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Oct 27, 2017
This is how I commute to college, on bad days it gets to an hour and a half of commuting.

I know your pain, OP, and I hate the fact that I was born in an age whete self driving aren't the norm.

It's so soul crushing... Just three more years of this.

feline fury

Dec 8, 2017
I like how you added the five minutes like it's significant compared to 1 hr. One hour commute each way really isn't that bad by commuting standards lol.


Oct 27, 2017
5 min car + 5 min walking.
Time is the most valuable thing EVER and after seing the shit some colleagues have to go through just because they wanted to live outside of the city...
No, definitely not for me, the time lost in transit is lost forever so, I'll stick with my city apartment.


Oct 25, 2017
70 minutes each way by public transport, into central London. Been doing this for three years. Completely used to it heh.


Oct 30, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
It takes me one hour and five minutes to get from the door of my apartment to my office desk, including walking, monorail and subway, but that's kinda the norm here in Tokyo so I don't get too bummed about it, or at least I try not to.
I'm assuming sitting on the train is more relaxing that driving for an hour? At least I can do some light reading, answer messages, etc.
Personally, if it stressed me that much, I would look into moving closer to work, but living in a neighborhood you actually like is important too.


Oct 29, 2017
My commute isn't even a minute and I don't know how I'll ever handle having one again.
I feel you. For two years I used to commute ~3hrs on 6 buses every day in LA IF the buses showed, and often they didn't or were late and I'd miss my connection. Sometimes I'd get home after 10PM. It was a really bad period. Another commuter who also often rode the bus late saw me so often that one day she approached me and gave me an envelope before she got off. Inside was $50 and a note. It said, "Life is too short to be wasting your time on a bus every day. Please take care of your health. Go out to eat and have some fun." I took her advice when I moved and found a place close enough to work that I could jog there. Best thing I did.

Kaim Argonar

Dec 8, 2017
Man, I have to drive 10 minutes each way and I already feel miserable with that commute. I hope you can find yourself soon in a better position.
Oct 27, 2017
My life sucks.

Where the hell are the self-driving cars already?

Anyone else have bullshit commutes? How much of a pay cut would you take to work from home?

Going to sleep, gotta be up early again tomorrow.

My life fucking sucks.

That sucks dude. I used to have a really BS commute (about 45-50 minutes one way), it got a little better when I was able to take the train (took about an 1:15 each way but that was free time)

Now I work from home, so i get back my 2-3+ hours every day


Oct 25, 2017
I used to drive a total of 4-5 hours per day into and out of London each day if I was in the office. There were times when I was at a customer's site that I would need to commute up to 10 hours a day and still work a 9-5 engagement without lunch.

The moral of the story is this: Get a better job with better conditions. I did, and now I work from home. It's awesome.