
Feb 28, 2018
I always got the impression that DQ monsters are "silly". Many of them, most of them, look straight out of a kids show (feel free to avatar quote) to the point they don't feel imposing to fight. It's hard to buy into a world ending threat when the world ending threat looks adorable. I understand that is the tone of these games, but standing next to other JRPG adventures there is a sort of saccharine sweetness to DQ that I don't think I could try and stick through a 100+ hours of a game. The enemies just aesthetically don't look fun to fight.

To illustrate my point with an apples to oranges comparison, FFXV has some of the most insane monster design I have ever seen. There is an inherent "threat" to them. Even the more benign monsters have a certain weight to them, like seeing a wild horse, you know it's probably fine as long as you don't mess with it. The dragons in that game feel world ending, the gods look impossibly imposing. Of course FF games always have a handful of truly silly designs, but they are generally treated as joke enemies, not the general enemy force.

When looking at DQ I am met with a sea of smiles and Saturday morning evil villain smirks. It's a fun aesthetic but not something I am drawn to or a world I want to explore, at least not one I want to explore with a weighty story behind it. I could be totally and completely wrong about this, but really its a major sticking point to me and the number one reason I haven't touched the series.

I am curious if others feel the same. I am a bit weird about enemy aesthetics in general and it is the number one thing I am drawn to when picking up a game.




Deleted member 2791

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
they're all iconic monster designs in the history of video games man
if the west doesn't buy those games because of that then fuck the west

Deleted member 59

Even havingh barely played and DQ, show me the Golem, Slime, Skeleton and Cyclops and I'd have known where they are from.

But yes, they don't really appeal to all. Very Saturday morning cartoon style. Kid/family friendly. I love them though.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
It's certainly one of the reasons the series doesn't interest me. A lot of the characters you've pictured look like they could've stepped out a straight-to-vhs kids movie from the early 90s.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
FFXV monsters maybe imposing and everything like that but I don't think the "cuteness" of monsters in DQ makes the fight less satysfying, it's actually the opposite. They look like fun enemies to fight honestly

Marvo Pandoras

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
As someone who never bought a DQ, I disagree. I am interested in the lastest DQ game but only because it is a traditional turn based rpg and I am kinda of missing that right now.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I always took it as the Toriyama Art Style just not working over here for an RPG. Which is odd when you factor in the popularity of DBZ.


Oct 28, 2017
For me, it was the monsters, the main character designs, and the first-person perspective. I think they've moved past it, but I just can't play rpgs in first-person. Also, the plots never felt especially gripping.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
I'd probably buy the games if they actually released in the West. I remember DQM being one of my favourite games growing up but I don't ever remember seeing one of the mainline games on shelves so I never got any. The games haven't all released and those that have barely got advertised if at all.


Jun 29, 2018
It's a style. I don't think you can say it's a problem, you just either like the style or you don't. I don't have any feelings about the monster designs themselves either way, really, but I generally like the light-hearted tone of the DQ games and how simplistic and ossified the iconography of the series is. I go it when I want that because they do what they do properly, and it's become somewhat rare for a game or series to adhere to these things. In the past it was one of many, now it's one of very few, so I'm glad it persists as it is.


Feb 28, 2018
Armchair marketing analysts works pro bono during the week end
Clearly, which is why I called for a complete change of the series to fit my taste. Truly I understand what a western audience wants and am calling on the most popular Japanese series to completely change its aesthetics.

No I am just saying the enemies look silly.

Big One

Oct 25, 2017
Looking silly is the point. You aren't supposed to take it seriously including the story. It's just good, lighthearted fun with some feels here and there. Most of the riff-raff of the game is comedic like a Saturday morning cartoon.


Oct 28, 2017
Clearly, which is why I called for a complete change of the series to fit my taste. Truly I understand what a western audience wants and am calling on the most popular Japanese series to completely change its aesthetics.

No I am just saying the enemies look silly.

I'm sorry people are replying to you like this. Alarmist, touchy fans are trying their hardest to shut down what could be a pretty good discussion.

DQ is huge in Japan but not in the US. That's worth discussing.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
Everything looks silly. It all looks like a children's cartoon. I absolutely love DQ (I have Famicom DQ carts framed on my wall) but it's not just the monsters that look childish. Nothing about it looks mature or edgy or anything. It's a colourful, fantastical game.


Oct 27, 2017
Like a cute mobile game for children under 12. Maybe that's their target audience anyway?


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I wonder. It seems the favorite monsters from the Final Fantasy series (going by merchandise available) are Tonberries and Cactuars (well and Chocobos and Moogles if you want to count them as monsters). These don't seem so different from your typical Dragon Quest monster.

Deleted member 2791

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I mean that actually helps his point. The series wasn't really popular in America until Z and that toned down the more goofy design elements.

Dragon Ball took longer to be popular in USA because of the fucked up airing. DB was already insanely huge in Europe way before Z came in.
also, Z still has a ton of those "goofy designs" everywhere


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, it's because Square Enix was not capable of marketing this properly.

And coming out the same week as.... Spider-Man.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
I don't think it's that at all. They barely market the series.

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
Seriously people Dragon Ball got popular in America with monsters like this.

Even Majin Buu turned into this for most of the arc he's fought in.

I'm not saying I want them to redesign the DQ monsters, far from it I love goofy shit in Dragon Ball, I just don't think Z is the best comparison for western popularity.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Do they actually need to be threatening? Dragon Quest isn't really the most grimdark thing in the world.

Also, when you look past the fodder enemies, you also have stuff like:




Deleted member 42686

User requested account closure
Apr 26, 2018
Sounds like a very lame reason to me. Their looks are easy to recognize and iconic. Plus, pokemon and digimon exists and some of their design also look silly(or whatever the excuse). If its silly because it has a "smile on its face", I feel sorry for the game not have a mean looking monsters with a cigar and a couple of weapons lmao

It has to do with SQ stupid marketing. The game also has not even arrived in the stores here. How am I supposed to buy lol


Nov 9, 2017
I think there is some strength to this argument. Purely anecdotally, it's one of the reasons I never got into Yokai Watch. The creature designs I saw looked a bit too kiddy for me and put me off.

I don't think it's why DQ isn't huge in the west, though. There are some franchises that just seem to perform better in Japan and perhaps align with Japanese consumers more.


Oct 26, 2017
Conversely, FF15's monster design bored me to death(not literally as I couldn't die with the potion spam). DQ's monsters meanwhile has a certain charm to it.

Deleted member 2791

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
now i understand why game freak thought they had to make pokemon red/blue/green darker in order to sell when you see that just making a beast smile is seen as "goofy" or "saturday morning tier"


Oct 27, 2017
I had to read the post to figure out what DQ was, and I'm 39 and have been playing video games since the Atari. Yes I live in the USA, and yes those creatures look like they were designed by my 9 year old. For me though, I wouldn't play the game because turn based JRPG's are my least favorite. I never liked them. I think that yes, perhaps the kiddie designs may have something to do with it, but isn't the west in general just not all that interested in JRPG'S?