
Oct 27, 2017
I always find it amusing that it's almost exclusively male members who say blanket statements like that, or the "prude" drive by's. I know this forum is majority male, but still.

It is quite the narrow-minded view to think that wanting to see other relationships featured plus the increase in intimacy coordinators = prudes. I guess if historically you had media which featured sex scenes which was tailor made for a male gaze... a decrease in that could be perceived as prudish? I dunno seems like a very inward-looking conclusion to make, that isn't backed up by the data and study presented.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm just a woman who misses people humping in movies. I don't want anyone to be treated poorly, but…yeah, I miss horny movies.

This is my wife's take as well. She enjoys her "chicklit" books and after the kid goes to bed we go out of our way to find fun romantic films but we've seen so many of them. Good well made horny movies are a dying breed.


Oct 31, 2020
I can't tell if this is just me being European, but sex scenes never bothered me. 😅

EDIT: It definitely is not a gender thing, my lady friends are even more comfortable with them than me.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I do, I watch movies from all over the world, I just don't expect these things from Hollywood because the studios are increasingly restrictive of subject matters that are not the lowest common denominator.
And how are sex scenes as Hollywood writers, especially men, have used them not an example of appealing to the lowest common denominator?

Neo Hartless

Jan 8, 2019
And how are sex scenes as Hollywood writers, especially men, have used them not an example of appealing to the lowest common denominator?
Shifting tastes that lean more to conservatism and content that can get through more restrictive overseas rating boards, since more and more Hollywood films are dependant on international box office.

If even the most normative, milquetoast and non challenging erotic content is getting toned down, they're not gonna fill that void with more female or queer stories and directors. Those are gonna have even less space.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Shifting tastes that lean more to conservatism and content that can get through more restrictive overseas rating boards, since more and more Hollywood films are dependant on international box office.

If even the most normative, milquetoast and non challenging erotic content is getting toned down, they're not gonna fill that void with more female or queer stories and directors.
They quite literally have filled that void wdym? There's an entire living to be made out of complaining that there's too many. You cannot gaslight people into believing

"If you tone down the sex scenes and they don't appear as often then we'll only have straight white people in movies!"

Like bro stop. Just....stop. Movies are not becoming more conservative because actresses aren't being pressured into sex scenes as often as before let alone lacking in queer representation because again, it is far FAR more common to see such things these days than before.

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
I guess part of the issue is what we're all imagining when we hear "sex scene", it's like some people go straight to something as hypothetically graphic as the season 1 finale of Insecure, which was a lot, but left a STRONG impression and did support that story, but I'm also including stuff as "tame" as Top Gun Maverick which I just have a hard time believing people watched and thought "ugh ... this is so unnecessary" unless they just disliked that entire subplot to begin win. We keep citing conservatives, children and broadest appeal, but it's not like PG 13 goes that hard. It's a little setup and then they cut to the next day. Are we really saying that doesn't need to be there?

Dune had it both ways showing one pairing briefly and a really effective cut to black for another. No one is asking for Blue is the Warmest Color here, I hope.


Oct 25, 2017
To the east of Parts Unknown...
I guess part of the issue is what we're all imagining when we hear "sex scene", it's like some people go straight to something as hypothetically graphic as the season 1 finale of Insecure, which was a lot, but left a STRONG impression and did support that story, but I'm also including stuff as "tame" as Top Gun Maverick which I just have a hard time believing people watched and thought "ugh ... this is so unnecessary" unless they just disliked that entire subplot to begin win. We keep citing conservatives, children and broadest appeal, but it's not like PG 13 goes that hard. It's a little setup and then they cut to the next day. Are we really saying that doesn't need to be there?

I don't think anyone is talking about PG--13 "sex scenes" in a conversations like this. Top Gun was pretty much universally liked, especially by the conservative types. They're more talking about the game of thrones style "prestige tv show" sex scene that has dominated the space for a while now or the sex scene in Oppenheimer that while narratively is there to show the wife's revulsion/betrayal/uneasiness is weird considering how straight laced the rest of the movie is. But that's also kind of the point?

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
I don't think anyone is talking about PG--13 "sex scenes" in conversations like this. Top Gun was pretty much universally liked, especially by the conservative types. They're more talking about the game of thrones style "prestige tv show" sex scene that has dominated the space for a while now or the sex scene in Oppenheimer that while narratively is there to show the wife's revulsion/betrayal/uneasiness is weird considering how straight laced the rest of the movie is. But that's also kind of the point?
Sure, but the thread is mostly about movies, granted, I did cite a TV show just now also, but I do think this trend is for movies, whereas TV has felt like the opposite. Granted, I'm used to seeing the MPAA rating if I'm watching anything at home so I don't get how so many people are blindsided by this stuff.

But at least with my points, I've been trying to be all encompassing of the different types of intimacy shown in movies at different levels.


Oct 27, 2017
This is my wife's take as well. She enjoys her "chicklit" books and after the kid goes to bed we go out of our way to find fun romantic films but we've seen so many of them. Good well made horny movies are a dying breed.

Yup, a good "night cap" movie goes a long way. Porn is not a substitute. You know things are dire when the wife and I are considering re-watching the first season of Bridgerton.

I don't get the disdain for heteronormative sex. They can be really steamy. I'm a lesbian, but honestly…I'll take any sex in films as long as it's hot. Straight, less straight, non-straight I'm not picky.

Neo Hartless

Jan 8, 2019
They quite literally have filled that void wdym? There's an entire living to be made out of complaining that there's too many. You cannot gaslight people into believing

"If you tone down the sex scenes and they don't appear as often then we'll only have straight white people in movies!"

Like bro stop. Just....stop. Movies are not becoming more conservative because actresses aren't being pressured into sex scenes as often as before let alone lacking in queer representation because again, it is far FAR more common to see such things these days than before.

You keep mixing up cause and effect here. I didn't say less sex scenes means a movie industry is more conservative.

I said that this trend of reduced sex scenes more closely matches a trend of Hollwood studios flirting with a growing conservative audience than any sort of commitment to diversity and sensitiivty to women's concerns over abusive set practices.

Especially since we know Hollywood studios aren't really commited to increasing diversity behind the cameras

So yes, while there HAS been a larger on screen diversity in the last decade plus, it hasn't been from a fundamental change in the power structure. The same executives that greenlit minority focused projects can start turning them down as soon as they think it won't make them enough money.

When the same people are occupying the positions of power, any "progress" made can easily regress on a whim.

So in an industry that's gutted from Covid followed by strikes, with growing consolidation on account of a new merger every two years, and that increasingly relies on international box office to survive (a point you failed to engage with btw), you think things are gonna get better for people of color, women or queer people?

This is a canary in the coal mine for something worse.


Oct 26, 2017

Yup, a good "night cap" movie goes a long way. Porn is not a substitute. You know things are dire when the wife and I are considering re-watching the first season of Bridgerton.

I don't get the disdain for heteronormative sex. They can be really steamy. I'm a lesbian, but honestly…I'll take any sex in films as long as it's hot. Straight, less straight, non-straight I'm not picky.

The episode of Outlander where Jamie and Claire get married is a good one, too!

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
You keep mixing up cause and effect here. I didn't say less sex scenes means a movie industry is more conservative.

I said that this trend of reduced sex scenes more closely matches a trend of Hollwood studios flirting with a growing conservative audience than any sort of commitment to diversity and sensitiivty to women's concerns over abusive set practices.
You're conflating two different things. Even the article in the OP, doesn't argue that this is evidence of Hollywood flirting with conservatives. It literally partially blames a changing market and the effect of having eight times the amount of intimacy coordinators working today as opposed to the various times actresses were forced/coerced into performing scenes they weren't comfortable with.
Especially since we know Hollywood studios aren't really commited to increasing diversity behind the cameras

So yes, while there HAS been a larger on screen diversity in the last decade plus, it hasn't been from a fundamental change in the power structure. The same executives that greenlit minority focused projects can start turning them down as soon as they think it won't make them enough money.

When the same people are occupying the positions of power, any "progress" made can easily regress on a whim.

So in an industry that's gutted from Covid followed by strikes, with growing consolidation on account of a new merger every two years, and that increasingly relies on international box office to survive (a point you failed to engage with btw), you think things are gonna get better for people of color, women or queer people?

This is a canary in the coal mine for something worse.
Execs don't live forever, and when the most successful shows each year, barring MSN, are things featuring diverse casts and such, that's not going away anytime soon. Even if there ARE chuds working as execs and making the decisions. But again, an entirely different topic entirely than the reasons why filmmakers aren't putting as many vapid sex scenes in their movies as before.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
*Looking at a bigger picture.
No conflating two different things and saying they're directly related at the expense of the actual discussion being made especially the posts made by women ITT.

But they sure come from a very specific background and keep making the most crucial decisions. Like literally the second link I posted.
And, given the slate going into 2026 that we're aware of production wise very little signs they plan on trying to appeal solely to boomers. They hold the checks but many creatives are not conservative and/or have a desire to "go back to the good ol days." Otherwise we'd probably see more old school sex scenes!

Neo Hartless

Jan 8, 2019
No conflating two different things and saying they're directly related at the expense of the actual discussion being made especially the posts made by women ITT.

I didn't call any woman here a prude, I didn't contradict any of your reservations on sex scenes, I just explained that the issue is wider reaching, even if the article fails at addressing it.

I also consistently tried to argue that international sensibilities are also a deciding factor, and kept being ignored.

If you think that's being antagonistic towards you, or I'm silencing anyone, I can't help you there, sorry. It wasn't me telling anyone to "just stop, dude".

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I didn't call any woman here a prude, I didn't contradict any of your reservations on sex scenes, I just explained that the issue is wider reaching, even if the article fails at addressing it.
What you're talking about is not at all related to the what the thread is actually about dude. That's what i'm trying to tell you. You're arguing in a different ballpark.
I also consistently tried to argue that international sensibilities are also a deciding factor, and kept being ignored.
International sensibilities are not the reason why we're getting less sex scenes, please review the thread for the various reasons as to why we're seeing less of them. Including the article in the OP.


Oct 25, 2017
The remaining 60% of sex scenes were probably contained in "Poor Things" lol

Honestly I dont mind sex scenes but most of the time they dont add value


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I can't tell if this is just me being European, but sex scenes never bothered me. 😅

EDIT: It definitely is not a gender thing, my lady friends are even more comfortable with them than me.

It certainly seems to be mainly an American thing. Lots of people saying "good, watching with my parents got awkward", like, what? It's just sex on movies, it's not even remotely in the same ballpark as porn and folks acting as if they were watching nasty stuff.

I also find disconcerting all these takes that go "sex is hardly justified" or "it doesn't add nothing". By that logic we could reduce movies to just text explaining the plot and call it a day


Dec 28, 2017
Hollywood movies should have sex and adult romance in them. Movies aren't just about furthering plot points. Film should be able to excite, titillate, and be romantic. Sex is a part of human/social life and it is extremely bizarre how everyone wants to silo sex into just internet porn like sex in art is just about the audience jerking off to it. And that a scene has to have some blatant utility to the audience to "earn its keep." That's a sad way to look at things and is reflective of internet culture.

Louder louder louder.

Folks dismissing sex scenes as "adding nothing" or "not furthering the plot" like every fucking thing you read or watch has to be paced and structured like a checklist of tropes and tasks to get through.

Besides, there's plenty of resources online to find out if material has any explicit sexual stuff in it, and pretty much all movies and TV shows are very clearly rated. Don't want it, you can avoid it. There's no need for it to become categorically erased over time.
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Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Folks dismissing sex scenes as "adding nothing" or "not furthering the plot" like every fucking thing you read or watch has to be paced and structured like a checklist of tropes and tasks to get through.
Ok so now that you got this out of your system please read the thread and actually discuss what people are talking about as it pertains to sex scenes and their place in media.

Neo Hartless

Jan 8, 2019
International sensibilities are not the reason why we're getting less sex scenes, please review the thread for the various reasons as to why we're seeing less of them. Including the article in the OP.

This is a quote from the article, just before intimacy coordinators are mentioned.

Follows suggests a number of possible reasons behind the decline of the sex scene, including changes in audience taste with a "preference for content that either avoids sexual themes altogether or handles them with more subtlety"; concerns that sex scenes may impact on global release "result[ing] in more restrictive age ratings or censorship, hence reducing a film's potential reach";


Jul 31, 2022
The baby-fication of movies continues.

I swear some of y'all just want movies with Ryan Reynolds/Dwayne Johnson delivering quips for 92 minutes.
this is hillarious to me, how is sex and titlation is considered mature? i guess its an american mindset because its so puritan that people associate sex with adulthood and maturiety. when a movie having sex or not wouldnt change its maturity, a marvel movie having a sex scene wouldnt change the style of writing that makes a marvel movie a marvel movie, infact it would only hurt the image of marvel as family freindly(because of the preception by posts like this that sex = maturiety and adulthood), there are plenty of movies on netflix with plenty of sex, some are juivinle for and trash some are good

tldr: the existence of a sex scene has no relation to the maturity of the movie

Let me repost this:


That highlights my point about how damaging in can be for young people to receive sex education nearly 100% through porn.

I'm happy to have missed that thread.
source for the show?
Not calling anyone a prude, I'm just saying that less sex scenes being filmed is not at equivalent too any sort of higher equality or sensibility to minority voices. It's much more in favor of the actual prudes.

It is simply and purely a business strategy to get the broadest possible audience by reducing any element that executives believe will turn these desired audiences away. And in this mindset, sanitizing sex out of movies is in the same trend that sanitizes minorities' perspectives.

I'm more willing to bet that this is connected to Hollywood is slowly but surely trying to pander to a growing conservative audience, what with the success of shows like The Chosen.

In short, the behind-the-scenes process is undeniably problematic, but this trend is no solution to anything. It's a sign that the problem is growing.
movies have always been a buisness, instead of crticising the symptom you should focus on changing the culture

also equalizing sex scenes that are still increidbly common in movies not aimed for children to santizzing minority prespective is so wierd and dumb.

why are you acting like movies or shows with sex scenes didnt exist, game of thrones was literally the most popular show in the world for a solid decade and had an increidbly amount of sex scenes, to act like sex scenes are forbidden or dont exist is wierd there are plenty of shows that show sex, i geniunely feel like in an aliternate diminsion when you talk about sanatization
I'm just a woman who misses people humping in movies. I don't want anyone to be treated poorly, but…yeah, I miss horny movies.
they exist, a curssory search would get you alot of movies like this.

tldr: in the age of streaming anybody complaining about the lack of X or Y in thier movies is either obtuse or just wants what they like to be mianstream*, culture ebbs and flows every generation is a repsonse to the previous, you will get generations being sex positive and putting sex in every movie and the next generation will be the opposite, its how it goes, the 90s was filled with mindless violness sex and titlation, this generation seems to not care for physical sex and more on emotional intimacy, which is also the result of porn being everywhere and emotional connections being lacking, if you want tilation it is easy to find but geniune bonds between people have become so rare that seeing them in movies is the only way some people experience it, while sex has become cheep even in real life, it is a sad reality where friendship is seen as more of a spectacle than sex but thats the one we live in.

that doesnt equate to all movies not having sex, plenty do, them not being mainstream doesnt main they dont exist, i am geniuenly baffeled by all the people acting like a reduction of sex in mvies means the removal of, in this day in age if you want some genre or soemthing increidbly specific to watch 8/10 times you could easily find it in a streaming service

*not everything you like will be mainstream or the most common in media, be happy that we live in an age where everthing gets to have a slice becuse of the fracturing of pop culture
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Oct 25, 2017
I haven't noticed sex disappearing from screen in the slightest. What I HAVE noticed is a rising amount of articles about this topic trying to gather easy clicks and engagement because a lot of people are really panicked about the idea of being shamed for their totally common voyeuristic tendencies and sex drives.

As a society we are absolutely soaked in sexual imagery and video - you become super aware of this as a parent or if you're asexual at all - so like don't worry about it. This is another confected culture wars/society is in decline division-sewing clickbait that leads you to being played by ad revenue funded online content producers who make money out of your anxiety.


Not the Ron Paul Texas Fan.
Oct 26, 2017
Meanwhile, comedy movies are basically dead in America, but you don't see ERA members insulting anyone over that.


Jun 10, 2022
Toronto, ON
Ok so now that you got this out of your system please read the thread and actually discuss what people are talking about as it pertains to sex scenes and their place in media.
Why not take your own advice? The quoted phrases provided by the person you're replying to are paraphrased from discussions in this thread, and anyone should feel free to comment on their insightfulness in an open discussion, no?