
Alt account
Jan 17, 2020
We did too. Actually SLO County got the most rain out of everyone but even that barely put a dent on the drought levels and our meteorologist explained how with a warming atmosphere we'll see less rain overall but more occasional dumping of rain.

It's just extremely sad what global warming is doing to our world. I do what I can but we need people with more power to start doing something.
Yeah - we really could use rain. One huge issue here in San Diego is that we don't capture any stormwater. We just drain all the rain in to the ocean. This has other negative effects like washing pollutants into the ocean. I'm really hoping that the new mayor here will get to work on fixing our stormwater infrastructure.

As far as helping combat climate change, I just put solar on my house so at least I'm helping reduce my carbon footprint. I also plan on getting an EV in the next couple years and i'm installing rain barrels that my gutters will drain to so I can use that water for my lawn care. I've been trying to reduce my meat consumption too. Another easy one i've started doing is not idling my car. Anyway - I love California and I love that most people here take climate change seriously. I'm really hoping all the green initiatives here will pay off in the long run. Also the carbon capturing tech is starting to look pretty neat and its getting some serious consideration. I think Elon (the douche) Musk just put up a $100 million prize for best carbon capture tech. I guess i'm just trying to point out some rays of hope for my state. Hoping for the best while doing what I can.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't really think it's the consistency. The snow here is similar to what we usually got back on the east coast...heavy and wet mostly. I think the hills are definitely one of the biggest issues out here when it comes to snow. Well that and infrastructure as you mention with lack of plows and salt trucks. Temps usually never stay too cold during the day and you will get some melting then it will freeze overnight and cars are just sliding down hills.

East coast and Midwest are pretty different from each other. From my time spent visiting Nebraska over the holidays and listening to my FIL, their snow is on average much drier.

i guess I would take snow over earthquakes and giant forest fires.

We also have those in Washington. Central Washigton is regularly ravaged by wildfires, you just don't hear about them like California due to the smaller population in that part of WA.
Oct 27, 2017
Living in southeast Texas, the only thing I'm "extremely jealous" of is the ice hockey and NHL culture of northern states. I've lived down south for most of my life (aside from a few baby years in Chicago) and I would have loved to participate/watch that stuff as a kid. Same thing with snowboarding, I feel like I missed out. That being said, I'm quite comfortable with my currently 52 degree fahrenheit weather, and I enjoy being able to wear shorts and a t-shirt almost year round lol.
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Oct 27, 2017
we do need the rain. we don't need storms and more snow, though. i'm like an hour and change away from snow so i'd rather just drive to it, and go home and not have to deal with snow as a regular chore. when we get storms, maybe it's the same other areas, but power and internet going out is something i expect will happen to me. like...i''m surprised if it doesn't. and for the first time, i had a fence get blown down 2 sundays ago when we had that one day of a storm lol. y'all can keep that.

i just need cali to get rain and get out of it's perpetual state of a heat wave. other parts of the world are hotter than cali, but it feels like it's hotter than it's supposed to be, and for longer. we had a cold wave this winter and it was 50F during the day. that feels like what it should be at in december, not a cold wave. otherwise it's 60-70, which feels like it should be the heat wave of a winter. but that's regular.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I hate California for this too. There is no fall here either. It usually will still be in the 80s by October. Sometimes 90s. November can be in the 70s. Then it will hit the 50s until January until some bullshit high pressure system comes rolling in heating it all up again. It never fails to happens. It can easily get above 110 here in the summer and its just too hot to do anything. Its pure suffering. Its not fun living in CA. It never fucking rains here. Not enough by far not enough. I despise hot weather. Absolutely despise it. I refuse to leave the house unless its either dark or with cloud coverage. Screw the sun. Screw California. I HATE it here. And im stuck here. Fuck this state.
Lol this is pretty much how I feel. People who still have snow should cherish it because it won't exist in a couple of decades. California is what the future looks like and it ain't nice.


Oct 25, 2017
I hate California for this too. There is no fall here either. It usually will still be in the 80s by October. Sometimes 90s. November can be in the 70s. Then it will hit the 50s until January until some bullshit high pressure system comes rolling in heating it all up again. It never fails to happens. It can easily get above 110 here in the summer and its just too hot to do anything. Its pure suffering. Its not fun living in CA. It never fucking rains here. Not enough by far not enough. I despise hot weather. Absolutely despise it. I refuse to leave the house unless its either dark or with cloud coverage. Screw the sun. Screw California. I HATE it here. And im stuck here. Fuck this state.

lol if California is the future, then its not that bad. the reality is the future will be abnormally worse than anything we're experiencing now. you'll pine for these days (currently 54 degrees in San Francisco and I have all the windows open because its such a nice day).


Oct 27, 2017
In no way do I miss snow but yes the dry feb has me concerned for the next year. Hoping we get some serious rain in the next 2 months while it's even a possibility.


Oct 30, 2017
We just got snow a few weeks back here (east county San Diego). And today is a nice 60 and sunny. I'm not complaining.

Guts Of Thor

Oct 25, 2017
I don't envy them one bit. If I had the resources to move to California and get away from winter weather for the rest of my life, I'd move tomorrow.

Deleted member 179

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Snow is beautiful when it's falling. Then it builds. You realize you have to shovel it, clean off the car. Then that the roads are shit, drivers are shittier. Then after a day it all looks like crap.

Storms on the other hand, I love.


Oct 27, 2017
After a warm first half of the winter it looks like you guys are finally getting some proper winter storms. Hell even the PNW is getting snow.

Meanwhile here in California it's fucking awful. Probably another February with little to no rain, warmer than average temps. I know I complain a lot but goddamnit I just want a proper winter for once.

Hopefully if covid is over by next winter I'll spend a week, probably Christmas week somewhere where it actually feels like winter.

Snow sucks.

Once I move back to NZ, I hope to never see it in person again.


Oct 27, 2017
One of the things I like about the east coast is that we get variety with all four seasons. I enjoy snow when I can actually enjoy it, but living in an apartment/townhouse community, and still being expected to either drive to work or school makes me hate it.


Oct 25, 2017
California is the only place where sunlight became oppressive lol. It was sunny at least 95% of the two years I lived there. It was like someone constantly smiling straight into your retinas.


Sep 1, 2020
It was. There was a cold front that moved in for a few days.

But now it's back into the 80s.
Yep. Florida weather is very bipolar during the winter, you'll want to dress warm one day and be fine with shorts and a t-shirt the next. In my neck of the woods temperatures dropped into the low 30s a few times last week thanks to the cold front.

The only really consistent qualities to the climate of Florida are heat (most of the year), humidity, and mosquitoes. The rain contributes a lot to the last two, but sometimes you'll have a long dry spell until the weather decides to just dump it all on you for a month to make up for what you missed earlier in the year.


Nov 20, 2017
Screw that. I was happy with this mild ass winter and was so excited to make it through without fucking with snow. Now every day sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
The rock salt is so bad for cars though. I am glad I have unlimited car washes because I find myself going 3+ times a week to get all of it off.
Lol this is pretty much how I feel. People who still have snow should cherish it because it won't exist in a couple of decades. California is what the future looks like and it ain't nice.

I always seem to end up posting this historical weather chart in all SoCal weather threads, but this might also help put perspective on temps and rainfall.
This is only for LA, though, but you should be able to apply the general weather trends to most of SoCal. The sources are legit, despite the cheap appearance of the website.

Central and Northern are different climates, so no luck there.

LA Historical Rainfall
LA Historical Temps

Weather Summary:
The rainfall doesn't look dramatically different, EXCEPT it's notable that all years with 30+ inches of rain have pretty much vanished. The 1970s-80s were great years for rain, and it's been on a decline ever since.

The temps look like they have some bad and good decades, but the highest temps have mostly been in the past 10 years.

lol if California is the future, then its not that bad. the reality is the future will be abnormally worse than anything we're experiencing now. you'll pine for these days (currently 54 degrees in San Francisco and I have all the windows open because its such a nice day).

Some places will get slammed worse than others, but I see this warming trend applying to most of the southwestern USA.

San Francisco may or may not experience drier effects, but I believe parts of the PNW will experience more rain - according to some models.

SoCal is probably completely screwed though.
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco may or may not experience drier effects, but I believe parts of the PNW will experience more rain - according to some models.
Yeah the latest 20 year averages came back a couple months ago for Seattle and it's actually gotten more rain on average over the past 20 years. IIRC almost 2" more over the previous 20. The temp has gone up however as you'd expect a bit.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah the latest 20 year averages came back a couple months ago for Seattle and it's actually gotten more rain on average over the past 20 years. IIRC almost 2" more over the previous 20. The temp has gone up however as you'd expect a bit.
The PNW will slowly turn into a humid rainforest. It keeps getting more rain but also warmer.

Also I thought California was supposed to break off and float up to Alaska? I would love that right now.


Oct 26, 2017
We have had heavier rains the last few years. I've been fighting the city of Seattle over urban flooding and things are definitely getting worse.


Nov 2, 2017
Please come shovel the 3 feet of snow I had in the last week. You're invited.
Sep 3, 2018
Phoenix, AZ
F all that, I cant imagine shoveling snow off your driveway and scraping snow off windshield in the morning when I can barely make it to work on time as it is now lmao lived in Arizona and Cali all my life
As a Minnesotan, this thread is the height of comedy.

As someone who loved many years in the Midwest, I can totally see why.

However, the deeper premise is that Californians have had a first-person perspective on watching climate change ravage what used to be an incredibly beautiful area - it's disheartening in a way I can't fully describe.

The slow decimation of your land is unlike anything I experienced (weather-wise) in the Midwest.

Also, sun is totally fine - until you get basically no cloudy days and your summer/fall is 100+ temperatures for months on end. Then the sun kinda messes you up!


Oct 26, 2017
As a Minnesotan, this thread is the height of comedy.

Imagine if the Twin Cities were built on a hillside overlooking a large saltwater inland sea sheltered by massive mountain ranges on both sides as well as the Pacific Ocean a little further out, which resulted in a convergence zone that makes snowfall highly unpredictable. And snow is so uncommon that no one invests in snowplows or the infrastructure to clear the snow out. And the local governments refuse to salt the roads because it impacts the local salmon population.

And that's ignoring the volcanos and summer wildfires.

So yeah. High comedy.


Oct 25, 2017
Imagine if the Twin Cities were built on a hillside overlooking a large saltwater inland sea sheltered by massive mountain ranges on both sides as well as the Pacific Ocean a little further out, which resulted in a convergence zone that makes snowfall highly unpredictable. And snow is so uncommon that no one invests in snowplows or the infrastructure to clear the snow out. And the local governments refuse to salt the roads because it impacts the local salmon population.

And that's ignoring the volcanos and summer wildfires.

So yeah. High comedy.

As a Minnesotan, I've been to Seattle numerous times. The hills are NO JOKE. For real. It's insane how steep some of these hills are downtown there.


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
I'm convinced they haven't cleaned the Pittsburgh roads since 2019. Think it's just a lost cause at this point.