PS5 Load Times vs XSX Load Times

  • PS5 will be around twice as fast (or more)

    Votes: 441 25.9%
  • PS5 will be slightly faster

    Votes: 851 50.0%
  • They will be about the same.

    Votes: 369 21.7%
  • XSX will be slightly faster

    Votes: 24 1.4%
  • XSX will be around twice as fast (or more)

    Votes: 18 1.1%

  • Total voters
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Nov 15, 2017
It seems like quick load times is going to be one of the defining advancements of this generation. We've see what the XSX can do in this respect but we're still waiting to see how the PS5 does.

If you had to take a guess how do you think PS5 load times will compare to XSX? On one hand the PS5 drives are supposed to be considerably faster but on the other hand these speeds are so quick that any bottle neck in the process could neuter those speeds. What do you think?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it'll be a difference worth caring about. Like if a game loads a scene in under 10 seconds, who really cares if it takes 5 seconds instead of 8?

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
I mean, haven't we already seen both systems load times on various titles at this point? I mean, like what we're already seen with our own eyes I assume...? This feels like a thread for three months ago or something

Ricky Baker

Sep 30, 2020
PS5 will be faster, it has the dedicated I/O which is cool but I personally think its a bit overkill. By the looks of it the only games that are going to make any real use of it are Ratchet & Clank and GT7.


This Guy Helps
Oct 27, 2017
Not too noticeable on 3rd party games, which accounts for like 95% of a console's games. Should be great on 1st party stuff, though.


Oct 24, 2017
The 'War of Seconds' is going to be the next fanboy battle.

Third-party should be close to the same (maybe 5 secs vs 3 secs) -- trivial difference that only extreme fans will make a big deal about.

The general gaming community won't care. The internet community will make it a big deal if it favors their favorite plastic box.

If a PS5 game loads 1 second faster but has a slightly lower resolution, what happens then? All depends on which side the person wants to side with.


Developer of Special K
Aug 8, 2020
It'll probably be a wash in the end. "Loading Times" are virtually impossible to quantify in the scenarios where either console's new I/O architecture changes things.

The new consoles will do better at streaming assets -- while the game is actually running and you're actively doing stuff in it. Non-interactive load screens are probably going to be just as slow, probably even slower on the PS5 since it'll be clock throttling during load screens.


Oct 25, 2017
My uneducated guess is that it will be minimally faster on 3rd party games (maybe like 20%) and the real gains will be for first party games and exclusives.

I wonder if 3rd party games are even going to be designed around SSDs because they still need to be played on PCs where a lot of people still have regular HDDs. I am sure it will still be faster but if not designed around it I am douttful that it will be a life changing thing.

-Le Monde-

Dec 8, 2017
It'll probably be a wash in the end. "Loading Times" are virtually impossible to quantify in the scenarios where either console's new I/O architecture changes things.

The new consoles will do better at streaming assets -- while the game is actually running and you're actively doing stuff in it. Non-interactive load screens are probably going to be just as slow, probably even slower on the PS5 since it'll be clock throttling during load screens.
This makes no sense.
Jun 23, 2019
Lol After what I've seen today from the UI, I find the majority of people picking the 2nd option to be humorous.


May 16, 2020
Rio de Janeiro
Slightly faster I think?
A 3P dev wouldn't bother to use the whole speed of the SSD.
At worst(or best?)4~5 secs of difference.
3P games will be the same between systems.


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
I feel like there's a sizable gap between 'slightly' and 'twice' but maybe when we're talking seconds there actually isn't. I'll hedge and say real world tests it will be 'slightly'.


Oct 27, 2017
Forget comparisons, for all the speed talk I just want Gran Turismo to be blazing loads from garage to track immediately.


Oct 25, 2017
Demon's Souls is a PS3 game and not all too fast paced. I don't think it'd benefit from the SSD too much. Spider-Man probably will since it needs to load a big open world and you're extremely fast as well.

how is Demons Souls a PS3 game? It resembles nothing of the PS4"3 game, it's completely built from the ground up in a new engine and everything.


"This guy are sick"
Nov 4, 2017
What even is this that we haven't seen PS5 load times. We have seen Demons Souls loading compared to the original. We have seen R&C, and Spiderman, and the UI today.


"This guy are sick"
Nov 4, 2017
Demon's Souls is a PS3 game and not all too fast paced. I don't think it'd benefit from the SSD too much. Spider-Man probably will since it needs to load a big open world and you're extremely fast as well.
Someone did a comparison where the loading screen in DS was close to 15 seconds compared to the 2 seconds on PS5


Oct 27, 2017
Seems like it was zipping around pretty damn fast in the UI video. I think it'll be twice as fast but I guess then it would depend on how long the slower one loads. If it's a difference between 4 seconds and 8 seconds I'm not sure anybody will care outside of fanboy fodder. I'd appreciate the benefit but I wouldn't look at my brother's Xbox like it was gunked up with molasses. If it's a difference of 4 seconds to 20ish seconds then, yeah. That'd be something worth discussing.


Developer of Special K
Aug 8, 2020
This makes no sense.
Neither did Batman: Arkham Knight's PC port, and I fixed that too :P

There's a _lot_ of misunderstanding when it comes to I/O throughput and when you can actually achieve it in a game engine. The really high new numbers that Microsoft and SONY are touting are for ideal conditions, streaming directly to GPU. Those scenarios are not 'load times,' those are situations where you would either stutter if resources load too quickly, or visual pop-in as higher detail versions of a resource show up.

Situations where you actually have a load screen presented to you and are not streaming assets, are going to favor the Xbox Series X because its CPU will not be speeding up and slowing down while those loads are processed -- they're not the sort of loads that the dedicated hardware decompressor on the GPU will in any way assist the game with.

Deleted member 43

Account closed at user request
Oct 24, 2017
Neither did Batman: Arkham Knight's PC port, and I fixed that too :P

There's a _lot_ of misunderstanding when it comes to I/O throughput and when you can actually achieve it in a game engine. The really high new numbers that Microsoft and SONY are touting are for ideal conditions, streaming directly to GPU. Those scenarios are not 'load times,' those are situations where you would either stutter if resources load too quickly, or visual pop-in as higher detail versions of a resource show up.

Situations where you actually have a load screen presented to you and are not streaming assets, are going to favor the Xbox Series X because its CPU will not be speeding up and slowing down while those loads are processed -- they're not the sort of loads that the dedicated hardware decompressor on the GPU will in any way assist the game with.
This is not accurate.
Dec 31, 2017
The loading transitions will be where it's at. What we have seen of Ratchet and Spider Man is super impressive.

Systems pretty much built for Rockstar to work magic on.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty similar, PS5 might edge out in most cases. PS5 will shine brightest in exclusive games optimized for that platform specifically, but obviously we won't be able to compare those


Oct 25, 2017
"Significantly" faster. The best comparison we have as of right now is looking at the Gears 5 load times on Series X. It's like 8 seconds and that is a game they've gone back and optimised. You compare that to something like Spider-Man Remastered and their aiming for near instantaneous. This may differ with fully-fledged next-gen games but I doubt it.


Oct 27, 2017
"Significantly" faster. The best comparison we have as of right now is looking at the Gears 5 load times on Series X. It's like 8 seconds and that is a game they've gone back and optimised. You compare that to something like Spider-Man Remastered and their aiming for instantaneous. This may differ with fully-fledged next-gen games but I doubt it.

Like for like scenarios? Like neither masking any of the loading with cut scenes?


Oct 25, 2017
i put slightly faster, because that's the least I expect. If it's faster than that, awesome. If it's the same speed I'll just be sad and confused that Sony went with the design they did.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Negligible difference for third party games, about as apples to apples as you can get.

Something on the order of a few seconds but nothing to waste any concern over (will happen tho).


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
If people are so sure the xbox games will have better resolution and performance due to the xbox hardware, I don't know why people wouldn't think the ps5 will have faster loading due to its hardware

Deleted member 49611

Nov 14, 2018
Slightly faster.

For example, a game takes 14 seconds to load on Xbox it will be 11 on PS5. in game, a transition like we seen in Ratchet + Clank when they go through a portal, probably the Xbox could do it but it would be like a second longer. (I know it wont be on Xbox but...IF)

SSD is great but Sony has hyped it up too much and it shows people are falling for it. So many people are gonna be disappointed. The only games that will see any decent improvement of Xbox will be first party titles but then you could never really compare them anyway.
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