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Oct 27, 2017
one of my favorite things i keep seeing is people saying it's hypocritical that PC people are fine with Ubisoft, ea, 2k, Microsoft etc launchers and accounts

where have you been lol. not paying attention that's for sure

because its not here in the real world where there's always people mad about those exact things because they're dumb and shitty right now

remember gfwl? hell people are mad at every non optional release of epic games services. dont act like you know what youre talking about when saying people are being hypocritical

and guess what: theres a reason people on pc dont pay for online or the experiment with games exclusivity on stores failed. and it's not because people just shut up and dealt with it. no matter how much you want to call them crybabies or chuds or whatever because you dont understand how anyone else could possibly not think like you do about something
Which really makes me wonder if Sony/Arrowhead were just so naive? Like surely there would have been a better way to tackle this news. Let alone that the number of regions that don't have access to PSN (but have access to steam) seems to have completely eluded them


Oct 28, 2017
You don't have to apologize. I don't remotely think a developer is going so rogue that they can unilaterally turn on/off account link and or launcher, that is my point. It ain't happening.
Honestly, during the chaos of that launch and with everything burning down around them, I can perfectly see a situation were they, believing, whether correctly or incorrectly, that that integration was causing problems, disabled it without much thought as to communicate with the publisher first. I don't think malice or conscious action were required here.


May 1, 2018
Aside from the people who live in regions that can't play the game anymore due to PSN, this seems a lot like "bitch eating crackers." I still cannot understand why this 3rd party account is so different than all the other 3rd party accounts required to play different games on Steam. There's not even a standalone launcher.

Functionally there's no difference between this and other instance of account linking.

But practically imposing your account linking after the wild success of the game kind of gets people 'grift' sensors going. There's no grift going on here, just bad strategy and messaging.
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, during the chaos of that launch and with everything burning down around them, I can perfectly see a situation were they, believing, whether correctly or incorrectly, that that integration was causing problems, disabled it without much thought as to communicate with the publisher first. I don't think malice or conscious action were required here.
I just don't think and again I'm welcome to proven wrong, does a developer have the unilateral authority to do something so drastic as turning off a launcher and or link in at will.

I think it is a misinterpretation of what probably occurred, it was their call but they had to get the nod.


Oct 27, 2017
I've never played the game, and have been barely paying attention to the news, but still had to come to the last pages in the thread to see if this was not some misunderstanding. I mean, I have a PS5 and obviously a PSN login, and if I was playing the game on PC I wouldn't have cared about adding the PSN login to it. However, making it a requirement, not an option...

This feels astonishingly stupid. It will end with some sort of backtracking and stupid people being fired at Sony.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
Sony launcher, and especially exclusive storefront are dealbreakers to me. Sony has shown time and time again that they can't secure customer account information to save their lives.
I keep seeing this statement repeated all over the place and I can't help but have to ask that, other than the one time we all know happened back 13 years ago, when have they had other breaches? If anything they've been rather good about implementing more forms of account security. Hell, they just semi-recently introduced using passkeys for logging in.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh okay I didn't know they could just tell their publisher to eat ass like that. So developers decide to allow or not launchers and account links?
The wording is a bit - off - on this. Account linking requires work and testing, it's not some kind of one-word toggle in source control. Using launchers is a whole different level of complexity - the absolute shortest I've ever seen a conversion from one approach to launching a game to another (introducing a launcher and all) was done in a... 3 months or so, and that was a death-march with cancelled christmas and respective CEO outright burning a bunch of people on the teams.

But - all that aside - can a developer run their own script like that? Yes - as long as the platform they are launching on isn't publisher owned - obviously subject to legal risks depending on what contract they signed.
If it IS publisher owned (not this case, but just an example) - then it depends on publisher's quality control - I've seen examples when that was so bad, that it was indeed still possible to go off script (and we've taken advantage of that once or twice).


May 4, 2024
I think the sad thing is: All of this could have been avoided if Sony simply had PSN support for more countries.

Sure, people would complain about having to create a PSN account, but that's normal, gamers tend to complain about those things, and then they move on. I honestly don't think it would have had much of an impact, if the only problem was people complaining about having to create another login. But the PSN region thing gave people more reason to complain, even those unaffected by it. And i can't blame them, to be honest. I don't know whose fault it is, Sony or Arrowhead, but this entire situation has been handled very poorly, in every possible way.

Selling the game for countries they don't support, basically forcing people to break TOS to use another region, which eventually caused the game to be delisted in those regions. I mean, jeez louise. It was so easy to avoid all of this by simply thinking ahead and making the PSN service available in more countries.


Oct 27, 2017
I think the sad thing is: All of this could have been avoided if Sony simply had PSN support for more countries.

Sure, people would complain about having to create a PSN account, but that's normal, gamers tend to complain about those things, and then they move on. I honestly don't think it would have had much of an impact, if the only problem was people complaining about having to create another login. But the PSN region thing gave people more reason to complain, even those unaffected by it. And i can't blame them, to be honest. I don't know whose fault it is, Sony or Arrowhead, but this entire situation has been handled very poorly, in every possible way.

Selling the game for countries they don't support, basically forcing people to break TOS to use another region, which eventually caused the game to be delisted in those regions. I mean, jeez louise. It was so easy to avoid all of this by simply thinking ahead and making the PSN service available in more countries.

The worst part is that they had literal years to prepare for this. Instead they're just showing that PSN is in no way ready for the GAAS market reality.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah agree, other competitor services are available pretty much everywhere. It is crazy how many countries don't have PSN.


Oct 28, 2017
I just don't think and again I'm welcome to proven wrong, does a developer have the unilateral authority to do something so drastic as turning off a launcher and or link in at will.

I think it is a misinterpretation of what probably occurred, it was their call but they had to get the nod.
Unilateral authority? I would imagine no. Unilateral capability? Sure. If they did, what was Sony supposed to do? Specially during that chaos? They would communicate with Arrowhead and tell them that obligatory PSN linking was a requirement since launch and that they should reinstate it as soon as possible. Realistically there is nothing that a publisher can do to avoid this nor to fix it by their own means.

Of course, that's assuming that when the CEO said he made the call, he meant unilaterally. After all, how they sell the game and with which requirements should be responsibility of the publisher, not the CEO of a contractor. He shouldn't be the one making those calls to begin with. I don't know the contract between Sony and AH but I would imagine that it's not that much different than this. If I am wrong with how a relationship between dev and publisher works, I apologiize and would love a correction.
Oct 27, 2017
The real winner here is Battlestate Games because their massive $250 Tarkov fuckup has basically been wiped out of existence by this. No one is talking about it anymore.

Battlestate was like, "Watch as we get the worst PR in the fastest way possible and destroy our credibility with our userbase." and Sony was all like, "Hold my beer."


Oct 25, 2017
I think the sad thing is: All of this could have been avoided if Sony simply had PSN support for more countries.
It doesn't need to have support for more countries, it needs to stop being region locked at all. You should be able to create a PSN account no matter where you live, and if all you use it for is to link it to your Steam account then that's it, mission accomplished. If you want to buy games in PS Store with it then you provide a payment method which is tied to your country of residence, and another mission is accomplished.

The problem is that the whole architecture of PSN accounts is archaic and has been hurting Sony's online efforts for some time now. This is just another incident in the list.


Nov 20, 2017
Unilateral authority? I would imagine no. Unilateral capability? Sure. If they did, what was Sony supposed to do? Specially during that chaos? They would communicate with Arrowhead and tell them that obligatory PSN linking was a requirement since launch and that they should reinstate it as soon as possible. Realistically there is nothing that a publisher can do to avoid this nor to fix it by their own means.

Of course, that's assuming that when the CEO said he made the call, he meant unilaterally. After all, how they sell the game and with which requirements should be responsibility of the publisher, not the CEO of a contractor. He shouldn't be the one making those calls to begin with. I don't know the contract between Sony and AH but I would imagine that it's not that much different than this. If I am wrong with how a relationship between dev and publisher works, I apologiize and would love a correction.

Again, it's not Arrowhead's job to make sure PSN works. That's Sony's job. Consider that 100% of Helldivers 2 currently works without PSN integration.

To connect your PSN account, you needed to scan a QR code which takes you to Sony's PSN page to create an account. Arrowhead provided that QR code, they did their job. What happened was that people were not able to make their account on Sony's PSN page. Arrowhead does not control Sony's PSN page.


Oct 25, 2017
Which really makes me wonder if Sony/Arrowhead were just so naive? Like surely there would have been a better way to tackle this news. Let alone that the number of regions that don't have access to PSN (but have access to steam) seems to have completely eluded them
i mean sometimes you have to get burnt

clearly plenty of other publishers still havent learned

its all a risk, it could have been someone else, but this time it wasnt


May 3, 2021
It's a silly argument in general. You're actually allowed to give one corporation your private information one day and then decide to tell a different corporation to fuck off into the sun for wanting similar info the next. Nobody owes Sony or any other corp some kind of "equal" willingness to fork over their data, and signing up for one account certainly doesn't obligate you to willingly sign up for an account with anyone else who wants you to do so forever afterwards.

It's perfectly fine and reasonable to get sick of corporations demanding this stuff, or to decide you particularly don't trust one corporation over another
It's a nice sentiment, but we all know everyone raging over this is just going to make an account no questions asked for the next big flavor of the month multiplayer title. Just like they always have before.


Shinra Employee of The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
It's a nice sentiment, but we all know everyone raging over this is just going to make an account no questions asked for the next big flavor of the month multiplayer title. Just like they always have before.

Wonder how Ghost of Tsushima fares. Legends/multiplayer requires a PSN account at launch, so I'm interested in tracking on how it does on PC. Especially since there's no country restrictions on it btw.


Oct 27, 2017
Reminds me of epic when Fortnite released on switch and the whole crossplay thing blew up.

They were right too.
On the other hand, this ordeal determined how the distribution of finances is now handled across multiple plattforms, which was the reason service games weren't as easily eligible for crossplay. MS used the fiasco to position themselves as pro-consumer and pro-gamer, which still sticks for them.


Oct 28, 2017
Shame they didn't turn it off in these regions to start with if always planning to enable PSN accounts like it said on the store page but when you don't require it for 3 months it becomes the norm and not temporary. Now to change it is def a bit bait and switch so get why people are angry as it's a good game.

Also surprised they let this news go live on friday to gain big traction over the weekend.


Oct 26, 2017
So why didn't PlayStation test PlayStation Login and implementation on some long-ago-released titles such as Horizon, Days Gone, Returnal and such, why do they need to start it with Helldivers 2?
Jul 2, 2021
So why didn't PlayStation test PlayStation Login and implementation on some long-ago-released titles such as Horizon, Days Gone, Returnal and such, why do they need to start it with Helldivers 2?
Because Helldivers 2 is a multiplayer game. A live-service game. So they started it with this.
Same reason why PSN integration will be madatory for Ghost of Tsushima: Legends (the multiplayer mode) while you don't need it if you are only playing Ghost of Tsushima's singleplayer campaign.


Apr 3, 2018

This is such an own-goal, and for what?


Nov 28, 2023
Is this the biggest gaming fumble ever?
Went from one of the most celebrated games in recent times to...whatever the fuck is going on here


Nov 6, 2017
It's a nice sentiment, but we all know everyone raging over this is just going to make an account no questions asked for the next big flavor of the month multiplayer title. Just like they always have before.
And? Like, what's your point?

If people want to tell Sony to fuck off, and next week sign up for Foobar's service, that's 100% fine. Again, Sony isn't owed "equality" or "fairness" or whatever in peoples' behavior. They're a multi multi multibilion dollar company famous for having a ridiculously outdated network architecture and a string of catastrophic security failures. If people view them as especially untrustworthy, that's entirely on Sony.


Oct 26, 2017
Because Helldivers 2 is a multiplayer game. A live-service game. So they started it with this.
Same reason why PSN integration will be madatory for Ghost of Tsushima: Legends (the multiplayer mode) while you don't need it if you are only playing Ghost of Tsushima's singleplayer campaign.

Returnal had a somewhat multiplayer component.

Also, PSN is not required for the game to work properly, as it was proved for the past 3 months. It's not like it goes through PSN Infrastructure. It's not even a PlayStation first-party game.
Jul 2, 2021
Returnal had a somewhat multiplayer component.

Also, PSN is not required for the game to work properly, as it was proved for the past 3 months. It's not like it goes through PSN Infrastructure. It's not even a PlayStation first-party game.
Of course it doesn't need account linking for it to work properly. No game does. They want the MAUs and more control over their game, just like all the other big publishers. Sony owns the IP and is the publisher. So it is a Sony 1st party game, even if they don't own Arrowhead Studios (2nd party yadayada).


Oct 29, 2017
Again, it's not Arrowhead's job to make sure PSN works. That's Sony's job. Consider that 100% of Helldivers 2 currently works without PSN integration.

To connect your PSN account, you needed to scan a QR code which takes you to Sony's PSN page to create an account. Arrowhead provided that QR code, they did their job. What happened was that people were not able to make their account on Sony's PSN page. Arrowhead does not control Sony's PSN page.
Except that everything actually worked. The problem is the server overload which made Arrowhead decide to deactivate the obligation (because yes you could still link your account for those who wanted it) to reduce server requests. But if the game had had the number of players Sony and AH estimated none of this would have happened.

Moreover, the CEO provided a little more information:


and as he says the problem is that they should have communicated at regular intervals to remind them that this deactivation was temporary


Jan 19, 2022
Why is no one shitting on Microsoft for requiring the same shit? I couldn't play SoT without an MS account.
The fact that they're doing this to people retroactively for one. Even if it was just that, I'd say it's an overreaction, but doing it to people in territories where PSN isn't available is extremely shitty. Even if Sony fixed it somehow it's still bad optics.

The review bombing and… general overreaction I've seen on social is still stupid. The way people on Reddit are handling it is stupid. It's all an overreaction. It's still bad optics to do this after the fact. Microsoft might have you make an account but they're not doing it retroactively.


Oct 27, 2017


I appreciate your response. I wish to understand why you accepted money from customers in countries you KNEW would not be able to play your game a few months down the line. These sales should have been restricted from the start. Please refund these players. That's my issue.



Hey, we do not handle the selling of the game. We develop and support it, when it comes to the details of how it's sold. Up to publishers and stores. PSN restrictions are a PSN issue, I wouldn't know why you can't make an account in different parts of the world.
[My emphasis. I don't have a PS5 or PC, so this is interesting to me. They only handle the selling of the game ... but not how are able to play the game by logging in to their servers?]

6:45 PM · May 5, 2024



May 3, 2021
And? Like, what's your point?

If people want to tell Sony to fuck off, and next week sign up for Foobar's service, that's 100% fine. Again, Sony isn't owed "equality" or "fairness" or whatever in peoples' behavior. They're a multi multi multibilion dollar company famous for having a ridiculously outdated network architecture and a string of catastrophic security failures. If people view them as especially untrustworthy, that's entirely on Sony.
Yeah people are free to do whatever they want. But it would just demonstrate that this whole situation has been blown out of proportion and is largely performative.


Oct 25, 2017
Except that everything actually worked. The problem is the server overload which made Arrowhead decide to deactivate the obligation (because yes you could still link your account for those who wanted it) to reduce server requests. But if the game had had the number of players Sony and AH estimated none of this would have happened.

Moreover, the CEO provided a little more information:


and as he says the problem is that they should have communicated at regular intervals to remind them that this deactivation was temporary



I appreciate your response. I wish to understand why you accepted money from customers in countries you KNEW would not be able to play your game a few months down the line. These sales should have been restricted from the start. Please refund these players. That's my issue.



Hey, we do not handle the selling of the game. We develop and support it, when it comes to the details of how it's sold. Up to publishers and stores. PSN restrictions are a PSN issue, I wouldn't know why you can't make an account in different parts of the world.
[My emphasis. I don't have a PS5 or PC, so this is interesting to me. They only handle the selling of the game ... but not how are able to play the game by logging in to their servers?]
that twitter thread is crazy
this jean baptiste guy and some others are absolute idiots who do not understand anything and are just being complete assholes
what a travesty


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
I still cannot believe this is happening. What a weird self own shit show.
Jun 1, 2021
I've never played the game, and have been barely paying attention to the news, but still had to come to the last pages in the thread to see if this was not some misunderstanding. I mean, I have a PS5 and obviously a PSN login, and if I was playing the game on PC I wouldn't have cared about adding the PSN login to it. However, making it a requirement, not an option...

This feels astonishingly stupid. It will end with some sort of backtracking and stupid people being fired at Sony.

Why not take two minutes to actually educate yourself on the ongoing developments? It's gone a bit further than "I don't want to make an account or log in with PSN".


Oct 25, 2017
Returnal had a somewhat multiplayer component.

Also, PSN is not required for the game to work properly, as it was proved for the past 3 months. It's not like it goes through PSN Infrastructure. It's not even a PlayStation first-party game.

Helldivers is a first party IP, developed by a third party developer, so it's a first party game.

Because it was implemented since release.

This is the key thing of all this. If arrowhead's CEO hasn't panicked and disabled PSN login, we wouldnt had this clusterfuck today. Now, it's true that this is sony's great fault for not having servers prepared for that influx of new accounts, and i think this is not the first time that happens.

Sony wants to bet hard on GaaS gaming, but still have an unprepared online infrastructure.


Nov 6, 2017
Yeah people are free to do whatever they want. But it would just demonstrate that this whole situation has been blown out of proportion and is largely performative.
How would it demonstrate that? I'll willingly bank with Bank A, but when Bank B tries to convince me to sign back up I tell them to pound sand because I still remember the time they shut down my chequing account for 3 days accidentally. I'll willingly pay local Company A for drink delivery, but I won't sign up again with drink delivery Company B after having my credit card stolen in a data breach from them a few years ago. I'll give resetera a personal email address but LinkedIn can go fuck itself for no particular reason other than I don't like it.

Why does my willingness to sign up for one company mean my unwillingness to sign up with another is "performative"?


Oct 27, 2017
Couldn't be happy with making hundreds of millions of dollars on game that was expected to make a fraction of that.
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