
Oct 25, 2017
A common theme with re-designs is how fucking horrible they run

ERA's new design isn't bad, there are things that should be trimmed, but the performance is noticeably worse than the original design.

The performance issue is something that'll plague all upgrades however. Especially for a web app on the cloud that gets this much traffic. It'll take a solid couple days until all the App Services, Database Clusters and the Load Balancer is fully stabilized and a new Cache is propagated. After that it'll go back to normal.

The main thing here is that it wasn't just a site redesign, it was a whole software upgrade with bug fixes, improvements and customizations. Pretty much everything would have been touched and swapped out.

It's like when you upgrade Windows and your computer is slow for that first day because it's reindexing your filesystem and doing setup behind the scenes.
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Oh no

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Legacy Dark > ResetEra 2.0 > NightEra

Why they're so determined to change the look and feel of the site and ignore the fact that the majority liked the site the way it was I have no idea. It's their site though so 🤷‍♂️

Yes Neogaf new design is slick and quick, funny enough Era 2.0 seems similar to gaf but worse

They have classic themes there too similar to the legacy ones we had here before which makes a huge difference. The legacy themes are big miss here.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I tend to dislike a lot of modern web redesigns simply because they almost always increase the time it takes to do anything. What used to take a single click now takes two or even three, because of some desire to hide functionality out of the way in some manner. Around the turn of the decade a lot of redesigns focused on user experience and it was a great time for the web, but these days it feels like the designers prioritise aesthetics (and mobile) over everything else.

It amazes me how many websites I visit with literally broken controls that don't function at all, even years after their implementation. But hey, at least the site looks pretty. Maybe.


Oct 25, 2017
Not a fan of the new design... too many different colors. I'll get over it, but the site feels clunky and the loss of the refresh link on the last post in a thread is a problem that needs to be resolved.


Nov 4, 2017
Rarely, especially in the last few years when everything seems to be designed for tablets and I usually browse on PC.

That said, this redesign isn't so bad. I expected a lot worse. But please change the default banner at the top. It really looks cheap. Also, just looking at the list of "similar threads" below for this thread shows that this feature is useless. Dump it please.
Oct 27, 2017
To be honest there are too many eye popping colors to ever take this redesign seriously for the dark/night mode. And the thing is literally everyone had complained about the colors on the newer themes and nobody in charge gives a crap.

Why does it now randomly take 9 seconds to load some threads? I'm on a pixel 3 on wifi


Writer at
Oct 28, 2017
Humans resist change. It's part of our nature.

That said, I loathe the redesign from a few years ago. Broke many parts of the website for a flashy UI.


Oct 27, 2017
Never have. S'all form over function.

Bring back Legacy Dark you cowards.

Who wants a forums to look like Facebook for fucks sake?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure I have but i can' think of one off the top of my head. I remember being young when Gamespot did their first re-design and my eyes melted from the assault on them. Made me genuinely stop using their forums and find greener pastures elsewhere.


Oct 26, 2017
I'll repeat, why is there so much unused space on the sides? Can you "fullscreen" the forum?

Book One

Oct 25, 2017
Lots of people are uncomfortable with change, regardless of actual performance or utility.

Oftentimes they are looking for ways to find issues to justify that uncomfortableness


Oct 26, 2017
To be honest there are too many eye popping colors to ever take this redesign seriously for the dark/night mode. And the thing is literally everyone had complained about the colors on the newer themes and nobody in charge gives a crap.

Why does it now randomly take 9 seconds to load some threads? I'm on a pixel 3 on wifi

I use a Note 8 and even with the S-Pen (as opposed to my short, fat fingers), it's non-usable.

I don't have an issue with the speed, as I get it's new and will take some time to balance out, but the functionality on the mobile site just freaking sucks.


Oct 27, 2017
People just hate change.
I'm surprised to see so much hate for the new design, I quite like it. It's easy to navigate and looks more modern. My only issue is having a "Reply" button right on the topic title is definitely going to encourage the idiots who respond to topic names without reading any of the topic itself to do that even more.

I'll repeat, why is there so much unused space on the sides? Can you "fullscreen" the forum?
I don't see unused space on the sides?
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe taking notes from GAF's design would have been a good idea. I understand that ERA was a fresh start and wants to be different to the old place, but GAF's design and ease of use was a huge part of us all being on the forum for so many yeas. Design changes were always sleek and simplistic. Exactly what we expected when we moved here.

It's obvious that after some time they will listen to the overwhelmingly negative reactions to the new look and revert it back the best they can, but I just don't understand why they did a lot of these changes in the first place.


Oct 26, 2017
To be honest there are too many eye popping colors to ever take this redesign seriously for the dark/night mode. And the thing is literally everyone had complained about the colors on the newer themes and nobody in charge gives a crap.

Why does it now randomly take 9 seconds to load some threads? I'm on a pixel 3 on wifi

I use a Note 8 and even with the S-Pen (as opposed to my short, fat fingers), it's non-usable.

I don't have an issue with the speed, as I get it's new and will take some time to balance out, but the functionality on the mobile site just freaking sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
Humans resist change. It's part of our nature.

That said, I loathe the redesign from a few years ago. Broke many parts of the website for a flashy UI.
This is a niche one but man event the current one is terrible. At least this current one, if you don't know and use, there at least is a link to Dailymtg right at the top- the last redesign, you had to do multiple clicks in order to get to the articles!
On the current website, it's impssible to find anything a day or more old unless you do the "all archives", I can't even tell who their regular columnists are anymore because of all the off-site stuff they do, and text event coverage is completely useless now as it's impossible to find decklists, feature matches, etc


Oct 27, 2017
I've seen a few people complaining about the purple on Era's new design, and it confuses me. They initially used the neon purple on the light theme in the beta, but now both light and dark themes use a subdued purple that, to my eye, looks just like the legacy purple. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That was my biggest problem (aside from bugginess) with the Day/NightEra themes - the reason I stuck with Legacy DarkEra as long as I could. 2.0, though? Easy on the eyes, as it should be. I can live with this.


Oct 25, 2017
Redesigning things is always difficult. There are plenty of redesigns I've liked, plenty I've disliked. But most major redesigns are (or should be) thought through or researched before applied.

People tend to forget that you can't always design for a small contingent of your user base. Sometimes as a person you're in that cohort, sometimes your not. But it doesn't mean progress or improvements should be avoided for the majority simply because of a vocal minority. People also frequently confuse "comfort" for "good"; falsely assuming that mastery of a bad system somehow makes it a quality one. Something that when paired with the aforementioned vocal minority effect and the fact that people are more likely to call out bad feedback than they are good make a lot of people and organizations avoidant to meaningful change.

That said, design change isn't always positive. But I do encourage people to at least give it a chance both on here and otherwise.


Oct 27, 2017
The problem Ive always had with redesigns is it always seems to add a cool new look and features, but always takes away shit in exchange lol. Mobile is a nightmare to browse on again, but man Im liking the desktop look.


Oct 26, 2017
People just hate change.
I'm surprised to see so much hate for the new design, I quite like it. It's easy to navigate and looks more modern. My only issue is having a "Reply" button right on the topic title is definitely going to encourage the idiots who respond to topic names without reading any of the topic itself to do that even more.

I don't see unused space on the sides?

Really? Are you on desktop or a mobile?

I mean this:


I'm not zoomed out or anything and that's like 1/3 of the screen spent on nothing, maybe I'm just not seeing the option to widen the threads/forums. EDIT: Ok, found the toggle. Strange that it's not ON by default.
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The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Rarely ever. In most cases, I'll find the redesign tolerable, but I don't think I've ever loved a redesign. Also quite funny that both ResetEra and Reddit decided to change the designs on their websites, almost at the exact same time (at least it did for me).

Also, the redesign here has made the Light Theme unusable for me. Way too bright and too much open, white space. Guess I gotta rock the Dark Theme for future.


Dec 10, 2017
ERA's new design is quite nice, and I'm usually someone who hates redesigns. Like the new Gmail however, it seems to load slower than the old one.


Oct 27, 2017
I like the added features like the new embeds, but the visual overhaul is completely unnecessary. Especially these terrible graphics and UI elements.


Oct 27, 2017
Really? Are you on desktop or a mobile?

I mean this:


I'm not zoomed out or anything and that's like 1/3 of the screen spent on nothing, maybe I'm just not seeing the option to widen the threads/forums.
I'm on a macbook pro and it goes edge to edge on the default display settings for me. When I set the scaling to "More Space" however I see it that way. That's weird.


Oct 27, 2017
It's like anything redesigning something people used for a while that was functional. People hate redesigns because they move things, they change the areas you check, they change the habit you get into. It's like when Windows changed from 7 to 8, the reactions were insane.

I personally like the redesign for resetera, but I've never really had problems with redesigns. I can see why people get irritated though.


Nov 27, 2017
I hate when these sites remove functionality. And this new trend of so much wasted space.

Like, I like the new commercial outlook app, current YouTube.

I went over to neogaf and i like that better this new resetera one, though it seems they have base underneath.

The old neogaf design was awesome. The old forum design was awesome.

I embrace change, even change for change sake sometimes, but don't take away Stuff, maybe it's on a different part of the screen or something like that. But don't bury it within more clicks. Keep it simple stupid.

And don't use all my data and slow down the site, I'm on mobile man!! Haha.


Oct 29, 2017
Definitely not liking the mobile redesign of this site. It's just too damn busy, and it loads much slower than before.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I made a very quick mockup of how the thread list would look without avatars and with more subdued colours. I just want something clean and easy to read.

Lord Azrael

Oct 25, 2017
You're so right about the Gmail redesign OP. Way slower and visual glitches galore. Previous design was perfect; can't fathom what was going through their minds. Just change for the sake of change.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure this has been asked, but is there any way to switch to just usernames and thread titles without avatars? I appreciate all of the hard work, but the new design is very busy.


Oct 27, 2017
Youtube usually improves. The new Era design looks good but sadly lacks many features, has poor navigation, and has severe performance issues


Oct 25, 2017
this one is awesome when its working. itll be perfect when its stable

love the "similar threads" function. probably my favorite new feature. oh and the thread ignore function


Nov 1, 2017
I don't think I've ever loved one but while I'm not in love with this one I think I'll get used to it.


Oct 25, 2017
Most of the time I actually like new stuff.

I like this redesign too, actually. There are only a few things I consider to be notable downgrades (hiding alerts in the hamburger menu, making it more complicated to jump between forums, avatars next to thread titles), but apart of that I'm pretty satisfied.