
Oct 25, 2017
My two friends and I got put in a cop car with handcuffs on when we were 15 walking to a Blockbuster because apparently there were three youths vandalizing cars and busting taillights with baseball bats near the area. We didn't really match the description, it turns out, but that sure didn't stop the cop from harassing us and starting to take our info. We told him repeatedly that we had just left home 15 minutes ago and to call my parents who would corroborate, and asked him what we specifically were being accused of. He didn't seem to have any interest in any of that shit and just said we'd learn more at the station. Luckily after about ten minutes of us just sitting around waiting to be hauled off, he got a radio call that they found the actual dipshits and he let us go.

Pretty much hated cops ever since. I grew up in a sheltered upper middle class suburban bubble and thought cops were there to protect us until that day, but that dude's incompetence and the lackadaisical way he discharged his duties erased any respect I had


Oct 25, 2017
Shortly after breaking up with my ex she claimed I was emotionally abusive on social media. I don't want to discount her interpretation of things, but she was both emotionally and sexually abusive to me so that pissed me off when I saw it. I never responded to it even though it was a public post, and I never posted anything about what I went through when I was with her, because I was afraid that someone would see what I said and experienced as me just being emotionally abusive because she said that first.


Oct 25, 2017
I have, on a few occasions, been accused of having a fling with my best friend's girlfriend - by others, and eventually by him. We've worked together for two different companies, share a lot of similar interests and have the same sense of humour, and so during after work drinks or dinners, it's a no-brainer we tend to talk to each other a lot. Between that, and the fact we live in the same apartment block, it has never taken too much for idle gossip to suggest we're more than friends.

Both of us could brush this off in our first work place, but it was so much more damaging when we moved to our new job. My best friend was going through a rough patch of his own, a combination of alcoholism and bad luck with his own work, and so a few mutual aquaintances had managed to sew some seeds of paranoia into him, to the point he once drunkenly threatened to knock my teeth in, unprovoked, during an evening out. And on another occasion had gotten drunk on his own and left her a lengthly voice message telling her how much it would hurt him if he learns we ever did anything.

Neither she nor I have ever shared anything even remotely romantic, she's as loyal a partner you could ask for, and I struggle to make friends at the best of times, so his behaviour utterly bodied us both. Thankfully, with a lot of perserverence on both their part, he's been dry for half a year, and both of them are happily working past the patch now.

It has, however, left me a bit more distant from her, something we've both agreed is for the best, especially while he was recovering. We both know neither of us did anything wrong, but just the stigma of the accusation has kinda drawn a barrier between us. Even now, with how well he's treated me after apologising, it's still something I haven't fully gotten over.


Wrong About Chicken
Oct 26, 2017
At University I was accused of plagiarism. The plagiarism in question was my own code from a previous years coursework.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I had a paper marked down for plagiarism once, which I couldn't understand and didn't do anything about, I think it earned a C with the markdown so it wasn't worth asking what all that was about.

Looking back some years later, I suspect I may have used words the teacher didn't recognize. It was social studies and not english class, and she wasn't the brightest teacher I ever had.


Oct 27, 2017
Derby, UK
I used to go out dancing and drinking with a friend who had an OBSESSION with stealing paper towel dispensers from pub/club toilets and shoving them in my bag when I wasn't looking. Made for some entertaining conversation with bouncers.


Oct 29, 2017
When I was in high school we had a mercury spill in the lab room and everyone had to evacuate without warning. This was the last day before Spring Break too so a ton of students ended up leaving their belongings in the building for over a week. They brought in police to help figure out who spilled the mercury by measuring the contamination on each of our shoes. Apparently mine had the highest level in the school because I stayed after science class to help the teacher clean up in the back for some dumb reason. Anyways, I spent the last day before spring break eating pizza on a bus barefoot with a hundred other students.


Sep 21, 2018
Once at an old job a an employee of some customer tried to pin some serious stuff on me.
Too bad i'm as paranoid as anxious when it comes to data and legal stuff at work and i had logs and deltas of everything to prove it was not me, but him, and that he knew, but tried to pin it on me anyway (so malice).
Stupid dork.
Got him fired.


Oct 29, 2017
I made a friend online, and we hit it off, talked a lot at night and played games together. She'd never been in a relationship or had any kind of intimacy, still lived at home with her parents in her mid-twenties. She would ask me questions about that kind of stuff though, about my experiences. Eventually she told me she liked me and I was honest and said I liked her but wasn't looking for that kind of thing and wanted to stay friends. She seemed to take it well but continued to push the issue again a few months later.

According to her friends she became obsessive about me, and she found ways to contact my offline friends and ask them about me. I let her know I was uncomfortable with that and she said it wouldn't happen again, but it did. She started to accuse me of treating her like an afterthought and prioritizing my offline friends over her. Honestly I spent most of my free time talking to her so that was frustrating to hear.

She started seeing some guy and apparently on their first meeting he forced himself on her. She continued to see him and he continued to force himself on her in more and more upsetting ways. I would stay up talking her through it because she said she was too embarrassed to tell her other friends. I was starting to feel like she was using this to make me feel bad, and then she basically said that if I had just returned her feelings she wouldn't be in the situation, so I started to wonder what was true and what wasn't because it felt like a huge guilt trip.

I still talked to her because outside of that stuff it was still fun to play games and stuff together. But then she used my relationship with my best friend against me. This friend is a minor celebrity and the girl and her friends started harassing my best friend and her friends asking about me. Some invasive private stuff that they didn't want to comment on. That pissed the girl and her friends off, and so she reached out to an, at the time, ex of mine to tell her about all these shitty things she claimed I had been doing and how I'd been lying to the ex. She included "evidence" that I was someone on Reddit who had been begging for money or something as well, but I don't have an account and I had proof that the stuff I had supposedly bought with the money from reddit had all been gifts sent from my best friend. My ex basically laughed at how hard they were trying and told her to fuck off, and this girl got very upset about that and how my ex needed to Believe Women, and tried to guilt her in that way. But my ex wasn't having it. I'd known her for like 14 years to the like 2.5-3 I'd known this girl, so my ex has a pretty good understanding of my character.

So the girl made a "callout" post about me, accusing me and the ex of lying about a bunch of stuff, including fake screenshots where they had made Twitter accounts to pose as me and say stuff I never said. She accused me of being a narcissist who was gaslighting her, grooming her, emotionally abusing her, and forcing my kinks onto her (the post didn't go into detail on wtf that meant and I still don't really know). I had also, during the course of our friendship, told her about my issues with gender identity, and she seemed very supportive at the time, but in this post and ever since, she has exclusively and pointedly referred to and addressed me as a man, which feels especially hurtful and malicious, and likely helped get people on her side. She urged everyone to block me on every social media outlet, though curiously, never blocked me herself. Her friend group backed her up, and the drama of it all has caused awkwardness with my best friend and her friends, so we no longer publicly interact online, we're thankfully still friends.

We actually kept talking for a while after she made the post, which I know was stupid on my part but I was convinced the friendship could be salvaged, and then she just stopped responding to me so I didn't push it. I've never commented on the callout post and the false accusations, and I've thought about setting the record straight and detailing the, what I've come to accept as, emotional manipulation of her end. But ultimately I feel like she got her side out first and it won't do me much good anyway to try and refute the whole thing. I've definitely been through a bit of an emotional rollercoaster as far as feelings of anger, questioning self worth, nearly convincing myself everything she's said was true, then remembering the truth, etc. I've been paranoid that I'm still being e-stalked by her and her friends, and cautious about being too open or personal online. It's been a rough set of months since it happened.

Also when I was in 7th grade, I was having an AIM conversation with a friend, and she got mad at me for something we were arguing about and logged off. About an hour later she and her dad showed up at my house with a "printout" of our conversation, in which she had added that I had called her a bitch at one point. I tried to explain that it was fake but at the time my parents didn't understand how easy that was to do and saw the printout as hard evidence. It was one of the only times I was grounded and it lasted 3 months. Sucked royally.
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Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Cops were investigating me for an assault in college because the victim reported a bunch of black guys jumped her and I was the only black person in that area of the dorms.

This was during holidays: she had permission to stay on the dorms while everyone went home, presumably because her home life was fucked up because it was her dad who did it. She needed a way to explain what happened because she needed medical attention. As a white girl a bunch of black guys was the easy excuse go to.
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Nov 9, 2017
I remember in elementary school I was taken to one side by a teacher for apparently having written in the library book request notepad "more sex books please". I did not do it, but the teacher kept ignoring my denial and saying like, "if you do want those kind of books we can't order them". I think some other kid had written it and put my name beside it. Weird situation.


Dec 4, 2017
When I was about 14 my school was sure I hacked their system for... some reason, they never told me what the supposed hacker did. But I obviously never did that because I didn't had any kind of computer knowledge outside of very basic stuff. I think their Sherlock Holmes reasoning was "This kid is always playing on PC... hmmmmm"

Nothing came out of it because they didn't had any evidence, but I'm still pissed. At the time I thought it would destroy my future and they threatened me with police and everything lol

Something like that ever happened to you?

This exact thing happened to me in Highschool lol.

One day in web design elective class I took a screenshot of one of those annoying Bonzi Buddy popup ads, and edited the text in all the word bubbles coming from his face to say things like "I install viruses on your Computer!" "I'm an annoying popup ad that won't go away!" "I'm a useless waste of hard disk space!" etc.

Then not long after that, I was trying to see if ms messenger (that old, OOOOOLD inter-pc communication method in Windows NT PC's) would even work on a computer in journalism lab, and it didn't. I said oh well and went back to my desk to finish the day's assignment. Then the principal and a police officer came to my class and pulled me out. They claim I hacked their entire school district's system, and the head of IT (a fucking moron) came into the office with a printed copy of the Bonzi Buddy meme I made, citing it as evidence that I'm a malicious hacker.

Luckily my journalism teacher came in and said it was bullshit and got them to nullify all of the long-term repercussions of my 3 day suspension. (harsh zero tolerance policies stated if you have a suspension on your record in your 12th year you don't get to walk on graduation day, you don't get to go to prom, and are barred from any/all fun activities for the rest of the year.)


Jan 2, 2021
West Coast, USA
Once at work I lost my wallet and asked coworkers if they had seen it. I searched all over around the 6 PM range when people start heading out. Didn't find it. Assumed (wrongly, see below) one of the film crew members on-site may have taken it given the snarky, condescending response I got when I asked one of them if they saw anything.

A week later someone else loses their wallet and posts an ad for it around campus claiming it had hundreds of dollars in it. Apparently, my section manager—who really didn't like me, btw—came up with some paranoid theory that it was me posting everywhere and I made this up just so I can complain and get paid the bogus money I claimed to have lost.

I was questioned a few times by middle managers. And then it was pretty quickly cleared up by calling the fucking number on the ad. Just someone who coincidentally lost their wallet around the same time who had nothing to do with me.

Also apparently my wallet just fell out of my pocket and into a weird crevice in my car that morning. 😅

In my defense, I didn't go around accusing the film guy of anything. It was just an inward suspicion I kept to myself. There was no money, just credit cards and my driver's license. The only thing I was worried about was hassle.


Dec 10, 2018
Yep. I was falsely accused of sexual assault by 2 girls that had it in for me.

I went away on holiday for a month in 2010, it was supposed to be shorter, but I decided I needed more time off after 3 years of no holidays. A friend of mine contacted me saying one of the members of my team wanted to know when I would be back, now this lady had accused me of things before and was a known troublemaker. I knew I would not be back for another fortnight and a half, so I told him to tell her that I would be back on the upcoming Friday, not telling her that I would be landing in Narita Japan that morning. My life is not her business.

So anyway, Friday at about 11am I check into a hotel in Ikebukuro Tokyo not far from the station, when I decided to get on FB to let my mother know I was safely there. In my email box was a message from HR asking me to come into work to discuss some things. I told them I was in Japan and I would not be back for 2 weeks. They asked for proof. I took a photo of Ikebukuro Station and my plane ticket. They said not to worry about it then.

As it turns out 2 girls made up a sob story about how I sexually abused/assaulted one of them that very same morning on the way to work. They tried to make a similar story of how one of them caught me on the train harassing, then following, then groping the other one. HR apparently listened to their story and believed them and their fake crying. Well until they got evidence I wasn't even in the same state or even country. One of them was fired and the other was given a final warning.

People ask me why I have trust issues. Well. There you go.
Oct 27, 2017
I was drinking hard liquor on my way to the beach and we setup our towels next to some group that had a cooler. Cops came over and demanded to look into their cooler and gave everyone in the vicinity drinking tickets assuming we had all been drinking beer from the cooler. The cops couldn't not be reasoned with and just threatened greater action.

Edit: nvm that isn't something "really bad".


Wrong About Chicken
Oct 26, 2017
I had a professor tell us that using our own work from a previous class counted as plagiarism.

One of my professors said the same thing and I still don't understand it.
Yeah I was told the same at the time.

I think some Universities basically have it as policy that they own the rights to anything you submit as part of a University assignment, not the student.

Not sure how well that would hold up under legal scrutiny but at the time I just said Fuck it and abandoned my Virtual Reality museum version 2 and made the bridge of the USS Voyager instead.


Aug 3, 2021
When I was either 13 or 14, can't remember exactly, I was called into some teachers room during classes. To my surprise a cop was there who then said I harassed some girl in our towns outdoor swimming pool.

Don't even know if it was physical or verbal. All he did say was that she complained and mentioned my name. Cop just said don't do it again angrily.

To say I was surprised would be an understatement, considering I was super shy and spent most of my free time at home playing games in my teen years. I haven't even been to the pool that year at all as with most years during school.

I told him that, but he just kept accusing me so I gave up and said yeah I won't do it again blah blah. Nothing ever came from this afterwards ever again.

To this day I have no fucking idea how my name even came up there. Only possibility I can think of is that somebody who knows me did it and then told the girl my name to shift blame. Maybe even my own friends at the time, who were regularly at the pool and as later turned out stole from me, so not exactly the good friends I thought they were.

Now it is pretty obvious I shouldn't have given up so easily and just told him show the girl a photo of me etc. then let's see what she says then.


Oct 27, 2017
I got unwarranted detention in elementary school for fighting, because I suppose the victim said the really fat kid did it - I was one of two super fat kids in my grade

The playground supervisor who wrote me up called everyone's attention at recess when we were about to go back in and ripped the slip in half in some sort of public display after it became apparent that it wasn't me

The perpetrator was actually her son


Oct 27, 2017
I got accused of stealing something in 3rd grade. It was a little hamburger notepad that was from a happy meal, and I'd brought mine to school. Another girl had brought hers and lost it, and the teachers went around tearing through backpacks until they found one, and my teacher, who I was not fond of, basically screamed at me like a maniac in front of the entire school, making kid me cry. I knew the girl, and she was pretty stunned to see this. A couple of hours later, she found hers and came to our class between periods to give me mine back and she was on the verge of tears because she'd had to watch the whole thing go down. I laid it out on my desk so the teacher could see it again, you know, like a little shit would do, and next period, awful teacher saw it on my desk and flew at me like the wicked witch of the west, howling like a banshee and all. She wail-questioned me about how I stole it again, and I explained that the girl came and gave it back to me because she found hers, so I didn't steal it. Teacher went silent, mouth open mid-demon moan, then turned around, likely mortally embarrassed, and went back to teaching.

But I was a little shit, and I was not going to let this go.

Me: You should apologize. You should say you're sorry.

Teacher: ...

Me: I didn't steal it, and you yelled at me. APOLOGIZE.

Teacher: That'

Me: Yes! Say you're sorry!

Teacher: I'm not going to do that.

Me: You are a


The look of shocked horror on her face is something I'll never forget, like she'd been told the whole neighborhood caught her kids fucking each other. The other kids were also shocked. She wailed more intensely than ever before for me to get out of her classroom and go to the principal's office. I did so feeling like a goddamn champion. I had behavioral issues in school on account of severe ADHD, so was no stranger to the principal's office, but this time, I had a clarity of purpose, I felt centered in all things. Principal (one Jeffrey Helmstetter, future Superintendent of school in Jefferson Parish, LA, I might add) asked me why the sudden visit. I told him I called my teacher a bitch. His eyes widened. He calmly asked why I would do that, and relayed the entire story to him. He was also not a fan of my teacher, and he called my mother to come visit. Mom left work, probably furious, arrives at the school. Principal tells mom the story, my mom wants to fold teacher like fresh laundry. Rather than calling the teacher down to the office to apologize to me in private in front of my mother, principal decides to allow my mother to go upstairs to my classroom and scream at the teacher during class in front of my classmates.

It was glorious. I had a shit-eating grin on my face the whole time my mom has a one-sided harpy fight with the teacher.

Teacher didn't look me in the eye for the rest of the school year. I was a protected class unto myself.

Shoutouts to good principals everywhere.


The Wise Ones
The Fallen
May 22, 2018
Went to a con when I was like 13-14. Bought merchandise from a stall there and as I leave, I get hugged from behind supposedly by security there on lookout for thieves. I was panicking and screaming wondering what the fuck was going on and he starts saying stuff about how I was caught stealing. I managed to persuade him to go back to the stall and clear my name.

Asshole walks away without even apologizing and because he was basically bear hugging me from behind during the whole thing to 'stop me from running', I couldn't see how he looked like as he went back into the crowd of people. Was so angry and scared at what happened, I wanted to punch the guy so bad.

Reason why I never went to a con again over something that was like ten fucking pounds.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Not as an adult, but as a kid... 5th grade, I got accused by a classmate of mine of using her pen/pencil like it was my penis and, like, doing something lude with it. Something I probably *would* have done, but I definitely had zero interest in this girl like, she was so out of mind for me I wouldn't have done it to her or around her or like ... I dunno, it's something I might have done with other idiot boys but I was like, wait, I... didn't do anything like that. I wasn't into penises and stuff as a kid, like there were some kids growing up who were super into their dicks, yknow like wagging them around and stuff after recess, and, I dunno, I was always kinda shy for things like that. Hell I didn't wear sweat pants for pretty much my whole life because I was embarrassed my junk would show. So anyway, like she accused me of this, and I was an idiot kid who got into stupid trouble a lot, but I just wouldn't have done tht, and I started doubting my own memories, like... "did I do that......?"

Got in mega trouble for that one, had a shitty teacher then too. Realized how great my mom was to me. I was so scared because I thought my mom would be so mad at me and I'd get in trouble, and my mom completely took my side. We had a meeting with the principal, the teacher, me, my mom, and my mom was like ... "Okay, so what did he do?" in a kind of like "well.. what is it this time Albatross...?" (I used to get into trouble a lot as a kid, just rambunctious shit). So she asks the teacher, what did he do, and the teacher put on this like ... moral airs of "oh, it's just too shocking to talk about..." My mom was like ... listen we're all adults, we all have kids, what did he do? So the principal asks me to step out of the room, so I do, and the teacher still wouldn't describe what I did... like, pretendign that she just couldn't be brought to describe something so despicable. My mom wasn't haven't it and was like listen if you can't tell me what he did that's so bad, then how am I going to punish him? Really took my hat off to my mom with that, especially later in life came to appreciate how she had my back. And I thought at the time like, shit I am FUCKED with this. I got in trouble for a ton of shit as a kid and I thought, goddamnit, I didn't do this, and I am going to catch hell for this.

Girl was a fucking liar. Tried to be friends with me through the years after that and I wasn't having it. It's one of the few things I'm actually still a little bitter about. I really don't hold onto many grudges or antipathy against people, but Im still like, yknow what, fuck that person. She ended up becoming a pretty big loser and having a hard life as an adult, so whatever.

Weird thing was that whole episode was the pretense for my dad talking to me about the birds and the bees. That Sunday after that week of school he sat me down to talk about changing bodies and I was like Oh man...... THE TALK, fuuuuck. I was aware of the concept of THE TALK from TV or pop culture or something, but wasn't anticipating it. I'll never forget how he broached the subject, "Hey, Albatross... uhh... so... do you know what's in your testicles?" I was like "uhhh...... no.... maybe like pee?" And he was like "Aah, good guess but... no, it's.. uh, sperm... and uhh sperm is......"
Oct 25, 2017
So we had a test in high-school in which we would hear a recording and answer accordingly in a sheet of paper with multiple choice answers.

When the recording ended and we were all leaving out tests in the teacher's desk before leaving the teacher said "You're getting a 0 because you were asleep", which makes no sense because..... I completed the test, how does that make any sense at all? I think I looked sleepy/tired but I did the entire test, the evidence was literally in my hands.

So instead of leaving my test I was going to go to the Principal or a higher up to report the incident, she immediately tries to grab my test from my hands and we literally struggle for it and the test broke in half.

I was so fucking pissed and she even laughed after that. I immediately in front of everyone called her a fucking useless bitch. Over here no one ever dares disrespect teachers, so there was crazy silence and she could not believe it. She told me to apologize and I told her to fuck off and that I would never apologize to her. The next day I came to class like nothing happened and she refused to teach unless I left, I just sat there and said I would not leave, there was literally silence for a full hour in a class of 30 students, the stares were insane but I didn't give a single shit.

She kept complaining but she didn't expect the following, my father is a higher up at the educational organization and I told her that I'd get him involved and that he would take my side so she better stop being a fucking bitch.

My dad got involved and somehow got me to change classes with another teacher mid-semester, which is unheard of.

So I won, all over me being accused of... sleeping during a test that I had obviously completed.

I actually love this incident and it's one of those feel good memories I think about a lot, haha.


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
False allegation of assault from an ex with an axe to grind.

Very lucky i had a witness randomly present or it would have been jail time.


Oct 27, 2017
When I was a kid, my dad's beers kept disappearing and I was blamed everytime. I don't know if it was my sister (very doubtful) or one of my friends (most likely) that was taking them. But it got to the point where I started taking them because they were going to disappear and was going to get blamed anyways.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
I'm intrigued by this, care to share more details?
Catering worked in my same department when i worked in Deli at a grocery store and every now and then they would offer us stuff like sandwiches nothing big they were going to throw away otherwise. But corporate put a stop to that.

Same thing happened during Xmas eve when our Sushi guy offered us rolls that he was going to throw away anyways, but our store owner told us we had to return it back.
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Big Boy

Oct 25, 2017
I once got accused of shaggin my brother's mate's gf. It was actually my brother that did the shaggin on this occasion but I had a bit of a reputation at the time so I took the heat


Oct 30, 2017
I don't think it could be considered "very bad", but I was told recently from a mutual acquaintance that a woman I used to casually see some years back said I openly discussed marry her and having children with her.

I was stunned. Not only had I never said that, our conversations were exactly the opposite. That I did NOT want to marry her, and wasn't even certain about dating her, and was very much opposed to having kids. It was just a brazen falsehood, all likely in an effort to make us seem like more than the casual fling I always told her I saw us as to those looking in from the outside.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 30, 2017
Catering worked in my same department when i worked in Deli at a grocery store and every now and then they would offer us stuff like sandwiches nothing big they were going to throw away otherwise. But corporate put a stop to that.

Same thing happened during Xmas eve when our Sushi guy offered us rolls that he was going to throw away anyways, but our store owner told us we had to return it back.

wow, that's some BS.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
I was accused of being a drug addict because I got an eating disorder when I was 19. Close family still think i was stealing money and worse, "doing drugs under my roof".

They assume I'm lying about trying to prove my innocence and when I bring it up to certain members who have "forgiven me for the drugs", they won't catch eye contact with me because they "know I'm lying to them but don't want to upset me".


Oct 27, 2017
As a teen I was nearly fired from a job for stealing some very high end wines ($300-$500+ a bottle), they were also formally putting through to press charges. The only evidence they had against me was I helpfully filled in someone's overnight shift (when I don't normally work overnights) and apparently that was suspicious. No camera, no witness, I was a model employee and nothing but a scapegoat for the manager to not get in trouble. Turns out another store was hit the next day and they caught the guy. Never got an apology, heck the manager didn't even mention that they realized it wasn't me I had to spend almost two weeks of high anxiety until a coworker told me what happened.