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Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
As someone who plays Destiny and COD with a controller, the aim assist in this game is really strong.

this game is primarily played from the hip while those games are fall heavily on ADS. the hip fire aim assist in this game is no comparison to the assist you get ADSing in those games.


Mar 12, 2020
Halo wants to charge you $10-$20 per bundle for designs made a decade ago and want to sell you the exact same colors across "cores".

Apex lets players earn currency for free. Fortnite, Apex, and Warzone allow you to earn more than enough money in the battle pass to perpetually buy future battle passes after one $10 purchase, and then interact with the store.

Why isn't Halo doing a single thing better than the competition? Oh wait, the battle passes will never run out. Unfortunately you'll have to spend more money on those than the competition over time.
So because a skin existed in a separate game 10 years ago they're not allowed to sell it in the store of their brand new f2p game because…🤷🏻‍♂️

Oh I have issues with the fact we can't earn any currency whatsoever in the BP. The fact it doesn't expire is kinda moot when the season is six freakin months long.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
It's only so bad because halo always had great customization right from the get go. They cut it short for monetization which feels bad to everyone who always paid 60 for the game.

That's not even close to the only reason it's bad.

the monetization of customization aside, the challenge based progression system is flawed to the core. Like having to win 3 games of CTF, but only playing it 3 times in 20 searches, each time getting 3 teammates who don't care about winning because they have counter productive challenges of their own- it's just really frustrating as a player with no control over their own experience.

like, even if 343 didn't stand to make a dime from this system, it would still a god-awful way to define player progress

I've got to get 10 cindershot kills to finish my challenges this week. Haven't seen one in 4hrs of play today. Just happened to get spnkrs instead. Bad luck if the draw.

like, even if 343 didn't stand to make a dime from this system, it would still a god-awful way to define player progress


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
PC have a big advantage in CQC. They can also beam people with the pistol at ranges you wouldn't be able to land a hit on console.

Like I said in another post. The aim assist is most definitely bugged as well, to which degree and on which systems, I have no clue.

This vid highlights some of these things:

This is a great video, I didn't even realize it was so inconsistent. I really hope they consider improving aim assist, the current set up makes too much of a skill gap. They don't have to return to how it was in Halo 3, but somewhere in between that and where it is now would be nice, especially if they fixed the inconsistency.

Gravemind IV

Nov 26, 2017
This is a great video, I did even realize it was so inconsistent. I really hope they consider improving aim assist, the current set up makes too much of a skill gap. They don't have to return to how it was in Halo 3, but somewhere in between that and where it is now would be nice, especially if they fixed the inconsistency.

Agreed, I don't want heavy aim assist, I want it to be consistent. It varies hard between and in matches and across weapons which makes it a mess to figure out. There's nothing more infuriating to be on someone, make a small adjustment and then it goes completely haywire. That's extremely evident with the commando in close quarters.


Oct 26, 2017
PC have a big advantage in CQC. They can also beam people with the pistol at ranges you wouldn't be able to land a hit on console.

Like I said in another post. The aim assist is most definitely bugged as well, to which degree and on which systems, I have no clue.

This vid highlights some of these things:

Maybe it's the inconsistencies that are throwing me off. It feels like sometimes there is no aim assist at all, other times it's like I'm slinging a rocket around the moon's gravity and I fly right off.

Señor Sepia

Aug 2, 2020
This felt damn good - goal ine flag stop, against 4 players. I grabbed their flag, dropped it and repulsed it away (to slow down the cap), then returned our flag. This run led to the game winning cap in OT.

I actually like behemoth CTF btw

Behemoth CTF features a lot of cool stuff, the map is ass but it can be fun when using equipments.

They should release a smaller version of the map called Behemoth Lite making it more spartan friendly, smaller and without so many rocks, but keeping the bases and mid/bottom mid portion of the map

This is one of the best plays i have ever done in any halo game:

Watch bfaf1241-13c2-4dcf-a2f0-3f303dac44b3 | Streamable

Watch "bfaf1241-13c2-4dcf-a2f0-3f303dac44b3" on Streamable.

And this is one of my favourite uses of the grappleshot in the entire game, its an instant win if you use it properly:

Watch Halo Infinite 2021-12-05 21-19-40 | Streamable

Watch "Halo Infinite 2021-12-05 21-19-40" on Streamable.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
That's not even close to the only reason it's bad.

the monetization of customization aside, the challenge based progression system is flawed to the core. Like having to win 3 games of CTF, but only playing it 3 times in 20 searches, each time getting 3 teammates who don't care about winning because they have counter productive challenges of their own- it's just really frustrating as a player with no control over their own experience.

like, even if 343 didn't stand to make a dime from this system, it would still a god-awful way to define player progress

Can't leave or you get banned.
Can't report your team because everybody else is literally doing what the game is TELLING them to do (do THIS challenge to get XP; objectives don't matter).
On that note, game still doesn't properly keep track of which team you're on, whether you win or lose, so that matters even less so why would they care?
"YES I GOT 10 RAVAGER KILLS I'M FREEEEE-" well actually your opposing team dropped half their members because it was the mode they didn't want and your only kills were bots so they didn't count *clicks tongue*.

That last one was last night. There should be a law.


Jan 7, 2018
I never heard anyone talking in any game ever 200 matches and nobody talks. I looked at the configs and enabled my mic and nothing too
I have the same experience. It's bizarre that I have heard literally not a single person in random matches that it seems broken. Every other FPS I play on PC has lots of talking when there's built-in voice chat. Not here though.


Oct 26, 2017
I never heard anyone talking in any game ever 200 matches and nobody talks. I looked at the configs and enabled my mic and nothing too

I've had a couple games where people were talking, but not much. And I'm thankful for that tbh. Has been refreshing not hearing little kids shouting profanity, heated "pro gamers" cursing out their teammates for not being as good as them, people singing, heavy breathers on open mics, etc.

The mark / call out feature (up on dpad) replaces most of what you'd need voice chat for. Just wish more people would actually use it.


Oct 27, 2017
Speaking on never hearing people talk; I only BTB for the most part and hear people talk in about 20 percent of my games. It's not super common but I haven't heard too much negative crap. Just people laughing and goofy stuff, but it isn't sweaty ranked so that's just the vibe.


Oct 28, 2017
It's dead quiet most of the time. Nobody uses mark either, wish I could put it on a paddle as up on the dpad sucks.
You can that's what I did.
And I use my mic about half the time when I play ranked. 80% of the time nobody joins me but I do think people listen because they sometimes go to my callouts.

I have the same experience. It's bizarre that I have heard literally not a single person in random matches that it seems broken. Every other FPS I play on PC has lots of talking when there's built-in voice chat. Not here though.
You ply with console players who use party chat. Most of the time Xbox players are in party chat with their other friends (if they are the talkative type) even if those friends aren't playing with them.

Party chat kind of killed the random team with microphones.


Jan 18, 2021
Jesus did they retune the SBMM or something? Something got fucky with the netcode? Their metrics told them good players were having just a little too much fun?

Game feels unbearable in Solo/Duo ranked all of a sudden, literally hitting a wall at Diamond V and then I look and see Onyx on the other team, even when we win I barely get any rank up because I went negative. Suddenly feels like half my BR shots are desync'd and I'm losing fights that should be 100% in the bag for me, what gives

having played thousands of games in each of h2, h3 and h5. No it wasn't.
Yes it was they literally had insane fucking deadzones and minimal aim assist to make the game more "e-sports ready" and then they unhid the deadzone options like a year+ into its release to make the aim somewhat tolerable.

The default aiming in H5 was utter garbage.

Señor Sepia

Aug 2, 2020

Thread just reached 343.343 views


Prophet of Truth
Nov 1, 2017
Damn, Halo or this new controller makes my hands sweat. 🥲

Also, too many close matches! Only 4 of my 6 Daily matches done and the 2 I won have been sweaty and close. 🤪


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
There's literally no reason to use a mic in this game since all you get are people who want to be bullies or toxic for no reason literally right at the start. Makes ranked insufferable

I doing respectively decent all things considered while down with two bots as replacements while the other human goes 'My team sucks, you guys suck' over and over.

I wish they had menu accessible mute options, because I don't want to dead the chatter completely in case I get some serious about getting mid game organization. But damn, feels like the troglodytes from the 360 era popped out of ice for this release.


Oct 25, 2017
Melee system is really bad. It's just so inconsistent. I'll be facing someone's back, meme and it won't count as a back snack. Other times I'll melee and it won't connect for me but for the other player it does. Or my spartan will just hit the air, no lunge or anything.

Make it make sense.


Jan 7, 2018
in ranked arena? I hear someone half the time. (onyx).

they're mostly assholes though.
I'm unranked, but so far playing mostly with Gold players. So that might be it.

You ply with console players who use party chat. Most of the time Xbox players are in party chat with their other friends (if they are the talkative type) even if those friends aren't playing with them.

Party chat kind of killed the random team with microphones.

Maybe that's it then. Since PC historically doesn't have the built-in chat, in-game voice chat always seems to get used heavily.

Sucks that it works out this way here though.


Oct 25, 2017
Today I've been having just an extremely frustrating time playing. Baddd lag issues, bad teammates, bad game types. I just played a match where all 3 of my teammates quit about 30 seconds in and the bots were never replaced. The gameplay is great but definitely has some work needed in other areas. I wish they ditched the free to play thing and just went full completed game at $60. I feel like I'm playing a beta still at times.


Oct 26, 2017
Today I've been having just an extremely frustrating time playing. Baddd lag issues, bad teammates, bad game types. I just played a match where all 3 of my teammates quit about 30 seconds in and the bots were never replaced. The gameplay is great but definitely has some work needed in other areas. I wish they ditched the free to play thing and just went full completed game at $60. I feel like I'm playing a beta still at times.
It is in beta though?


Oct 25, 2017
Seeing the former studio head call this out is pretty funny:

There isn't a game out where in a ranked game you don't get punished when people quit. It's the downside of those sort of game modes in general. If you go down a person and lose you lose points. The only difference you could ask for is to lose less when that happens.


Oct 25, 2017
Today I've been having just an extremely frustrating time playing. Baddd lag issues, bad teammates, bad game types. I just played a match where all 3 of my teammates quit about 30 seconds in and the bots were never replaced. The gameplay is great but definitely has some work needed in other areas. I wish they ditched the free to play thing and just went full completed game at $60. I feel like I'm playing a beta still at times.
You'd have this issue even more with a paid game, as it's unlikely the game would have the amount of people playing that it does.

Gravemind IV

Nov 26, 2017
Why can't they add bots (spartan) but they don't count towards kills for slayer? Maybe for both sides. Bots now just get farmed for easy wins.


Jan 18, 2021
Oh my god we just beat a team with 3 Onyx including one that was 2022

We're all Diamond

Went positive

Barely went up in rank

It *has* to be bugged, right?? This makes no logical sense lmao
Launch Countdown Timers + 20,000 posts


Oct 25, 2017
Well here we are... 20,000 posts in the OT before the campaign even launches.

I'm super excited to discuss the campaign with you all later this week! Until then I'll be doing 6 daily multiplayer missions as I have no other challenges left to push me to get XP. I'm also almost done with the Battle Pass, with only purchasing the Battle Past (progresses you to level 25) but hoping to grind out more content with the upcoming events they have planned for us.

As we're now over 20,000 posts the current plans for the OT going forward are:
  • Lock this OT at 5:30pm GMT/UTC on Wednesday 8th December ( will ping mods/previously discussed with Jawmuncher )
  • Launch OT2 at the same time which is 30 minutes before the campaign launches worldwide at 6pm GMT/UTC.
  • Link to/support a "Spoiler Thread" for open spoilers discussing the campaign.
Countdown to OT2 Posting: Dec 8, 2021 at 12:30 PM
Countdown to Halo Infinite Campaign Release: Dec 8, 2021 at 1:00 PM
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