
Nov 11, 2017
I guess that's why I don't get it. I'm black and I cannot see why anyone would vote for Biden in the primary. I'm from New England though, and my family isn't religious at all.

I don't agree with it, but my understanding is that it's a combination of general wariness of more partisan candidates being unelectable, and skepticism toward "big promises" after so many of the earlier civil rights pushes have hit brick walls. They're more likely to support candidates they think have the best chance of holding on to the lifelines that are already there, as they both had skin in the game of achieving those victories and have more to lose if a gamble on a more Progressive candidate doesn't pay off.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't really know what relevance that has. The person you responded to was noting that Joe Biden is in his current position because he was chosen to serve as Barack Obama's VP. We don't have a multiversal time machine, but that seems entirely probable.

I think there are multiple reasons why black voters thus far are coalescing around Biden, part of that is an association with Obama, who is incredibly popular.

But all of it is because he was chosen to be Obama's VP, and in the hypothetical universe where Barack Obama had picked Tim Kaine like he wanted to, Joe Biden would not be the frontrunner for the 2020 Democratic nomination.
It's relevant because you reiterated the point about his age after quoting my post where I already argue against "because Obama."

I guess that's why I don't get it. I'm black and I cannot see why anyone would vote for Biden in the primary. I'm from New England though, and my family isn't religious at all.
I mean that's kind of a big caveat with black voters. That kind of informs their views on at least a few other specific issues (lgbt, abortion related).

And in 2017 only 28% of black voters would describe themselves as "liberal."

Add that in on top of Biden's opponents rushing to embrace the very unpopular positions among minorities of abolishing ICE, decriminalization, and banning private insurance and it shouldnt be any wonder why black voters back him.

Because Obama is the reason why he's of any note at all now for every demographic. It's not like we don't have reference for this. He's run before without making a blip when he wasn't slowing down from old age.
What other moderate would be topping him then? You are arguing that someone else would be able to make the moderate appeal better than him in spite of his own individual positives with the most relevant parts of the electorate. Even going with the "he would be unknown if not for Obama narrative" he would still be better known and better qualified than any other moderate.

He was a weak as hell candidate before obama, who couldn't find traction, and nothings changed other than that association which immediately gave him a huge foot hold.

to deny that, is to deny reality. imagine the 2019 version of biden, the gaffe machine, running without those obama years to prop him up... Yeah, he's getting stomped.

I doubt he would even run at this age if he wasn't a popular VP.
I'll ask you to provide the better moderate candidate as well. You are ignoring the reality that the electorate largely moderate to conservative and that his current stances would have the same appeal without Obama. Folks says they really, really hate banning private insurance and decriminalization and yet they wouldnt give Biden a look on top of the other built in identity favorables he has? Exactly on what grounds?

If you had bothered to read and comprehend, I didn't say he was another Trump. I said he was the democratic Trump. EG democratic policies instead of republican ones.

And no Bernie is nothing like either of them. Bernie still seems pretty sharp of mind, inst prone to saying incoherent shit and has actual policies he's laid out.
I read what you said which is why I'm stating policies alone should stop you from making that argument in the first place. And you're telling on yourself by insisting Bernie is nothing like either of them. Age, insisting the media is against them, pushing conspiracies theories, attacking amazon, attacking the Washington Post, attacking the TPP. Doesnt scream "nothing like Trump."


Oct 28, 2017
It's really troubling that this suggests the easiest way to beat Joe Biden is to lie about him being a handsy creep and that even despite how much so many problems can be cited back to the leadership decisions of the wealthy that we aren't all that interested in taxing the rich more.

Considering the 2nd choice polls a few months ago this explains a lot why Bernie voters are more likely to vote for Biden while Warren voters are more likely to vote for Bernie despite the differences between Bernie and Warren on a ideological level are almost the same unlike Biden who is far removed from both of them.

Our sex organs and gender preferences matter too much in politics.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
My family likes Klobuchar. Warming to Warren.

Despite what this forum would like you to believe, Biden is one of the few politicians I genuinely believe is a good person. I think he'd make a good president. Not anywhere close to my first choice, but he's not the devil y'all would like us to believe.

It's weird, my mom who isn't on team Biden, wants him to drop out not because he's old or racist, but she feels losing his son left him shallow and without the fight.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't agree with it, but my understanding is that it's a combination of general wariness of more partisan candidates being unelectable, and skepticism toward "big promises" after so many of the earlier civil rights pushes have hit brick walls. They're more likely to support candidates they think have the best chance of holding on to the lifelines that are already there, as they both had skin in the game of achieving those victories and have more to lose if a gamble on a more Progressive candidate doesn't pay off.
There are specific issues that are defining in this election that are a turn off to black voters. Its not just skepticism or electability, or Obama. Outside of elections Black voters are capable of seeing the differences and are repeatedly showing they prefer a more moderate agenda when asked specifically.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Not related to the thread. But Bernie's YouTube is pretty great. Give me him and Warren...

Also, Obama is not allowed to show up at any of Joe's rallies and endorse him, correct? If offered I'd hope he'd say no.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
What other moderate would be topping him then? You are arguing that someone else would be able to make the moderate appeal better than him in spite of his own individual positives with the most relevant parts of the electorate. Even going with the "he would be unknown if not for Obama narrative" he would still be better known and better qualified than any other moderate.
You're really overstating how much the average voter follows ideology of candidates (this goes for all candidates, btw). I have literally seen polls where the number one reason people say they are looking to Biden is because of the Obama connection. Obama has a 90+% approval among dems. It's not rocket science.


Oct 25, 2017
I live in the south and it still doesn't quite make sense to me but fair enough.
The Democrats got 65% of the black vote pre-Civil Rights. Post-Civil rights they got 90%.

Who exactly do you think those 25% were that previously voted GOP?
Not related to the thread. But Bernie's YouTube is pretty great. Give me him and Warren...

Also, Obama is not allowed to show up at any of Joe's rallies and endorse him, correct? If offered I'd hope he'd say no.
He wouldn't do it because a) norms against a Pres doing it directly b) he already backed Hillary over him in 2016 (it turns out, for good reason.)


Oct 28, 2017
He says stupid shit, repeatedly.
He can't seem to remember details.
Actual policies aren't that important to him
Racists like him
Regular democrats like him

Other than all the crimes he seems to be slightly more coherent Democrat Trump.
Wow you really doubled down on this. You're not saying anything insightful here in trying to paint Biden the same as Donald Trump.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
It's disappointing that the author does not cite his study in the article (I know it's the same person). Taking a more in depth look at methodology would be interesting. Oftentimes surveys like this tell you as much about the survey as the results themselves.


Oct 25, 2017
Is it possible that in the future the democratic party in the US could split into the liberal democrats (party of Biden, Clinton etc. ) and a more left/socialist version? Like Labor and the Lib dems in the UK? Is that at all likely? Or will the US always be a two party system?
Of course you'd want the party setup that enables the GOP.


Oct 25, 2017
It's relevant because you reiterated the point about his age after quoting my post where I already argue against "because Obama."
His age is not something viewed favorably... Polling shows no one actually wants a 77 year old President.

Name another moderate? Hickenlooper, Bullock, Klobuchar. Without being Vice President, Biden would be just another Senator.

It's bizarre you think he doesn't owe his current standing to being given a role in the Obama administration, not just with Black voters, with voters in general.


Oct 25, 2017
My family likes Klobuchar. Warming to Warren.

Despite what this forum would like you to believe, Biden is one of the few politicians I genuinely believe is a good person. I think he'd make a good president. Not anywhere close to my first choice, but he's not the devil y'all would like us to believe.

It's weird, my mom who isn't on team Biden, wants him to drop out not because he's old or racist, but she feels losing his son left him shallow and without the fight.
are you guys from minnesota?

because i can't imagine anyone outside of here cares about her

which really sucks cause she's great


Nov 11, 2017
There are specific issues that are defining in this election that are a turn off to black voters. Its not just skepticism or electability, or Obama. Outside of elections Black voters are capable of seeing the differences and are repeatedly showing they prefer a more moderate agenda when asked specifically.

You are overstating the degree of hostility to Progressive ideals. While it's true that Medicare for All is less favorable when abolishing private insurance is included with it, these polls have not, from what I've seen, actually measured the relative strength of the unfavorability, or the degree to which it would actually effect voting.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
This thread and the article will be one of those things used to talk at or about black people instead of too them. Sigh...Just the way america works, you can find libraries full of conversations with bigots in america. But unless you know the people doing the work you won't hear what margalized people are doing or saying.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow you really doubled down on this. You're not saying anything insightful here in trying to paint Biden the same as Donald Trump.

Folks tripping over themselves to try to paint him as trump and I'm not cool with the language lately that kind of implies black voters don't know any better or some shit. Posters could stand to educate themselves and stop jumping to the first easy generalization that you can latch on, which is typical for many here. Black folks aren't children or ignorant and the constant narrative of them going for Biden solely because of Obama isn't a good look around here. Yes, it's a factor but for many voters I'm but it isn't the only one. Many here can't help but be reductive on every topic though.

This thread and the article will be one of those things used to talk at or about black people instead of too them. Sigh...Just the way america works, you can find libraries full of conversations with bigots in america. But unless you know the people doing the work you won't hear what margalized people are doing or saying.

Why I find a lot of people phony in general. Many just want us to fall in line one way or the other imo.
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Oct 30, 2017
Just looking at policy issues alone, it's still baffling that black voters are going for Biden. Because Obama.

after donald trump got elected, im not baffled by much anymore

i dunno if that is even something to be baffled over, but if it is, then i still wouldn't be baffled. if that makes any sense

Deleted member 18360

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Even worse than Biden's body falling apart or his lack of policy is the apparent fact that he has no interest in educating himself on perhaps the most important issue of our time (the climate change debate was a disaster for him), and there's no reason to believe he'd delegate someone appropriate to the task, either. And to bring up infirmity again, I'm deeply and legitimately scared of this shambling husk going against Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
You are overstating the degree of hostility to Progressive ideals. While it's true that Medicare for All is less favorable when abolishing private insurance is included with it, these polls have not, from what I've seen, actually measured the relative strength of the unfavorability, or the degree to which it would actually effect voting.
They have, actually. Among all voters Single Payer (41%) is less popular than repealing the ACA (44%) while the Public Option (70%) has overwhelming support.. Among nonwhite ones (likely not a large enough sample for Hispanic/black voter subgroups) support for the ACA repeal drops to 38%, while Single Payer goes up to 46%, but the gap between Single Payer and the Public Option actually rises because the Public Option goes up to 78% support.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
are you guys from minnesota?

because i can't imagine anyone outside of here cares about her

which really sucks cause she's great

Someone in Poli-Era mentioned that Rachel Maddow gasses her up and my mom loves Rachel. Otherwise I have no idea why she's my mom's favorite, but I generally like her too as an Illinois resident.


Oct 11, 2018
literally the only reason biden is still in the race is because of his ties to obama and whatever political access that got him, trying to juelz away black voters liking him because of that is weird move.

without that he wouldve gaffed himself into oblivion by now


Oct 25, 2017
literally the only reason biden is still in the race is because of his ties to obama and whatever political access that got him, trying to juelz away black voters liking him because of that is weird move.

without that he wouldve gaffed himself into oblivion by now

Because people like to hear themselves repeat it as if saying that having name recognition from being VP is some big revelation. It's a factor, sure, it's not the only one. It's not specific to black people either. Some older white folk probably lean toward him for similar reasons. That said, I'm sure many black voters have other thoughts and opinions than "I want him because he was Obama's guy."
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Nov 7, 2017
The graph isn't polling favorability, but demographics and views in aggregate of supporters. You also have things like abortion up there, taxing the rich, etc.
favorable as in an issue/policy favoring the candidate

not the voter favoring the candidate

if a voter really responds to the issue/policy of abortion or deportation, and they respond favorably to a certain candidate's stance on that issue (real or perceived), is what i mean

a "more likely to vote for" metric at the end of the day is a form of favorability


Nov 7, 2017
That is not how the chart works... they are not "favorables" within Biden voters.
Covered above. It is a type of favor between an issue/policy and the candidate.

People who support or prioritise abortion rights are 4 percentage points more likely to support Warren than people who do not support or prioritise abortion rights. This does not make the latter group not "policy-aware".
Yes, it literally does. They have enough awareness to know that that candidate has a particular kinship with that issue/policy.

Whether or not it's true, it's still an awareness.


Oct 25, 2017
He's another Hillary.

Sounds like a title from a national review article.

Edit: I wasn't wrong, it is. And a Rasmussen op-Ed on the matter was also the 2nd result.

"Are Democrats Sure Biden Is Different Enough from Hillary Clinton?"

It's always funny how the left ends up regurgitating right-wing talking points come election season. Biden isn't my first choice by any means, but tripping over yourselves to make these parallels is just silly. According to this topic, he's another trump and another Hillary rolled into one that black people will vote for like the lemmings they are because of Obama apparently. I jest, but I don't see how he could lose with those odds.

When in doubt, blame the Negroes

Preach, I can already see which way the wind is blowing.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
*White people voted for Trump despite voting for the GOP for 5 decades*

White progressives: It's the Democrats fault they should have reached out to white people

*White progressives' candidate fails to win over black voters in the Dem primary*

White progressive: It's those darkies' fault!

White moderates aren't the only group racially resentful. When will white progressives look in the front mirror?


Oct 25, 2017
In two of the last three competitive Dem primaries black voters were the last group to move over to the eventual winner. It didn't happen in 2016- they stayed pat, but in both 2008 and 2004 they eventually shifted and helped push the eventual winner over the top.

If your only experience in a primary was 2016 and you were to extrapolate from that one data point the idea black voters in the US don't shift ever, you would be very much in the wrong.

Deleted member 32561

User requested account closure
Nov 11, 2017
1) Voters, regardless of any demo, don't typically don't pick by a checklist of issues with a formula that gives them a top candidate. There's a mix of the issues, charisma, practicality, etc. etc. Which brings us to point number

2) Numbers dictate that black people have to consider what they want as well as what the average white voter wants. And the "average white voter" is at least comfortable with racism and sexism and is deathly afraid of a quickly changing country. The average black voter is less willing to take chances because she has more chips on the table than her white compatriot. Blacks didn't fully get behind Obama until he after he won the IA and NH primaries and they knew he could win the white vote.

So no, not just "because Obama right?"
Thank you for this post. It does make sense, for the 75% of black voters who are socially progressive (as opposed to the 25% seemingly religiously conservative ones indicated by Kirblar, who it does make sense they'd be against abolishing ICE and against LGBTQ rights and abortion), to go for a Biden-type if they think white people will support them more.

So it, once again, comes back to white voters not being trustworthy enough to make the right damn choices. Not surprising, but enlightening.

Deleted member 18360

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
*White people voted for Trump despite voting for the GOP for 5 decades*

White progressives: It's the Democrats fault they should have reached out to white people

*White progressives' candidate fails to win over black voters in the Dem primary*

White progressive: It's those darkies' fault!

White moderates aren't the only group racially resentful. When will white progressives look in the front mirror?

I don't see how it's racist to be anxious that the collective desire to oust Trump is virtually the sole thing propping up this human scarecrow of a candidate. I'm not required to veer hard into racial resentment when I say I legitimately have a hard time seeing what anyone might see in him as an individual. People have different politics and racializing that isn't a foregone conclusion.

Edit: Also this seems highly probable to me. The audience for (or the people who stand to benefit most from) Biden's centrism seems, on the face of it, to be politically gormless whites.

Thank you for this post. It does make sense, for the 75% of black voters who are socially progressive (as opposed to the 25% seemingly religiously conservative ones indicated by Kirblar, who it does make sense they'd be against abolishing ICE and against LGBTQ rights and abortion), to go for a Biden-type if they think white people will support them more.

So it, once again, comes back to white voters not being trustworthy enough to make the right damn choices. Not surprising, but enlightening.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
I don't see how it's racist to be anxious that the collective desire to oust Trump is virtually the sole thing propping up this human scarecrow of a candidate. I'm not required to veer hard into racial resentment when I say I legitimately have a hard time seeing what anyone might see in him as an individual. People have different politics and racializing that isn't a foregone conclusion.

Edit: Also this seems highly probable to me. The audience for Biden's centrism seems, on the face of it, to be politically gormless whites.

Because only black people, despite being only 17% of the population and will most likely back any Democratic nomination winner, are the ones receiving the blunt of this anger.

Where is the anger for the racist white Biden supporters? Or for the sexist Sander supporters? Or white Sanders supporters who'll throw a hissy fit if Biden wins? Or vice versa with white Biden voters?

Deleted member 18360

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Because only black people, despite being only 17% of the population and will most likely back any Democratic nomination winner, are the ones receiving the blunt of this anger.

Fair enough. I'm just here to try to dunk on Joe because I do believe he's as bad of a candidate as everyone says. I don't see the black electorate as responsible for that, though, so much as the Democratic Party (or privileged whites) simply believing that positioning themselves as the lesser evil in the upcoming election will do all of their political work for them. If anything I expect black voters to be ruthlessly pragmatic for wholly justified reasons, which would again place the blame on white voters.
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Oct 27, 2017
Just looking at policy issues alone, it's still baffling that black voters are going for Biden. Because Obama.
People gonna say electability and pragmatism but it ain't. It's falling for the same bs we been falling for for decades. Older black folks vote more and as a whole not very progressive on much.


Oct 26, 2017
i am 1st gen immigrant in Canada and what I noticed about most immigrant families and visible minorities is that we like a sure-win Liberal winner to defeat the Conservative rather than going for the Left most option

it's not about pragmatism, not about policy, not about progressiveness but mostly about picking the winningest choice to defeat the Right

white liberals and 3rd gen+ old stock white liberals need to chill the fuck up

Deleted member 18360

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
that's a trait but the defining trait. It's not light or dark

Liz will be an absolute disaster if she wins the nom

I'm not following you here. I don't know a ton about Warren, but what I think has a consistently bad track record is trying to go all meta and propose a candidate solely on the basis of perceived electability. I've, personally, never really known that strategy to work.

People should be voting for candidates that are legitimately exciting or have an ounce of legitimate political impetus, which certainly isn't Joe. And considering how cynical people are becoming about the political process, I don't think you're going to find that kind of candidate without some solid policy claims.


Oct 28, 2017
literally the only reason biden is still in the race is because of his ties to obama and whatever political access that got him, trying to juelz away black voters liking him because of that is weird move.

without that he wouldve gaffed himself into oblivion by now
I haven't been paying close attention to other posters talking about Biden's Obama connection but it should be stated that it was only important in him getting recognized. He holds onto his position because he has qualities you aren't in tune with but sexist and racially resentful democrats are more comfortable with.

Trump getting away with his sexism and Biden not getting bumped down for his creepy photos with women is a feature of human civilization not a bug.


Oct 25, 2017
read what you said which is why I'm stating policies alone should stop you from making that argument in the first place. And you're telling on yourself by insisting Bernie is nothing like either of them. Age, insisting the media is against them, pushing conspiracies theories, attacking amazon, attacking the Washington Post, attacking the TPP. Doesnt scream "nothing like Trump."
I must have missed when Biden has attacked amazon

Anyway, trump and Bernie both attacking Amazon is equating two people that like beer as the same thing.

Trump doesn't like Amazon because bezos owns wapo, that's literally it.

Bernie doesn't like Amazon because they are extremely anti competitive and treat their workers like shit. Is it really that hard?

Wow you really doubled down on this. You're not saying anything insightful here in trying to paint Biden the same as Donald Trump.
I don't really care what you or anyone else thinks. I made a light hearted joke. Obviously Biden isn't Trump or another Trump. Was just pointing out there are a lot of similarities to their campaigns and how they act. Or have you missed where Biden keeps making stupid easy mistakes no campaign should make?


Oct 26, 2017
No shit. Nice to have numbers though.

Strategically, one of the reasons I like Bernie for the general is because he taps into the Biden space as well while having a lot of the policy positions of Warren. Bernie can also tap into the Trump flipper space unless I've missed something.


Oct 25, 2017
No shit. Nice to have numbers though.

Strategically, one of the reasons I like Bernie for the general is because he taps into the Biden space as well while having a lot of the policy positions of Warren. Bernie can also tap into the Trump flipper space unless I've missed something.
Bernie being the 2nd choice for a lot of Trumpers was most definitely a (very, very toxic) thing in 2016.