Nov 20, 2017
Apologies for the cross posting..,

I think this HBO news was inevitable given the current OTT marketplace. A channel/platform like HBO can always use more cash for productions. They've tried launching a second night of viewing in the past (are they programming a 2nd now?) but realistically if they want to grow their channel outside the US, where they don't have first run films unlike the US, then they need more content to fill out their library. That requires more capital.

Where things become sketchy is the type of programming that HBO will offer under Stankey's expansion plans.

If AT&T insist on HBO becoming all things to all people then that's where the wheels will fall off, I just don't see stuff like 13 Reasons or Pretty Little Liars (for example) working on HBO but I can see more genre offerings (Demimonde and Watchmen being a start) working as the platform tries to compliment their well reviewed but pretty low rated dramas and comedies.

I think it's possible to increase the output that HBO has without diluting the brand and it's output too much. I don't see AT&T giving HBO 'Netflix levels' of spending (especially as they have an OTT service from WB in the works too) but AT&T probably see it as an undervalued and underfunded (relatively speaking) asset that has been underachieving (profitable but still programs a single night of shows and was late to get into the OTT game) for years.

I can easily see HBO offering 2 or even 3 nights or programming in the next couple of years as they transition into a more global platform.

Everyone rooting for Comcast to get Fox, look at this.

Whaaa? How would Disney be any different in such a scenario? Let's see what Iger does with FX, which will surely be the cornerstone of their 'adult' OTT service when it's time comes.
Oct 25, 2017
For those saying HBO hasn't been the same, I get what you're implying but they're still way more consistent than most other networks. They had a really good, strong run in the later 90s into 00's but not every channel can pull that off let alone multiple years. They're still delivering good to great programming compared to a lot of other networks, including Netflix.


Oct 25, 2017
AT&T is obsessed with metrics, buying up companies then firing anyone that knows what they are doing and offshoring everything They will fuck this up.

Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017
For those saying HBO hasn't been the same, I get what you're implying but they're still way more consistent than most other networks. They had a really good, strong run in the later 90s into 00's but not every channel can pull that off let alone multiple years. They're still delivering good to great programming compared to a lot of other networks, including Netflix.
They're not remotely close to Netflix in producing new good-to-great content imo.


Oct 26, 2017
How about they put every episode of a new season up on day one?
They don't have advertisers so there is no reason to continue to do "appointment tv."
It's all about holding that viewer into the subscription for the entire run on the season. If they drop an entire series day one then it can be binged and the monthly service cancelled quicker.


Oct 27, 2017
HBO should still put quality first but they definitely need more content. They have months when their tv show lineup consists entirely of some niche comedy shows, having to wait 1.5-2 years for new seasons is also something they should work on improving.


Oct 25, 2017
Most of what Netflix makes is trash but honestly I can find more high quality shows on netflix in that trash than HBO. When you have only a few shows and then have a big miss like true detective season 2 it is a lot more noticeable
Oct 25, 2017
AT&T is obsessed with metrics, buying up companies then firing anyone that knows what they are doing and offshoring everything They will fuck this up.

Yep, and while ratings have played a part in HBO's decisions in the past, another part of it has always been "buzz", critical acclaim, and water cooler conversation, which is definitely harder to quantify into measurable metrics. Some of their decisions were made on feel (see the decision to renew the Leftovers for season 3), and I wonder if they'll be allowed to make MORE of those decisions to broaden the available programming base, or LESS, if shows aren't driving the engagement numbers that AT&T are looking for.


Oct 25, 2017
You realize the business potential of this right? By not dumping your entire show you potentially keep people subscribed longer. If you can get content lined up to overlap releases you more easily secure your subscriber base and reduce churn.

Unlike Netflix, HBO makes a significant amount of revenue through the traditional subscription based premium network on cable TV.
The people who pay for cable are still going to pay for cable, if they were going to dump it they would have done so already.
People already wait for a season to finish before they subscribe so I don't think having all episodes available day one would change much of anything.
They would still have to subscribe for a month if they planned on canceling after finishing the season. Also, most people don't cancel Netflix after watching a season, they simply let their subscription renew, this wouldn't be much different.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
They going to resurrect Confederate ain't they?


Oct 26, 2017
Sopranos reboot.

Netflix and Amazon ate their lunch and if not for Thrones and Westworld, it's just another movie premium channel

It's not HBO, it's just regular ass TV
Oct 25, 2017
Big companies eating smaller ones always ends up disastrously, because suddenly to shareholders respectable or stable profits are considered bad.
Oct 25, 2017
They're not remotely close to Netflix in producing new good-to-great content imo.

If we consider it from the stand point of total releases, then I think HBO still favors better here. The only argument to be made is HBO puts too much time in between some of their programming. Which is why the gap feels way worse. But again, the solution to this is to not throw more out there

The people who pay for cable are still going to pay for cable, if they were going to dump it they would have done so already.
People already wait for a season to finish before they subscribe so I don't think having all episodes available day one would change much of anything.
They would still have to subscribe for a month if they planned on canceling after finishing the season. Also, most people don't cancel Netflix after watching a season, they simply let their subscription renew, this wouldn't be much different.

It's a fair point but as others have pointed out, HBO takes much longer to release. So it would be easier to catch up and dump, where as Netflix has a pull on you to hop in and look around.


Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
Game of Thrones and Westworld are two of the best -- maybe the two best -- shows on TV right now. So long as Westworld and the GoT spinoff plans don't get axed, I'll deal.
Oct 25, 2017
The only angle I could see HBO doing that would help is them trying to license more content in the way Netflix has done to help bolster their "original" line up.


Oct 27, 2017
For those saying HBO hasn't been the same, I get what you're implying but they're still way more consistent than most other networks. They had a really good, strong run in the later 90s into 00's but not every channel can pull that off let alone multiple years. They're still delivering good to great programming compared to a lot of other networks, including Netflix.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to upcoming HBO genre fare like Watchmen, Lovecraft Country, and Demimonde.
The people who pay for cable are still going to pay for cable, if they were going to dump it they would have done so already.
People already wait for a season to finish before they subscribe so I don't think having all episodes available day one would change much of anything.
They would still have to subscribe for a month if they planned on canceling after finishing the season. Also, most people don't cancel Netflix after watching a season, they simply let their subscription renew, this wouldn't be much different.
They aren't going to change their schedule for fairweather online subscribers at least for the time being. As HBO grows their online subscription business and increases the amount of content they create, then at some point you will probably see a major shift to something similar to how Netflix handles their releases.


Oct 25, 2017
How long until they pull their catalog from Amazon Prime Video and I have to switch to a fourth video app to get my Curb fix?


Oct 25, 2017
For anyone asking for consistent and 4K content you can forget about it. Att purchased DTV because their old copper infrastructure couldn't handle demand for today's internet speed needs with them trying to use their aged tech for TV and internet with uverse. DTV was purchased to alleviate the strain and move people to satellite away from uverse but they bungled that because no one wants satellite and their internet is still subpar even without the bandwidth freed from IPTV so at this point att decides to refocus and become a "content" company instead and buys TWM but the underlying problem remains att refused to upgrade their infrastructure to fiber optics with minimal deployments scattered about and so now they have all this content and no way to deliver it consistently especially in 4K. They will fuck this up.

Deleted member 11626

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
AT&T is a shit company and you should all expect the worst from their ownership of any networks you like. I hope the justice department wins their eventual appeal but I'm not crossing my fingers

For anyone asking for consistent and 4K content you can forget about it. Att purchased DTV because their old copper infrastructure couldn't handle demand for today's internet speed needs with them trying to use their aged tech for TV and internet with uverse. DTV was purchased to alleviate the strain and move people to satellite away from uverse but they bungled that because no one wants satellite and their internet is still subpar even without the bandwidth freed from IPTV so at this point att decides to refocus and become a "content" company instead and buys TWM but the underlying problem remains att refused to upgrade their infrastructure to fiber optics with minimal deployments scattered about and so now they have all this content and no way to deliver it consistently especially in 4K. They will fuck this up.

Having previously worked as a Uverse installation tech and forced into DTV installs, all the of the above. Could not agree more. I don't know how many times I installed some 10 mb internet because the copper lines with IPTV couldn't handle more and my customer would just look at me and ask "are you serious about my speed?"

HBO is about to be run into the ground all while being unable to stream at 4K for most of AT&T's customers. They'll be looking to buy up another content provider when this fails to take off the way they want it to. Then they'll lay off more people like me and move call center positions overseas. Fuck this company.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Also want to point out how delusional it is to think HBO needs MORE varied content when in the past few years we've gotten:
Game of Thrones
Wyatt Cenac's documentary show
Vice Principals
John Oliver
Big Little Lies
The Deuce
True Detective

Yes a lot of these probably overlap in similarities, but it's disingenuous by this exec to think it needs to be at the "throw it at the wall" level Netflix is. Niche OTT's can, and do, succeed very well when they stay focused on their market segment.

Smh The Leftovers can't even get a mention in an HBO thread about quality.


Oct 25, 2017
If they mean more content like pay more to have 1-2 extra shows a year, sure.
If they mean more content like Netflix does were it's 90% trash, screw that. I watch HBO stuff for quality, not quantity.


Oct 25, 2017
People will spend 15 a month for 3 months just for GOT. Let's not fuck up a good thing


Oct 25, 2017
AT&T's top media executive walked into HBO recently and told the highly respected entertainment company's staff that they needed to work harder and make more money, and that they were lucky to have been purchased by AT&T, according to The New York Times, which listened to a leaked recording of the internal meeting.
Stankey also gave HBO employees this metaphor to sit with, after telling them they would have to work harder:

"You will work very hard, and this next year will — my wife hates it when I say this — feel like childbirth. You'll look back on it and be very fond of it, but it's not going to feel great while you're in the middle of it. She says, 'What do you know about this?' I just observe, 'Honey. We love our kids.'"
I would like to congratulate Netflix and Amazon on their soon to be new employees.

Kylo Rey

Dec 17, 2017
Got S7 was bad (story becausemusic and production are awesome)

Westworld is still very good


Oct 27, 2017
HBO is only worthwhile because the content is great, everything surrounding it is terrible from my experience. If AT&T invest more money into HBO to make more shows with compromising on their other ones, fine, but for the love of god give us 4K, HDR and a streaming app that isn't complete garbage on every platform.


Oct 25, 2017
That sounds really dumb and shortsighted. HBO already has tons of quality shows, movies, and specials going back decades. I would take that library over Netflix's firehose of mediocrity.

I wouldn't go as far as to call Netflix's library a firehose of mediocrity but I agree that HBO has a compelling package atm and if I could choose only one video subscription it'd be HBO. The movie diversity is pretty good (and they get a lot of stuff first thanks to their licensing deals), the shows are often pretty good too (IMO at least) and I'm also a fan of their documentaries. Hopefully they don't lose sight of what makes them good but given their new overlords i don't really see that being a sure bet :(.

ATT going to make HBO "better", just like they made DirecTV "better".

Pretty much lol.

Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017
Disagree on Average the average HBO Good to Great excels Netflix's
Netflix has one or more shows that are new or updated every month that keep me subscribing all year around. HBO has a couple shows that I'll subscribe one or two months out of the year to catch up on. For me personally, the gulf between what I get from Netflix and what I get from HBO is gigantic. Also helps that Netflix gets better movies (Marvel/Disney contract versus HBO's WB contract).


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
Pretty amazing turn of events. Netflix invested heavily to be the new HBO.

Now HBO has to invest to be more like Netflix.

It's like poetry.


Oct 27, 2017
What's amazing is that most "top 5 TV shows all time?" threads are dominated by HBO shows. It's because they invest in talent and then get the fuck out of the way, giving room to directors and writers to see their vision through.


Oct 27, 2017
Washington DC
The Netflix model of dumping entire seasons makes no sense for most HBO stuff. Shows like Game of Thrones and Westworld rely totally on the week to week hype cycle. Thrones is one of the last water cooler shows on Earth and you want to give that up for some reason? Lmao