
Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
PF and MoC have swapped for me where I normally have no issue getting full stars in MoC but couldn't quite get there for PF.

Now PF is a full auto breeze but I can't quite manage the Aventurine boss in MoC 12 without someone going down. Just been using an Acheron team but just now thinking maybe SW and Pela might not be ideal with single target skills for the slot machine part?


Oct 26, 2017
I love it when these dudes with their brash, macho, barely-disguised homophobic personas out themselves as being the most sensitive person in the room.


Dude is getting roasted by his own community in the comments, for freaking out when they were just pointing out Temu is sketchy and he shouldn't associate with them.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I don't really know anyone asides from Braxaphone, Sevyplays and that one guy who uses a teddy bear? for his avatar but they seem kinda normal.
Yeah but those are primarily big Genshin CCs (except for the guoba guy I think? though ironically his avatar is also from genshin lol)

A lot of the HSR focused channels I've tried to look into have been a lot of clout chasers trying to farm drama like gacha smack
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah but those are primarily big Genshin CCs (except for the guoba guy I think? though ironically his avatar is also from genshin lol)

A lot of the HSR focused channels I've tried to look into have been a lot of clout chasers trying to farm drama like gacha smack

Yeah, I don't really involve myself with a lot of youtube channels anymore and only watch those 3 for better idea of team comps or seeing if a character is worth pulling.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
As a low-spender since day 1, I've only pulled Jingliu's and Acheron's cones, and I got Jingliu's because I was already running Dan and Clara and was just running out of Destruction cones to hand out. Now I'm at the point where I can field a variety of teams based on what I'm up against, and starting with Acheron I'm likely to pull fewer characters but go for eidolons and signatures when I do. This mirrors my Genshin experience where I pulled widely during 1.x, then went deeper into Raiden and Ayaka teams, then rarely pulled for new characters unless there was someone I really liked, and then I would often c2s1 them. I think of post-3.0 characters I have only actually pulled for Nahida, Furina, and Neuvillette.

The advantage to pulling wide is that your roster won't have any holes in it, and you can tackle anything by putting together an appropriate team, and you have the novelty of always having different gameplay to experience. The advantage to pulling deep is that even if your roster has a hole you can still brute force with your invested teams, and you can always use your favorite characters without feeling like you're handicapping yourself. Another advantage to pulling deep is that you don't have to build as many characters, although this is much less annoying in Star Rail than in Genshin.

Personally, I think in the early stages of the game (aka the first year or so) it's best to focus on building a wide roster before pulling for depth (signatures). In Genshin I didn't pull for my first sig weapon until Raiden in Inazuma which was about a year after launch. On the flipside of that I got pretty much every 5* except Klee and Childe for the first year. Genshin also only has (until next patch) one endgame mode so the need for sig weapons wasn't as high as it is for HSR.

Biggest thing for me that holds me back from pulling for LCs with HSR is the banner pace. The amount of 5* they put out in HSR is insane and it keeps me from pulling for light cones because there are always 2 new 5* per patch. Genshin usually has 2 new 5* in the first few patches of a new region, then they slow down to one per patch for nearly every other patch in that region. That makes it a lot easier to plan for pulling weapons. After a while in Genshin I felt satisfied enough with my roster depth that I started pretty regularly pulling weapons when there were banners that had two weapons I wanted/could use. Although the weapon banner in Genshin is way worse than HSR's is.

Problem is there's much more focus on endgame in HSR, so the desire to pull for LCs is higher. Only sig LC I have so far in HSR is Acheron's, and I don't know when I'll pull for another one because there are so many upcoming characters I want. Really wish they'd do some patches with only one new 5*.


Oct 26, 2017


Jun 21, 2018
I love it when these dudes with their brash, macho, barely-disguised homophobic personas out themselves as being the most sensitive person in the room.


Dude is getting roasted by his own community in the comments, for freaking out when they were just pointing out Temu is sketchy and he shouldn't associate with them.

tectone also dropped some absolutely horrific tweets today as well. There are some awful content creators in the HSR world.


Jun 21, 2018

He apparently doesn't like people saying robin is lesbian coded and mode a couple of super misogynistic and borderline homophobic sounding tweets. Dude just wants to stir up shit and tries to offend and it's really tiring.

My issue is that tectone is not someone I actively follow but he is so ingrained in that community and tons of other star rail creators at least mention him or talk about him in passing or react to shit he says or does so he's very hard to ignore all together.

I definitely try to avoid the dude when I can. Dude seems like an awful human being who will say anything for views.
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He apparently dooesn't like people saying robin is lesbian coded and mode a couple of super misogynistic and borderline homophobic sounding tweets. Dude just wants to stir up shit and tries to offend and it's really tiring.

My issue is that tectone is not someone I actively follow but he is so ingrained in that community and tons of other star rail creator at least mentions him or talk about him in passing or react to shit he says or does so he's very hard to ignore all together.

I definitely try to avoid the dude when I can. Dude seems like an awful human being who will say anything for views.
Thanks, no surprised that it involved a waifu.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
LCs I went for are Seele's, Jing Yuan's (for Serval), Kafka's and Acheron's. Black Swan LC just showed up in a Ten pull when I wanted Misha's LC.


Oct 25, 2017
He apparently dooesn't like people saying robin is lesbian coded and mode a couple of super misogynistic and borderline homophobic sounding tweets. Dude just wants to stir up shit and tries to offend and it's really tiring.

My issue is that tectone is not someone I actively follow but he is so ingrained in that community and tons of other star rail creator at least mentions him or talk about him in passing or react to shit he says or does so he's very hard to ignore all together.

I definitely try to avoid the dude when I can. Dude seems like an awful human being who will say anything for views.
So that's what the Robin drama is about on Twitter right now. I was wondering what the fuck was happening.

The Genshin/HSR shipping scene legitimately scares me. Might be the most toxic shipping scene I've ever seen for anything, and I was big into Naruto and Avatar back in the day.


Jun 27, 2020
So that's what the Robin drama is about on Twitter right now. I was wondering what the fuck was happening.

The Genshin/HSR shipping scene legitimately scares me. Might be the most toxic shipping scene I've ever seen for anything, and I was big into Naruto and Avatar back in the day.
Why is there a shipping war over a character who has had only 3 short appearances (1 of which consists of her dead body) plus a few letters in the game?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

The Genshin/HSR shipping scene legitimately scares me. Might be the most toxic shipping scene I've ever seen for anything, and I was big into Naruto and Avatar back in the day.
Aint shit to ff7

But yeah people take it too seriously. People have shipped characters in HSR despite most of them likely not being an actual thing. Just stat out of that meds myself. People get too upset over nothing. Even more sad its over character that had less than 2 minutes of screen time and text so far and shipping with a character, that we know, likely shared 3 sentences with maybe possibly off screen if it even happened

Why is there a shipping war over a character who has had only 3 short appearances (1 of which consists of her dead body) plus a few letters in the game?

that and with a character we don't even know if they spoke to each other much if at all. I say just let people have their fun even if the ship is groundless. People getting mad over it is just plain silly
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Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's true but I treat the LC banners like Genshin scam weapon banner and just avoid them.

More interested in getting characters at this point.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's true but I treat the LC banners like Genshin scam weapon banner and just avoid them.

More interested in getting characters at this point.
most LC's you can avoid hype and be fine if you got good 4 star cones. There's like 2 signatures that blow other options for a character out of the water. One people will debate on and the other (acheron) just flat out overpowered compared to other options

not that signatures dont offer a clear benefit


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
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Dec 8, 2018
I hate this narrative that Robin is only good in FUA teams , Sure they would be her best team but she is good in most teams imo.


Aug 5, 2018
I've still never rolled for a Light Cone, and I don't intend to anytime soon. There's only so many rolls available without whaling for more, and I'd like to use them for characters I'm interested in instead of literal passive png stat sticks. I've managed to get all the stars in the last couple MoC and every Pure Fiction, so I'm doing fine as is, and I don't care enough about the endgame modes to potentially roll for a light cone because I couldn't get the last bit of jades.