Dec 2, 2017
When I say cutting my food down, I don't mean in a negative way. Recently over the past few months and specially over Christmas my eating has just ballooned. I exercise every day, run 4 times a week, but I've been eating so much I've been piling the weight on. I ate two family size birthday cakes in a week, on top of chocolate, sweets, normal meals, fast food, etc.
So I have put myself on a Diet. Not starvation levels, just cutting out chocolate, cake, sweets, fast food, eating 3 meals a day, etc. And I'm just struggling with it, it's been 3 days and I just feel starving hungry all the time, even when I've just eaten. I'm drinking plenty of water, keeping exercising, but still, just hungry all the time.


May 17, 2018
Make giant healthy salads to have around and snack on, same with fruit and other healthy foods. Don't eat less, just eat better.


Jul 11, 2018
You will feel less hungry as tine will go on, it took me 2 weeks on a new diet to resist esting more.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Are you making sure to eat a small snack every 3 hours like a piece of fruit or a couple of crackers?

Everytime I get into a period where I struggle with eating sensibly, I always remind myself of what a nutritionist told me years ago: remember to eat to satisfy hunger, not to eat until you're full.


Dec 3, 2018
Get a giant bag of broccoli and eat that when you're feeling hungry.
Last edited:


Mar 16, 2018
Cutting down eating is always extremely difficult especially if your mental *goal* is to eat less and lose weight because it's just gonna make your brain more hungry, just a constant feedback loop. The best choice in tihs scenario is replacement, not cutting things out.. Eat until you're full, but do your best to find better options.


Oct 25, 2017
Consider try 2 meals a day?

Doing it for 2 years now with no problem myself (1xx kg in 2018 now 6x)


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
Same problem. I think the frozen foods I like to eat are making me more famished. That and and recent loss has added on the pounds.


Oct 25, 2017
snacks in between big meals especially of those 3 meals are far apart. and what are you eating in those meals


Oct 27, 2017
I say this adage is true for most people with a normal genetic profile: You cannot out work a bad diet.

Here is how you solve the problem with being too hungry:

1) Fill yourself up with volume-dense vegetables - leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.
2) Eat a decent amount of healthy fat - have some bacon and eggs (not just egg whites), higher fat meat (like 80/20 hamburger or ribeye steaks), some nuts, etc. Fat will satiate you better then the other macros.
3) Eat at least 60g of protein each day. Don't go crazy and go past 100g (unless you're strength training).
It’s Time To Go
Dec 2, 2017
I say this adage is true for most people with a normal genetic profile: You cannot out work a bad diet.

Here is how you solve the problem with being too hungry:

1) Fill yourself up with volume-dense vegetables - leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.
2) Eat a decent amount of healthy fat - have some bacon and eggs, higher fat meat, some nuts, etc. Fat will satiate you better then the other macros.
3) Eat at least 60g of protein each day. Don't go crazy and go past 100g (unless you're strength training).
Does lettuce count? I really hate spinach.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
You're not long for this world eating family sized birthday cakes and fast food, so just remind yourself of that during these times. This is literally a change that will extend your life. Your body will adjust soon.


Oct 25, 2017
tough it out for a few days, your body will eventually get used to it.

I do intermediate fasting where I don't eat anything until 5pm. it was a nightmare for the first 1-2 weeks but now it doesn't affect me at all.

Deleted member 13645

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Oct 27, 2017
My solution to binging on sweets and stuff (i'd legit eat an entire can of peanutbutter if given the chance, i love that shit) is to just not have it in the house in the first place. I buy only what I need for my meals for the week and nothing else. It has helped significantly.


Oct 25, 2017
Eat less and more filling things. If you were eating less before the holidays it's just a mental thing.


Oct 27, 2017
Does lettuce count? I really hate spinach.

Kale is great. Rocket is great. Romaine is OK. Not something like iceberg lettuce, that has no nutritional value at all. Get a spring mix if you don't like spinach by itself so the rest of the different lettuce add different tastes to spinach.

Feel free to add some ranch (or whatever non-sugar filled dressing you like) on top of it until you get used to eating it and can just have a simple vingerette later.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Cut junk food at much as possible. Start from there and you'll probably see a huge improvement only for that.
It’s Time To Go
Dec 2, 2017
Eat less and more filling things. If you were eating less before the holidays it's just a mental thing.
Less, but still too much.
Kale is great. Rocket is great. Romaine is OK. Not something like iceberg lettuce, that has no nutritional value at all. Get a spring mix if you don't like spinach by itself so the rest of the different lettuce add different tastes to spinach.

Feel free to add some ranch (or whatever non-sugar filled dressing you like) on top of it until you get used to eating it and can just have a simple vingerette later.
That's a good Idea, thanks.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
The influx of carbs/sugar can cause you to be hungry more often because your blood gets used to a certain amount of glucose in it. You could do a low carb run for 3-5 days and try to reset your system.


Oct 28, 2017
Easiest way is to eliminate all hyper palatable food at home (junk food, frozen dinners, chicken tenders, sweets, etc etc) and load up on home prepped meals that are more traditional. Toss even "healthy" frozen dinners. Yes in theory they are healthy, but they put in so much sodium and other flavor enhancers that you'll need to eat 3 of them to be satiated.

For snacks, bagged presliced apples and baby carrots are a great way to sap hunger with few calories.

It'll still be a struggle, but what you'll find is that you aren't hungry but craving highly palatable modern foods. For the vast majority of people, we have a healthy and highly evolved body fat homeostatis mechanism such that hunger is attenuated when there's a lot of leptin (from body fat). The mechanism breaks with modern foods because they combine all of the traits of foods that we've eolved to seek for survival, like sodium, glutamate and other savory hues indicating protein richness, calorie density, sweet indicating ripe fruit, textures, etc. Trying to lose weight eating these types of food is like trying to not have an erection while watching your favorite porn.

Lord Fagan

Oct 27, 2017
Ice water.

It's a negative calorie substance, and I found that when I wanted to consume something, it was really thirst more than hunger.

Next time you want something to eat and have already eaten, particularly later at night, fix a tall glass of it and see if that can tide you over.

Best of luck, OP.


Oct 27, 2017
The influx of carbs/sugar can cause you to be hungry more often because your blood gets used to a certain amount of glucose in it. You could do a low carb run for 3-5 days and try to reset your system.

Yeah, I recommend this.

In fact, how you described your situation - you would benefit from doing Keto (or generally low carb) for a month or two.


Oct 30, 2017
Step 1 is to not buy the crap, and have it around the house. If your kitchen is full of crap, like birthday cakes, you're going to eat it.


Oct 27, 2017
I've given up on intermittent fasting and Keto as I was just utterly engorging myself and gaining weight, I still seem to be gaining it but the portions have become more sensible.

It sounds like you're doing the right things, it's usually the first two weeks of adjusting that are the hardest times of any diet change. Just wish I was better myself, portion control sucks for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Sugar withdrawal is a bitch. It's going to take a while for your body to get used to not being fueled by simple carbs. You should consider going low carb for a while to get your blood glucose levels under check.


Oct 27, 2017
Annapolis, Maryland
Whenever I need to get my cravings under control I try a few days of strict calorie restriction. I also try to do more mindful eating. I remember someone once telling me that if you're not hungry enough to eat an apple, you're not actually hungry. Helps differentiate between real hunger and just unhealthy cravings.


Oct 27, 2017
Make sure not to neglect healthy fat from your diet, not only do you need it, but it'll help stave off the cravings for food full of bad fat.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I recommend this.

In fact, how you described your situation - you would benefit from doing Keto (or generally low carb) for a month or two.

At least a month is much better, I just didn't think they would want to do it that long. But hell, its possible. I've been doing it for 3 years now.


Oct 28, 2017
Southeastern PA
Drink more fluids when you get cravings and find something to occupy your mind so that you can think less of eating. I eat like once a day on weekdays because I'm so busy but I can pig out during weekends if need be.

Dr Doom

Oct 25, 2017
Just embrace it Op and


Oct 25, 2017
When I say cutting my food down, I don't mean in a negative way. Recently over the past few months and specially over Christmas my eating has just ballooned. I exercise every day, run 4 times a week, but I've been eating so much I've been piling the weight on. I ate two family size birthday cakes in a week, on top of chocolate, sweets, normal meals, fast food, etc.
So I have put myself on a Diet. Not starvation levels, just cutting out chocolate, cake, sweets, fast food, eating 3 meals a day, etc. And I'm just struggling with it, it's been 3 days and I just feel starving hungry all the time, even when I've just eaten. I'm drinking plenty of water, keeping exercising, but still, just hungry all the time.
Don't eat things you don't like, and don't go so far in cutting your calories so suddenly, that's why you might be "starving". Your body is not handling the change well. Cut down on certain portions. Christmas and parties and holidays in general are dangerous because it leads to binge eating which leads to weight gain. Use veggies to bulk up the meals.

Watch Athlean-X's video on diet:


Oct 25, 2017
I know how you feel. I get those hungry all the time days. I am also trying to get back on the wagon after Christmas.

I chew candy floss flavoured gum to get me over my sugar cravings especially in the evenings. It is working for me but I still go to bed hungry.

Deleted member 2761

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Have you been exercising with greater intensity than usual because of the weight gain? That would exacerbate the caloric deficit and your body will fight you.


Oct 27, 2017
As others have said eventually your appetite will adjust and then you will physically hurt if you try to eat as you did in the past.


Nov 7, 2017
I know for me sugar and fast food is straight up an addiction. Like I used to eat fast food multiple times a day and managed to cut back almost entirely with snacks between my meals. A small handfull of assorted nuts, a Cliff Bar, a a lot of shit can make sure I don't end up hungry when I'm in the car. If I am even remotely hungry, I will make a drive through mistake.

I adopted the Dale Gribble cockroach diet, multiple small-ish meals spread out through the day, working out great for me so far!


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Orange County
ive been needing to diet/eat healthy too and i did a one day juice cleanse yesterday to see if i can make it though and i did and much to my surprise the drinks were not terrible and feel pretty good today (mainly not craving soda) but my stomach has been going crazy all day and growling/gurgling even though im not hungry. I really hope this is temporary as i have had this problem for a couple years now

justin haines

Nov 27, 2018
Sugar is addicting. Don't eat as much so u don't crave it.

Drink water, know when you eat less you feel lighter and better, move around even more


Oct 25, 2017
The only thing that works for me is getting all the stuff you don't want to eat out of the house. Don't buy it, and if it's in the house get rid of it. If the oreos ain't there you can't eat them.