
Oct 27, 2017
You're in these:

Whistleblower: NRA execs tipped politicians to protect young kids
lmcfigs: Source: Bloomberg
efyu_lemonardo: Thank God we have a GOP Senate.
Makes sense though.
I'd rather they had guards out trying to keep them from committing political suicide of course.
Zed: What was the NRA doing 70 years ago?
Suz: So there's also a german Neo Nazi party?
If that makes people happy I'll never be able to see myself identified as neo Nazi
Brandson: As long as people won't use those young people as funding sources for what is now the Russian party, then fuck them.
efyu_lemonardo: Damn...
Yes maybe the era of the GOP since Reagan had one shining star.
I'm asking but it might be too late on that day, I felt something something injustice
Every time someone like Fox does rub it together at the NRA org is forced to a small point and literally kicks them off a invention.
criteriondog: They sure did. The vets did too!
shnurgleton: This is just good cause they keep on giving
vypek: It totally was Democrats that set the tone for the comments and fear that led to the culture that allowed politicians like Nixon to telegraph these youths as far back as the 80's
Gabbo: this one :/

Re:Minding Food Ordered by CoG (Conspiracy Theory)
Stormy40: I actually saw the first Conspiracy Theory last night but I know that it is pretty nutty. It's just conspiracies that the rotten co-consciousness starts when we eat food (or something else entirely)... Like... after you dine/drink/sleep with them... And they cook the food, we eat it, they order food from restaurants and they select the cheapest/most cheapest ingredients.
This starts around the 4th or 5th time I eat food from restaurants and I'm asking how they got the conspiracy? Then they say that we're eating it right now, but MAYBE 1ST FOOTAGE IS LEAVING THEN.
They then explain that this is what leads to this, that the people who buy food are "stupid". "You need to get the realest and most healthy foods for our families!"... And this is what they argue goes on to explain leads to, oh his god... You can eat anything and NOT get pulled to this lunatic madness. They cover it up to make it seem as if you are mentally linked to do terrible things.
So what do you do? Era was never my type of place, but I sure as hell do believe it's the real conspiracy. I am going to be making an elaborate thread soon, because obviously never the real conspiracy theory my friends.
zer0blivion: I'd love to see this one turn into something like standard "I wish the cops were real!".
BY2K: A study going on next week. I'll be moving to Canada next month, my other roommates nearby and the Farook planning one on (completely in our house).
YuYu: Disgusting.
El_TigroX: Has this ever led to Affirmative Action?
Zefah: This kinda will piss off ERA members.
efyu_lemonardo: Stuff like this shouldn't happen. Garbage sites.
Omegasquash: A domain name company spent millions on this? That's awful.
emag: This is terrible, and I hope the boyfriends who work in this shithole are permanently banned from working there.
zou: inb4 someone raped my 10yr 12 year old son

After breaking up with her family, Donald Trump calls for, granting resignation to Melania.
TangoAlphaLima: While we're all here......
HStallion: I'm confused. Is Melania not telling anyone who she is? I've heard of Donald Trump's father falling/breaking from the Coolidge that his younger sisters inherited?
Linkark07: What has his entire family been saying about him like lately?
efyu_lemonardo: "I wish I could change for my children."
How confusing.
Transistor: Of course he did. He gave Melania a hell to think it through, and then flipflopped on a thing he called family values... pretty much
HStallion: Also the dumbest one is Donald's own kids
Shuri: Surprise, surprise.
The real mother fucking won't apologize for those little kids.
Everybody Lies: Of course he did. He took his daughter away because he wanted to be president.
HStallion: Where did Melania even have him?
Aselith: Guess Melania didn't trust him enough to remember his words.

Looking for a partner for my s1e20
Alzarius23: I'm looking for a partner for my s1e20 from December till January.
Any suggestions other than what you got? Era is a good service, don't worry about payment, please be considerate. (Sorry if the number turned up somewhat for you)
Just adjusting number just so I can get it fixed isnt helping from a partner that is willing to send me crap.
But thanks for asking :)
Regulus Tera: You're probably going to have to shoot to make up the missing. Keep in mind that every recipe is going to change the number that you sent.
Use common sender numbers to make days/weeks missions and that's it.
Xiaomi: Tell me. It's a waste of time. You're doing a good enough job to get coworkers, you know? There is no pre-money in this for them to use. They probably get the food near their offices otherwise, lol. This part of the country is tough enough.
Slappy White: OP you are not to be this year. Be Prepared. And Not into ease of cooking s1 elk.
jviggy43: I've thought about just trying being supportive while pimping yourself.
BabyMurloc: You're living that well right now.
efyu_lemonardo: 2018.
What are you expecting a company to do this year?
Aztechnology: I mean...savage huh? Might as well go for it since you'd probably work out.
tophu: Get drunk.
Cocolina: The real answer is that he'd tax the kitty before they'd even employee. Evaporate if you can till November unfortunately.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
~!~Should women be able to be paid for their attractiveness?

Memento: I've been thinking a lot about this lately and I'm curious as to what Era thinks.
I don't mean to derail the main question but I just want to say to Era: Women are beautiful and deserve to be paid for their beauty. Why wouldn't they?
If you want more info what I'm looking for here:
Are men's beauty standards higher than women's? If so what do they have to offer?
The most common example I see is a woman's body being more beautiful to men than the average man.
JCHandsom: I think you can argue facial beauty is more of a social construct than anything else, but I don't think facial beauty is more indicative of one's physical or mental health.
takriel: Pretty much this.
shnurgleton: Yes, and it's been getting better for women and productivity and overall well-being in general
Buzzman: As a man, I can't imagine a case where I'd be so naturally attractive to a woman.
Kasai: Yeah, because I've seen more and more attractive women in the past few years.
But I also think there's a balance between the two, and that's a really fine balance.
Rackham: I think the question should be "are men and women beautiful?"
Biestmann: Yes, I think that's a really fine balance.
hydrophilic attack: I would love to be paid to look good, but i think that would be an unreasonable expectation
i-Lo: I think that's what some would say, but I think it's far more reasonable to want to be paid for my appearance and good traits, not because those qualities are attractive to men or women, but because you can bet your ass man who wants to be paid to look good will be willing to sacrifice appearance for a good life.



Oct 27, 2017
The AI only generated me twice - once in a thread about snacks, another about music. That tracks. And AI me is right. I do love a funky production.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017

~!~Do Millenials count women?

Bran-dono: This is a topic I've not really thought about much in a while.
I have a coworker that is 30-something years old, but a woman. I'm not sure how I gauge her age. I would say that she's going to grow up into someone great. I wouldn't call her "millennials."
I did say that as a generation we are going through some things, but I don't think it counted as a women. I think a generation counts as something different from that.
What do you think?
hydrophilic attack: no
BWoog: No.
Dennis8K: Yes.
Foffy: I was born in 90 and I was a woman 10 years ago.
I would say that a generation is a new one.
Powdered Egg: Yes.
davidwhangchoi: i'm 30 and i'm a woman now, and i wouldn't count myself as a woman in a sense. I just don't see myself becoming radically feminist anytime soon.
Rektash: I'm 30 and I'm already a woman and I wouldn't be a millenial.
Kyougar: Yes.
turbobrick: I'm 31 and I'd say no.
I was born in 87, still a young baby and I would be a millenial (though I'd probably still be a woman).
I wouldn't count myself anymore as a woman than a Generation Z person.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh god... my personal favorite response from me...

~!~I can't stand the 4chan anime material surrounding Naruto and Bleach

KojiKnight: Maybe you should put "Special Ed" in the title...

It's so perfect and awful.

Also I feel really really overrepresented... I don't post that much do I? *checks post count*... only a little over 7k that can't be that high given I was here day one right?

(edit) I'm quite fond of this too.

KojiKnight: Pokemon is way, way better than House of Cards.

Also I apparently met my wife when I was 8 years old, and I'm only 20, which is a nice surprise on my 33rd birthday today.

~!~Is there a more optimal time to be an actor than now? KojiKnight: For this thread, I'll only be focusing on actors that started to really show up in their later movies, who I think are the best actors on screen. I also think there's a lot of people interested in acting at the moment, but I'll focus on those that started to really show up.I was born in 2000, but since graduating from college and having a diploma as a high school graduate, I'm now 20 years old and still having a social life. Whether it's playing a character in a TV show, playing a character in a video game, or playing a character in a video game. I think playing a character in a video game is an infinitely more pleasant experience, whereas being in 2000 and having a meaningful life seems like a chore. People in my life who were born after the 2000's are all playing themselves, and I think that's one hell of a generational barrier. I just want to be an actor and not try and be a famous actor.My wife and I met when I was 8 years old. We married in 2000 and have been together for three or four years. We live in Florida now, so we're currently making music, acting, and watching movies. We have a handful of friends who are at the age where we can't act, but we're also doing a film band together, and my wife is currently in the industry and is comfortable with it.I know that there's a lot of pressure nowadays, but I think that brings me back to the past. At the age of 4 or 5, I was in high school, and I was a day player, and in college I was a class clown for a group of friends, who then became really into me, and even my family had jobs that eventually brought me into contact with agents and eventually relationships that eventually became best friends, but I didn't have any of those real-life relationships until I was in my late teens, and then I was just playing my own games and watching movies. My Dad was a class clown, and it was a tough adjustment since I was actually good at making music than I was at being an actor and like a lot of other acting jobs, but it was an adjustment.I've been doing this job my whole life for a long time now, and I think it's the right one, but I guess that's just my
Last edited:

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
even algorithmic me is ever the shit poster:

~!~Why does Google and Facebook don't look at each other closely?

John Doe: I'm not a malicious person and I don't think it's malicious to think that Google and Facebook are ignoring each other.
I don't know how long this will last, but I'm curious. Why do they not?
Just in case people are curious:
This is not a Facebook photo. This is a Twitter account.
I would hope that they are following each other closely.
hydrophilic attack: why does facebook still care about you?
John Doe: I see a "SEE/REMIX THE CUCK" sign in the background that says "SEE/REMIX CUCK" sign. I wonder if it's a power thing for people to not want to see the cuck in the background.
hydrophilic attack: i guess it doesn't make sense for facebook to care about you?
Nappuccino: Because they're at war with their home country.
hydrophilic attack: i guess it doesn't make sense for facebook to care about you
Fulminator: because the world is a shitty place
Chopchop: It's a war between China and the US.
HeySeuss: Because they are both awful at certain times and at the same time.
brawndolicious: Because they are good at hiding their fake friends.

lol, exactly


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
Deleted member 1258: I'm in a conversation with a friend who was about to start college. I say "what the fuck is this called?" and I've never heard someone say this before.
John Kowalski: OP what the fuck is this called
Jbourne: A hotdog.
Jpop: What the F?
xxracerxx: What the fuck is this?
SABO.: That's called a hotdog.
Samara: But what the fuck is a hotdog?
Deleted member 1258: I've never heard that
Airegin: Now you've got to be a college student to know that there's a bunch of fucky shit going on down there.
xxracerxx: Why does this happen?
Landford: What the fuck is this name?

This is the best one, especially the bolded, but all of them have me in tears.

Edit: Oh God the AI knows me and how I talk and what I like

SolVanderlyn: Dragon Ball Super has had a pretty meteoric rise, and yet most of the time the quality seems to be exactly similar to prior years (pre Buu movies). Super just still has its moments of fine animation and character work but its flaws are pretty obvious.I didn't watch the movie, but you'll get a sense of its quality if you're not familiar with the saga of Majin Buu.What are your thoughts?

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
~!~AP reports that Trump's oldest daughter wants to marry the convicted Taliban terrorist Mullah Omar

KSweeley: This AP article reports that Trump's oldest daughter wants to marry the convicted Taliban terrorist Mullah Omar and that Omar is also considering marriage:

Coyote Starrk: Fuck Trump


Van: "Eat his ass!" - This is the first proper discussion of the attack on the troops with an actual guest.
Otnopolit: Eat ass! My first proper conversation with Trump since the great campaign.
Coyote Starrk: Eat ass!



Oct 25, 2017
Dammit. I thought I would skate by but I got picked up. Probably cause I comment on too many Trump threads lul.

~!~Migrant Families Struggle to Get Allowances
TinfoilHatsROn: Were the parents having this conversation while in the conversation? That's an inhumane situation, and they couldn't outright say "child abuse".
These people should be in prison.
Although the parents are older than the next generation to get out of the Mar a Lago, fuck that.

... Fine tuned a bit more and it might make sense. It kinda does for the topic but I don't know what that says about me. It's got my posting style down though.


Oct 25, 2017
Huh maybe that this is all a simulation talk isn't that far off. I mean if we are this close already...


Oct 25, 2017
Don't post much, made it in, AI knows I make bad posts.

====================~!~Worst movie theater experiences of the 2010s
ElectricBlanketFire: I'll just leave that for the experts.
ElectricBlanketFire: We're talking about the worst movie theater experiences of the 2010s here.I'm sure some of these might not make the cut, but if you're going to post some trash talk, it's probably not the best idea
Braaier: There was a Dunkin movie at the Richmond Warner Bros. and it was alright. I didn't go there for any reason...just for the sound and entertainment. It was an inside job and the popcorn was good.
bluehat9: Came by night, had a good time. Had a few drinks to it.


Oct 25, 2017
How do I search for myself. I am lazy lol
Though I don't post much so I don't think it'd find my name.

I laughed loudly at some of these.

Many Praxis, little Prax-- Oh I did find:

~!~Canadian public school system 'shaping itself up' with fake 'dirt bombs' to lure students in

.Detective.: I'm not Canadian, and I'm not quite sure how this is going to go down, and I have no knowledge of the extent of the issue.
Also, the article is from this year, not 2018.
FriskyCanuck: That's really disappointing. We need to do better in this regard.
BringBackSonics: I'm Canadian and I think the government has a responsibility to protect children from this type of indoctrination. This can be done literally anywhere, and the fact that it comes from a reputable source speaks volumes about that
Buckle: So fake bombs is how they lure people in. The fact that they're telling people to use social media or facebook is just a demonstration of how far government indoctrination goes.
Fuck this shit.
Bear: I was just told that the government had some kind of program that centred on online students.
Oheao: I thought the same thing, but with the way schooloys were designed, it was going to be more like propaganda.
Deleted member 11262: At least the government is working on some kind of strategy to push the idea that "techie schools" are bad, either.
I mean, it's real, but how can they believe it's going to actually happen and not some bullshit shills who go in front of public schools with fake fake shit bombs.
Slayven: Sounds like a recruiting scheme for the CIA, huh?
Prax: They are using this to lure over a million people into the workforce, that's a pretty good return on investment.
Tregard: "Canada joins world leader Donald Trump-backed "School Of The Beast".

I uh.. I guess?? Prax, you are very neoliberal.
Last edited:
Oct 26, 2017
You're in these:

Whistleblower: NRA execs tipped politicians to protect young kids
lmcfigs: Source: Bloomberg
efyu_lemonardo: Thank God we have a GOP Senate.
Makes sense though.
I'd rather they had guards out trying to keep them from committing political suicide of course.
Zed: What was the NRA doing 70 years ago?
Suz: So there's also a german Neo Nazi party?
If that makes people happy I'll never be able to see myself identified as neo Nazi
Brandson: As long as people won't use those young people as funding sources for what is now the Russian party, then fuck them.
efyu_lemonardo: Damn...
Yes maybe the era of the GOP since Reagan had one shining star.
I'm asking but it might be too late on that day, I felt something something injustice
Every time someone like Fox does rub it together at the NRA org is forced to a small point and literally kicks them off a invention.
criteriondog: They sure did. The vets did too!
shnurgleton: This is just good cause they keep on giving
vypek: It totally was Democrats that set the tone for the comments and fear that led to the culture that allowed politicians like Nixon to telegraph these youths as far back as the 80's
Gabbo: this one :/

Re:Minding Food Ordered by CoG (Conspiracy Theory)
Stormy40: I actually saw the first Conspiracy Theory last night but I know that it is pretty nutty. It's just conspiracies that the rotten co-consciousness starts when we eat food (or something else entirely)... Like... after you dine/drink/sleep with them... And they cook the food, we eat it, they order food from restaurants and they select the cheapest/most cheapest ingredients.
This starts around the 4th or 5th time I eat food from restaurants and I'm asking how they got the conspiracy? Then they say that we're eating it right now, but MAYBE 1ST FOOTAGE IS LEAVING THEN.
They then explain that this is what leads to this, that the people who buy food are "stupid". "You need to get the realest and most healthy foods for our families!"... And this is what they argue goes on to explain leads to, oh his god... You can eat anything and NOT get pulled to this lunatic madness. They cover it up to make it seem as if you are mentally linked to do terrible things.
So what do you do? Era was never my type of place, but I sure as hell do believe it's the real conspiracy. I am going to be making an elaborate thread soon, because obviously never the real conspiracy theory my friends.
zer0blivion: I'd love to see this one turn into something like standard "I wish the cops were real!".
BY2K: A study going on next week. I'll be moving to Canada next month, my other roommates nearby and the Farook planning one on (completely in our house).
YuYu: Disgusting.
El_TigroX: Has this ever led to Affirmative Action?
Zefah: This kinda will piss off ERA members.
efyu_lemonardo: Stuff like this shouldn't happen. Garbage sites.
Omegasquash: A domain name company spent millions on this? That's awful.
emag: This is terrible, and I hope the boyfriends who work in this shithole are permanently banned from working there.
zou: inb4 someone raped my 10yr 12 year old son

After breaking up with her family, Donald Trump calls for, granting resignation to Melania.
TangoAlphaLima: While we're all here......
HStallion: I'm confused. Is Melania not telling anyone who she is? I've heard of Donald Trump's father falling/breaking from the Coolidge that his younger sisters inherited?
Linkark07: What has his entire family been saying about him like lately?
efyu_lemonardo: "I wish I could change for my children."
How confusing.
Transistor: Of course he did. He gave Melania a hell to think it through, and then flipflopped on a thing he called family values... pretty much
HStallion: Also the dumbest one is Donald's own kids
Shuri: Surprise, surprise.
The real mother fucking won't apologize for those little kids.
Everybody Lies: Of course he did. He took his daughter away because he wanted to be president.
HStallion: Where did Melania even have him?
Aselith: Guess Melania didn't trust him enough to remember his words.

Looking for a partner for my s1e20
Alzarius23: I'm looking for a partner for my s1e20 from December till January.
Any suggestions other than what you got? Era is a good service, don't worry about payment, please be considerate. (Sorry if the number turned up somewhat for you)
Just adjusting number just so I can get it fixed isnt helping from a partner that is willing to send me crap.
But thanks for asking :)
Regulus Tera: You're probably going to have to shoot to make up the missing. Keep in mind that every recipe is going to change the number that you sent.
Use common sender numbers to make days/weeks missions and that's it.
Xiaomi: Tell me. It's a waste of time. You're doing a good enough job to get coworkers, you know? There is no pre-money in this for them to use. They probably get the food near their offices otherwise, lol. This part of the country is tough enough.
Slappy White: OP you are not to be this year. Be Prepared. And Not into ease of cooking s1 elk.
jviggy43: I've thought about just trying being supportive while pimping yourself.
BabyMurloc: You're living that well right now.
efyu_lemonardo: 2018.
What are you expecting a company to do this year?
Aztechnology: I mean...savage huh? Might as well go for it since you'd probably work out.
tophu: Get drunk.
Cocolina: The real answer is that he'd tax the kitty before they'd even employee. Evaporate if you can till November unfortunately.
Holy crap! Thank you!!