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Oct 26, 2017
It is very possible that the covid has affected more games prepared for 2021 than 2020.

If you add to that the typical delays of all the years ...

PD: Fuck Rowling.
It will, especially anything shooting for later 2021, if games that were almost done where messed up, games far from that would have probably been completely paused for awhile, while the studios move to a WFH setup and figure out where everything is up to.


Feb 27, 2020
Shame, but I can wait. Hopefully this delay will lighten the devs' workload and mean a better and more polished final product.


Oct 29, 2017
Why the surprise? It was said from the start that Covid would severely affect the industry from 2021 onwards. It's been looking like it for months, with the lack of next-gen stock, components and continous delays. By March or April there will be many like this (which was always a long shot).


Feb 12, 2019
By the time this game comes out is anybody going to care? Even setting aside Rowling's awful words and actions, I don't see Harry Potter's popularity going anywhere but down over the last few years. Four or five years ago this would have been pretty big, but in 2022?


Oct 25, 2017
Makes sense with Covid. I hope the devs are doing okay.

I still plan to support this game, but am also donating to HRC, a suicide prevention walk, and a local shelter for trans kids. Fuck JK for ruining her universe :(


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not surprised. Maybe a little bit at the fact that they delayed it two weeks into this year, but no overall. I expect a lot more of the 2021 games getting delayed.


Oct 27, 2017

Fuck JK Rowling and people like her.

I feel like this was partly done to give it more space from her comments so that people "forget"

I hate to say it, but it'll work. The world moves quickly, and from what I see she certainly is not cancelled. I know plenty of people that are aware of her stance and don't agree with it, but still really like Harry Potter.


Oct 27, 2017
South Portland, ME
Oh no. Now people will have to wait another year before they can give money to someone who supports transphobic causes and has actual power to make things worse for us.

Fuck this game.


Feb 21, 2018
Chicago, IL
By the time this game comes out is anybody going to care? Even setting aside Rowling's awful words and actions, I don't see Harry Potter's popularity going anywhere but down over the last few years. Four or five years ago this would have been pretty big, but in 2022?
Yo, do you even go on Twitter? There's always something Harry Potter trending every couple of days.


Oct 25, 2017
That's a shame the trailer made it look like the Harry Potter game I've always wanted but at least the devs will get time to get it right.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
That's enough time for Rowling to make another several dozen transphobic rants because she's insecure that other people have the initiative to change and become who they want to be while she wallows in self-pity of how horrible it is to be a woman and how anyone transitioning is a threat to her and the womanhood she hates.

Fuck TERFs. Insecure pieces of shit who'd rather get trans people killed than to admit they're insecure with their gender identity.

Era Uma Vez

Feb 5, 2020
I feel like this was partly done to give it more space from her comments so that people "forget"

I hate to say it, but it'll work. The world moves quickly, and from what I see she certainly is not cancelled. I know plenty of people that are aware of her stance and don't agree with it, but still really like Harry Potter.
Yeah, no way they're gonna delay the game because of that.
The game could drop today and nobody would care about the JK stuff, they dont have to wait a year for that.
CyberPunk got away with it, and it's a game with actual transphobic content and a transphobic company behind it.
With Hogwarts Legacy, they can just go for the "it's a game made by a group of good people, not to mention JK isn't involved" rethoric and be fine.

I mean, I never thought the game was coming this year, from where development started, and being a big IP, and AAA and having to launch for current and next-gen, and then you add Covid and it's not a big surprise.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Oh I'll be batting for more than that. Especially if she continues as she has done between now until release. There's a marked difference between CDPR and this vile slime of a woman.
Glad to hear it, I hope they do it right this time.
The guy who ran all of the Cybperpunk threads was an undercover altright Trumper, and gaslit the entire trans community, and it fucked over a ton of trans people here.
Nice and succinctly put haha thank you, I was trying to think of a way to summarise it without going too far off topic and bringing controversy back up


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like this was partly done to give it more space from her comments so that people "forget"

I hate to say it, but it'll work. The world moves quickly, and from what I see she certainly is not cancelled. I know plenty of people that are aware of her stance and don't agree with it, but still really like Harry Potter.
She will never shut up. At any moment she will show her transphobia again.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like this was partly done to give it more space from her comments so that people "forget"

I hate to say it, but it'll work. The world moves quickly, and from what I see she certainly is not cancelled. I know plenty of people that are aware of her stance and don't agree with it, but still really like Harry Potter.

I bet that had exactly zero to do with this decision. Cyberpunk set sales records. Unfortunately most people don't give the slightest shit about this stuff and they know it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully by then JK Rowling will sell the ip like what Lucas did, to free us from her bigotry.


Oct 4, 2020
I knew this would get delayed lol Still looking forward to it, that trailer was amazing.


Oct 27, 2017
Rowling and this game both can fuck off into the sun. There should be no excuses made for a TERF.
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