
Nov 6, 2017
Wild takes.

Quasar and EAT are top tier imo and you can still use the Railgun to break the Charger's armor. Loadouts seem way more varied now than at launch where it was just Breaker + Redeemer + Shield + Railgun...

That's your opinion~

At least the Taiwanese community that I play with we have with own discord with 5000 people.
Most people don't like the change done so far.

The rail gun buff was only 2 week ago. and that was also along while where almost no one is using it, and most people still don't know of the buff.

Loadout seem more limited from what I'm playing here, with no one using lightning gun, flame thrower, railgun.
And people just use the energy AR or the fire shotgun.
Laser drone, Eagle airstrike, giant laser beam.
Oct 27, 2017
12 million copies sold as of May 5th.

That's.... a lot of copies.



Saw this last night in a mission. Big boi.


Oct 25, 2017

HELLDIVERS™ 2 - Patch 1.000.304 - Steam News

Greetings fellow Divers! Small patch deploying to a Super Destroyer near you Overview For this patch, we have made improvements and changes to the following areas: Crash fixes Misc fixes Fixes Crashes Fixed a crash triggered when the host left after a player hot joined. Fixed an occasional crash...

sigh, another nothing burger patch but I guess some people might have needed these fixes


hah! the tenderizer is a "Known issue"


Oct 25, 2017
AH needs to rip off the band aid and stop hanging out 24/7 on discord - this is detrimental to them and the game. The game is too popular to listen to every random person who has issues.


Oct 26, 2017
I feel like this just happens with all the popular games. But I don't remember this back then during my TF2 times haha


Oct 28, 2017
That's your opinion~

At least the Taiwanese community that I play with we have with own discord with 5000 people.
Most people don't like the change done so far.

The rail gun buff was only 2 week ago. and that was also along while where almost no one is using it, and most people still don't know of the buff.

Loadout seem more limited from what I'm playing here, with no one using lightning gun, flame thrower, railgun.
And people just use the energy AR or the fire shotgun.
Laser drone, Eagle airstrike, giant laser beam.
My experience has been much different than yours. I use the Arc Thrower almost exclusively. Its a great weapon (wish it still staggered Hulks, though). So is the flame thrower now that the DoT is fixed. I play mostly Quickplay and I see a pretty big variety of primaries, strategems, backpacks, support weapons, mortars/cannons, different grenade types and play styles. You say yourself that this is comming from your Discord community, maybe try a different one.


Oct 25, 2017
I also see pretty various loudouts. I find myself experimenting with stuff and to be honest most of equipment is good.
Scorcher, JAR, Incendiary Breaker, Eruptor, Counter Sniper, Plasma Punisher, Blitzer, Pummeler are all very good. Aside few, most Stratagems are useful.
Every Booster can be argued for.

Their problems are undertuned Warbonds at release and "meta players" wanting to run the same loadout for 200 hours.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah i see different loadouts everywhere
The game just isn't so difficult that you ever need to run meta loadouts to just win


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Huh. I just assumed it was a PS5 host thing. Still waiting on the lock-on bug to be fixed before using it all the time. It's SUCH a great support tool for the team, but the fact you can't fire without a lock WILL fuck you up several times per mission.
I use it a lot honestly and just am having a great time with it
I can count the times it has fucked me on one hand
I use it at extreme ranges on open maps mostly and that's really where it shines


Oct 25, 2017
I use it a lot honestly and just am having a great time with it
I can count the times it has fucked me on one hand
I use it at extreme ranges on open maps mostly and that's really where it shines
Yeah, I like being able to support teammates from very far away. Killing that charger or tagging that titan from 200+ meters away feels fantastic.
But then you have a charger in your face and you fail to lock it on and it just feels bad.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I like being able to support teammates from very far away. Killing that charger or tagging that titan from 200+ meters away feels fantastic.
But then you have a charger in your face and you fail to lock it on and it just feels bad.
I run it with the light armor that has +2 grenades and then stun grenades
If a charger is too close i stun it and run away haha


Oct 25, 2017
Genuinely baffled at how bad the lock-on is. I get the balance of power vs lock-on time, but I think it's only ever locked on with a green marker for me once, ever. I just cannot figure it out.
It's just kinda bugged
Biggest tip i can give you is draw a mental line from your divers feet to the target
If there is anything inbetween your feet and the enemy your lockon will have a bad time


Nov 2, 2017
It's just kinda bugged
Biggest tip i can give you is draw a mental line from your divers feet to the target
If there is anything inbetween your feet and the enemy your lockon will have a bad time
Interesting, thanks! When it comes down to it playing at level 7 minimum for the super samples, and trying not to be a burden on my team, I just haven't been able to experiment with the Spear. I will try to follow your advice!


Oct 25, 2017
I don't, alot of the fun weapon are not fun, and the only way to clear even higher difficulity is to bring in meta weapon and use glitch.
When before you can bring in more option.

The laser RPG is not useful, EAT takes too long, and the only way to use the recoiless is with the 4sec reload glitch.

When before, you had Railgun and lightning gun can break armor, allowing for grenade or normal gun to deal damage continiusly.
But with the reduce in rail gun and range decrease on lightning gun.

To get rid of the super big and heavy enemy, you need to hit specific spot with specific enemy or use the giant weapon from the plane or starship.

When before there was more option to kill them.

And they still haven't fix the mech aiming and made the rocket need to hit a specific spot a specific way to kill heavy enemy too, otherwise it doesn't do much damage.

Man I use all of those weapons and I don't use any glitches? In fact I'm not even sure what glitches you are talking about? 🤔


Oct 25, 2017
Reload glitch, when reloading, once the ammo is filled(turn white) open the console for battleship and your chara will stand up and skip 2~3 second.
This "trick", the "ZOMG the Eruptor does DOUBLE DAMAGE if you switch weapons around all the time after firing!" glitch, I can't be bothered with any of them. I play the game, period.


Nov 6, 2017
Yeah that isn't "necessary" in any way shape or form
Not sure what's going on in that community you mentioned

The community is just mostly from Taiwan, with some from Japan and Korea, and only playing together, because if joining random group, and a English player joins.

When we speak Chinese, Japanese or Korean. The English person would get mad, or start sprouting ching chong and demand everyone else speak english.
And want everyone to play a specific way.

And the community and I feel that alot of weapon that we used to use are reduced in efficiancy, and that instead of reducing/nerfing, the dev should be buffing other stuff.

similiar on Bahamut/ and Ptt, when people ask if it's good to join Helldiver 2, most response is that it is not good, unless you like to constantly be forced to use different weapon, because your favorite weapon is reduced in efficency, deal with racist english player or play only with specific load out, because they are the only good option now.

This "trick", the "ZOMG the Eruptor does DOUBLE DAMAGE if you switch weapons around all the time after firing!" glitch, I can't be bothered with any of them. I play the game, period.

And I and other used to play the game, but because of the reduce efficiancy in previous weapon, some people feel need to use the glitch to play similiar.


Oct 25, 2017
To me personally i can't really understand feeling this impacted by some balance changes but again that's me
I can take any gun in the game and it shoots and kills enemies so i can run missions with it
Idk maybe I'm just weird


Oct 27, 2017
The new AR-61 Tenderizer line in the known issue cracks me up.

12M copies sold, that's definitely far more than I had expected. No wonder they are going through so much growing pain right now.


Oct 27, 2017
Meh, there is no denying that some guns definitely need some buffs. When it takes more than half a mag to kill a single brood commander or stalker, than it's not it.


Oct 27, 2017
It's hard to think about getting that worked up about loadouts when I recently watched a dude murder a bile titan with a flamethrower.
We getting these mines or what? I'mma be pissed if we miss out on them a second time.
Doubt, but we might make it under the wire. Tons of crashes this morning are probably going to hinder piling up robot bodies. I want them badly though. Think they would be helpful for the walkers.
Oct 27, 2017
I mean the text description for the weapon tells you they did not review it's performance profile post-balancing patch against the other ARs that were buffed.


Feb 11, 2018
To me personally i can't really understand feeling this impacted by some balance changes but again that's me
I can take any gun in the game and it shoots and kills enemies so i can run missions with it
Idk maybe I'm just weird

I am happy for you, I really am. I also think that it's okay to criticize too? Like I don't get this anti-criticize thing? It's like some weird edgy counter culture thing. Yes the people screaming about a video games weapons can be a bit much. But on the whole this is a PVE game and some of the changes are head scratching. I'm glad you are having fun but just because you are doesn't mean others cannot be affected differently. Both can exist without discounting the other or making others views seem ridiculous.

(There are some people who do take it too far, almost personally, but I don't really see them as helpful and am omitting them from this discussion as I do not understand the parasocial connection people have with a digital product)

Dr. Sanchez

Nov 15, 2017
Reload glitch, when reloading, once the ammo is filled(turn white) open the console for battleship and your chara will stand up and skip 2~3 second.
all you have to do is press the crouch button to stand up, cancelling the animation. No need to open up a menu or whatever. Same goes for the autocannon if you empty it completely; after reloading the first half, stand up to cancel the other half if you need to shoot something quickly.


Oct 26, 2017
Since a few people have been mentioning it, I took the Spear out for a few rounds before work this morning. I only used it briefly back when I unlocked it and dropped it after the targeting jank. But giving it another go and it's pretty damn fun to use. I've just been running it and trying to keep my distance and maintain some high ground. Being able to take out a bunch of fabricators from afar is fantastic.


Oct 25, 2017
I am happy for you, I really am. I also think that it's okay to criticize too? Like I don't get this anti-criticize thing? It's like some weird edgy counter culture thing. Yes the people screaming about a video games weapons can be a bit much. But on the whole this is a PVE game and some of the changes are head scratching. I'm glad you are having fun but just because you are doesn't mean others cannot be affected differently. Both can exist without discounting the other or making others views seem ridiculous.

(There are some people who do take it too far, almost personally, but I don't really see them as helpful and am omitting them from this discussion as I do not understand the parasocial connection people have with a digital product)
my comment is not about criticism in general
it's just more about people who get extremely impacted by balance changes
if you look at the comments before mine, i was basically referring to the stuff about the need for meta and glitches


Oct 27, 2017
20 minutes into the future.
think the plasma punisher is going to replace the scorcher against bots for me. Once you learn to aim the thing it outperforms the scorcher in strider control, as well as being way better at killing groups of troopers. It's safer to kill all devastator types as well with the stagger it has. Only negative it the low ammo count where you'll be needing to resupply more often than other weapons.
It's my goto for bots, I've been running it on bugs lately too to ok results (I only play Suicide difficulty though)


Dec 28, 2018
I quick played into an evacuate researchers mission with one other diver and everyone that joined immediately quit. Somehow managed to quick play into the same mission type 3 times and lose each one since no one would stay 😑

I have no idea what to bring on this mission, seems like nothing is enough
Mar 7, 2020
I quick played into an evacuate researchers mission with one other diver and everyone that joined immediately quit. Somehow managed to quick play into the same mission type 3 times and lose each one since no one would stay 😑

I have no idea what to bring on this mission, seems like nothing is enough

The way I "beat" those mission is to...not play objective.

3 people go to edge of map to aggro all the mob. 1 person with scout armor sneak into base to evac vip.


Oct 27, 2017
I quick played into an evacuate researchers mission with one other diver and everyone that joined immediately quit. Somehow managed to quick play into the same mission type 3 times and lose each one since no one would stay 😑

I have no idea what to bring on this mission, seems like nothing is enough
What level were you playing? I ran a couple over lunch on 4, and it seemed to be a lot of low level cadets who didn't really get what was going on in the mission. They die enough and just jet because it seems impossible. I finally understand the power of smoke on that mission for bots and I HIGHLY suggest bringing it if no one else does. Smoke, Sentries (well placed), mines (again, well placed) and peeps locking chokes and causing a ruckus outside the evac zone help greatly.

I think I'm the only one who really digs the challenge on that mission type. When it works well, it's glorious. When it goes to shit and we still limp to victory, it's glorious and feels earned.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm moving my way up to difficulties 8 and 9 and I wonder about extract etiquette

Would it be considered a jerk move if I were to run into the ship asap if i'm carrying the super samples and we're surrounded or should I try to hold out for the rest of the team to make it

Up to 7 i've waited for everyone to make it but there's a ton of enemies now and I just played a game were we could have made it out with some samples but wiped because two of us tried to wait for the team
Last edited:


Dec 28, 2018
What level were you playing? I ran a couple over lunch on 4, and it seemed to be a lot of low level cadets who didn't really get what was going on in the mission. They die enough and just jet because it seems impossible. I finally understand the power of smoke on that mission for bots and I HIGHLY suggest bringing it if no one else does. Smoke, Sentries (well placed), mines (again, well placed) and peeps locking chokes and causing a ruckus outside the evac zone help greatly.

I think I'm the only one who really digs the challenge on that mission type. When it works well, it's glorious. When it goes to shit and we still limp to victory, it's glorious and feels earned.

I play on 7. I actually liked the mission for trying out the gas now that dot works, and it's okay.... Never actually used smoke or mines before. Seems like it's a good place to try out strategems that aren't as useful normally


Oct 25, 2017
Houston, Texas
I'm moving my way up to difficulties 8 and 9 and I wonder about extract etiquette

Would it be considered a jerk move if I were to run into the ship asap if i'm carrying the super samples and we're surrounded or should I try to hold out for the rest of the team to make it

Up to 7 i've waited for everyone to make it but there's a ton of enemies now and I just played a game were we could have made it out with some samples but wiped because two of us tried to wait for the team
Depends how high level your teammates are. Around 60-70+ those people just have no need for Super Samples anymore. The real answer to your question is that you would want to keep track of your other 3 team mates and only get on the ship once they're in range to make the 20 second timer. They at the very least deserve a shot to make it onboard. If you get on asap without giving your teammates a chance, it's the fastest way to have good teammates return to their own ship after they get back to the Super Destroyer.


Oct 27, 2017
20 minutes into the future.
They still really need to adjust burning. Get mildly rag dolled and catch on fire, you're dead. You never get a chance to put the flame out or use a stim. I'm not talking about when you go for a real tumble across the map from an explosion, just a simple fall to the ground, zero chance of surviving if you catch on fire when that happens.

Night Terror

Feb 1, 2018
Bought this on monday, almost level 20 by now. Really enjoy rocking that super citizen edition armor lol

The game is mad fun, no wonder it has been the huge unexpected success it has become. Also some serious mad moments you can get, especially at extraction.

Weirdly I see people enjoy playing vs bugs more, yet I haven't gotten to it yet because I wanted to contribute to the ongoing operation :p


Oct 27, 2017
I play on 7. I actually liked the mission for trying out the gas now that dot works, and it's okay.... Never actually used smoke or mines before. Seems like it's a good place to try out strategems that aren't as useful normally
Agreed on being a good place to try out little used strats. I've gotten way more experimental on the shorter mission types.

Really hope we can pull this major order out. I did my part today and even ran some missions a little longer than normal for the extra bot murders. Capped on samples and rec slips so I'm…itching for some mines.
Oct 27, 2017
Agreed on being a good place to try out little used strats. I've gotten way more experimental on the shorter mission types.

Really hope we can pull this major order out. I did my part today and even ran some missions a little longer than normal for the extra bot murders. Capped on samples and rec slips so I'm…itching for some mines.

76% with 6+ hours left. I'm losing hope.