subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
You clearly haven't seen one of the Twitter threads.
Go argue it with the people on Twitter? Like, what is so difficult about holding Gordan Ramsey to the same standards as everyone else? Why are you so invested in protecting his image or him from criticism?

You're asking this in a day and age when it's been proven Russians are playing both sides on social media to cause social and political discontent and right wing twitter accounts have been digging up past Tweets to get people fired as directors from movies.

It's relevant.
That's whataboutism. Nice try.


Oct 25, 2017
Is Ramsay really "under fire?" I imagine he won't think twice about this whole thing.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeh I saw this clip last year. Made me genuinely uncomfortable watching it. Couldn't finish watching it. Still it was a long time ago. Things have changed thankfully. Not sure what beneficial outcome can come from pouring over this.

My biggest issue with Ramsay isn't this however. It's his manipulation of people with obvious mental disorders on kitchen nightmares.


Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes in our lust for outrage, we forget that the only person that can say if this was unwanted harassment or not is the victim which would be Sofia. We can't call this harassment because that's not how it works. We can say we think it looks bad or in poor taste, but to vilify someone for an 8 year old video is kinda silly. For all we know they hung out in the green room beforehand and really hit it off.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
What a crazy country you Americans live in.

Haha my group of friends who are primarily male call each other cunts in Mississippi, I won't claim to be anything other than an exception to avoid getting jumped on by other members but I doubt I'm in the only friend group in the US who does this.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
I asked:

Why does it matter? Does who brought up this behavior make the behavior OK? That seems weird.

In response to this:
I want to know the origins for how this "resurfaced" other than someone trying to stir the pot. Yes it's sexual harassment. No, it's not okay. Should his career suffer now because some people decided to make a deal out of it now?

You then said:

You're asking this in a day and age when it's been proven Russians are playing both sides on social media to cause social and political discontent and right wing twitter accounts have been digging up past Tweets to get people fired as directors from movies.

It's relevant.

I then said:

That's whataboutism. Nice try.

Because you didn't give a proper answer. You only talked about how Russians are dividing people therefore it could be like this alluding to the nature of the criticizer as a factor in the perps action.

You then said:

You asked, I didn't bring it up out of the blue. Nice try.

Yeah, I asked, and you didn't give a proper response but whataboutism.

I then said:
So then it does make whatever the person did OK if the person who brings it to light isn't a good person? Interesting.

To which you replied:
No, I'm calling out your bullshit accusation of whataboutism. You literally asked me. I'm done here. You're not good at this.

I don't get what is so difficult about saying, "Na, Gordan's actions are outside that of his criticizer."

Like, your original point was:

I want to know the origins for how this "resurfaced" other than someone trying to stir the pot.

As if that really matters to Gordan's behavior.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'm guessing there are a lot of people out there rewatching a ton of old late night shows and old news clips just looking for this kind of stuff right now. The internet is kind of fickle and goes through a lot of short "fads" but this won't be stopping any time soon considering how much material is out there to root through.


Oct 26, 2017
That whole segment seems like the three of them are just goofing around. Unless Vergara has something to say about this, it's a non-issue imho.


Oct 25, 2017
If enough people decide they want to make it a thing, maybe.

Guess what's that called? Outrage culture. Glad someone got "in" before the correct term was applied.

I suppose so. It comes off as corny, though. We can criticize old faux pas without artificially inflating the situation.

Deleted member 3815

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Gordon Ramsay has for better or worse always been offensive, it's basically a part of his image and brand.




Yeah I wouldn't take those at face value as they are played up for dramatic effect, even one of the shows outright states it and if you watch the UK version you can clearly see the difference.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
RKelly and X are trash but I think the public is jumping the gun on going after Kendrick. The first 3 artists Spotify targeted after learning Woke-Fu were Black artists, when the rock industry is littered with abusers. It was disingenuous on Spotify's part. You know damn well all they would have done was remove criminal or crass rappers and left all these rock legends alone. They're not removing John Lennon with a gun to their head. Either remove all abusers or fall back.

Great way of looking at it. Tons of trash people have music on Spotify.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
But where are all the articles about this segment back when it aired? Why eight years later is this coming to light? I probably shouldn't use that term coming to light since this aired on national TV and was seen by millions at that point, and probably millions more over the past eight years. Why now?
Because society gave less of a shit about stuff like that then, we weren't in middle of a surge of women coming forward to say how prevalent that sort of thing was, and the women that were there were few ready to listen. It didn't make it right, it wasn't right to do at the time. Things change, and now we're in a time where we're more willing to listen to women and hold people accountable for their actions.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017

At one point, Vergara appears to yell "ese tipo no respeta," which translates to "this guy does not respect me" after he insults a dessert she brings on the show. She pretends to hit him and Ramsay turns around to be spanked, which makes the actress even madder.

Towards the end of the clip, the chef smacks her on her upper thigh/bottom area and Vergara says "No! No touching!"

This isn't in the OP, to provide some more context.
I'm just waiting for "outrage culture" to be posted.
Hey check it out
Guess what's that called? Outrage culture. Glad someone got "in" before the correct term was applied.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
That shit is tame compared to the type of shit that is said in a dinner service on the line
I've worked in restaurants before and you're right, there's a lot of this sort of toxicity, not everywhere but it's prevalent. All the more reason to shine a light on it so things can change, nobody should be talked to that way. It just being the "way things are" isn't like an excuse.


Oct 25, 2017
I've worked in restaurants before and you're right, there's a lot of this sort of toxicity, not everywhere but it's prevalent. All the more reason to shine a light on it so things can change, nobody should be talked to that way. It just being the "way things are" isn't like an excuse.
If I was say the head chef at a certain IHOP I know I would give them absolute shit for the garbage they serve at certain times.

Dog of Bork

Oct 25, 2017
I've worked in restaurants before and you're right, there's a lot of this sort of toxicity, not everywhere but it's prevalent. All the more reason to shine a light on it so things can change, nobody should be talked to that way. It just being the "way things are" isn't like an excuse.
That show literally exists to display that "toxicity" (it's a work).


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017


Nov 11, 2017
The fuck with him constantly talking about her breasts, repeatedly saying how she should be careful moving around so much or she will knock herself out.


Alt account
Jan 8, 2019
Just another sleazy man. I went to one of his restaurant in Vegas and tried out his signature dish Beef Wellington, it was meh...
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
And no one is thinking to ask Sofia about this? Her voice don't matter at all huh? We are all deciding for her how she should think and feels about the whole thing, right here, including the media.


Oct 26, 2017
I feel like the current atmosphere of assault and harassment being uncovered people have completely forgotten that women can enjoy and be in on sexual jokes as well, and that's 100% okay. Women aren't fragile waifs to be protected from any perceived insult to their honor. If Sofia Vergara thought that Gordon Ramsey was being out of line then she should be empowered to say so, but third parties shouldn't assume she was offended, especially third parties on Twitter or ResetEra who don't know her at all.


Oct 27, 2017
That was a yes or no question. You don't fucking touch/slap a woman's leg, it doesn't matter if it's "devious" by your standards.

Are you serious? Touching someone in nondevious manner isn't sexual assault. He didn't just harass some random person on the street it's a playfull interview. People touch each other. It's normal human interaction. If a friend walked up to me and put their hand on my shoulder or slapped my leg at someting I said I don't immediately think stop think it's assault.


Oct 27, 2017
This shouldn't have been okay then
But a lot of stuff was. Saying it shouldn't have been doesn't change that. Ten-fifteen years ago it was often socially acceptable to make derogatory gay jokes and use the f word. Watch any comedy from that era if you don't believe me. That really sucks but it's also the reality of how things were and now thanks to public discussion and education that kind of behavior isn't tolerated anymore.

An injustice doesn't become just just because of the passage of time.
Well that's relative to the moral framework you are using, but moral justice can only be derived from value systems - so you see the problem here right? Value systems are inherently subjective and evolving. So it follows that people from different periods in time doesn't have access to the same values and thus have different ideas about the morality of things. It might seem like a decade is barely enough time to make any difference but it actually is, especially since social media wasn't that much of a thing then.
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Penny Royal

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
QLD, Australia
Under fire from whom? Twitter?

Ok, just read the article and the comments are from anonymous 'users' so I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say someone at E! combed YT for suitable vids, wrote the article and added made up quotes about people being outraged at the end.

However, some viewers aren't smiling about the footage today. "I recently made a post on my finsta about gordon ramsay's work before seeing his disrespect and general slimy behavior towards sofia vergara," one person tweeted. "No longer a fan."
"Sofia Vergara didn't deserve to be treated like this. This is very very uncomfortable," another viewer added.

"This is awful behaviour and shame on a Jay Leno for not stepping in as well," a third tweet read.

Tabloids have been doing this shit for years, my favourite example being the UK Daily Mirror quoting 'Worried kebab chiefs' in an article about pitta bread shortages.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
But a lot of stuff was. Saying it shouldn't have been doesn't change that. Ten-fifteen years ago it was often socially acceptable to make derogatory gay jokes and use the f word. Watch any comedy from that era if you don't believe me. That really sucks but it's also the reality of how things were and in my experience most people grew out of it as society changed.
I have seen enough old comedy. Whether it be Eddie Murphy or whoever. I am guilty of saying shitty hurtful stuff myself. The difference is I'm not going to defend it, excuse it, or just shrug and say "that was the era" and leave it at that. It was me being a fucking dick, and even if I wasn't trying to be malicious, it doesn't matter. Call that shit what it is. And all I can do is try and be better than that shitty person I was.

Why is it so important to people in this thread to brush away that shit as "of the era" and not be critical of the people involved? Why is it too much to check and see if Ramsay is the same person he was who did this, and see if he's just going to excuse himself of it? Because we have seen plenty of people, when faced with their own past bullshit, go on to defend it and act like they did nothing wrong.
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Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
I'm aware, I was speaking about restaurant culture and what you would hear behind the line of a busy dinner service.

What do you suggest we do? Creating fines for people swearing bad stuff in the kitchen? Rules? Regulations that people shouldn't be allowed be mad in the kitchen?

The kitchen is a place where a group of people is working under intense pressure while near constant source of sharp things and heat/fire, of course people are going to be pissed off in so many different ways if things go wrong. It's just its own thing, and I honestly don't see how we can ever manage to change that 'culture', except maybe just replace all the humans in the kitchen with robots or something.
Nov 19, 2017
Of course dudes out here defending their gender. These 'boys will be boys' moments all add to a culture of sexism, objectification and entitlement.
Don't be cowards, call this shit out.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol at people quoting hells kitchen, an american reality tv show, as a representation of Gordon Ramsay. That shit is scripted and heavily played up for ratings folks.


Oct 30, 2017
Looking forward to many more instances of years-old media being "resurfaced" to stir shit. Great trend we've got going here.