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Sep 21, 2018
And when they do, do you go home with a smug smile on your face?

Terrible idea.


Oct 27, 2017
Using other more vulnerable people to further your own ideals is not the way to accomplish this.


Oct 25, 2017
Elf Tower, New Mexico
This is such shocking behaviour from you. You know what happens when the police start doing shite? You fight back. You bring attention to it.

You are literally getting at me for asking homeless people living on the streets to relocate to a different area on the streets. You are letting privileged people decide where they can and cannot go. You want a friendly protest so it can be ignored.

Homeless people already have nothing. They are beaten on the streets by passers by. They are defeated people and need fire put in them. They have to know it is better for them and the people that are causing these issues for them.
Homeless people already have it super hard. What you are advocating here is to make their lives much, much harder. You want them to risk arrest, destruction of their meager possessions, and bodily harm because YOU think it's a good idea for them "take a stand". You don't get to tell marginalized people how to go about their business. You are thinking of them as a prop and nothing more. It would be like telling black people in the US that they should always fight back when a cop tries to arrest them over bullshit.


Nov 7, 2017
I mean, I think what's proposed is way too tame for what would be effective (or actually deserved), but that doesn't mean that this sounds like a well-thought-out plan or something that empowers homeless people.

Sure, but I absolutely believe what OP is proposing is the step in the right direction.

We need to make rich people lives harder and put in their faces the effects of their lobbying and greed, that means protesting somewhere closer to their homes rather than downtown.


Mar 29, 2020
I speak to many homeless people. They are often very defeated people with no idea what to do or how to fix their issues. I try to contact the local authority but they don't want to know or care.

A lot of defeatism in here.
Confrontation between a homeless person and a 'respectable member of society' is never going to go well for the homeless side. Gather people there and if anything kicks off its going to go even worse. The protest will attract attention and you may discover an issue regarding one of your posse that you were unaware of but tge police arent. Police are going to shut down an unlicenced protest very quickly. Your unlikely to have any support from any neighbours.


Feb 25, 2018
This is such shocking behaviour from you. You know what happens when the police start doing shite? You fight back. You bring attention to it.

You are literally getting at me for asking homeless people living on the streets to relocate to a different area on the streets. You are letting privileged people decide where they can and cannot go. You want a friendly protest so it can be ignored.

Homeless people already have nothing. They are beaten on the streets by passers by. They are defeated people and need fire put in them. They have to know it is better for them and the people that are causing these issues for them.
You sound so incredibly privileged, trying to tell homeless people what they should and shouldn't do and think. Good luck putting these poor people on an even more troubling situation than they already are.


Oct 27, 2017
Realistically all that will happen is the cops will come and remove the homeless people. That and private landlords don't have the power, nor will they ever have the will, to abolish private ownership. For this to work, or have the possibility of working, you need cameras and blatant obvious mistreatment of homeless people filmed and run on prime time news. Even then you're in for a decades long fight. Godspeed.


Oct 28, 2017
Stop utilizing those with less than you for your own political self-aggrandizing, for fuck's sake. If you don't have a warm bed indoors to offer them just stick to your business. The only issue here is that this ever sounded good in your head.
OP. Stop. No one here has a problem with taking action against the abusers of the system. The problem is that you're specifically trying to achieve this by trying to use a vulnerable group as a proxy. There is a very real possibility that your plan will bring injury or possibly even death to a human being.


Oct 31, 2017
What does everyone think of my small scale protest that will convince no one and put already marginalized groups into more danger?

Positive comments only.


Into the Woods
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Parts Unknown
I need a step by step of what you think is going to happen specifically

1) You (please don't drag others into this) sleep on the street
2) Cops are called
3) ???
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