Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017
Love the puppet Combo aesthetic, I just wish the primary market being catered to wasn't horror games. JRPGs were my PS1 BnB, but it's mainly 2d styled stuff that comes out, which doesn't have the same level of nostalgia for me.


There's great modern work in the horror genre, but I do wish the aesthetic was carried over to others on a more regular basis.

One of my biggest 2021 surprises was the adventure title Northern Journey. Though it's more of a Quake-era look.

Still worth checking out, landed at #3 on my personal Top 10.
Oct 27, 2017
There are some really great examples of developer creativity to make good looking PS1 games. I just don't think Syphon Filter is one of them, because it broadly just looks like a way uglier version of a modern third person action game.

I think MGS' camera perspective and visual tricks, RE's fixed camera and static backgrounds, Silent Hill's fog and atmosphere, are good examples of how PS1 games can still look great.


Spirit Tamer
Jan 2, 2018
I get where you're coming from but I think I prefer the beautifully beautiful PS1 games lol


Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
Not gonna lie, PlayStation OG was basically my core youth gaming experience and yet the OG PlayStation is the one era I absolutely hate in terms of visuals.

like nothing from the PlayStation does anything for me.

which is odd because N64 I don't feel that way. To me Mario/Zelda still holds up.

I think it has to do with my absolute disdain for aliasing, dithering etc. and PlayStation was probably the worst console of all time for that.
Nov 6, 2017
Ah, this is a good excuse to post this :

That era's graphics have aged like milk honestly, but there is a charm to it. Toy Story 2 kind of holds up, I replayed it a few months ago, what an amazing platformer


Chicken Chaser
Dec 28, 2017
Clearwater, Florida


There's great modern work in the horror genre, but I do wish the aesthetic was carried over to others on a more regular basis.

One of my biggest 2021 surprises was the adventure title Northern Journey. Though it's more of a Quake-era look.

Still worth checking out, landed at #3 on my personal Top 10.

Ooh, thanks for the rec! Added it to my wishlist to check out later tonight!

It's not out yet, but Frogun gave me pick PS1 / PSP vibes as well. It's not going for the aesthetic as hard, but it reminded me of it a lot.



Oct 26, 2017
I like the look of ps1 games. My biggest issue was always the pitch black environments. Why??
Syphon Filter had some areas where you could not see anything


Oct 31, 2018
Grimsby, GB
I couldn't get over how ugly PS1 games were even when they were first released. Completely skipped that console because I couldn't get on with how stuff looked.
Era of not Yakuza
Dec 4, 2017
I really like the new look from 4K + any stuff you can config BUT I had no idea I could make changes to make it look more similar to the original hardware

I made some changes but honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing. Is it ok now?



"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
This is the era and platform that made games my primary interest so yes, I do have a healthy nostalgia for this look. I'm not denying that it's ugly, but it existed in an important time and place for me and I still love it to death.
Era of not Yakuza
Dec 4, 2017
This is the era and platform that made games my primary interest so yes, I do have a healthy nostalgia for this look. I'm not denying that it's ugly, but it existed in an important time and place for me and I still love it to death.
+ I don't really get people who are saying they hated the graphics back in the day. Hell, I thought it was amazing coming from SNES, with N64 games like Star Fox looking even better.


Apr 24, 2018
Even back in the day, I thought most of the 3d games looked ugly. However, looking back it's really cool to see all the little neat tricks developers use to overcome the graphical limitations at that time.
Oct 27, 2017
I get where you're coming from but I think I prefer the beautifully beautiful PS1 games lol


I need the chrono cross remaster to be a real thing. I maintain that it is one of the most beautiful games ever made, even if it's not that impressive technically.

Otherwise I think I have more fondness for n64's blurry visuals. Can't stand jaggies in most games, and it's funny how 2d pixel-art psx games were kind of shunned but now hold up ridiculously better (Breath of Fire 3 and 4 are still gorgeous on original hardware).


Oct 25, 2017
I was going to mention, no vagrant story 😂 but I see it has been posted. No ps1 thread is completed without that game.


Oct 27, 2017
There were a few games on the PS1 that were quite ugly, and I wouldn't pick some of the examples given on the original post of this thread, but overall I feel that PS1 games have aged better than PS2 ones. Most PS1 games were very stylized whereas PS2 had a sea of games trying to aim for a more realistic look and most of them ended looking like blurred messes that became forgettable. That's not the case for all of them, just what I perceive as being the most common aesthetic those games went for.


May 3, 2021
I have intense nostalgia for the era. Have thought about it a lot lately and...

I don't miss it exactly but I do think those early 3D games still had a level of abstraction you had to engage with your minds eye that has been lost as polygon counts has climbed

I think that's a big factor, I know atmosphere will always be stronger when you're a kid but I really think having to fill in the blanks with imagination did a huge job in making the atmosphere so strong.

Anyone have any recommendations for something low cost to run a ps1 emulator on?.. That isn't a Series S


Jan 20, 2019
I genuinely enjoy the look of many 3d games of that era and I would be perfectly fine buying a game today that has older style visuals just with modern improvements like a stable frame rate and slightly farther draw distance.

That said, I will never pass up the chance to shill fist of the north star for ps. It has a similar art style to the mega man legends games/dr slump but with a darker tone obviously. The game absolutely nails the look, and still looks great today.

Wein Cruz

Oct 27, 2017
Lol, I have zero nostalgia for the graphics of that era at all.

3d games from then are ugly to the point I would never replay them.
Jul 1, 2020
Can't have this thread without talking about the gorgeously blurry faces of MGS. Also: most iconic opening level of the gen?

The textures in MGS are not designed to be filtered like they are in the screenshot. They should be treated like pixel art to look correct. A lot of the screenshots you find online are from emulators or the PC version which almost always have texture filtering enabled and make the game look worse than it actually does.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Due to the excellent use of lights/darkness/fog, Silent Hill 1 is still one of the best looking PS1 games with polygon backgrounds.


Tic-Tac-Toe Champion
Oct 25, 2017
Vagrant Story being as cinematic as it was... quite the achievement for a PS1 game.

Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017
Jan 11, 2018
I feel the same way about PS1/Saturn/N64 era graphics as some do about 8-bit graphics. Meaning very nostalgic. Wish people would show it the same amount of love :/

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
It was a really really visually strong era of games that i think we can finally start to look at with clear eyes. Extreme levels of imagination and execution and variety that really made specific aesthetics shine far better than they would today i think. Texturing was kind and there was so much great work done by so many people. Vagrant Story is a popular mention and deservedly so, with incredible texturing and scene work.

Few games have captured the atmosphere of nights and cities like the games of that era, not just on the PS1, and i really think the lack of fidelity was a really big part of this. I honestly still think that fidelity is anathema to atmosphere, and i really think this is evidenced by going back to play old games you haven't played before and truly appreciating the art in a way that is unclouded by the technological race that contemporary games rarely escape.
Oct 27, 2017
I suppose it might be hard to do within the limitations of a single engine, but wouldn't it be cool to play a game that gets better looking/more technically proficient as you progress. Kind of like an artistic tour guide through the generations.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
I like the aesthetic for horror games or anything that has a dense cold/dark atmosphere like MGS1.

The games fit in right in that middle zone of unsettling. It's just unclear enough that your mind can go wild to fill in the horror.

Oh and the footsteps, PS1 had some great footstep sounds


Dec 19, 2017
The textures in MGS are not designed to be filtered like they are in the screenshot. They should be treated like pixel art to look correct. A lot of the screenshots you find online are from emulators or the PC version which almost always have texture filtering enabled and make the game look worse than it actually does.

Yeah I had a hard time finding any decent screenshots of either MGS and FF7. It always looks better in motion.

Those face textures are honestly genius. They get around what would have been a lot of complicated animation, and can just rely on head bobbing for almost everything. It also feeds right back into the atmosphere of the game.

Yoji Shinkawa's art is also prevalent in the game via codecs, which helped tremendously.


Oct 27, 2017
PS1 games still look pretty good imo, from a design standpoint at least. G-Police is one of those games that still has a really cool vibe because of the graphics.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I wish I could appreciate it. My brain has a hard time making out the details so it just looks visually ugly to me.
Jul 1, 2020
It looked so bad for so many fancy design ideas. Thinking Aeris is wearing a pant suit because there was no good way to conjoin dress polys?
I feel like these chunkier low poly models are an artifact from FF7 being the first 3d game and these models look and animate similar to sprites in 16-bit JRPGs a few years earlier

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I think the PS1 evidences the idea that artistic style is what remains when the novelty of graphics technology has been lost.


Shinra Employee
Oct 30, 2017
I remember putting on a Medal of Honor game a few years ago, almost instant motion sickness. Hardest gen of games to go back to.

Deleted member 49482

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2018
Can't have this thread without talking about the gorgeously blurry faces of MGS. Also: most iconic opening level of the gen?


At least rivalled by FFVII I guess.


There are a lot of PS1-era games that I think just look straight ugly nowadays. But there are certain games, even with their low-res textures and low-poly models, that I still like the look of even compared to modern standards. Games like FF7 or MGS (or some of the PS1-era horror games, as others in this thread have noted) have this beautifully retro look to them, which I can enjoy much the same way that I still enjoy certain "outdated" sprite-work.

Kyle Cross

Oct 25, 2017
Era more like Jim Ryan than it wants to admit
I also don't buy for one minute the people saying they thought it was ugly at the time and even skipped it for that reason. That screams mad revisionist memory to me. Early 3D games were mind blowing, and did not look A THING like most people think they do now on a CRT. I know that because I have one.


Oct 25, 2017
I love this gen. It's not just nostalgia. The cost of games was low enough to where studios could take gambles and have real diversity and variety in what they developed.

How perfect is Silent Hill 1?

And Syphon Filter is great.


Oct 27, 2017
Ooh, thanks for the rec! Added it to my wishlist to check out later tonight!

It's not out yet, but Frogun gave me pick PS1 / PSP vibes as well. It's not going for the aesthetic as hard, but it reminded me of it a lot.

The hilarious part of this IMO is just how hard it leans into the Megaman Legends aesthetic, undeniably one of the best on the PS1.

And it really boils down to having a solid artstyle from the get-go and cleverly combining 32-bit 3D and 16-bit 2D to realize it. And very few games actually nailed that balance, with many others having to cheat around it to get that sense of harmony.

Including Crash Bandicoot straight-up hacking the system to do it. XD


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I think the PS1 evidences the idea that artistic style is what remains when the novelty of graphics technology has been lost.
This is also my take.

I dunno what it's like for folks who never experienced first-gen 3D in its heyday, but the good-looking games of that era still look good to me because they did what all artforms do when faced with tech constrictions; draw the best thing you can now, as opposed to hamstringing for what you want it to look like.