
Oct 27, 2017
I do love the shot in the trailer where the ghost are coming down from the mountain in that purple colour like the original such a good shot


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I don't really hold much nostalgia for the first two movies so this just doesn't do it for me since it seems be almost entirely some kind of nostalgia trip.


Drive-in Mutant
Nov 18, 2017
They're all in it bar Ramis for obvious reasons, it just remains how much they're in it for.

This looks so good and hits all the right notes for me, cannot wait.
The rumor is that at least Murray dons a proton pack again. He did an interview like two years ago talking about how he forgot how heavy they were.


Oct 27, 2017
That looks pretty good. That is probably the "right" tone for a sequel like this. There is literally no recapturing the tone of the originals. Movies like that aren't fucking made any more, and I don't know how you try and do it without seeming weird and cheesy. So, you might as well go for the heartfelt nostalgia cheese.

I don't know what to make of this. There is potential here, but I am mildly concerned. Some of the CGI looks really spotty in this trailer.
Also, if they get Aykroyd to do a cameo, but not Murray, I will be even more conflicted.

I think they're all here. I expected Ray to be more than a cameo. Not like, the main star or anything, but I assume he's going to be this movie's version of Han Solo from Force Awakens, in a way.

The Bookerman

Oct 25, 2017
Why would any company continue to brand their marshmallows with the stay puff brand after what happened in 1984.... that's my question.

Otherwise I'm in :P


Oct 27, 2017
I don't really hold much nostalgia for the first two movies so this just doesn't do it for me since it seems be almost entirely some kind of nostalgia trip.

I don't have huge nostalgia for the originals either, but because of that I'm kind of interested. Like, it's spot the reference, and since I don't really hold any of these characters as childhood icons, I can just laugh at slimer.
Oct 27, 2017
Looks really by-the-numbers in terms of modern action movies and nostalgia mining, but that probably means it's less likely to misfire like Ghostbusters 2016.

Not entirely clear they remembered to make a comedy here either.


Oct 25, 2017
Looks great, almost like a Spielberg film (E.T. vibes aplenty). We'll see how it is being away from NYC.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
I knew that was slimer in the first trailer but they were obscuring it!

To the "this doesn't seem funny" crowd, I bet it's the way they cut this trailer.

At the very least, the kids chasing slimer all over town is going to have some laughs.


Oct 27, 2017
Really looking forward to this, I just hope it doesn't completely ignore GB 2. That movie is great too!
Also hope this doesn't get as much hate as the new He-Man show did since it's basically doing the same thing,

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
I hate that this exists purely because it's feeding right into the idiots that bitched, moaned, and got downright cruel over the 2016 film.

And fuck those guys, holy shit. Fuck them so much.

Edit: I know Sony owns Columbia Pictures but what the hell at that random PS5 controllers ad at the end?


Oct 27, 2017
I knew that was slimer in the first trailer but they were obscuring it!

To the "this doesn't seem funny" crowd, I bet it's the way they cut this trailer.

At the very least, the kids chasing slimer all over town is going to have some laughs.


That's not slimer, it's one of the new ghosts created for this movie.
Oct 27, 2017
They actually explained/handwaved that in the GB videogame (and Dan Aykroyd said it!), when Gozer came to Earth he was locked into the Destructor Form - Stay Puft.
That's right, I forgot that. It's fine honestly, it's not necessarily a bad thing (though it is with Pyramid Head) as long as there's some kind of acknowledgment. I bet they'll acknowledge why some of the familiar things are showing up here too then.


Nov 4, 2017
I knew that was slimer in the first trailer but they were obscuring it!

It's not Slimer according to the commentary on the trailer.
Apparently because audiences now like Slimer (due to the 80s cartoon) they wanted to get back to having a more gross monster. He's called Muncher.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm in. This trailer definitely tickled my childhood nostaglia.
Gozer's back. Guess it's a direct sequel to GB1.
I mean the first trailer already have
Shandor's company
, so it's no secret it's a follow up on GB1. I'll take that over GB2 in a grand scheme of things.


Oct 30, 2017
That looks like slimer to me. Slimer adjacent anyway. My point still stands, I'm sure there will be jokes aplenty in that sequence.
In the commentary for the trailer (lol) Reitman says it's like a slimer. Same type of ghost. Says that Slimer became the "Dalmatian of the firehouse" and people forgot he was "angry dude, and scary" which is absolutely correct.


Oct 25, 2017
I hate that this exists purely because it's feeding right into the idiots that bitched, moaned, and got downright cruel over the 2016 film.

And fuck those guys, holy shit. Fuck them so much.

Edit: I know Sony owns Columbia Pictures but what the hell at that random PS5 controllers ad at the end?
I mean, yeah, those haters can go pound sand.. but if this was a movie pivoting directly back to another comedy reboot, I could see that complaint. But unless this trailer is completely misleading, this is a totally different tone and style of movie than the original two. We're in the age of reboots and revivals, Ghostbusters was going to come back eventually. I'm glad they're trying something other than comedy with it.


Oct 25, 2017
Looks entertaining, but something I don't think will have lasting impact. I hope I am wrong, since I would love to see a sequel become a new modern classic, but I think this will end up in the pile of other fun but forgettable sequels along with Indianna Jones 4 and Jurassic World, rather than the pile with Mad Max Fury Road and Halloween (2018) etc.
Oct 27, 2017
RIGHT in the nostalgia ❤️ Looks amazing. I just want a Ghostbusters that calls back to the first two, and this looks like it'll do just that.


Oct 30, 2017
Looks like a lot of fun. I'm absolutely feeling it.

(Funny to see people saying it's a Stranger Things knockoff when Stranger Things is, y'know, a pastiche of countless knockoffs).


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
Looks entertaining, but something I don't think will have lasting impact. I hope I am wrong, since I would love to see a sequel become a new modern classic, but I think this will end up in the pile of other fun but forgettable sequels along with Indianna Jones 4 and Jurassic World, rather than the pile with Mad Max Fury Road and Halloween (2018) etc.

Sony would be fucking THRILLED if this ends up like Jurassic World. Lol.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
So did they accidentally open a gate to hell or did Egom burry the containment unit and it started to fail?