

Apr 5, 2022
I was meaning to try Watch Dogs 1 again on PC with mods. Looked up a few videos and graphically the game holds up quite nicely after 8 years.

I tried WD2 many times, but the edgy chracters/writing turned me off.

Use these two mods

This one is really good, I really recommend the one where it rains all the time, it makes the game look incredible


Natural & Realistic Lighting for Watch_Dogs

This is my custom patch which combines many mods by other modders as well as some of my own, and is based originally on TheWorse. Videos:...

and Living city


Living_City mod for Watch Dogs

This improves and expands the gameplay of the base game with custom missions, random events and new features, which will provide many hours of fun.

I recommend you as well Flawless widescreen to increase the fov, if you have questions feel free to DM


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
I can't really get behind the first one, but WD2 is one of the best open world games of last gen. Even hotter take, WD Legion is a lot of fun and underrated
"you had me in the first half.jpg"

WD2 is really good indeed and there are a ton of options to do and its much less shooty if you don't want to do that vs WD1. First game was kind of meh, but not bad. 2nd was better by quite a bit.

WD Legion is trash as they just killed any interest with how they handled characters (i.e. there are no real characters).


May 18, 2022
I totally agree with you OP.
If someone hates Watch Dogs 2 or Legion I can 100% relate to them, since both of those games have some really strong weak points.
However in Watch Dogs 1 apart from driving and the graphical downgrade I can't really list anything, to be honest.
The characters are indeed very good, but just take the whole setting, I think the idea is mind-blowing and really stood out in its time.
Nowadays I don't really see any reason to continue this franchise, especially not like Legion did...


Oct 25, 2017
Wholeheartedly agree with you OP. I loved the game.

Couldn't get into the sequel as much, they definitely lost some flavor and gameplay polish (especially shooting).


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Dec 4, 2017
I can't really get behind the first one, but WD2 is one of the best open world games of last gen. Even hotter take, WD Legion is a lot of fun and underrated
Fully agree with this post.

The only great Watch Dogs game, and one of the last great open world games of its kind before the modern era of padding and RPG nonsense took over.

Watch Dogs is an example of how toxic the gaming community can be. It was proper mob mentaility with the downgrade backlash. Most didn't actually care. They just wanted to join in on the latest outrage. And the sequel suffered heavily for it by fooling the devs in to thinking they needed to make something entirely different.

Watch Dogs 2 being so much worse wasn't Ubisoft's fault. It was Era's. Or GAF back then.
Watch Dogs 2 is what the first game should've been.
Aug 13, 2019
Say what you want about Watch Dogs 1, at least the story presented suits the gameplay. Pierce is an edgy revenge-seeking asshole so it makes more sense, though not entirely, when he goes about killing innocents to achieve his goals. It's also one of the few times I've liked a morality system in a game. I liked that the public one call the cops on Pierce more if he had a habit of killing people.

It's really weird to me that Watch Dogs 2 features a reputation system, in the form of followers, but it never ever goes down, no matter what Holloway does. Watch Dogs 2 should never have featured lethal weapons or options whatsoever because it clashed heavily with the story.


Dec 21, 2017
I don't have much to add besided that i fully agree with you. Always have enjoyed this game, especially the city.


Oct 27, 2017
It had spectacular combat; some of the best shooting and stealth in any open world game I've played. But I thought Watch Dogs 2 was a vast improvement in most ways, especially concerning the open world, environments, hacks (other than when driving... for whatever reason, that worked a lot better in the first game), and definitely the main character.


Oct 24, 2017
I enjoyed it.

It didn't quite live up to my expectations from that initial reveal, but it was a solid enough open world action game with unique mechanics that helped it stand out. The sequel was also great. Went off the rails with Legion and it lost me.
Oct 27, 2017
I liked it.

Tell you what I really liked about it was being able to scan all NPC's and get a little snippet of biography about them. It really humanised the world I thought. Running over an NPC and seeing their name, job, trivia fact etc made them much more interesting.

I love the same mechanic in Legion too, but it's one step beyond and I can actually play as the NPCs - I've got a guy on my team who's only notable trait is that he farts a lot which alerts nearby hostiles. Says a lot about my humour I suppose, but it cracks me up infiltrating bases as this guy with him quietly dropping his guts every few seconds.


Nov 15, 2017
I quite liked it, downgrade shenanigans aside.

I didnt like the feel of WD2.. and don't get me even started about Legion. At least the first one felt different than the other ubi games


Oct 27, 2017
I prefer 2 but did really enjoy the first one. The core game play was great. My main beef with it is that it's not a very cohesive game. A lot of the open world activities have a very tacked on feel to them where you can tell they just had different teams shoving in whatever ideas they could come up with to pad out the world.


Oct 8, 2019
While I don't think it's a great game, I do believe the way people hated Aiden was some next-level cringe shit in itself ironically. The massive downgrade, the lackluster online multiplayer compared to GTAV, and the limited side content in the world buried in when GTAV existed right next to it.

I do think it's the best game in the series, however. The sequel doubling down on the cringe aspect was the wrong move IMO and the combat, especially the shooting, was worse. San Francisco is also a much less interesting city to explore as well. Don't even get me started on how bad Legion was and how badly they wasted a perfectly well-crafted London City.


Oct 28, 2017
It's a very competent open world game with a twist that felt fresh and interesting.
Watch Dogs had mainly 2 things against it. One was the insane hype pre-release build on the "next-gen" promise that could never be matched.
The other was the single, worst, most unlikeable ", boring main character ever. They made this great sandbox but force us to explore it with a douche. At least Trevor has a sense of humour.


The Enlightened Wise Ones
Jun 17, 2018
It's a great game that hasn't aged as well as 2, but it's still worth a play. I love how dark the story is

Bonfires Down

Nov 2, 2017
It's a good game. Unfortunately I've come to realize that general consensus and even review scores are largely useless for me as it's often a coin flip whether I will agree with it or not.


Oct 26, 2017
I enjoyed it. Had great fun sneaking around with a silenced pistol doing those gang hide outs.

Cool atmosphere and incredible soundtrack too. So many great ambient tracks if you listen to the unreleased music on youtube.


Jan 1, 2020
I started it twice but each time I gave up after an hour or so. Felt so boring.

WD2 on the other hand was pretty good


Oct 31, 2017
It's basically like every UBI game. Some really cool ideas and then they just massively over promise and under deliver.

I loved the idea of the game but they never really nailed it.


Nov 8, 2017
I agree. But by "Watch Dogs," I don't mean the 2014 video game, I mean the game of going to the dog park and watching cute doggos play, which I also call "Watch Dogs". The 2014 video game I never played but it looks like a very mediocre GTA clone, when I don't even like GTA.


Oct 27, 2017
It's my favorite of the three. Didn't enjoy the tone of 2 and Legion was… well.

Thought Aiden was a good fit for that kind of game and the missions were fun and varied. My favorite city of the bunch too.


Oct 27, 2017
It's a great game and I've been saying so since it's release.

Sequels should've evolved it's ideas but instead threw them away and made GTA with hacking and whatever Legion was.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
Are invasions still possible?

I remember that being a high selling point when I was trying to get preorders at Gamestop lol


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
Horrible open world design filled with nothing but check list busy work.

Terrible writing that doesn't know how it wants to present its narrative.

Awful protagonist with confusing and inconsistent motivations.

Game sucks sorry.


Oct 25, 2017
It has it's ups and downs, but I enjoyed it overall. I think it's better as a Punisher game than a hacker game tbh. Aiden kind of sucks in a lot of ways, but if you play him like some crazed gunman who just so happens to know how to hack into stuff I think it suits the game well. Loved the vibes of chilly Chicago as well.

I think I prefer 2 overall, I think that game made me feel more like a hacker if even the goofier vibe didn't gel with a lot of people. I liked it over the bleakness of the first game.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
as a chicagoan the way it was represented in game actually makes it a shit game for me. even driver did a better representation of chicago and that was a ps1 game.
Feels like my take on Infamous Second Son's take on Seattle. Just bizarrely alien, and that was despite the game being made by a Seattle studio.


Bought courtside tickets just to read a book.
Oct 25, 2017
For lovers

It's fun as hell. The sandbox gameplay was great and really got to shine in the convoys and hideouts. 2 does some things better but is a massive step back in terms of actually playing the game. If you like sneaking around with guns you have to play WD1.


Oct 25, 2017
It has some of the best stealth gun combat of all time with the pistol and cameras. Jsut sublime at times.

The invasion mechnic was really fun at the time, too. There's a lot of potential to expand on that and I really wish they had.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
I agree OP, I thought it was much better than WD2 in someways especially in the story front. I thought Iraq was a pretty good villian, I mean he looks and acts like Killmonger from Black Panther. I wonder if Marvel was inspired by the character?


Oct 25, 2017
I agree OP, I thought it was much better than WD2 in someways especially in the story front. I thought Iraq was a pretty good villian, I mean he looks and acts like Killmonger from Black Panther. I wonder if Marvel was inspired by the character?
you're going need to explain this one because while I admittedly didn't remember that much

what I do remember is making me go "how they're literally nothing alike aside from the literal surface details I guess????"
Dec 6, 2017
It has some of the best stealth gun combat of all time with the pistol and cameras. Jsut sublime at times.

The invasion mechnic was really fun at the time, too. There's a lot of potential to expand on that and I really wish they had.

Huh, I never played this game and avoided it because Ubisoft open world isn't my cup of tea but I keep reading it has great stealth TPS mechanics and what not which sounds...awesome actually.

Is it like stealth hacker GTA or something??


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
you're going need to explain this one because while I admittedly didn't remember that much

what I do remember is making me go "how they're literally nothing alike aside from the literal surface details I guess????"

You know what, you're probably right. I haven't played the game in awhile. I know they both were in the military, had about the same haircut and personality, but I think their motivations were different.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I had a good time with it, did not like the main character though. Never got around to 2 or Legion, Legion I'll prob never play but I've heard enough praise for 2 that at some point I will.


Oct 25, 2017
Huh, I never played this game and avoided it because Ubisoft open world isn't my cup of tea but I keep reading it has great stealth TPS mechanics and what not which sounds...awesome actually.

Is it like stealth hacker GTA or something??
It's so much better than that. Super fluid. The TSP pistol shooting mechnics are some of the best I've ever played.

Can't look now, but there's probably a lot of gameplay if you look for it. It's absolutely worth playing for this alone imo, especially as you can get it so cheap.


May 15, 2022
I went in with zero hype or knowledge unlike many and loved it. Loved the verticality of the city, the gunplay was so much tighter than Gta, and the online was innovative. Also the digital trips were awesome.

The follow ups never captured the same magic imo. 2 really fell flat for me but I liked 3 more even if it was unfocused.


Oct 25, 2017
It was fine, a decent novelty in 2014, and the beginning of modern Ubisoft formula, before it became insufferable.
The "grim" tone only served to highlight how shit the writing and characters were though.
Watch Dogs 2 had a much more interesting MC, side characters and writing.