Rate FF16

  • 10/10

    Votes: 69 4.1%
  • 9/10

    Votes: 421 25.1%
  • 8/10

    Votes: 460 27.4%
  • 7/10

    Votes: 390 23.2%
  • 6/10

    Votes: 221 13.2%
  • 5/10

    Votes: 65 3.9%
  • 4/10 or lower

    Votes: 54 3.2%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
8/10 the first 10 hours with the story zags and fun enough combat
6/10 by the end, story drags and game is too long and simple


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
It's in my top 3 games of the year and in my top 5 favorite FFs of all time, it's an easy 9/10.

There are some plot choices in the game that didn't leave me completely satisfied which did kinda bum me out but for the most part, the game was a polished, rewarding and fun as I thought it would be going in.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
Try going into any other thread than this one. I just now read a post that the reason FFXVI is shitty and failing (it isn't) is because Clive isn't hot enough like Cloud or Squall having a beach episode. And no, it wasn't a joke post.

It's clearly the minority by the numbers, but the minority is loud as fuck here and hasn't let up an ounce in the past two months.

The annoyance doesn't just materialize from thin air.

Well, maybe you should have posted that silly nonsense in that thread and not this one?


Oct 27, 2017
Probably a 6/10. I didn't finish it. I am not going to force myself to finish something that makes me yawn consistently when playing
-the story started off strong but somehow it got a little boring the further I got in.
-the combat wasn't interesting or deep enough for the length of the game
-I find a new town going through the story and I have to do 3 boring quests to continue. Like I will come back to this town later. Let me progress the story.
-side quests felt boring and more like fetch quests
-ikon fights were epic but they dragged on and on.
-pacing was off. I went from fighting a literal god to *checks notes* talking to 3 random people and then finding sand to build a boat engine.
-I didn't feel like I got rewarded enough for the hunts in the game. Like if I fight a difficult enemy, give me something to motivate me to do more.
-this may have been just me but I felt finding a particular area to go on a hunt difficult on the map
I was never into final fantasy when I was younger. The first game I tried was 13 and that bored me. I bought 15 and it felt incomplete and I never finished it. I just don't think this franchise is for me.
Nov 19, 2019
In my mind its a 6, but in my heart its an 8.

Lots to complain about—and god knows i did complain—but i had a good time with it and liked the things it did well much more than i disliked the bad parts.

The worst game I have ever played. It fucked my mom, kicked me in the nuts and told me to give it my lunch money.

It killed my dog and spit on its corpse and lit it on fire. It made me watch.


Sorry, just trying to blend in here.

I know people are giving you grief for this post, but it is almost literally my opinion 😂
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Oct 25, 2017
I'd say a tentative 7-7.5/10 because I lost interest right around the last 1/3 and still haven't gone back a month later. It could jump or fall a bit depending on whether or not that happens, and how I feel about if it does.

Early on I thought was on pace for a 9/10 but everything I liked or loved came with some sort of caveat: Combat was a very well-executed, streamlined take on DMC (which is my jam), but the encounter design was bland and PS2 era basic. It also never trusted players to juggle more than 3 Eikon powers for some reason.

The quest design was even worse, which is a shame because there's some quality & worthwhile worldbuilding baked into the mindless, repetitive drudgery. And while the Story has some extremely high highs, they're often followed immediately by these inexplicable lulls - some of which are needlessly drawn out.


Oct 25, 2017
+ story is decent and enjoyable, most characters too
+ eikon fights are cool, but has issues*
+ good music
+ chocobos

- very bad pacing, massive dips, often killed the mood of the game and the momentum, they didn't convey these "downtime" moments very well design wise and story wise
- action combat system is way too easy and makes the game boring, feels like they were so afraid of turning people off from change from turn-based to action, that they made the action so easy and fairly simple that it's just boring to play. that's a huge problem for a game trying to be action. they failed to commit, so it just feels deflated. either make a good action game or make it like FF7R or FF XII.
- side quests are complete garbage, in an era with amazing side quests in RPGs like The Witcher 3, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Baldur's Gate 3, Obsidian and BGS games, etc.
- *the game has some really bad art direction/graphics at times like eikon fights where you can't even see what you are even looking at because of all the incoherent particle vomit etc. it looks muddy
- no party management and control of them sucks big time
- bad and lack of itemisation
- a lot of the open areas were boring and badly designed. lack of towns etc. overall bad exploration as a result

for me FF XVI will be the most mid RPG of this year (and for quite a few years) especially going up against Baldur's Gate 3 and very likely Starfield too

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Oct 27, 2017
I was never into final fantasy when I was younger. The first game I tried was 13 and that bored me. I bought 15 and it felt incomplete and I never finished it. I just don't think this franchise is for me.
This is kinda funny because I have to guess they turned this entry into the gritty got arpg it is for people who usually don't play those jrpgs they don't want to be known for now.

I played them all till 13 and both 13 (hallway simulator) and 16 are very different to the older games. Maybe you'll like them or not, but do not judge them by this one.


Apr 16, 2018
5, really had to force myself to finish it. Other that the fact that its polished i have nothing good to say about it.


Jan 28, 2019
For me, though I don't like to give scores to games in general, FF16 has moments where I feel like I'm playing the best game ever made and then immediately after I feel like I'm gonna fall asleep. The Eikon fights are like 11/10 type stuff, but a lot of story decisions and especially the amount of padding and pacing are like 6/10 at best, so I can't give it anymore than an 8 on a good day, but probably a 7. It's definitely not my favorite new game of the year, nor is it my favorite FF I've played for the first time this year.

To be honest I don't think any FF game I've played is BAD, a 7 is still decent obviously. It's just not going to be one of my favorite games ever, and it's definitely one of my less favorite FF games.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017

Really carried by the incredible bosses and late game combat but narratively, there's a whole lot of shit there that I do not gel with and the world design overall just really didn't stand out for me. Having to deal with a shaky 30 FPS really didn't do the game any favors for me either. That being said, I'll take it over XV any day of the week and twice on Sundays. I also genuinely loved the overall tone and the lack of reliance on a party. Not a top five FF game for me but probably somewhere in the lower rungs of the top ten mainline entries. Might warm up a bit more to it on future replays whenever the PC version shows up but we'll see.

Also, unironically, it doesn't have shit on Stranger of Paradise, the real best new Final Fantasy game to release in the last ten years, XIV notwithstanding.


May 3, 2022
Poor writing, especially around a lot of the women in the game and how the overall plot resolves. Combat isn't for me but I won't hold that against it. It's a game that pretty much gets by on the strength of its acting and production values. Probably like a 6/10 for me.


Aug 11, 2022
A lot to like, a lot of it is even easy to love. More than a couple ingredients short of it being able to carry my 75 hour playthrough, but I look back fondly on the experience overall. 7/10.
Mar 19, 2020
Sure there's things that could have been better and over time I find myself agreeing with some of the flaws people raise but at the end of the day, when playing it, I loved it and thought it was amazing. It was a great experience and a memorable one to me. So yeah 9/10


Oct 25, 2017
It's the worst game in the series since 2. I'd give it a 4/10 with the majority of that coming from the spectacle.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
Probably a 6/10. I didn't finish it. I am not going to force myself to finish something that makes me yawn consistently when playing
-the story started off strong but somehow it got a little boring the further I got in.
-the combat wasn't interesting or deep enough for the length of the game
-I find a new town going through the story and I have to do 3 boring quests to continue. Like I will come back to this town later. Let me progress the story.
-side quests felt boring and more like fetch quests
-ikon fights were epic but they dragged on and on.
-pacing was off. I went from fighting a literal god to *checks notes* talking to 3 random people and then finding sand to build a boat engine.
-I didn't feel like I got rewarded enough for the hunts in the game. Like if I fight a difficult enemy, give me something to motivate me to do more.
-this may have been just me but I felt finding a particular area to go on a hunt difficult on the map
I was never into final fantasy when I was younger. The first game I tried was 13 and that bored me. I bought 15 and it felt incomplete and I never finished it. I just don't think this franchise is for me.

Depending on when you played 15 it probably was, literally, incomplete


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
It's pretty much the epitome of a 4/10 for me. It's a massive slog with some of the worst pacing I've ever experienced in a game that doesn't do anything particularly well.

The things that it is best at are things on the lower end of what makes games good, those being production values and spectacle. There are some moments where the game does what it sets out to do somewhat well and brief instances of it "working" or glimpses of what it could have been if it wasn't so confused, but they are so few and far between in this 50+ hour game with bad pacing, shallow combat, and poor writing.

It's the worst game in the mainline series and I don't hesitate to say that.

Steamy Manatee

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 18, 2022
Strong 8/10.

Like it a lot, but didn't love some of the creative direction choices. Would not want future FF games to follow this formula but I am glad this exists.


Mar 4, 2018
I'm going to say 8/10. DMC-style gameplay with RPG elements is a great combination. I enjoyed the story for the most part, although pacing could be better. I'm considering going through another playthrough on FF mode for the platinum.


Oct 31, 2017
7. Should have loved it but bounced off hard once got to story after the demo. Combat and spectacle got me through but story didn't.


Oct 27, 2017
An 8. It's incredibly uneven, but when it works it can be really fun, and the action gameplay is actually pretty good if you stop yourself from just spamming special attacks. It's the first FF I've finished since X, which is saying something, though XII is a better game. I should go back and finish that one.


Oct 27, 2017
its the worst FF I've played so far. Maybe they should reconsider if action games is really the future of FF.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
5 - literally half a good game and half a terrible one

Characters are largely good, but some such as Jill are terribly underwritten. I found the story generally engaging. The eikon fights are great on a spectacle level but highlight the issues with the combat in that it feels overly simplistic, there's little depth to be found.

Pacing is terrible - first and final thirds of the game are good-great, middle section is largely terrible. The lack of RPG elements and the boring, barren world are really what kill the game for me.

Really don't want CBU3 to do 17 and do not want a further shift into ARPG.

This is pretty much how I feel. Aside from the main quests with the Dominants I did not enjoy this game.


Nov 20, 2018
I haven't completed the final mission yet (still working my way through all of the side quests), but as of now I'd give it a 7.5. If they nail the ending, I may bump it to an 8, if they don't, maybe a 7. I have not played the majority of the series, but I love and am current with XIV.

I think the best word to describe XVI is "timid", which I know, sounds ironic given the massive eikon battles and flashy gameplay, but hear me out. The best feelings of awe I got while playing were the eikon battles (all of which are fantastic, memorable fights and characters all around), and seeing impressive vistas like when you leave Northreach and see Oriflamme with the Crystal for the first time. Then the veneer starts to peel away. You don't really get to explore Oriflamme; quite frankly you don't get to really explore much at all.

The game world already feels small because half of it is consumed by the blight. Then, each of the major zones for each country end up encompassing the entire map for that region. Zones that take just a few minutes to run through. I think the game would have benefited from a level approach similar to DA:I, where you got to set open locations within the countries, but they do not connect. Characters warping around the map instantly for the smallest of quests, without the presence of Aetheryte, further shrinks the world. I understand that it would be impossible to have world building on the same scale as XIV, but they definitely could have gone farther here.

I love the combat, but it too feels shallow. I wish we had more in depth talent trees, but what we have now is good for a start. I would love to see them expand on this system in the future. The actual RPG systems are more or less non-existent this time around.

The game feels like it is afraid to alienate fans who are used to the turn-based gameplay of past titles. The game runs easy to begin with, and, coupled with cheat code items, again reinforces this vibe that they are too afraid, too timid, to actually go all in here. There is a great skeleton here, but I wish there was a lot more meat on the bones. Its far from a bad game, but I also don't think its a fantastic game, either. Still, I applaud them for realizing their vision for what they wanted to accomplish.


Oct 25, 2017
In the end, I think it's my least favorite Final Fantasy. Even 13 rewards exploration more than this does.

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
7.5 to 8/10

It's a fun game overall but it drags a lot and feels undercooked in quite a few ways. The game needed more than just combat and running around talking to mostly uninteresting NPCs in uninteresting locations.

It also needed proper controllable party and much better RPG systems. As is, FF16 feels like a much simpler DMC stretched over a very long story with some unnecessary padding. The side content are all pretty whatever with no variety. The world kinda feels small and not all that terribly interesting. The lore is good but the actual world that you see and traverse through feels hardly worth fighting for which just clashes with the story and the motivation it wants to give you.

The worst part of it by far is the treatment of key women in the game, in particular Jill and Benedikta. Jill exist to fill the role of Clive's love interest and does almost nothing of note besides losing and getting captured. She is completely sidelined during the later parts of the game and feels like CBU3's idea of a perfect obedient waifu rather than an actual character. As for Benedikta... I don't even know what to say about her. She is simply a sex doll for other characters and the players to lust over and the game loves to keep reminding that fact to you.


Aug 6, 2023
I loved the story, but honestly it is another disappointing Final Fantasy game. The trend continues.

I'd say I don't fully count X in this, but that game is where the changes started.

XVI has a great story that is reduced in impact if you like game of Thrones/Lord of the Rings as it lift story beats and some scenes basically from those properties. It also loses steam as it goes on, the intro being the strongest. The ending felt weak and rushed just like XV.

Combat was fun, but too simple for no reason. It wanted to be an action game like DMC, yet it forgot everything beyond the basics. Lack of real magic strength/weaknesses, no status effects. So much that could be done, while still remaining an action game. Usually FF combat is unique in some way in every game, but still retains series staples. Here is is just not.

Side quests suck, even the ones with good story/dialogue suck in how they frame them against the world. How can they purposely keep such different levels of quality to their story and NPCs is beyond me, but in Square games it is so obvious when the NPCs looks inferior to the players models

I feel my wish that the FF games would go "back to form" and reach the heights of 4,6,7,8,9 is dead. I just want a FF game with an overworld, you get an airship, more summons you can freely use, more actual world sidequest not some stupid fetch nonsense.


Feb 22, 2022
I feel my wish that the FF games would go "back to form" and reach the heights of 4,6,7,8,9 is dead. I just want a FF game with an overworld, you get an airship, more summons you can freely use, more actual world sidequest not some stupid fetch nonsense.
While I do understand this sentiment I think making a Final Fantasy similar in scope to those classic titles with current AAA standards is probably a lot to ask for. The fact that they have to separate FF7 remake into 3 games kind of shows that.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I generally prefer using a 5-point scale rather than a 10-point scale, but if I must, then I'd say 9 - 9.5/10. It won't be to everyone's tastes, but it's a game for those that want a rich narrative experience, and besides just the general quality of the writing, the game has a number of interesting and unique design decisions that reward those who are willing to put in the work to get that rich narrative experience. Add to that the terrific production values and music, and the end result is a game that I couldn't put down until 70 hours later when I finished all the side quests and rolled credits on the main story.

Of all the FF games I've finished (which, in addition to XVI, includes IV, VII, VII-R, VII-CC, and XV, though I've also dabbled with VI, IX, XII, and XIII), XVI is probably my favorite and the closest to my personal tastes.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017

Would have been a 9-10 if it had better pacing and a different ending.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
8.5/10 aka great game with a bunch of smaller shortcomings and a few disappointing aspects.

don't get me wrong, i was really happy with it as my very first Final Fantasy, although with a just some adjustments here and there it could have been even more special.

top 2 title of the year so far.


Teyvat Traveler
The Fallen
Jan 15, 2018
9/10 but I didn't like the ending so I'll give an 8/10.

If someday Yoship gives me a happy ending with a DLC I'll give a 10/10


Aug 6, 2023
While I do understand this sentiment I think making a Final Fantasy similar in scope to those classic titles with current AAA standards is probably a lot to ask for. The fact that they have to separate FF7 remake into 3 games kind of shows that.
Yeah I get that, but I still want it.

Way back in the day, even before the FF7 tech demos in the PS3 days, I wanted them to remake an older FF game to see if they could do the same in more modern consoles. I think like you say FF7R shows that it is very hard, but I think they can do it.

FF7R still has a ton of pointless side quest and filler that could be removed, but how you do an overworld like classic FF7 seems to be what is really missing, but to me FF used to be at the top of their game. Like they could and should try to do it because other games have and can.

For example, a game like Horizon looks pretty damn good for an open world. You also have a flying mount there. Just try to make something like that, that works like the old games.


Nov 14, 2021
Classic 9/10 class leading in some areas with a couple significant flaws that drag it down in others.
Oct 29, 2017
I haven't completed it yet, but I feel like it's a good game, not a great one. It's not going to take a place among the all-time great Final Fantasy entries. But it's not a disgrace or anything.


Oct 24, 2017
7/10 because to balance out the first act's incredible hooks and the third act's complete failure to pay anything off.


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
Solid 8.5. Technically the performance on it is solid, the gameplay is fun, and it's the best writing and VA the series has ever had. Only 12 is really close to it in that area.

The drawbacks that keep it from being higher than this?

1.) Questionable game economy. Money has very little purpose outside of buying new soundtracks for the headquarters. 99% of your weapons and armor will be crafted, and you will be collecting a LOT of extraneous crafting material.

2.) Combat really seems like it had an Elemental weakness component that ended up on the cutting room floor. Eikons are all elemental coded but despite what you'd think, there is no difference in any of the flashy attacks other than overall strength and stun damage. You would think hitting a bird with Garuda would do more damage or a bomb with Ifrit would do less but...nope. Random map enemies end up being complete tanks that take forever to wear down, probably because of this.

3.) Definitely more monster and biome variety would be a plus. Weirdly there is a bestiary but it simply does not mention most of the variant monsters that show up. If there are (for example) 4 different types of "bomb" enemy with different names it will cover the base variant and call it a day. Unique variants for the hunts are also mysteriously absent. This is one area where FFXII was way better.

4.) The side quests are pretty good, especially late game but mostly for character and story development. A handful of exceptions aside, you're not getting any significant gear out of that and gold is useless. More player agency here would be a good thing- obvious stuff like having the option to side with one merchant group over another in Dalimil or send the curse breakers to shore up defenses in one remote town instead of somewhere else are easy examples that never happen.

5.) Similarly, throw us a bone with player customization options. Clive switches out the model on his sword every other mission, but stays in the exact same suit of clothes for 80% of the game despite having a seamstress NPC AND an armorer NPC in the hideout. At least let us give him a damn haircut or something.

Still, it's the best FF has been in quite some time from a narrative and gameplay standpoint. Only XII and X are close to it and with some tweaks and DLC it could easily hit a 9.5.
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