
Oct 25, 2017
30 fps will never be "better graphics" to me for something I'm playing, so hopefully performance modes will last the whole gen.

If they dont have a 60fps mode, I'm not buying it. I don't care if I miss out on a lot of games. I got plenty to play otherwise.


Oct 25, 2017
I think 60fp is here to stay, but the 30fps modes will be prioritized and the quality differences between the modes will be more apparent in the future.


Tools & Automation
Oct 28, 2017
As long as you guys keep making it a very vocal topic and keep massively pestering developers about it, it should stick.

Devs that didn't intend on considering 60fps at first have definitely felt the pressure of being singled out, which is why you're seeing performance modes getting patched in to games already out.

So whenever a game is known to not have a 60fps mode, make a big ruckus about it. That's the only way it'll be here to stay!

Bonfires Down

Nov 2, 2017
The games that traditionally push CPU to the limits probably won't have 60 fps modes, so I guess Assassin's Creed, Elder Scrolls, GTA and other open world games in that vein.


Oct 29, 2017
first two years then we will see PRO version leaks.

First year 60fps
Second year 60fps
Third year 45-30fps
Fourth year PRO version 60fps ( mid gen refresh)
fifth year 60fps
sixth year 60fps
Seventh year again 30fps
8th year NEXT GEN


May 25, 2018
I'm expecting it to last all gen especially for Xbox games. Quality and performance modes hopefully
Probably true for certain Xbox studios, but I'd guess that there will be at least some Xbox first party games that will try to match the visuals of Sony's first party and Rockstar.

If they want to even have a chance at competing in visuals department, that will without a doubt mean that certain games must be developed from the start with 30fps as a target, as that's what Sony and Rockstar will definitely do. With complex visuals that really push the systems, getting 60fps mode isn't necessarily that easy.

Every big budget release will always be compared to whatever game has the best visuals at that time. Whether something runs at 30 or 60 is pretty irrelevant in that discussion if we look at social media or places that are not Era. I'd say this will push several Xbox games like Fable, Hellblade etc to also target 30fps.


Jun 14, 2018
Spoiled by Returnal, RE8 and Demon's Souls at 60. And by all my PS4 games with FPS boost that I'm catching up on, like Ghost of Tsushima or FFXV. I legit can't go back to anything 30 at this point, it feels disgusting to play.


Oct 26, 2017
I'll put it this way: I've generally never had a problem keeping 60+ fps performance on PC games so long as I invested in a well-scaled CPU for that period of game tech, and didn't mind scaling back GPU-heavy settings as time went on. Because the PS5/XSX/XSS have plenty of breathing room re: CPU power, I think that's likely to be true for them too. This is a very different "ballgame" compared to the PS3/360 gen.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Might've ended with Horizon already, we'll see, hopefully they just wanted to show off 4k mode and have a 60fps mode at launch.

Hopefully there's some sort of general backlash to anything 30fps this gen so that we never have to deal with this transition again and it just becomes the norm.

Tbh though it's probably safe to say it's going away at some point when the most critically acclaimed and talked about games on the best selling platform are usually 30fps.
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Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
I'm fine with 30 fps, but give me a quality mode that doesn't just mean "native 4K". 1440p30 with higher quality lighting and effects that push the hardware would be great, but I think that will take time, especially not going to happen while last gen is supported.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
It's here to stay. I mean, come on. There will still be 30fps games but I don't know how anyone could look at last gen, even, and think that 60fps hasn't been gaining prominence in a big way for half a decade now already. Anyone except people who don't play many multiplayer games and stick solely to first party AAA output.

Seriously, just take an honest look at just how many franchises went 60fps last gen despite underpowered CPUs and ambitious audiovisual targets. The entire gaming industry isn't just going to default to 30fps again at some nebulous point down the road, not when so many notable developers chose to make the switch to 60fps years ago, the very moment it became feasible for them.


Jun 15, 2018
I can absolutely guarantee that I won't be buying games that don't have 60fps as an option at the very least.


Dec 18, 2017
Until devs start pushing graphics. So another ~2 years.
Why do people think this way? Did developers go back to a resolution of 480p to push graphics once 1080p became a thing?

No. Resolution has evolved. Performance has evolved.

And as shown by comments like these, people are getting spoiled by better performance for good, as it should be:
30 fps will never be "better graphics" to me for something I'm playing, so hopefully performance modes will last the whole gen.

If they dont have a 60fps mode, I'm not buying it. I don't care if I miss out on a lot of games. I got plenty to play otherwise.
I can absolutely guarantee that I won't be buying games that don't have 60fps as an option at the very least.


Oct 25, 2017
And as shown by comments like these, people are getting spoiled by better performance for good, as it should be:
Yes, however to nitpick a bit, having been playing before 3D became a thing when games ran at 60Hz, I don't really agree with the idea that we've been getting spoiled recently.

Rather I would say, games are starting to get back to how they should feel to play. I think there's a generation of players that started with 3D and got used to 30fps feeling "normal", when it was actually a regression that has lasted a long time. I always thought 30fps felt not great.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to be an optimist and say that even once the cross-gen games stop and we finally start getting proper XS/PS5 games, developers will include "Resolution" and "Performance" modes in games just as they have for the last few years.The norm going forward will probably be just to give players the option if they want ultra-pretty graphics or a high framerate.

Competitive shooters, fighting games, and racing games at least will definitely prioritize framerate over graphics. I can't think of the last AAA game in any of those genres that prioritized 30fps. I get the impression that most devs have come to realize that more and more people are beginning to value smooth performance in their games. Especially since the new consoles are actually able to achieve those high framerates.
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Oct 25, 2017
As someone who, in the past, liked 30fps with higher graphics settings to 60fps, I have become very spoiled this year. I didn't think devs would actually start making 60 seem like the default choice but here we are.

So, I am now fully on this train, and really don't want to go back to 30 if possible. I do worry that as pure next gen games become more common, devs may thrust us back to 30 in order to get RT, higher effects etc, but I want/crave 60 now lol

Life was so much simpler when I was fine with 30 :)


Oct 26, 2017
I realy hope theres an option for 60fps or 30fps graphics mode, at least untill the next gen comes then i can understand 30fps only for the cross gen games running on current gen.

Level 7 Boss

Jun 19, 2018
I think the first next gen game that comes out sub 60(ie 30 target only) no options for 60 is going to be roasted and rightfully so. If there is no option for it on any platform at 60 FPS I will not be getting it.

Mainstream gamers don't care about frame rates providing it's stable. You'll get a lot of confirmation bias on an enthusiast forum advocating for 60fps but outside of this bubble it's less of a consideration.
May 14, 2021
Performance+Resolution modes will last the entire generation. Some devs will not, and they'll get fewer sales because of it.


Apr 27, 2019
Devs can try to go back. But regardless of how good Forbidden West looked, seeing it on a giant 4k screen at 30fps made me wince.


Oct 27, 2017
The existence of the Series S makes me think that most games will at least offer the option of 60fps on Series X.


Nov 6, 2017
With TVs growing larger and larger, 30 fps becomes more and more intolerable. I hope performance mode will be the norm from now on.


Oct 26, 2017
All the people who decided 30 was unplayable the last six months will be fine when the train stops.


Oct 27, 2017
As someone who didn't care last gen, I won't be buying any games that don't have a 60 FPS option in the future. TLOU2 is so much better in 60


May 17, 2020
If AAA games go back to just being 30fps with no option they're going right in my trash can. These consoles support ray tracing and up to 120hz, you need to support a lot of options. Give a 60fps mode or don't even bother.

For the vast majority of games outside of the AAA space, 60fps should 100% be the norm and there's no reason it wouldn't be. So unless the ONLY games you play are AAA (which I get the feeling a lot of people here do), you should be seeing 60fps a large large large amount of the time.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Until devs feel the need to lie to gamers about 30fps being "more cinematic" again instead of just pointing out that the hardware can't actually handle their targets for visuals and 60fps.