
Apr 3, 2019
No more video games, no more work, no more fun, no more suffering, no more anything. Just an endless, eternal void that you are not a part of, just like what happened before you were born. In fact, its almost like when you die, the whole universe of your subjective experience is reversed to before the Big Bang and its like nothing ever happened. Think about everything you are missing out on by being confined to your one brain and one body and unable to experience whatever it is that you are experiencing at that moment in time, think about experiencing things that others experience differently and that may be of such different flavor to them that it might as well be a different experience altogether (despite you sharing the same spacetime continuum) and then think about all of the things you will never experience outside of that because we live for like 32,000 days (if we are lucky) and that's that.

Sure, some people may remember you, but most will forget quickly and when they die, even these little snippets will be forgotten (unless you are known enough to have Wikipedia articles or history books or whatever else written about you due to something you did while you were alive).

People say enjoy the ride while it lasts, but the ride is kind of futile, fleeting and pointless if you ask me replete with injustice, suffering and inevitable entropic decay. Surely no one would want to inflict this shit on the upcoming generations, right? Especially since ecological collapse and the fall of capitalism will eliminate us all before entropy ever does.


Dec 18, 2017
Downtown Rave City
Well it's unfortunate you have this point of view. I personally believe I'm going to Heaven after death and will be sitting proud next to God on his throne. You can wallow in the "void" if you want to.


Oct 25, 2017
Death would be so much less scary if it only lasted like a couple hundred years or whatever.

But forever, man. Forever's a long time.


Nov 10, 2017
Spain, EU
The End you say?



Oct 27, 2017
It's not futile to have fun now. This is your limited time here. And you can have fun while still help improving the world. While not acting all selfish and grab what you can grab. Because having fun is actually pretty cheap and with other people. I agree capitalism is the death of many things, in the end. It's a system that brings out the worst in people. Greedy selfish dumb fucks that basically give up their happiness for short ego-bursts.

Yeah it's over when you die. You don't have to make anything of this one life. You're not obligated. But i see no reason to not try and have fun.


May 31, 2019
sheer existential terror, of course.

and anyone who says they feel less hasn't thought about it enough

Edit: my tone was unnecessarily combative and dismissive here; all I really mean to say is that it's complicated, and that short snappy forum posts don't do it justice (ironically making a reductive short snappy forum post in the process)
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Oct 28, 2017
Futile? What? It's the opposite. If you feel nothing after death, try and feel as much as you can while living.


Oct 27, 2017
sheer existential terror, of course.

and anyone who says they feel less hasn't thought about it enough

Death is axiomatic and ingrained into our understanding of life from an early age. A lot of people are just numb to the reality.

I have panic attacks occasionally when thinking about this and all of that desensitization is removed - it's just the inevitability of it that becomes so clear to me and I start panicking. It's going to happen and there's absolutely nothing I can do.


Oct 27, 2017
I've come to terms with it. It actually makes living life a lot easier—makes me focus more on trying to make every day count and enjoying it to the fullest.


Oct 25, 2017
Well it's unfortunate you have this point of view. I personally believe I'm going to Heaven after death and will be sitting proud next to God on his throne. You can wallow in the "void" if you want to.

There's a strong possibility you picked the wrong horse to bet on and you're going to hell for heresy.
Oct 27, 2017
It's weird. I'm depressed and often suicidal but the idea of not being able to observe and experience life after a certain point saddens me.


Oct 25, 2017
The issue is people give death some king of signifigance when everything before you were born is outside the realm of your experience before. You just return to unbeing. Enjoy and appreciate it while you're here and be happy to return to what helped create you. We're all just star dust in the end.


Oct 27, 2017
Basque Country
The concept of death has never particularly scared me. An unfathomable amount of time passed before I was born and I did not notice a thing, the same will be true after I die. It's difficult -or impossible really- to imagine, but that's just how it'll be. I will not mind about not being able to do stuff, because I will not be aware of any of that. Trillions of years will pass without me caring.

Deleted member 8468

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Oct 26, 2017
I don't spend much time thinking about it.

I've seen enough death in my family and people close to me to not really want to put any more thought into it. I'd rather focus on life.


Oct 28, 2017
The universe and everything else existed for billions of years, and possibly eternities, before I was even alive to comprehend a billionth of a fraction of it.

So yeah, no hard feelings.

Deleted member 25712

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Oct 29, 2017
It's one of those things you can't do anything about, so why worry about it? Meaning of course the inevitability of it. You can certain extend your life and enjoy your time here, but as far as worrying about if this is it...what's the point? That kind of applies to most things about life completely outside your control.


Oct 27, 2017
It's the end. There is nothing to be aware of, nothing to miss, it's back to the void of nothingness that I came from. In fact, the entire concept is impossible to even imagine and therefore I shouldn't even think about.



Nov 8, 2017
I'm more concerned about the logistics of it not being the end, like are you just stuck in cloud-land with a trillion other people climbing over each other, are there cool video games up there, do I have to make amends with douchebags, are other species there, is it confined to Earth races, can you fall off, if you become a Guardian Angel are you forced to watch them poop...

(It's an absurd concept.)


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
I mean, it's terrible and I wish there was a way to avoid it and live forever. But barring some kind bio-technological breakthrough, the end is unavoidable. You just have to make the most of the time you have. That's the deal.


Oct 27, 2017
OP - consider the parts that make you, at the molecular and atomic level: the matter and the energy. This can be neither created nor destroyed. You dissociate fairly quickly after you die - on the cosmic time scale - and the molecules cycle in earths systems and atmosphere. On a longer time line as earth burns up when the sun goes nova, your atoms and energy will be freed from earth and returned to the universe, where on the trillion year time scale, literally anything could become of you: maybe a new star in a new system. Maybe new life. Particularly if you subscribe to the scientific theory that universal creation and destruction may be cyclical. In that way, this cycle may happen for infinity.

This has been the fate of every organism that has ever lived. Life is a brief state of matter and energy in a much bigger system. Whether or not this comes as consolation, I don't know but I find it really beautiful. And it's actually true.


Nov 5, 2017
Do you remember your life during those 3 years took place before you were born? It'll be exactly like that.


Oct 27, 2017
It's another one of those likely unanswerable things that will ruin your ability to simply try to enjoy life if you choose to dwell on it. I honestly rarely think about it as it's pointless. Enjoy your life as best you can and try not to focus on things you can't control.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't give a shit.

I wasn't hungry in 1754.

I wasn't bored in 2000 BC.

I wasn't full of angst when the dinosaurs roamed.

I just wasn't. And one day I'll return to that state.


Nov 23, 2017
I mean i'd like to avoid it as long as possible and will probably attempt to do so(will probably have my body cryogenically frozen unless I die suddenly at a young age or something)

but ultimately if it happens it happens not like i'll care anymore when it's all said and done and i'm not around to feel anything