
Oct 26, 2017
Hmmm. I turned 40 this year and just left my wife about 1.5 years ago. I raise my 3 children mostly by myself with help from my mother. My ex wife basically sees her children 3 nights a month at this point. To say sex is as important to me as it once was would be a lie. It's not a stealth brag when I say I'm in great shape and could be having plenty of sex if I desired it. Gym 6 days a week, eat healthy, got visible abs ect.... I've never been one to partake in meaningless sex with girls I don't extremely care for. I need that connection because sex is more than physical to me. So I found my drive decrease to near nonexistent levels and just figured it would bounce back eventually. Nothing for over a year and I was perfectly content. Then I met a girl and the moment I started falling for her it felt like a dusty switch was turned on and now much of my thougts throughout the day involve being intimate with her. I've considered maybe I'm demi sexual and I might be? I've talked to friends about my nonexistent sex drive until I met her and many told me I need to go "get layed" to get out of the funk but that just doesn't sound appealing at all. Some believe because my new girlfriend is 11.5 years younger than me is the reason my drive came back but that is ridiculous. It's the connection I have with the person that made it return. Seems not many people I know can relate to how I feel.


Oct 27, 2017
Feels like a prison to have to think about sex all the fucking time. To be horny all the time seems even worse.
But we're all different. So make sure you find a person that kinda fits your needs/ drive.

Having said that, i really love sex with my girlfriend. Not about to give that up. But it's certainly not the most important spect of my relationship. Never was.

Darryl M R

The Spectacular PlayStation-Man
Oct 25, 2017
More power to people and their choices with their body.

I'm going to be over here catching cheeks like some of you all catch Ubers.


Oct 25, 2017
Grindr can be even worse. I can't tell you how many no fat/no fem/"fair skin only" (or whatever other dogwhistle they want to use) profiles I saw. Shit was downright toxic.

I do feel like a lot of media places an unhealthy amount of importance on sex, especially when it comes to virginity. I basically lied about my virginity through my teenage years because of how much shit you caught for still being a virgin in high school.


Oct 25, 2017
Feels like a prison to have to think about sex all the fucking time. To be horny all the time seems even worse.
But we're all different. So make sure you find a person that kinda fits your needs/ drive.

Having said that, i really love sex with my girlfriend. Not about to give that up. But it's certainly not the most important spect of my relationship. Never was.

I always thought I just never had much of a sex drive but It was then I found out that my longterm pain medications affect the body's hormone levels and I had been on them since I was 15. The doctor ordered testosterone injections and after about 3 months I stopped them as I couldn't take being that horny anymore. I went from almost never being horny to thinking about nothing else. It was awful.

I'd rather have the negative effects of low t than be that horny.
Oct 27, 2017
What world is that?!


Oct 27, 2017
I always thought I just never had much of a sex drive but It was then I found out that my longterm pain medications affect the body's hormone levels and I had been on them since I was 15. The doctor ordered testosterone injections and after about 3 months I stopped them as I couldn't take being that horny anymore. I went from almost never being horny to thinking about nothing else. It was awful.

I'd rather have the negative effects of low t than be that horny.
I often wondered if maybe i had low testosteron. But since i'm quite happy this way i never checked.


Dec 3, 2018
I was never more disappointed then the first time I had sex. All that relentless teasing I endured for being a virgin for so long. it's been nearly 10 years since I had sex and it doesn't bother me at all.


Dec 4, 2017
Hmm, I'm finding a huge increase of people just using the apps as an ego/self esteem boost and less desire to actually meet anyone. Those that are there to meet seem less inclined to have sex than in the past as well. Anecdotal, sure, but so is the article.

I agree though that there needs to be a better way for people without sexual desire to find their people.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm likely somewhere in the asexual spectrum. Like I can and have spent years without even dating and I'm not any more stressed or sad or whatever. It kind of blows my mind that sexual frustration is a thing.


Jan 11, 2018
It's been almost five years since I started describing myself as ace, and honestly it's such a huge relief. Normies still think it's weird, but I'm just glad to have resolved my personal relationship with sex and just throw the entire concept in the bin. In retrospect, the pressure to do it growing up was pretty heavy and contributed to the formation of some... unsavory attitudes.
Oct 25, 2017
I thought this was going to be as dumb as the recent NYTimes series where they had people "quitting" sex and relationships, so I'm happy there's a little more going on here.

For the people described in the article, it makes total sense to try and work on yourself before getting back into the swing of things. But it also feels like your problem isn't really sex if you can't self-actualize and require others' approval.

And then the other half of the article is people will low sex drive or asexuals realizing they are one of the above. Okay, but that's not really applicable advice for most people.


Oct 25, 2017
I have no desire to have sex whatsoever and I don't masturbate or whatever. I would like a sort of romantic, intimate relationship though, and it seems like you can't have that without the sex part, unfortunately.
I'm the same way, but don't have any interest in a romantic, non-physical relationship either

Oh well, more time for vidya


Oct 27, 2017
As a single person who's currently not having sex, it's not really a "relief" for me. But hey, everyone's different?
Oct 27, 2017
I always thought I just never had much of a sex drive but It was then I found out that my longterm pain medications affect the body's hormone levels and I had been on them since I was 15. The doctor ordered testosterone injections and after about 3 months I stopped them as I couldn't take being that horny anymore. I went from almost never being horny to thinking about nothing else. It was awful.

I'd rather have the negative effects of low t than be that horny.

what happened after you stopped them? Did your sex drive go back to non existent?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
My body is kinda pissed since it's been almost 3 months since sex. I'm much happier when it's a constant.


Oct 25, 2017
Bullshit on "it's grubhub easy." Maybe if you're lucky enough genetically, but chances are that you're average and average gets average results.

Plenty of average people are having sex. Stop pretending like it is some sort of magical formula that only the most attractive and genetically gifted have cracked.


Oct 30, 2017
You have to wonder how much of this is a sour grapes thing. Like, if you had hotties throwing themselves at you left and right, would celibacy still seem like a great option?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say probably not.


Aug 31, 2019
Everett, Washington
I'm the same age as you, and maybe I'm making assumptions here, but I'm guessing your wife probably returns the affection - which isn't the case for everyone. That constant desire isn't quite as fun when the odds of being able to actually fulfil it are extremely low.

It sounds like we're in a very similar boat: I'm still crazy for my wife and I'd happily have sex with her at least once a day. She'd be happier with a few times a year. Feeling the way I do isn't really an asset in that scenario, which is why I kind of wish I could just switch it off... at least for a little while.

Have you thought about seeing a sex therapist? It could possibly help in this regard.


Oct 27, 2017
West Columbia, SC
My current relationship we've been together for almost 5 years. When it comes to emotional needs hes probably been the best I've had to meet those needs. Sexual however is pretty nonexistent. Early on we were a little more active not by much though. Hes been working in South Korea for the last year so that explains that. We dont talk about it maybe we should but I believe he's possibily asexual and I'm ok with that but I'm not saying it isnt hard sometimes because I miss sex.


Oct 25, 2017
Might be more of a mental thing but my desire for sex after a 9 year relationship has been completely neutered, still love the living hell out of her and still find her attractive just my sex drive is almost non existent now. Yet I eat really well don't smoke or drink and do boxing 4-5 times a week, *shrugs* might go to the doctors and ask if its anything more.

Deleted member 60295

User requested account closure
Sep 28, 2019
Here's a perspective from a legitimate virgin: nah, I still want to fucking have sex in the future. But within a loving, healthy romantic relationship. Which is the biggest reason I'm still a virgin. Cause it's kind of hard to find people I'm interested in dating in one of the reddest states in the deep south. Haven't given up hope, though.

Also, as many people have already pointed out, one of the core premises of the article is bunk. It is not easier to have sex than ever before. Cause statistically, less of us are having sex than ever before. Life sucks for so many people our age, and we have little to no time and/or energy to scroll endlessly through dating apps and attempting to woo people we've never met in real life before. Hell, we barely even have time for recreational activities in general, so meeting potential partners in real life instead of on dating apps is equally hard, if not harder. That's late capitalism for ya.