
Oct 25, 2017

You can almost imagine the reality-show excitement that surely went into the ill-considered plan to introduce Anne Sacoolas, the American diplomatic wife who killed 19-year-old motorcyclist Harry Dunn when she drove down the wrong side of an English lane in August, to Dunn's grieving parents. Sacoolas left the U.K. in early September under diplomatic-immunity protections and has not been seen in public since.

The Dunn family, now in the United States to drum up support to send Sacoolas back to the U.K. to face justice, had accepted an "urgent" invitation by the White House from National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, to visit Donald Trump in Washington, D.C. Trump, it seems, thought he could convince the Dunns to meet the woman who killed their son, and would do so by opening a side door through which she would walk. The whole scene would be captured by a pool of photographers who had been summoned for the meeting.

But the Dunns would have none of it and refused to meet her. Dunn family spokesman Radd Seiger said that the family felt "ambushed" when the "bombshell" was dropped that Sacoolas was next door.

They had envisioned meeting her one day, but as Seiger told The Daily Beast, "only on British soil" and "only with mediators, counselors, and their legal team in tow."

In a statement on the Dunn's Justice4Harry GoFundMe page, Seiger explained what happened. "The family had four surprises yesterday," he wrote. "Firstly, being invited to the White House in the first place which came right out of the blue."

In fact, Dunn's father Tim had suggested on CBS News earlier in the day that he would like to meet the president "man to man, father to father" to plead with him to send Sacoolas back to face justice.

Seiger said the second surprise was that they had not expected to actually meet the president in person. But the third was the doozy.

"Thirdly that Mrs. Sacoolas was present in the building and fourthly that it was the president's intention for Harry's family to meet Mrs. Sacoolas in the Oval Office in front of several photographers in what was obviously designed to be a press call," Seiger wrote in his statement.

The Dunn family blames National Security Adviser O'Brien for the misstep. "It struck us that this meeting was hastily arranged by nincompoops on the run and in particular Mr. O'Brien, who appeared to be extremely uptight and aggressive and did not come across at all well in this meeting which required careful handling and sensitivity," Seiger wrote. "The family remain open to the possibility of meeting Mrs. Sacoolas one day in the future but in a neutral and appropriately controlled environment."

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Jul 19, 2018
Can't believe they didn't go for it. Would've made such a lovely clip, saccharine music over the top while they all hugged and cried.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these people? (who thought this was a good idea, I mean)

Instant Vintage

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
*Edited my previous comment, however the following point still stands for me.*

You ignorant motherfucker, why did you think I would want to meet my son's killer (in this capacity)? You dumb fuck.
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Oct 27, 2017
Unlike Trump to turn everything into a fanfare about how fantastic he is.

FFS, these people had just lost their 19 year old son.

FWIW, they DO want to meet her, but on British soil, when they finial deport her murdering ass.


Oct 25, 2017
This is what you would expect a sociopath's approximation of humanity to be.


Oct 25, 2017
This is one of those situations that is so outlandish and crazy that it's hard to truly contemplate how fucked up it all is. Like, WHAT?


Oct 27, 2017
Trump probably thought this could be a moment like Botham Jean's brother hugging his killer.


Oct 25, 2017
It both amazes and frightens me at how absolutely stupid the Trump admin. Maybe they can start introducing victims to the priests who abused them in front of a pool of journalists.


Oct 31, 2017
Jesus Christ, how crass do you have to be to use the parents of a son killed by a diplomat's wife as a goddamn press event?

That's low, even considering who did it. Has he no shame?


Alt account
Sep 9, 2019
It's all just one big reality show moment to Trump. Fuck that guy and all of his enablers.

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
Forced forgiveness photo-op with Trump as the great uniter was the obvious plan here. However, that shit only works on trashy staged TV talk shows...

...which is exactly why Trump thought it would.


Oct 17, 2018
Trinidad and Tobago
I suppose Trump was willing to try ANYTHING to get some good press

Too bad he's so morally bankrupt that he couldn't realize how messed up it was. Similarly everyone else around him too who helped plan this, it seems


Oct 25, 2017
You'd think there would be atleast one person with a slither of empathy to talk this cunt out of doing that.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd exclaim what the hell was wrong with them, but we already know.

I can't even imagine the emotions they were going through with this, probably even being enraged and insulted at feeling taken advantage of by being invited to the white house, only to have this revealed to them. God damn it.


Mar 4, 2018
I'm dreading the day I find out how this country manages to minimize this maudlin excess, this pathological callousness that runs so deep it seems to be genuine incomprehension of the human element, how it manages to paper over not just the big atrocities, but the little displays of an utterly benighted SOUL in this man so many follow.
Oct 25, 2017
What's Fox News got to say about this? Crickets?
Maybe they should run their tan suit Obama bit to show how classless the presidency was when a black person was in charge


Oct 27, 2017
Yo, honestly, it's a talent at this point. How does this guy always find a new way to sink lower than before? How??


Oct 27, 2017
This is heyday-level of Jerry Springer. Diplomacy has become a reality show? Trump is beyond a joke.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I guess at this point there's no one with any sense willing to work in the White House. What heartless fuckers