Oct 25, 2017
Preferences and all but I'm always baffled when people wish for snow. People can't drive in it because they suck, gotta shovel your driveway early in the AM, before, scrape the window, avoid black ice, etc. Hate hate hate it.

Gimme warm weather every day.
Or my favorite part is when you are walking on an unshoveled sidewalk and step ankle deep into a wet slushy mess...good times!


Oct 26, 2017
Nah, I just want more rain out here in CA. Mountain bike and hike often enough to see how much the lack of rain has pummeled the trails to dust and desiccated basically anything that grew in the past year. Traveled enough in the past to know how much of an absolute nightmare it is if you get any decent amount of snowfall while trying to travel. If you want snow in CA, go to Mammoth, Tahoe or Big Bear for the day, have fun and go back home knowing you won't have to deal with pain that comes with real winter weather. We're pretty fortunate here to have temperate climates through most of the state.
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Jul 5, 2018
Snow is basically only enjoyable for kids. Everyone else has to shovel, try to avoid huge potholes that just randomly appear after a bad storm, the struggle to find a parking spot, BLACK ICE, etc.


Nov 8, 2017
I don't even know what winters are like in other states since I've lived in California all my life and I don't know if I want to. Seasons are overrated, just give me spring year round.


Oct 27, 2017
New York
After a warm first half of the winter it looks like you guys are finally getting some proper winter storms. Hell even the PNW is getting snow.

Meanwhile here in California it's fucking awful. Probably another February with little to no rain, warmer than average temps. I know I complain a lot but goddamnit I just want a proper winter for once.

Hopefully if covid is over by next winter I'll spend a week, probably Christmas week somewhere where it actually feels like winter.
Mildly upstate NY here. This was our town last week. Got a much more reasonable one yesterday.

I absolutely adore snow and all this type of weather, but it's having a pretty bad impact on anyone around here whose homeless. Definitely the worst time of the year for anyone without consistent shelter.


Oct 25, 2017
the reality of winter


Behold, New Yorkers Gracefully Leaping Over Slush Lagoons

Gracefully, clumsily, whatever, we're all doing our best.






Nov 2, 2017
You don't want this pain, OP. We've gotten tons of snow and negative temperatures here in Chicago.

It makes life absolutely miserable.


Jan 15, 2019
Snow is novel for like half a day if you haven't had any or seen it for a few years. After the initial "looks nice" it's just tiresome and annoying.


Oct 25, 2017
Cuck Zone
It's been ranging from like -20 to single digits above zero here in North Dakota for the last couple of weeks. It's hell.


Oct 26, 2017
I'd rather shovel snow than be in a drought and have to constantly worry if my house will burn down during the next wildfire.

There's other problems that come with it too, with things like the possibility of pipes freezing, depending on how cold it gets. I've never lived in a place where a dump on snow can literally close you inside until some of it melts/you dig it out, but forget about factors like trying to dig out gas vents and things like that, which can also be problematic if you are stuck inside. Things like that can still be dangerous.


Dec 5, 2017
I cannot think of anything less appealing than cold and snow. Cold is evil. Florida sucks for many reasons, but at least I can have the sun most of the year.


The Fallen
Feb 28, 2018
After a warm first half of the winter it looks like you guys are finally getting some proper winter storms. Hell even the PNW is getting snow.

Meanwhile here in California it's fucking awful. Probably another February with little to no rain, warmer than average temps. I know I complain a lot but goddamnit I just want a proper winter for once.

Hopefully if covid is over by next winter I'll spend a week, probably Christmas week somewhere where it actually feels like winter.
Grass always looks greener on the other side mate. Wish i could in a place with no snow. (Maybe a little snow on christams, but that's that)


Oct 27, 2017
People here in Chicago complain about snow all the time but I love it. Especially sunny days after a snowfall, the reflected light from the snow is so bright and cheerful, a nice break from how gray and dark the winters can be. The transit system here is good at dealing with snow, it's very rare for a snowstorm to shut the trains down. It's just a hassle for people with cars.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 19, 2018
Grass always looks greener on the other side mate. Wish i could in a place with no snow. (Maybe a little snow on christams, but that's that)
Yeah, I don't want anyone thinking I want to end up in some sort of 3+ months of frozen wasteland. I'd be happy if I got a beautiful surprise of snow covered hills once or twice a year. Even when we do get a little snow here, it's not enough to even be pretty...it's just starts as mud.


Oct 25, 2017

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Be careful what you wish for. Snow sucks. We're currently the snowiest city in the US. Sucks, can't do shit. Can't run outside because all of the sidewalks are covered or impassable. Even for people who shovel their walks you'll get to the end of a driveway or something and there will be a mountain of snow making it impassable. In the street if you're running you'll often have to run basically in the middle of the street, and also you have to deal with huge puddles like small bogs every 500 yards or so. Can't walk the dog because there's no place to walk him, so he's all cooped up. Can't take our toddler for a walk because, again, you literally have to walk in the roadway and it's just not worth the risk.

Snow is good for about an hour. Then it's just annoying.

Meanwhile, it'll be like this for another 6 weeks at least. It usually starts to warm up to consistent 30s in March, and then maybe like 36-42 in late march, so you get some melting, but you're always good for a solid 8-12" storm once or twice after March 20, and then a cold spell will keeps it around. Snow is not consistently gone until like april 10th.

NCR Ranger

Oct 25, 2017
Need snow in the mountains for water, but it can fuck right off down where I live. Let the mountains get slammed so the snow pack is good and the skiers are happy, but leave me alone. Snow looks nice for about a day then it gets all black and nasty and just looks like shit.


Oct 26, 2017
Before global warming fucked up California we would get down to the mid 10s (farenheit) in the winter but now we barely get below freezing.

Where exactly are you getting 10's of digits in CA outside of parts directly stuck to the mountains, way up north or odd bits of the central valley everyone ignores? I mean 30 years living as far north as Oakland then down to LA. Our weather is super tame unless you go looking for it. You can absolutely find cold weather here, but the most common places people talk about are some 30s at worst the majority of the time.


Again, not saying there isn't 10 degree shifts and cold snaps, but the coastline of CA is absolutely not that. At best you get winter time that hovers around 20s like right now.
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Dec 5, 2018
Before global warming fucked up California we would get down to the mid 10s (farenheit) in the winter but now we barely get below freezing.
SLO county reporting too, Santa Cruz before that. I miss there being seasons in CA as well. People that don't buy into global warming have not lived in a place like this to see and feel it escalating every year.

I'm with ya; I would be so relieved to feel a cold and wet winter again for a change. The lack of rain/greenery in SLO is especially stressful.


Oct 25, 2017
Snow fucking sucks. You do not want to deal with it. If you've lived in a warm climate your entire life, snow will seem novel for about a day and then you'll be sick of it too.

This hasn't happened to me yet though

I'm from Mississippi and moved to Boston almost 2 years ago now, and I still get giddy looking at snowfall and all that lol


Oct 25, 2017
No snow in Vancouver, BC yet. We've got a low of -7 forecast for today and my apartment is not built to keep out that level of cold. I'm bundled up here at my desk, even with the heating on


Jan 6, 2021
After a warm first half of the winter it looks like you guys are finally getting some proper winter storms. Hell even the PNW is getting snow.

Meanwhile here in California it's fucking awful. Probably another February with little to no rain, warmer than average temps. I know I complain a lot but goddamnit I just want a proper winter for once.

Hopefully if covid is over by next winter I'll spend a week, probably Christmas week somewhere where it actually feels like winter.
I live in the bay area so I'm a 3 hour drive to winter snow conditions. Get away from the coast and drive north if you are looking for that


Oct 26, 2017
SLO county reporting too, Santa Cruz before that. I miss there being seasons in CA as well. People that don't buy into global warming have not lived in a place like this to see and feel it escalating every year.

I'm with ya; I would be so relieved to feel a cold and wet winter again for a change. The lack of rain/greenery in SLO is especially stressful.

Mostly just the lack of rain that's punishing to the entirety of the state. The awful part is that those rainy seasons are so uneven now it creates a vicious cycle of robust growth then into immense dry spells that create dangerous situations where parts of the state are tinderboxes if left unchecked. See it out in my county where the local fire crews after the Thomas fire take massive herds of goats to clear underbrush. Hilarious to see groups of them clamoring up hill sides, but even a small herd will chew up a ton of brush.


Oct 25, 2017
Snow is basically only enjoyable for kids. Everyone else has to shovel, try to avoid huge potholes that just randomly appear after a bad storm, the struggle to find a parking spot, BLACK ICE, etc.

The roads in my city have all shrunk by about half because there is no place to put the snow.

I paid someone to shovel my driveway and front door but I remember shoveling out my car from 3 feet of snow and then sticking a printer box or a chair in the spot so no one took it.


Oct 26, 2017
I also wanted to note, that just because the PNW is getting a ton of snow soon, that they ALSO suffered from a ton of fires last year, too. Snow now does not make you immune to fires later.


Oct 27, 2017
Annapolis, Maryland
Snow literally kills and injures tons of people each year. Why on earth does anyone celebrate it? I have work until 11:30 pm tonight, and if the forecast holds I get to drive home in snowy icy conditions before waking up after 5 hours of sleep so I can shovel my car out and drive to work in the snow again tomorrow. Fuck snow.


Oct 25, 2017
Denver, CO
I would trade you OP, I'm in Colorado where we get plenty of snow, but I hate cold weather and would love to have a mostly year-round warm climate. Snow is such a pain in the ass to deal with unless you are sledding/skiing. It makes everything messy, it takes 10x longer to get anywhere, there are so many idiots who refuse to slow down or give more distance between vehicles while driving, and then if it melts during the day it turns into ice overnight and becomes another shit show the next day.
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Oct 30, 2017
Preferences and all but I'm always baffled when people wish for snow. People can't drive in it because they suck, gotta shovel your driveway early in the AM before work, scrape the window, avoid black ice, etc. And it's still pouring down on you. Turning from white fluff into slush. Hate hate hate it.

Gimme warm weather every day.

We had one day of steady snow and then it was all melted two days later. That was pretty much ideal. Got to see everything covered in white but didn't have to mess with it for weeks.
Oct 26, 2017
I live in Massachusetts, if you tell me I can work from home permanently then snow becomes much less of a problem. I don't mind shoveling too much, but I absolutely despise driving in it. I think cold is kind of nice, too. All that being said I really loved California weather when I visited there. I could get on board for that year round.