
Vertigo Gaming Inc.
Oct 25, 2017
Alright everyone it's been fun but the jokes and memes are getting stale now.

Let's return to our regularly scheduled, very serious programming please.

Reminder: This is not a thread to discuss mental health or Filip Miucin's family. Stick to the topic please.

FYI it's looking more and more likely that most of Fhis work published on IGN has editorial copy in it sufficiently derivative of previously-published work that it is a significant ethical breach and will need to be removed.

We are moving on it as fast as we can as a Senior Editorial staff.

There are complications. Including challenges around removing review scores and the way out site CMS works (which is why Dead Cells unfortunately displayed a "0.0 Disaster" score for a time).

A final decision hasn't been made but I think the most likely outcome is all of his work will be removed, and we'll decide from there what we need to do in terms of replacing the back-catalogue of critical content we owe game makers.

In case you don't know what's going on, the previous thread:

In the now deleted apology video, Filip dared people to find more evidence of his plagiarism as he claimed it didn't exist. There have been multiple found so far, including previews and reviews of FIFA, Octopath Traveler, Switch HD Rumble previews, Bayonetta 2 and more.

As a said earlier: Mods would spend more energy updating OP than Filip did when he copied stuff hahahha

Man I feel so bad for IGN, but they've been handling this really well since it has all unfolded. Ugh.
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
This dude never should've left Youtube and became a shameful game "reviewer" at IGN. Sheesh!


Oct 25, 2017
This dude never should've left Youtube and became a shameful game "reviewer" at IGN. Sheesh!


Oct 25, 2017
As you said, respect to IGN for handling this how they have. It's a shitty situation for sure, but they've made the right moves.

Deleted member 19218

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
In the now deleted apology video, Filip dared people to find more evidence of his plagiarism as he claimed it didn't exist.

Well that worked out well for him. /sarcasm

It's like even after he was fired he still continued to cause trouble but maybe this dare was good as other people finally got the recognition they deserve when it became apparent that they actually did the work and not Filip.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly feeling like this guy probably shouldn't have gone to IGN after his Youtube game reviewing job. Yikes!


Jan 25, 2018
This dude never should've left Youtube and became a shameful game "reviewer" at IGN. Sheesh!


Oct 25, 2017
That HD Rumble one was... Lol. I didn't really think it was word for word but here we are.


Oct 25, 2017
Props to IGN, I know they're feeling pretty embarrassed about this whole episode but they've handled this swiftly and professionally. This has enhanced their credibility, not damaged it as they fear.


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
The posters copying each other posts back to back still cracks me up lol

Edit. To be on topic, I feel for Dan and IGN having to do this. They all must feel utterly betrayed and exhausted


Oct 29, 2017
Chicago, IL United States
Damn, how did he make it this far like this? I really want him to sit down in an interview. How deep does this go? Did he cheat in high school and college, got away with it and kept doing it? Or was it something else?


Oct 25, 2017

I was just wondering if at some point it was easier to just purge his content from the site entirely.

IGN handling this situation about as well as you can given the situation.

Dude... Writing about games isn't even that hard... Why did you have to resort to this?


I feel like the safer thing to do would just to bluff your way through stuff.

I have never played Dead Cells or followed it that close but I could probably write a half way believable review on the little I know about it and from looking at a few gameplay videos.

This entire situation has me thinking of doing just that as a mental exercise
Dec 4, 2017
Erased from existence

Today findings started with:
ReyVGM:I find Filip's Bayonetta 2 Switch review weird because he said he didn't have a Wii U, which means he didn't play the original Bayo 2. So why is his Switch review comparing it so much to the Wii U version when he didn't even play it? My guess is he obviously did some of his research by looking at other reviews, but isn't it weird that the entire review is him comparing it to a game he never played?

Seriously, look at his closing comments, it's as if he knows the Wii U version inside out, when in fact he didn't play it.

Then I did some search:
Polygon: Feb 2
With the Bayonetta series finally available on the Switch, more people will be able to relive two of the best hack-and-slash games of the last decade

Filip: Feb 15
Playing through Bayonetta 2 on Nintendo Switch allowed me to relive some of the most exhilarating, action-packed, hack-and-slash moments from the last decade of gaming.


Polygon: Bayonetta 1 and 2 on Switch are as great as they've always been
Filip:What's New in Bayonetta 2 For Nintendo Switch?

Polygon Feb 2, 2018, 8:30am EST
Bayonetta 1 and 2 are coming to the Nintendo Switch for the first time this month, bringing the two hack-and-slash classics together for the first time since the Wii U. The Switch versions don't feature the most significant changes over the originals — but that's not a bad thing.

Filip 5 Feb 2018 9:35 AM PST
Bayonetta is back and better than ever on Nintendo Switch. With both the original and sequel launching together later this month on the young hybrid console, the Switch versions of the games don't feature too many noticeable differences from the original — but trust me, that's a good thing.

Later Burly found more, EVEN THE TV SIZE OMFG:
Burly said:

Otherwise, the two games will remain largely identical to their older counterparts. But at a Los Angeles press event on Wednesday, I was treated to a bit of Bayonetta 2 on the Switch console, and was pleasantly surprised by how much it holds up and by how good it looks on a 60-inch TV. The increased frame rate allows for smoother gameplay, so you can dodge attacks with relative ease and finish off enemies with your chainsaw boots. I know a lot of people would've hoped for 1080p and 60fps, but even at 720p, it looks great.

In regards to the amount of content included, both games seem to have remained virtually identical to their previous counterpart consoles. Despite the game's lower resolution, they both looked absolutely stunning on the 60-inch TV I played on, and the increased frame rate provided a much smoother play experience which made my time with the game much more enjoyable as a whole. A lot of us were expecting 1080p/60 fps for this one, but even while running at 720p, it still manages to look fantastic.

It's really easy to tell now. Just read one of his reviews (*edit Op-ed) and look for keywords that stand out.

IGN's Octopath traveler article, July 17 2018:
Square Enix has created what feels like a storybook world that extrudes the 2D RPG dungeon maps of the 16-bit console era and transcends them into the third dimension — complete with atmospheric lighting and shadow effects from the modern era.

So I just googled "octopath traveler" and "storybook" and got the original.

Polygon's Octopath Traveler review, July 12 2018:
The developers have created a storybook world that extrudes the dungeon maps of 16-bit console RPGs into three
dimensions, then soaks everything in atmospheric lighting and shadow effects.

edit: The HTML is a mess, I can post just the text if you like.
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Feb 25, 2018
This guy should have never quit Youtube and become a disgraceful "critic" at IGN. Geez!

(Serious Note: Wow this dude really took the fake it till you make it thing way to seriously. Just play games and review them and make your own thoughts, are you that bad of a writer or something? )

'3y Kingdom

Oct 27, 2017
Jeez, so many lame copycats in here.

For my part, I think this guy should have never departed from Youtube and become a disgraceful IGN video-game reviewer. Good lord.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
At no time should this guy have departed YouTube and emerged as a disgraceful "reviewer" for IGN. Bah!


Oct 25, 2017
Lmao what the heck is happening?

I haven't been following past the initial discovery at IGN. Has he been doing this stuff before IGN?

;p yup i pulled a Filip


Nov 2, 2017
IGN doing the only sensible thing, distance themselves from him as far as they can, and be contrite in their apology.


Apr 19, 2018
This homo sapiens should not have exited his video channel and turn into a horrenduos game journalist. Blorg.
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