
Oct 25, 2017
The writing in the
pumping station
side quest was so good. The main story of the quest, plus what happens when you are there plus the audio and text files all together...

Something stupid that is distracting me is Aloy's hair. She just has too much, it doesn't look human. It's like braids attached on top of extensions on top of hair. I know it's weird but I keep trying to figure out how she could have that many follicles.


Oct 27, 2017
Finished The Frozen Wilds a few minutes ago and not only is Horizon my 2017 goty but The Frozen Wilds is my expansion of the year as well. Easy 9/10. Best DLC since the two Witcher III expansions. I know that it's going to be a few years but bring on the sequel!!! :)

Abrasion Test

Oct 27, 2017
Frozen Wilds is making me appreciate this game even more than before. I'm early on in the dlc but it's really great. A prime example of post launch content.


Oct 27, 2017

This DLC is really something. I stood up 'till 5am out of shear intrigue. I needed to know how things came to be, just uh. I personally rate the DLC higher than the full game, it's just so much more refined, dense, improved, and challenging. Even if you spam shit, there's just no guarantee of winning. The side missions are better than the main and main missions better than the base game by a wide margin.

I've never been in this much wonder since PS1 days.
Oct 25, 2017
I also just finished the DLC, really loved the story and quests. Especially loved the discussions with
after the quest line end.

Didn't enjoy the new enemies as much as the base game enemies, but that's fine, they were difficult and fit well for late game content. The towers were neat though and made for some good fights.

Not sure that I have the drive to go for all the trophies in The Frozen Wilds or the new game/ultra hard, but between this DLC and the base game it is probably my GotY.


Mostly Positive
Oct 25, 2017
Norway but living in France
Horizon is my Goty, I rarely put 80 hours into a game anymore but this game devoured me.
There's however new and exciting thinking in how to approach an open world game and I believe Zelda really showed the way in terms of exploration and I think this article touches upon this perfectly: https://www.avclub.com/open-world-games-are-broken-and-nintendo-spent-2017-tr-1820333889
I'm sure there's some Guerrilla devs browsing this thread and I'm sure they read the article before most but still I feel the need to point it out. If we can learn from that one aspect w/free-form climbing and whatnot (while keeping all other aspects that make Horizon stand out like its thrilling combat, it's rich identity, protagonist & story) then that would be wonderful. And cross-gen 60fps.

I also noted this somewhat in my personal review of the game back in March before playing Zelda (posted elsewhere on the interwebs), hope you don't mind me re-posting it here:
My verdict having spent 65 hours and earned the Platinum trophy. My second ever with the first being Uncharted 1 back in 2008. Played Horizon Zero Dawn on a PS4 Pro and a LG B6 4K HDR OLED. It has consumed the last two weeks of spare time I had to detriment of other tasks.

Facial animations & lip sync can be a bit jarring. While Aloy is good the NPC's vary drastically. You can freeze-frame this game anytime and the expressions will look totally fine but not so much in motion. Somehow the motion capture used in cutscenes as well seems to be missing frames making it 'shaky'. They also need to increase their stock of pre-canned NPC animations used to setup various quest events as it can look very stiff and in line with every open-world game ever (similarly stock NPC audio i.e group cheering). It's a bit amusing how every dying individual sits in the exact same elbow pose before… wait for it… comfortably leans back and *dead*.
- In terms of environment content the game is a bit lacking in 'interactive secrets'. There's lots of lore spread around and indirect world-building that's really well done and some interesting NPC's to interact with but there's no rare beasts that only show up at moonlight, a haunted house or a secret music cave or what have you. The Cauldrons does deliver on the mystery side of things but ultimately they are too short and not challenging enough.
- Human A.I, while functional, is very barebones. They are enjoyable enough bow-fodder but not highly interesting.

+ Fantastic story. The pacing of the main campaign and the emotional impact of it is nigh on perfect. There are several mouth-agape moments to surprise you and the lore is seriously grimdark. Speaking of the lore, it's almost overwhelming how comprehensive and neatly tied together it is considering it stretches from the ancient past to the distant post-apocalypse future. Major subjects range from science vs religion to gender roles and several levels of motherhood. On top of this you have all the different tribal houses and how they differ from each other and the history amongst them. I like how this sci-fi game is set in a real-world USA in the far future yet the tone is very much set within ancient Inca & native-american societies. The title of the game actually makes perfect sense in the end and the story also manages, against all odds, to create legitimacy for having armed robot dinosaurs.
+ Aloy is probably the best new game protagonist in years. We get to see her from birth through her youth which sets her on a distinct path. Already within the first half-an-hour there's tear-jerking material to witness and you start to root for her. To follow is a Great training montage as she rises to adulthood. She develops as a character throughout the game from being a bitter yet determined outcast to someone who uniquely sees and participates in a much bigger picture with a heartfelt emotional payoff in the end. She is perfectly voiced and she looks realistically rugged and well-trained in accordance to her skills with distinct triceps and veins showing and all her tools. She's considers most things cooly and in a pragmatic fashion though often expressed with a witty comment. Notice how she always makes her own quests. It's hard to not fall in love with her.
+ The most responsive gameplay controls yet in an open world game only challenged by MGS5. It has clear individual face buttons for every action like crouch, jump, and roll. If you sneak around and you need to jump or climb a bit it will automatically resume the crouched stance after. You need a quick roll or a long dive it only depends on how long you press the button. The bow action at first glance makes you think it's a sniper rifle replacement but you very soon discover how incredibly flexible it is and you end up doing moves like Legolas. Pull the bowstring all the way back for a steady longshot or gradually start tapping the trigger faster and faster the closer an enemy gets for more rapid yet uncontrolled shots. Load up your next shot with extra arrows ahead of taking the aim by tapping the shoulder button. Shoot while sliding, while balancing from a rope or from the back of a mount. You have different bow categories for different purposes and all those bows again have different types of arrows. The weapon wheel is genius and combines together three aspects in weapon selection, ammo selection and real-time crafting! Stealth is organic with bushes and the size of objects hiding your character instead of a rigid cover system. The game simply feels great to play and to control.
+ Lean RPG & hunting mechanics that strikes a great balance between the addictive chase for better stats and loot (without drowning you in it) and the need to have a highly responsive and directness in gameplay feel. The skill-tree is mostly ability driven and not stats-driven. The loot is like most RPG's post-World of Warcraft classified as common, rare, very rare etc. But unlike most RPG's the different loot within their specific category i.e Sharpshooter-bows actually don't have statistical/elemental base differences but rather they open up options by supporting a broader range of ammo types and having more slots for inserting Modifications. The latter component is what actually injects the weapon with specific stats and this component can be moved from gear to gear. Notice how the beasts in Horizon never drop gear but rather just modifications and crafting material. This you use to upgrade all aspects including a big focus directly on the inventory system itself with there being different pouches for different purposes. The crafting is actually really nicely interwoven into most aspects of the game.
+ Scanning enemies for weak points and analyzing those weak points ahead of real-time precision attacks is the action genre's answer to pen & paper statistical strategy. Fine aiming and bullet time is a big part of Horizon's combat and knowing how to strip your enemies of components in the fastest way possible. Similarly planning ahead with elemental traps and using special tools like the ropecaster to tie enemies down. Hack & convert enemy machines to have them fight beside you or to attack everything moving. Ultimately Horizon leans very much towards the 'hunter' genre while striking a greater balance with shooters and RPG's.
+ I really like that the game re-sets the story to just before the final mission after the credits (while keeping your final mission xp intact). It's an elegant way to make it viable for players to enjoy the main story first or however they seem fit without having to tie-down the story in having to 'continue the world' after the final cutscene. Similarly I really appreciate that the game has no difficulty-based trophy or any missable trophies. No matter how you choose to play you will eventually reach 100% given enough time.
+ The soundtrack is simply brilliant. 'Prologue', 'Years of Training' and 'A Boon' are beautiful. 'A Wanderer's Work', 'A Resplendent Soil', 'Across the Daybrink'... there are so many great tracks. And there's wonderful palette cleansers and unique scene setters in 'Song to the Sun' and 'Nora u Norawea'.
+ The graphics and technology is fantastic and mindblowing. More than anything the volume of content and not just how it stretches into the horizon but also how vertical everything is continues to stun me. The better looking open world games out there seem to be more flat in layout while Horizon has large mountains and hills and complex forest environments all over. The large amount of detail presented at any angle no matter where you look feels unprecedented. And somehow all of this is running at a locked 30fps with crystal clear image quality. The combination of sci-fi elements, naturalistic colors and colorful tribalism really makes this game shine in 4K HDR. The game has kept stunning me throughout the 65 hours of playtime I have spent with it.
+ The robot animals are an absolute triumph. They are in visuals, animation, sound and behavior just sublime. Their animalistic aspects make them more intimidating and interesting than your ordinary soul-less mechs and their modular nature make them super fun to try to de-construct in intense combat. Being robots they also have a skillset that goes far beyond animals with radar technologies, drone launchers, lasers, earthquakes, underground tunneling, shields… They are the perfect canvas to make a great franchise and gameplay opportunities around.

Horizon Zero Dawn is amongst the very best games Sony has been behind and in the same conversation as the original Gran Turismo and Demon's Souls. It's huge, meaty, polished-to-a-shine and full of spirit. Guerrilla Games has a clear line drawn for before-and-after.


Oct 25, 2017
I am almost done with the DLC and found it absolutely excellent. I don't want to get into spoilers but I love pretty much everything about it.

My only criticism is that I wish the areas were populated with more non-Daemon aggressive robots that I can corrupt and/or Override. There seems to be a lack of these non-Daemon aggressive types. I want to Override the new machines to fight against old machines and vice versa or against Daemon versions.


The Wise Ones
Oct 28, 2017
Is there a good place to farm metal shards in ultra hard NG+? I'm in the DLC and its pretty brutal especially since the new machines are so aggressive.


Oct 25, 2017
So i finished everything but the Game completion says 98.55?

I did all the datapoints


Only the audio datapoints - Which is pointless since i missed #24 and #25 which GG said they were gonna fix in a coming patch

Anyone know what i could be missing? do you need the audio datapoints for 100%


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
So i finished everything but the Game completion says 98.55?

I did all the datapoints


Only the audio datapoints - Which is pointless since i missed #24 and #25 which GG said they were gonna fix in a coming patch

Anyone know what i could be missing? do you need the audio datapoints for 100%

None of the data points are required for 100%.

You are probably missing some weapon or armor.


Oct 27, 2017
So i finished everything but the Game completion says 98.55?

I did all the datapoints


Only the audio datapoints - Which is pointless since i missed #24 and #25 which GG said they were gonna fix in a coming patch

Anyone know what i could be missing? do you need the audio datapoints for 100%

Compare your game stats to this to see what you're missing



Oct 26, 2017
Finished it up thought it was really good too. One of my favourite pieces of additional content yet.
Not really got a lot to say, but I think my favourite thing about was it had some really good quest and new characters.

Also, I really can't wait to see what improvements GG make with 2, if they can improve the facial animations that much in less than a year I can't imagine what 2 is going to look like.


Oct 25, 2017
Compare your game stats to this to see what you're missing

Thanks but i was talking about the Frozen wilds

Ok i found 23 -25 audio data points and the game completion went up to 99.27% which means that those two that are missable is the only way to get to 100%

Here is a quote from GG
Both datapoint 23 and 24 are currently missable, but we're changing that in one of the upcoming patches. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Hope they fix this shit soon.
Oct 25, 2017
I beat the base game yesterday and installed the DLC last night. Problem is none of the three NPCs that give the quest to start it are appearing. Is there something I can do?

Edit: Nevermind. I closed the application and reopened it and bingo bango.
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Oct 26, 2017
I beat the base game yesterday and installed the DLC last night. Problem is none of the three NPCs that give the quest to start it are appearing. Is there something I can do?

I tried loading an earlier save (one from before beating the last level) but that didn't help. I tried starting a NG+, but there's nothing new on the map (though maybe it shows up after the prologue stuff?).
Do you have a big Frozen Wild logo on the top right of the main menu? Maybe it hasn't installed right.

Also, have you tried just going into the DLC area? You can't miss the actual starting point of the DLC, as it's the only way to go.

Edit: oh you fixed it yourself.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Finished this today. Probably the best DLC I have ever played. The final area was really well done.


Oct 25, 2017
Ugh, I think my game is bugged. :(

I'm in Cauldron Epsilon in the recycling area and my allies have disappeared so I'm blocked from getting to the next section.

Anyone run into this? Is there anything I can do besides restore an earlier save and hope it doesn't happen again?


Oct 25, 2017
Ugh, I think my game is bugged. :(

I'm in Cauldron Epsilon in the recycling area and my allies have disappeared so I'm blocked from getting to the next section.

Anyone run into this? Is there anything I can do besides restore an earlier save and hope it doesn't happen again?

Yeah, happened to me too. I reloaded the checkpoint and everything was fine.
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks but i was talking about the Frozen wilds

Ok i found 23 -25 audio data points and the game completion went up to 99.27% which means that those two that are missable is the only way to get to 100%

Here is a quote from GG

Hope they fix this shit soon.

The datapoints don't count towards percentage. (the text ones definitely don't at least) You're most likely missing a unique modification. There's 11 of them. Having 10 will have you at 99.27%. The Insulated Weave mod is located in a chest at the base of the control tower in the area where you fought the claws beneath and where a fireclaw is post game. It's bugged for most people though and the chest doesn't exist. GG said they're looking into it.
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Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
Quick question, do I gotta the last quest again or can I just start the dlc? Platinumed the game and never really played it much unless I felt like taking out some Stormbirds.

It's been a while.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Hmm, I haven't finished the DLC yet, but are there
daemonic Stormbirds or Behemoths
in it? I think I saw
a daemonic Ravager, but I can't remember for sure, and I saw the a daemonic Thunderjaw (hits like a truck haha)


Oct 25, 2017
Started this today... am reminded why I fell in love with the first game. First of all, this game has no business looking better than the base game. Have no idea how they are pulling off visuals like this.

The writing is much improved, as is the voice acting/mocap. I particularly like how many different words are used in regular conversation. In one of the side quest, there's a chatty NPC. Was a nice touch that said NPC keeps talking as I go about my business, weaving in and out of rooms and ducts. I immediately thought 'my friend is EXACTLY like that', felt very life like. The sub stories/world lore also feel more fleshed out, executed better.

One of my two biggest complaints was also addressed! The camera does not zoom in when you enter a settlement. God that really bugged me in the first game. Unfortunately, the camera behind Aloy still moves left and right. Other than that, im LTTP but enjoying myself.


Oct 25, 2017
The datapoints don't count towards percentage. (the text ones definitely don't at least) You're most likely missing a unique modification. There's 11 of them. Having 10 will have you at 99.27%. The Insulated Weave mod is located in a chest at the base of the control tower in the area where you fought the claws beneath and where a fireclaw is post game. It's bugged for most people though and the chest doesn't exist. GG said they're looking into it.
Yeah that's appears to be my problem i got 10 unique modification and just now i went and killed that fire idiot claws and there's nothing there.

This is bullshit so i cant get to 100%


Oct 25, 2017
This DLC is so meaty I have been playing for probably about 7 hours and I feel like I have barely gotten into the main quest at all. It's insane they have been able to make something like this in such a short amount of time.


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Yeah that's appears to be my problem i got 10 unique modification and just now i went and killed that fire idiot claws and there's nothing there.

This is bullshit so i cant get to 100%

Why is that bullshit? The 100% means nothing in the game - not tied to any trophy, achievement, quest, unlockable, etc.

I get that people are completionists and like to do/get everything in the game, and to that the devs have already announced a fix.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
81 hours later and my time with Horizon + Frozen Wilds has come to an end. Can't wait to explore The Forbidden West in the sequel.


Oct 25, 2017
Why is that bullshit? The 100% means nothing in the game - not tied to any trophy, achievement, quest, unlockable, etc.

I get that people are completionists and like to do/get everything in the game, and to that the devs have already announced a fix.
Its bullshit cause its a bug that's stopping me from getting 100% that's why?


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Hope they fix this shit soon.

Its bullshit cause its a bug that's stopping me from getting 100% that's why?

Sure, but repeating that the devs "fix this shit" will not help. They are trying to ascertain the cause of the bug, and being the proactive devs that they are, you can expect a patch to fix this issue in the near future.

They pushed 2 patches in the first week of the DLC, they like to keep on top of things.


Oct 27, 2017
One of my two biggest complaints was also addressed! The camera does not zoom in when you enter a settlement. God that really bugged me in the first game. Unfortunately, the camera behind Aloy still moves left and right. Other than that, im LTTP but enjoying myself.

I actually love it when games do that. Makes it for me much more immersive. So I am pretty disappointed to hear about this change.


Oct 25, 2017
Sure, but repeating that the devs "fix this shit" will not help. They are trying to ascertain the cause of the bug, and being the proactive devs that they are, you can expect a patch to fix this issue in the near future.

They pushed 2 patches in the first week of the DLC, they like to keep on top of things.
I didn't know that the devs were looking to fix this bug till you point it out in you're post.

So i apologize for my post..

I'll just do something else in the meantime.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 29, 2017
Finished it. Game looked stunning. Just beautiful. Can't be said enough. I enjoyed the DLC although it was a pain bit being able to just start the DLC from the main menu and had to redo some of the first part of the base game get there. It was meaty and worth the price of admission. The new machines were quite relentless and tough (especially if you got close to the scorcher and the frost/fireclaw could do with being toned down). I don't think the new weapons really added much of anything though but nice to have been included. Overall a good expansion. Maybe not a must have after all this time but if you love the game or play them together for the first time then it's certainly worth playing. And yeah it's absolutely gorgeous.


Oct 29, 2017
Really good DLC. I want more. The tribal stuff isn't my favorite but I quite enjoyed it by making it a very personal character story.

DANG: I should really finish my NG+ so I could
have more conversations with CYAN. Are they good
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
Tied up the main quests and have loved it. I didn't enjoy the snowy parts in the base game but this has certainly changed my mind. Now the long wait to Horizon 2.

One thing that could be improved was that it was hard to hear some of the audio data points where you found them due to all the background noise. Pretty sure that happened in the base game also though.


Oct 25, 2017
Sao Paulo, Brazil
I have to commend the devs for forcing us to fight as few human enemies as possible in the DLC. Going through the main game on NG+ fighting human enemies is this game's lowest point by far.


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Patch 1.43 just went live.

We're pleased to announce that Patch 1.43 is released today! This patch provides progression fixes and general improvements for 'The Frozen Wilds' expansion.

• General fixes in 'The Frozen Wilds' quest storyline.
• General improvements for 'The Frozen Wilds'

• Fixed an issue in "The Shaman's Path" where some players would experience not being able to jump onto the safety handhold under the helipad by jumping onto it from under it.
• Fixed an issue where some players would experience losing the DLC entitlement during their playthrough and receiving negative XP.

Fixed a progression issue in "The Shaman's Path" where some players would not be able to enter Ourea's retreat because they were blocked by an invisible wall and get the 'Can't Enter This Location' message near the Helipad after solving the first power puzzle and saving the game.
• Fixed a progression issue in "The Shaman's Path" where some players would experience the objective not being changed after fast-traveling immediately after solving the second power puzzle.
• Fixed a progression issue in "The Forge of Winter" where some players experienced that your allies would not follow you after moving quickly through the area before the 'Recycling Area'.

Please download Horizon Zero Dawn patch 1.43 and share your thoughts with us. We will continue to work on further fixes and enhancements to the game based on the feedback and reports we collected from you. In the meantime, keep an eye out on this space for the latest Horizon Zero Dawn news and updates!


Oct 28, 2017
Finished the main quest for Frozen Wilds, enjoyed it a lot.

I still hope one day we get to play Rost's tragic story.

Wolf of Yharnam

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I'm looking at this expansion as my next game after AC: Origins. I haven't really looked at any reviews because I wanted to stay spoiler free.

Is the expansion main quest as good as the main game's story? That shit was amazing. Because if it is, I'm in


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 29, 2017
The Proving Ground on this one sure is tough to get Gold. Can't manage it on any. But don't have the patience to keep replaying. Not going to get level 60 either without some grinding. I think I'll move on now though as opposed to just going for the Trophies for completion purposes.


Oct 25, 2017
About to start replaying this so I can do the DLC. Question first though: What's the favor framerate pro option? I don't recall the game having performance issues on resolution mode so does performance just uncap it from 30? It also says it enhances some effects so are we talking a noticeable difference?

edit: That gif, goddamn :o


Creative Director, Microsoft
Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
Finished the main DLC story last night and have most of the side quests completed. This is the only PS game I've earned the platinum in and likely will be the only PS game I ever platinum, until an eventual sequel.

The end boss fight wasn't as fun as I thought it could have been. It just became a big bullet sponge battle (even with the towers taken out), as the augmented bear machine preferred you over your teammates, even when you weren't attacking it at all and they were, making it difficult to get any range and set up any kind of hardpoint shots. The ability of the machine to leap across the entire arena in a few swipes didn't help either.

The earlier fight against the three non-augmented bear machines was much more fun for me due to the terrain - you could use it to get some advantage or gain some space. Nothing like that existed in the final fight.

Overall, it was a great side-adventure for Aloy and added in some nice reaffirmation of what happened in the main story - now I really just want the story to move forwards instead of sideways.

Only bugs I encountered were a few T-pose blinks in conversations, Aloy's fascination with selling bluegleam even in the middle of raiding the bandit camp, and weird day / night transition pops during battles. The snow (plus long nights) could make it hard to see, especially at night, even in HDR / 4K.

Great game, great DLC.