only makes sad bearded dad sims now.

Spider-Man: Puddlegate

Days Gone: zombie fatigue (while hypocritically hyping up Resident Evil 2)

The Last of Us 2: where to even begin lol. This will be the Last Jedi moment, concern trolling over dogs, SJW agenda, yada yada yada
When you put it that way...


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I still convinced there's some weird sci-fi twist


Oct 25, 2017
New York City
Yeah, I feel like I don't know shit about how the game plays. It's very pretty, but I need extended gameplay footage and in-depth explanations on how the combat system and game economy works.


Self-requested ban
Apr 9, 2018
What campaign? They'll start to advertise it closer to launch like they're about to start doing for TLOU2


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
or maybe...their games sell because their marketing is actually effective and posters on this message board are largely out of touch with what is and isn't effective marketing?

nah can't be that.

Ah i see you couldn't respond without being snarky and condescending for no fucking reason. Seems to be the only way people know how to act on this site.
Oct 26, 2017
And how is some peoole asking for preview events, etc... Under current covid circumstances?

They obviously can't do a preview event so they're going to eventually have to do a guided gameplay walkthrough video that explains mechanics as a guy from Sucker Punch plays through a section that shows off various things in the game.
Oct 25, 2017
There has been almost no gameplay released for the game in the nearly 2 years since its reveal. The gameplay we did see looked interesting, but we also have no indication on how the game's HUD works, how the actual combat will work, as what we saw looked very much scripted, and we have very little understanding of the general structure of the game.

It's not "concern trolling" to think Sony is handling the trailers and advertising for this game strangely when it releases in barely over two months. Yes, COVID probably changed some elements of their marketing plans, but that doesn't mean it's any less strange how Sony has chosen to tease gameplay.

Le Dude

May 16, 2018
I don't know what the issue is. Covid changed all plans. They cannot do a regular press hands on anymore. They are also trying to figure out how to advertise the game.
Even so, things didn't really close down until just about three months before the original planned release date. That's cutting it a little close even if they were planning something before the shutdown.
We've seen far more gameplay of Tsushima than Halo or even Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

Doesn't seem that strange to me.
Those are both massively well-known IPs. Better comparisons would be Days Gone, Horizon Zero Dawn, Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, etc . . .


Oct 25, 2017
There has been almost no gameplay released for the game in the nearly 2 years since its reveal. The gameplay we did see looked interesting, but we also have no indication on how the game's HUD works, how the actual combat will work, as what we saw looked very much scripted, and we have very little understanding of the general structure of the game.

It's not "concern trolling" to think Sony is handling the trailers and advertising for this game strangely when it releases in barely over two months. Yes, COVID probably changed some elements of their marketing plans, but that doesn't mean it's any less strange how Sony has chosen to tease gameplay.
What if the whole plan originally was to start the marketing push like in March, a little after the original TLOU2 date?


Oct 27, 2017
They probably were gonna ramp up the promotion / marketing after TLOU2 releases and then COVID and the delays happened
Oct 25, 2017
What if the whole plan originally was to start the marketing push like in March, a little after the original TLOU2 date?
It's possible, but considering they released that brief stroy trailer in mid-March, I'm confused as to what the timeline on that was actually looking like, especially because they had just released a sort of story trailer back in December at The Game Awards


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it is particularly "strange", it isn't the only AAA game Sony has been very tight-lipped about and stingy with gameplay footage before release.

I of course wished they'd show more new gameplay and I assume they will in the next several weeks. :)


Oct 26, 2017
It feels like Days Gone and it's honestly a little worrying because the game seems interesting.

Days Gone sold millions of copies.

Honestly, games barely exist in the minds of most people until very close to launch. They might do a big marketing push in the weeks leading up to it. I'm sure sales expectations are moderate compared to TLOU2 so it's not surprising it doesn't have the same level of exposure.

Slim Action

Jul 4, 2018
Days Gone never got an official acknowledgement from Sony about how well it sold, but we know it sold pretty well.

They probably should have shown more Ghost of Tsushima gameplay by now but I'm sure they will soon, I'm not worried about the game.


Tries to be a positive role model
Apr 30, 2019
There's always concern trolling about Sony first party games. It's like clockwork. I was just talking about this on another thread, so I'll put some of the past narratives here as well:

Uncharted 4: unnecessary sequel with shoehorned brother.

Horizon: no way the game will look/play as good in reality as it did in the promos.

God of War: Sony only makes sad bearded dad sims now.

Spider-Man: Puddlegate

Days Gone: zombie fatigue (while hypocritically hyping up Resident Evil 2)

The Last of Us 2: where to even begin lol. This will be the Last Jedi moment, concern trolling over dogs, SJW agenda, yada yada yada

They all have something in common:
They all succeeded and were some of the best games released this gen. Excluding TLoU2 which isn't out yet but if I'd put big money on TLoU2 being another smash hit

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I'm guessing this is the case and they just can't give Ghost of Tsushima more than a month of breathing room (because otherwise is getting way too close to the PS5 launch).
Which to me is honestly stupid since they are such different games. But Sony's marketing team wants to do it this way so there really isn't anything we can do about it.
Oct 29, 2017
Valhalla is a really bad comparison. It was revealed last week and isn't releasing til the end of the year. Ghost has been announced for more than two years I believe and is releasing in two months. We are like 95% of the way through Ghosts reveal to release cycle and only 5% of the way through Valhalla's.

We also know much more about how Valhalla's open world works. That's my main complain about GoT. The trailers would've been enough for a linear game like TLoU but for an open world they need to show more. Horizons world and lore was right up my alley and I love it so much, but that game was a disappointment for many precisely because these days most open world games are built on the Ubisoft 101. There is a high chance that GoT will suffer from the same fate.

All the worrying is completely warranted. It's understandable that they don't want to push the marketing with TLoU around the corner but I still have no idea ifI should buy this game or not.

Also LOL at people who think this only happens to Sony titles. It happens to every new AAA IP release.


Oct 29, 2017
We haven't seen a proper gameplay video of the game and it's out in a couple of months. Infamous Second Son had so many gameplay videos and impressions well before launch. It actually makes me worried that Sucker Punch is hiding something. Either that or Sony is just not concerned about the title getting enough marketing. Maybe the preorder numbers were really good where they thought they would save money? Not sure. We can only speculate at this point.
Infamous was released at the very beginning of the gen with a low install base. It's a totally different dynamic now and I think they're very confident about their numbers now.

Tiago Rodrigues

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 15, 2018
I honestly believe Covid 19 changed all their plans. I really think the latest TLOU2 trailer was about to be dropped when they delayed the game (same day they gave us pictures exactly from this trailer) and things have been weird since then. I'm sure after TLOU2 we're getting all focus on this game.


Oct 26, 2017
We also know much more about how Valhalla's open world works. That's my main complain about GoT. The trailers would've been enough for a linear game like TLoU but for an open world they need to show more Horizons world and lore was right up my alley and I love it so much, but that game was a disappointment for many precisely because these days most open world games are built on the Ubisoft 101. There is a high chance that GoT will suffer from the same fate.

All the worrying is completely warranted. It's understandable that they don't want to push the marketing with TLoU around the corner but I still have no idea ifI should buy this game or not.

Also LOL at people who think this only happens to Sony titles. It happens to every new AAA IP release.

The game sold over 10 million copies, has an 89 meta rating was eras number 2 GOTY behind BoTW, who exactly was disappointed?
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