
Oct 31, 2017
Put it this way. If she did use this power it would create a bigger crisis than the one we are trying to avert. You cannot have a constitutional monarchy where the monarch can intervene. And you wouldn't want to have one because you are then operating at the whim of the monarch. We fought a civil way to curb the power of the monarch and asking her to intervene in the democratic process, just because you don't like the result of that process, would take us back to the days of Charles I. And the upshot of that would be chaos, absolute chaos. Who is on control of the country? Are we even a democracy anymore? You can believe that the Queen has the power to intervene as much you like but she will never do it. Not for any reason. Because her right to do so was surrendered hundreds of years ago. This whole debate is a complete distraction from the actual matter at hand.

But if you had a true democracy with a President that could intervene in the parliament then this could've been stopped without the country needing a civil war. There are elected means in other countries to oversee the parliament.


Mar 18, 2018
Seen shitloads of ads for joining the army recently, here in Glasgow. They're definitely trying to bolster numbers for whatever reason.

That's actually probably more to do with the Army having low recruitment numbers and increasing their advertisement in general. Everytime I watch Freeview TV there's at least 1 Navy or Air Force advert on.
Oct 25, 2017
Parliament wouldn't agree on anything Boris could offer, and thus derailing his plans for an exit of the EU. Makes sense why he'd want to get around them.

What's the alternative? An election and another referendum on Brexit? And what if Leave wins again? What if Remain wins, how is that democratic?

Every option is shit.

If Leave wins a second ref, then we leave. It's not that hard. It's just leave would actually be defined this time without pie in the sky bullshit.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, what can I do about it. It's your mess, you fucked up, you clean up.
Europe tried to help you avoid the shit for the past 3 years, you refused it all.
My guy, don't judge the entire UK over this stupidity. They're victims of this. That line of thinking is hardly better than the "all immigrants are bad!!!" thinking that led to this in the first place. Have some empathy ffs


Oct 31, 2017
True but then how do Scotland get out of this mess without one.

A political party that has independence in the agenda needs to win an election with a concrete plan on how to do it.

The world is too complicated to be decided with multiple choice questions by people that are, the majority, not informed enough to make that decision.


Oct 27, 2017
An MP was shot and stabbed to death in the UK, and the guy who pulled the trigger was giving it typical Brexiteer propaganda during it. Boris Johnson is the guy who crafted the image of the big bad EU through his journalism career, and hes been stoking the fires of anti-EU and anti-immigration beliefs his whole life otherwise. He's definitely complicit in her murder.
Ok, but he wasn't killed by a member of a fascist police Corp.
Man things are bad rn.

Boy Wander

Alt Account
Oct 29, 2017
What are you doing....choosing not to use power for *checks watch* 310 years doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I agree the distinction is close to irrelevant but she legally has the power to do it.

I'll say it again - choosing to refuse the PM is the more democratic option than agreeing to it. She'd be doing us all a favour.

I'd bet the Queen is actually really pissed off with the whole thing. She didn't really have any choice to accept the guidance of her PM but still there will be headlines stating "Queen suspended parliament". I hope Boris hasn't ever harboured ambitions of getting a knighthood because that ain't going to happen.


Oct 25, 2017
Parliament wouldn't agree on anything Boris could offer, and thus derailing his plans for an exit of the EU. Makes sense why he'd want to get around them.

What's the alternative? An election and another referendum on Brexit? And what if Leave wins again? What if Remain wins, how is that democratic?

Every option is shit.

Negotiate a deal. Put the deal to the people with remain being the alternative. It really is (should be that simple).

You've asked the electorate in the vaguest possible terms "do you want to leave the EU?" and they've said "yes". So you then agree the terms of that departure, go back to the electorate and say "this is what leaving looks like/means, do you still want to go through with it?" That is, at least, how it should have gone, but the well is poisoned too much at this point for that to come to pass.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017

I think what the US president is saying, is that Boris Johnson is exactly what he has been looking for, a compliant Prime Minister who will hand Britain's public services and protections over to US corporations in a free trade deal.


Oct 27, 2017
But if you had a true democracy with a President that could intervene in the parliament then this could've been stopped without the country needing a civil war. There are elected means in other countries to oversee the parliament.

That's what the house of lords and supreme court is for. The house of lords can't intervene in this even because no bill has been passed. The supreme court may be able to overule the advice given to the Queen and change her ruling. Parliament is not the problem anyway, parliament is the solution. The problem is that parliament is being sidestepped by what amounts to a delaying tactic in the context of an event that will happen at a certain time unless a law is passed to stop it.


Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
Don't to reckless things man.
We crawled back from terrible war and where able to make things better in the long run, those people un power right now are just passing by, they aren't eternal.

I can't see why not. The fascists have pretty much won with this move.

Once brexit hits and nothing gets better, it only gets worse, who is next to get blamed? The Muslims, the jews, the disabled, the LGBT, the racial minorities.

I'm two of those things, so I've got a huge bullseye on my back now anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd bet the Queen is actually really pissed off with the whole thing. She didn't really have any choice to accept the guidance of her PM but still there will be headlines stating "Queen suspended parliament". I hope Boris hasn't ever harboured ambitions of getting a knighthood because that ain't going to happen.

The Queen will no doubt be furious at being dragged into this for exactly this reason.
Nov 28, 2017
Who do you think you're talking about when you say "you"?
Well, of course, the people who voted for Brexit, not you personally or probably any British here on ERA.
But Theresa May gave you an out to cancel it all by going to election, and "you" still kept her and her Brexit loving buddies.

You could shut the fuck up and not tell us your blase view about the return of terrorism to Northern Ireland and the imminent death of some of the most vulnerable people in the UK.

Not posting is always an option.
It's an option, but I do have a right to express my views here and I'm using it. Again, nobody in Europe wanted UK to leave, but you democratically chose to fuck over N. Ireland and vulnerable people, not us in Europe. I truly wish that your PM decides to drop the whole Brexit deal, but it seems that he will not. It's out of our hands, all the cards are in your hands.

I feel like I've seen this attitude a few times from Americans and some continental Europeans...I'm sure it's lovely to simplify it down to this, but the impact of a no-deal Brexit on Ireland (Republic of) is absolutely massive. So how about no, we keep working on it until the last moment to avoid a fucking disaster.
I know, I hope you do avoid it. But to me it seems that Boris is running the show. Sure, Brexit will be a huge loss for Europe and especially on Ireland, we never wanted that, but your PM seems happy to jump off the cliff, and nobody has any idea or courage to stop him.

I just feel the most sorry for Scotland, I really hoped they would vote for independence.


Nov 4, 2017
I can't see why not. The fascists have pretty much won with this move.

Once brexit hits and nothing gets better, it only gets worse, who is next to get blamed? The Muslims, the jews, the disabled, the LGBT, the racial minorities.

I'm two of those things, so I've got a huge bullseye on my back now anyway.

Goddamnit, I'm sorry, if you want to talk about it I'm happy to listen. It can be depressing, I can relate. I'm gonna fight it as best I can personally, but I still dread the outcome. Society's bounced back from hell before though, once, even though I never was alive or fully aware enough to remember anything getting better. We gotta be the change, and beat the fascists back into their holes again.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't see why not. The fascists have pretty much won with this move.

Once brexit hits and nothing gets better, it only gets worse, who is next to get blamed? The Muslims, the jews, the disabled, the LGBT, the racial minorities.

I'm two of those things, so I've got a huge bullseye on my back now anyway.
Or the fascist get beaten once again and we start to make things better.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
That's how a majority vote works though.

You're not wrong, but the referendum was a binary choice, and was in principle supposed to be advisory. That doesn't mean the actions following the referendum of our representatives had to be one of those two choices 100% of the way.

If there were adults in the room, and they had to make a decision where a compromise is absolutely possible, and 52% of people want one thing and 48% the other, you do your best to compromise. You don't go scorched earth in one direction.

Outright remaining was never really the best option to appease as many as possible, but neither should going full stupid hard brexit. I wouldn't like it, but I'd accept Mays shitty deal or something similar as a compromise.


Oct 25, 2017
Ruth Davidson is to quit as the leader of the Conservatives in Scotland, according to a report in the Scottish Sun.

Quoting 'insiders,' it says that she is to step down "due to the pressures of motherhood."

Translation: Davidson can't support her party's bullshit but still bleeds blue like every other Tory scumbag so won't criticise them openly.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm pretty rapidly losing faith in democracy as a concept after Brexit and the Trump administration. Democracy isn't something so special that it must be protected at all costs if the people using it are suicide-pilling their own nations out of open, racist spite.

At least it shows (AGAIN) how bad FPTP systems are. The world is paying the price now with Trump and his posse of deregulation cronies and Brexit.


Oct 25, 2017
Then... why even make it a choice? Jesus fuck, with politics like that it's no wonder that a bunch of insane people can lead the country to self destruction. :/
But the alternative is basically saying that the government's democracy is fake, because the royal family can just step in and overrule it whenever they please.

This seems like an emergency, but a precedent will have been set.


Oct 31, 2017
Democracy can only function if people trust the press and if the press is truthful and does their job.

Misinformation and the death of journalism are killing democracy. People can't vote well if they are easily deceived and if there's no source of truth.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You're not wrong, but the referendum was a binary choice, and was in principle supposed to be advisory. That doesn't mean the actions following the referendum of our representatives had to be one of those two choices 100% of the way.

If there were adults in the room, and they had to make a decision where a compromise is absolutely possible, and 52% of people want one thing and 48% the other, you do your best to compromise. You don't go scorched earth in one direction.

Outright remaining was never really the best option to appease as many as possible, but neither should going full stupid hard brexit. I wouldn't like it, but I'd accept Mays shitty deal or something similar as a compromise.

The WA managed to be the one thing where everyone more or less agrees on. It wasn't good and it satisfied no one in the UK.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm pretty rapidly losing faith in democracy as a concept after Brexit and the Trump administration. Democracy isn't something so special that it must be protected at all costs if the people using it are suicide-pilling their own nations out of open, racist spite.

First Past the Post (FPTP) is what's broken.
Proportional representation is difficult, but is as close to democratic as you can get.


Oct 25, 2017
Boris is doing it on purpose, counting on the fact that he'll be stopped somehow. Then he'll look like a thwarted hero to all the extreme Brexit nutters.

The problem arises if he isn't stopped, he then accidentally has to follow through. Like Trump winning the election.


Oct 25, 2017
How is the queen even allowed a decision here. What a complete and utter joke.


Oct 29, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
Democracy can only function if people trust the press and if the press is truthful and does their job.

Misinformation and the death of journalism are killing democracy. People can't vote well if they are easily deceived and if there's no source of truth.
It's pretty sickening seeing all the BBC presenters covering this with their usual attempts at a 50/50 balance. It's like them equivocating on the gas chambers. No, sometimes something is absolutely wrong and an affront to decency and everything we are supposed to stand for, and this is one of those moments. No fucking balance with these fascist cunts should be tolerated and every single presenter and journalist should be on our page because if they are not they are complicit with making this bullshit acceptable.


Oct 28, 2017
What's your alternative?
Does he need to supply an alternative. I mean his observation is a valid one. Democracy works if everyone plays by the rules but between trump and Boris it seems that you don't even have to play by the rules , hell you dont even have to tell the truth. If you say what everyone wants to hear then everyone will be more than eager to look away from your faults.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there not a provision in the Good Friday Agreement about the potential for a return or something?
It's possible, if Northern Ireland and the Republic both want it I guess. It won't happen peacefully anytime soon though. The difficulty will be the ability of the Northern Irish to demonstrate democratically that intention with the devolved assembly in the stat it's in.


Oct 27, 2017
Does he need to supply an alternative. I mean his observation is a valid one. Democracy works if everyone plays by the rules but between trump and Boris it seems that you don't even have to play by the rules , hell you dont even have to tell the truth. If you say what everyone wants to hear then everyone will be more than eager to look away from your faults.
Counter argument, imagine people like Boris and Trump with even more power in a non democratic form of government.
Nov 9, 2017
Constitutionally, there wasn't much else she could do.

All this blaming the person, and not the entire rotten, outdated system - it makes no sense.

I think people are saying a better system than the current "Monarchy", might have prevented this. I am not so sure TBH, people seem to be saying the majority don't want Brexit but most voting/polling results seem to indicate the majority actually do want it.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
The WA managed to be the one thing where everyone more or less agrees on. It wasn't good and it satisfied no one in the UK.
And no deal does?

If they don't want no deal, and they don't like the deal negotiated by the UK's representatives within the UK's red lines (that also weren't on the ballot) then the UK should have changed *it's* position to get a deal MPs and the people could support. They should have asked for extensions to article 50 to make that happen, and all indicators are that the EU would have agreed to that.

Instead the PM (and many others) are just shouting at the EU for being unreasonable, when the deal is something the UK's representatives agreed on already.

Maybe you think the UK's representatives shouldn't have agreed on that deal. But again, that's on the UK.
Oct 27, 2017
Does he need to supply an alternative. I mean his observation is a valid one. Democracy works if everyone plays by the rules but between trump and Boris it seems that you don't even have to play by the rules , hell you dont even have to tell the truth. If you say what everyone wants to hear then everyone will be more than eager to look away from your faults.

Boris is playing by the rules though? How is he not? I don't like it at all obviously but he can only do this because the rules say he can.