Sweeney Swift

User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
For those of you just joining us, hi. It's uh. It's been a rough month for us members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Utah just yesterday introduced anti-trans legislation to prevent people from changing the gender on their birth certificate; the bill defines female as "an individual with ovaries who is confirmed before or at birth to have external anatomical characteristics that appear to have the purpose of performing the natural reproductive function of providing eggs and receiving sperm from a male donor." https://rewire.news/legislative-tracker/law/utah-vital-statistics-act-amendment-hb-153/
The United States Supreme Court allowed Trump's trans military ban to (at least temporarily) go into effect. https://www.resetera.com/threads/supreme-court-pentagon-can-limit-transgender-people-in-the-military-while-lawsuits-continue.95022/
Japan's Supreme Court upheld a ruling that trans people must be sterilized before they can legally change their gender. https://www.resetera.com/threads/supreme-court-of-japan-rules-trans-individuals-must-still-be-sterilized-before-they-can-legally-change-gender.95519/
Brazil's only openly gay congressman quit his job and fled the country amid death threats, which Bolsonaro seemed to publicly celebrate on social media in the immediate aftermath. https://www.resetera.com/threads/brazils-sole-openly-gay-congressman-leaves-country-after-death-threats.95572/
And Chechnya initiated a new crackdown on gays in the area (similar to their 2017 gay purge), detaining over 40 and torturing at least 2 to death already. https://www.resetera.com/threads/at-least-2-dead-from-torture-and-over-40-detained-from-gay-purge-in-chechnya.93323/

If this sounds exhausting for an outsider to read, I can't begin to express how exhausting it is to live this. No explanation of how I've feared walking alone (in broad daylight just as much as in nighttime), how I feared coming out to family, how I feared (and let's face it with the current makeup of the Court, still do fear) waking up and seeing the Supreme Court make a ruling on a court case that would affect another one of my human rights, does justice.

Other members of the community have expressed it publicly or privately, and I certainly haven't been shy saying it myself in Etc threads recently: we need help. Things are going to get worse for us before they get any better. And it's debilitating to deal with in general, and certainly to deal with alone. In threads and elsewhere I was asked by others what could be done to help, if help could even be done. And this response in particular from the Japan thread inspired me to start a thread

It would be good if we had a thread that contained lots of information about what allies can do to help. I know I'd find that useful.

First off, if you consider yourself an ally, if you have a gay or lesbian friend, if you have a trans or queer family member, if you've been questioning your own identity recently, or even if you just see some of these headlines and feel like you want or need to help: Please Do. Don't let anyone mislead you into thinking it's not needed, or not wanted. And don't convince yourself there's nothing you can do.

If you're thinking about donations, some recommendations include:
https://www.thetrevorproject.org The Trevor Project is a national 24/7 toll-free confidential suicide hotline for LGBTQ+ youth
https://transequality.org/ The National Center for Transgender Equality is the nation's leading social justice advocacy organization for transgender individuals
https://www.glsen.org/ GLSEN is a national education organization working to transform K-12 schools into safe, affirming environments for students, regardless of their sexuality or gender identity or expression
https://www.nqttcn.com/ The National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network is a healing justice organization working to help transform mental health (and provide community) for queer and trans people of color
https://victoryfund.org/ The Victory Fund is the only national organization dedicated to increasing the number of openly LGBTQ+ officials at all levels of government
https://www.mermaidsuk.org.uk/ Mermaids supports trans and gender-diverse youth in the UK, Hbomberguy just did a great charity stream raising a lot of money for them so I'd wager they're the most recognizable ones on this list currently
And https://itgetsbetter.org/ The It Gets Better Project is a nonprofit desiring to uplift, empower, and connect LGBTQ+ youth worldwide

If the only currency you have to spend is time and love and support, please don't feel like that's nothing or like that's lesser. You have a trans family member who isn't getting a lot of support or compassion from the rest of the family? You have a gay friend who's feeling unsafe and even scared during these times? Be there for them. Provide support, provide love, provide comfort, even just provide the knowledge that they're not alone if they need to talk or cry or vent or just breathe. None of us should have to deal with any of this, and the last thing we need amidst it all is to be dealing with this alone. Here's some tips from GLAAD if you need or think you need help being a better ally to trans people/friends in your life, and here's some extra tips from queer people of color speaking to Pink News about how to be a better ally to them (that also applies to white members of our own community, because some of us could certainly do a better job of being there for our diverse siblings in the community ourselves).

None of this is meant to be fully comprehensive of course. There's a lot of work that needs to be done to fix any of this, let alone all of this, and make this place (be it the United States specifically or planet Earth in general) safer, happier, and better for LGBTQ+ individuals. But we can't do this alone. Like I said in the military ban thread, if you're an ally in any way, we need you now. Not in a month, not in a year, now. Now more than ever. It's going to get a lot worse for us before it gets a little better, and we need help. However you can, even if it's just being there for us when we need emotional support to make it through a day, because a lot of us are struggling even through that right now. Don't think it's meaningless. Don't think it's unappreciated. And don't think it's not needed.
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Oct 27, 2017
Don't assume peoples' pronouns and start mentioning your pronouns when you introduce yourself. As a non-binary person I'd really love to see more people doing both of these.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
This is awesome - thanks so much for doing the legwork to put this summary together, OP. I'm going to be able to start donating more soon and these are all great candidates.

I'll also add that, if you live in Chicago and have time to spare, the Center on Halstead is a wonderful organization with lots of cool people. All you have to do is attend an orientation to get on their volunteer mailing list - there are a bunch of fun events that you can help them run, even if you're a total introvert who wants to stay behind the scenes.

Deleted member 16516

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Thank you for this. We need to raise as much awareness as we can to fight against the senseless hatred out there.


Profile Styler
Oct 25, 2017
Gonna paraphrase Lindsey Ellis here.

Wanna do something small and simple? Cis folks, specify your pronouns on your social media profiles. Doesn't matter if it's "obvious". It helps to normalize the practice for trans and non-binary folks for whom being gendered correctly is important, and it can throw the trail for transphobes who use it as a way of targeting them through social media. Then you can laugh at confused transphobes trying to hurl abuse at you over it, understanding that you're fortunate in that you can just laugh about it.
Oct 26, 2017
Good thread. I feel I haven't done nearly as much as I can...my only contribution is that I used to have a few people around me who loved to throw out the f slur, and that word is absolute nails on a chalkboard for me after seeing how it used to affect a gay friend in college, and I got on their asses every time. Some came to realization it isn't just a funny word to throw around. The ones who didn't and kept using it I cut out of my life.

Don't assume peoples' pronouns and start mentioning your pronouns when you introduce yourself. As a non-binary person I'd really love to see more people doing both of these.
Question, and maybe a dumb one, but how do I do the latter part about introducing myself with pronouns? Every way I play that out in my head comes off really awkward.


Jan 10, 2018
Thanks for this !

In other rough news (though it seems tame compared to what's in the OP, sadly) the singer chosen to represent France for Eurovision is being harassed on twitter and other social medias ever since he announced his application. Why ? He's gay, and more or less open about it on twitter.

Also, thanks for this, many times, I wonder if I can legitimately enter a discussion about the LGBT+ community. I'm a white cis straight man, I've basically never known any kind of oppression: how could I speak for others ? And so I often hesitate to do so, but this thread is giving me confidence that that's not the issue. Talking about it helps, no matter the situation.


Oct 30, 2017
Thanks for this !

In other rough news (though it seems tame compared to what's in the OP, sadly) the singer chosen to represent France for Eurovision is being harassed on twitter and other social medias ever since he announced his application. Why ? He's gay, and more or less open about it on twitter.

Also, thanks for this, many times, I wonder if I can legitmately enter a discussion about LGBT+ community. I'm a white cis straight man, I've basically never known any kind of oppression: how could I speak for others ? And so I often hesitate to do so, but this thread is giving me confidence that that's not the issue. Talking about it helps, not matter the situation.

Yes, I agree. Sometimes people think you are faking sympathy, so sometimes I just stay away.

Good thread. I feel I haven't done nearly as much as I can...my only contribution is that I used to have a few people around me who loved to throw out the f slur, and that word is absolute nails on a chalkboard for me after seeing how it used to affect a gay friend in college, and I got on their asses every time. Some came to realization it isn't just a funny word to throw around. The ones who didn't and kept using it I cut out of my life.

Question, and maybe a dumb one, but how do I do the latter part about introducing myself with pronouns? Every way I play that out in my head comes off really awkward.

Please I would also love to know how to best do it. I could add He in my twitter profile, but what about in person?


Oct 25, 2017
Can I add another shout out to NQAPIA? http://www.nqapia.org/wpp/ They are an amazing organization that does LGBT work for the East Asian, South Asian, sometimes MENAT because of intersections, Muslim, Hindu, Bhudist, etc LGBT communities. And their work goes both ways to, to eliminate racism, anti-immigrant rhetoric, and things like Islamophobia within the LGBT community as well, and anti-Blackness in general Asian American communities.

The asian american communities in particular really struggle because they come from very traditional cultures, so please lend your support. They support lots of smaller orgs doing work nationwide (US).
Oct 29, 2017
It's just absolutely exhausting the constant rubber-banding between "hey you might be accepted as not a subhuman!" and "nah fuck that shit, you're subhuman!" across decades.

I'm being more open about my own bisexuality but within my lifetime I don't think there'll be any instance in which I'll enter into a room of new people and not have to think "I wonder if any one of these people is a raging homophobe".
Sweeney Swift

Sweeney Swift

User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Question, and maybe a dumb one, but how do I do the latter part about introducing myself with pronouns? Every way I play that out in my head comes off really awkward.
Please I would also love to know how to best do it. I could add He in my twitter profile, but what about in person?

Adding it on Twitter is the easiest option in general. In person your mileage may vary, it depends on what makes you most comfortable really, it could be just getting it out of the way like "hi, I'm [your name here] and, just so you know, I use he/him pronouns" or it could be waiting until you need to correct someone who used the wrong pronouns or thank someone for using the correct pronouns. Awkward situations suck, but situations where you feel disrespected or humiliated or invalidated for your own identity suck worse


Nov 26, 2017
Malmoe, Sweden.
A "low-key" (and cost-free) way of being an ally could be to "be vigilant" about how children play, and use your influence as an adult to let very young children play in ways that guide their curiosity and creativity regardless of ideas of gender-roles.

Basically, if you have friends who have young children, and you sense that the parents have some weird anxieties about gender roles, get down on all fours, and do a little Project Runway with their son through his sisters Barbie-dolls (if you intuit that that's what he wants, obviously).

Early permissive behavior facilitated through an adult can have a profound effect on general life-outlook, and just one of these moments could end up countering a life-time of heaviness.


Self-Appointed Godmother of Bruce Wayne's Children
Oct 25, 2017
Gonna paraphrase Lindsey Ellis here.

Wanna do something small and simple? Cis folks, specify your pronouns on your social media profiles. Doesn't matter if it's "obvious". It helps to normalize the practice for trans and non-binary folks for whom being gendered correctly is important, and it can throw the trail for transphobes who use it as a way of targeting them through social media. Then you can laugh at confused transphobes trying to hurl abuse at you over it, understanding that you're fortunate in that you can just laugh about it.
Doing this in a professional setting like your email signature is also good!
Sweeney Swift

Sweeney Swift

User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Is the Human Rights Campaign okay to donate to? Or would my money be better off to more local LGBTQ efforts?
Of course it's okay! It's a personal choice and my links in the OP are by no means meant to be fully comprehensive, I just felt like putting a spotlight on some of my personal favs that I think get less attention than the HRC and GLAAD (the largest and most well-known organizations generally)


Dec 28, 2018
The situation in brazil is pretty bad, Bolsonaro already removed LGBT people from the directives of human rights.