Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
As I mentioned in other threads of mine, I wasn't really a firm believer in the concept of the Switch. Felt overpriced and underpowered when it was announced, but when amazing games like Super Mario Odyssey and Breath Of The Wild started dropping, I felt the need to buy one in launch year. I had a great time with it, no doubt. Some of the strongest installments in nearly all Nintendo franchises, including the definitive version of Mario Kart, a superimpressive 3D Mario, an open-world Zelda and Maker 2 with its great creative options. Spent insane amounts of time on Picross games, even bought various third parties where portability was comfortable like Saints Row 3, Civilization 6, Diablo 3 and Rocket League. It's a system with tons of great games, and while I have issues with the controllers and some of the OS features (or lack, thereof), it certainly got mileage on it, even more so now that my fiancé is using it all the time for the new Animal Crossing.

But aside from the aforementioned issues, there's one design element that sticks out like a sore thumb this generation: multiplayer, both local and online. Nintendo having somewhat limited online is not particularly surprising, though we were certainly led to believe improvements were being done due to the fact it now became a paid service like Xbox Live and PlayStation Plus. This does not seem to be the case. And surprisingly enough, local multiplayer took quite the beating in multiple games as well, something Nintendo has typically been excellent with.

Let's start with the newest Switch game I bought, 51 Worldwide Games. There's tons of fun games to have, from classic board games like Ludo, Chess or Mandala, to card games like Texas Hold 'Em and Black Jack, with even Wii Sports-style minigames like bowling thrown in the mix. It's an excellent package for its price, and we expect to get plenty of mileage out of it especially on trips. We had a couple friends over on Saturday, we were excited to try out Bowling for old times' sake, Darts because it's pretty dope and other things... except, this can't be done. The game gladly advertises that 4 players can play a variety of games. Out of the 51 games, only 2 can be played with 4 players locally, these are Ludo and Black Jack. One other game can be played locally with 3 players, going up to a total of 3 games that support more than 2 players on the same console. Wii Sports in 2006 or Kinect Sports in 2010 had no issue offering bowling for 4 players locally, Nintendo's new game in 2020 can not offer the same. Oh, and you can't log in with other profiles for the other players, they have to be guests.

Going back cronologically, can't gloss over Animal Crossing: New Horizons' problems. Where to begin? For couples with a single system like us... good luck getting much enjoyment out of the game. Playing locally, the second player is extremely limited. Of course, whoever logs in first is also the one creating an island, further players are unable to do as much. And the online? You can't put limits on what people who join can do unlike something like Minecraft. Everytime somebody joins, you gotta wait that lengthy animation that blocks all players that shows the player arriving to your island. Imagine if in 1999, Unreal Tournament's online matches forced all players to sit around and wait while somebody else is joining. The shootout we were having? Paused, someone else is joining. Animal Crossing has this in 2020.

Last year finally saw the release of Mario Maker 2, a game I spent a lot of hours on as I managed to create multiple well-liked courses. There are, however, heavy limitations as far as local multiplayer goes, and the online 4-players competitive mode has been practically broken, unplayable since day one due to a terrible netcode that has the side effect of blocking everybody's game if a single player appears to be lagging. I don't think I need to link the hundreds of videos floating around the web of the slideshow that mode is. It's really disappointing.

Going a bit farther back, there's Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Local play works rather well, tons of options and all. But then the netcode is so bad that the game was not even included for this year's EVO that is obviously being held online-only due to the COVID-19 situation requiring social distancing and travel restrictions.

Yoshi's Crafted World, despite being stupid easy, is certainly one of the most charming local co-op games. Or at least it would be, because the game is designed in such a way that you are continously bouncing involuntarily from each other's head, stealing each other's eggs, gobbling up the other player and so on. I swear you're more likely to annoy the other player than actively help each other. The Girlfriend Reviews video channel expressed the issue a lot better than me.

Speaking of easy games, the Pokémon: Let's Go! games offer a local co-op that is functional enough, except the developers didn't bother chaning any of the game balancing or scaling for two players. This means that a game that was already pretty damn easy to begin with (and this is coming from someone who never plays Pokémon), became a walk in the park where you needed to try really hard to fail. Having twice as many monsters and moves and no setbacks - this certainly wasn't thought out particularly well.

Looking back at some of the launch year games, there's Super Mario Odyssey which didn't really need a co-op mode, they threw one in anyway. It's... not very good, as the second player only gets to screw around moving Mario's cap around with heavy limitations, playing like 2% of what player 1 does.

What about Splatoon 2? Its decision to have its multiplayer content rotate based on the hours of the day was pretty crazy, as it meant that people with fixed work hours, school and so on would literally miss out on certain parts of the game, only due to the fact they would log in at a certain time of the day compared to another time. Imagine not being able to play a game mode or map because you logged in at 8pm insteam of 10am. Other than that, the experience wasn't too bad, but it's another game that showed how not including an Ethernet port in the console without buying a separate adapter was a baffling decision.

Not everything is a disaster, mind. I've had a solid time with New Super Mario Bros. U's port, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe delivers excellent local play alongside barebones but fun online. Stuff like Snipperclips is also pretty fun to play locally, Picross' local co-op is a novelty that you need to wrap your head around but it works, and I have no doubt that some other games feature excellent multiplayer modes. But these are the ones I bought and played in multiplayer, local or online, and the disappointments are getting bigger and bigger. After yet another game (51 Worldwide Games) that features mindboggling multiplayer limitations, this only a few months after the mindboggling design choices for the multiplayer in the new Animal Crossing, I feel like I'm not really getting my money worth with Nintendo's online service, and for a system that ships with two controllers and wants to be a social experience more than any other Nintendo console before it... it sure fails to deliver on that exact concept, even compared to past Nintendo consoles and games. When many Wii installments of franchises offer a better multiplayer than what's seen on the Switch versions, you clearly have a problem, and Nintendo has had a couple too many for my tastes personally.


Alt Account
Feb 12, 2020
Don't let this distract you from the fact that New Super Mario Brothers U and Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze — the two big games that were going to save Nintendo's new robust, online-friendly console — didn't even have online co-op.

What's more frustrating is that Miiverse, which was genuinely amazing, got canned.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Don't let this distract you from the fact that New Super Mario Brothers U and Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze — the two big games that were going to save Nintendo's new robust, online-friendly console — didn't even have online co-op.

What's more frustrating is that Miiverse, which was genuinely amazing, got canned.

Yeah, my list is far from complete, and I only decided to talk about my personal experience. I didn't even attempt to play New Super Mario Bros. U online (so I didn't remember it not being a feature), and I don't own Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze. Again, I'm sure there's various other Nintendo games that, on the other hand, offer great multiplayer experiences, and I mentioned some myself that work well enough. But a lot of the games I buy on the Switch are buys for me and my fiancé to play together, potentially looking at parties with friends as well - yet, these limitations hamper exactly that. If I'm home alone and I want to play alone, I have many other systems that can do that too. Switch's strong suit should be local co-op at least, and that's an aspect they often fail to deliver well enough too nowadays. Disappointing.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The fact that 3ds games had better online multiplayer than switch is telling. I'd even argue that fucking DS has better online than switch.

It is insane to me that there was no fuss about Animal Crossing multiplayer. It was a thing for a few days, then the defense force went with the " oh it's not so bad" or "eh, it's part of the friction that makes what AC is". Even Local multiplayer is fucking busted with more error connection than online play...


Oct 29, 2017
New York
I've been meaning to make a thread like this for awhile now, I feel the exact same way.

Also, can we bring up Super Mario Party and how we can't even play the regular game mode online? Like what's that about?


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, it's truly sad how for behind nintendo continues to be when it comes to online for their games. It feels like what we do have, nintendo was dragged kicking and screaming to have to do in the first place.

This feels like the right place to ask but... have any games even taken advantage of the system level invite tab that was introduced last year?

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I've been meaning to make a thread like this for awhile now, I feel the exact same way.

Also, can we bring up Super Mario Party and how we can't even play the regular game mode online? Like what's that about?

Yes, I completely forgot about that! That's another game I bought at launch, and it features a whopping 4-5 small boards and a crippled online mode where you can't play the main game mode. It's mindboggling. Had tons of funs playing that one locally, but I have basically not touched online because I am not interested in minigame collections only.


Dec 13, 2017
Online multiplayer is getting worse every year in the Nintendo universe. Fucking DS games had better online than some Switch games. And some of us are paying for the service!


Oct 27, 2017
I only accidentally clicked on this thread and this massive wall of text got me to check if I switched back to the light theme.

I'm not that big on MP games on the Switch, so I'm not as affected as others might be, but I also remember the whole debacle around the first Mario Maker, where your created levels just disappeared after some time and the lackluster online environment didn't help either.

I agree with your sentiment, it is mindboggling how a company as big as Nintendo has so much trouble with MP and their online structure in general as well as something they openly advertise - local MP. Regarding the online infrastructure, they had trouble for over a decade now, too. However, as long as people buy the shit out of games like AC and the likes, do not expect that to change.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
I love Sword and Shield co-op raids when I'm able to connect with someone.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I only accidentally clicked on this thread and this massive wall of text got me to check if I switched back to the light theme.

I'm not that big on MP games on the Switch, so I'm not as affected as others might be, but I also remember the whole debacle around the first Mario Maker, where your created levels just disappeared after some time and the lackluster online environment didn't help either.

I agree with your sentiment, it is mindboggling how a company as big as Nintendo has so much trouble with MP and their online structure in general as well as something they openly advertise - local MP. Regarding the online infrastructure, they had trouble for over a decade now, too. However, as long as people buy the shit out of games like AC and the likes, do not expect that to change.

In the end, I can close an eye on some issues. I play tons of technically disappointing games or games lacking features because I spend most of my time on indies. But those games come with certain prices, certain expectations. I don't expect Nintendo to suddenly offer a better service than Xbox Live, but I sure don't expect them to not have features they had on the 3DS or online portions that are behind what PlayStation 3 offered a decade ago. If only it was all to deliver excellent local multiplayer systems, but that is so often not the case, as seen in the new Animal Crossing.
Apr 11, 2018
I remember having tons of problems on PS3, hacked servers, server issues etc... I somehow felt very happy that you had to pay for online on PS4 because I felt like that would have to make Sony do it better - make better servers etc. (Which I myself feel like they have succeded in doing, its very stable for me atleast)

I kind of hoped the same would happen with Nintendo too, I moved away from my home town, thus leaving a lot of my friends. One of my friends and I love Smash and we usually meet up to play some Smash, now when we're multiple hours apart its nice to be able to play online... But ts so bad - and we both have really good internet too. My experience with Smash online is filled with disconnects and it doesn't really work sometimes when the opponent is using fast characters lol. They just kind of fly around, its like the servers can't handle it.

Keep in mind, this is not a "Playstation fanboy" thing, sorry if I sounded like that - I just meant that I got very dissapointed that the quality never got better even after you had to pay for it... I think its pretty unacceptable :(

Deleted member 59109

User requested account closure
Aug 8, 2019
Smash Ultimate is really good for local play and Mario Kart 8 works well both locally and online. Since those are the only two multiplayer Switch games I play it isn't a huge issue for me


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
At this point they're charging $20 mostly for access to NES and SNES games. I don't understand how their online has gotten worse since the DS.


Oct 25, 2019
Your Anus
There's no issues with Local multiplayer. And regarding online, why even beat a dead horse at this point? Come up with new material people.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
There's no issues with Local multiplayer.

Not on certain games. On others, like I mentioned above, there are plenty of them. Why does a game like 51 Worldwide Games advertising 4-player co-op have a whopping 2 games out of 51 offer 4-player modes, for example? What technical limitations made it so that the bowling minigame, for example, could only be played with 2 players?
May 9, 2019
I'm still waiting for Smash Bros to have online co-op or at least online lobby co-op. If Mario Kart can do it so can they. I really want to play with my bro and his friends online.

Bob Beat

Oct 25, 2017
At this point they're charging $20 cloud saving. I don't understand how their online has gotten worse since the DS.
That's the only reason, for me. I guess it's good to play multiplayer in animal crossing.

But the only feature I use and value is cloud saving. And they take that away from you on certain games. I'm glad they don't have a switch pro coming out because I don't want to restart AC.


Oct 25, 2019
Your Anus
Not on certain games. On others, like I mentioned above, there are plenty of them. Why does a game like 51 Worldwide Games advertising 4-player co-op have a whopping 2 games out of 51 offer 4-player modes, for example? What technical limitations made it so that the bowling minigame, for example, could only be played with 2 players?
Local Wireless is local multiplayer.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 16, 2020
There's no issues with Local multiplayer. And regarding online, why even beat a dead horse at this point? Come up with new material people.

Local multiplayer on a lot of Switch games is extremely disappointing.

And it's not really a "dead horse". Nintendo could prioritize fixing this shit and they won't unless their customers make enough noise. So keep complaining, Nintendo fans!


Oct 25, 2019
Your Anus
User warned: Thread whining
Local multiplayer on a lot of Switch games is extremely disappointing.
No its not.

And it's not really a "dead horse". Nintendo could prioritize fixing this shit and they won't unless their customers make enough noise. So keep complaining, Nintendo fans!

Or you could just, I don't know, not subscribe to the service? Whining and screaming like goddamn children isn't going to fix shit. Voicing criticism is one thing, making 20 damn threads that regurgitate the same shit over and over is another. Vote with your wallet people.


Oct 28, 2017
Not on certain games. On others, like I mentioned above, there are plenty of them. Why does a game like 51 Worldwide Games advertising 4-player co-op have a whopping 2 games out of 51 offer 4-player modes, for example? What technical limitations made it so that the bowling minigame, for example, could only be played with 2 players?
I agree to an extent, however it's not like there's a ton of 4 player local multi from the competition, is there?

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Local multiplayer on a lot of Switch games is extremely disappointing.

And it's not really a "dead horse". Nintendo could prioritize fixing this shit and they won't unless their customers make enough noise. So keep complaining, Nintendo fans!

Exactly. Yes, the issue was mentioned various times since 2017, and Nintendo has done jackshit about it. Some of their recent games (51 Worldwide Games and Animal Crossing) are two of the worst examples of my list, so clearly there isn't an upwards trend, not on the games I'm playing at least (but I did not buy Sword/Shield or Arms, for example, so I can't comment on all games they publish). So no reason to stop talking about it.


Nov 22, 2017
It's time to bring out a new MP WarioWare game, and not some taking turns BS like the Wii one but simultaneous MP like the awesome GameCube entry. Some of the best couch multiplayer fun ever with that title.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
No its not.

Or you could just, I don't know, not subscribe to the service? Whining and screaming like goddamn children isn't going to fix shit. Voicing criticism is one thing, making 20 damn threads that regurgitate the same shit over and over is another. Vote with your wallet people.

Thanks for calling my thread one about "whining and screaming like goddamn children". Really helps with the mood and the decent conversation.


Oct 25, 2017
What about Splatoon 2? Its decision to have its multiplayer content rotate based on the hours of the day was pretty crazy, as it meant that people with fixed work hours, school and so on would literally miss out on certain parts of the game, only due to the fact they would log in at a certain time of the day compared to another time. Imagine not being able to play a game mode or map because you logged in at 8pm insteam of 10am.
Huh. I expected you to complain about the lack of split-screen, but not... this. Your complaint feels misleading though; it's modes and maps aren't on a daily schedule, working a 9-5 doesn't prevent you from experiencing the entire game. They're on a schedule, but it doesn't work in a way that means you see the same things at the same times. It's different every day.

This complaint felt more justified at the time of release, but Salmon Run shifts now run 36-42 hours, and it's been that way for quite a while. I have a hard time believing your daily schedule prevents you from participating in a 36-hour long mode.

There's a discussion to be had here regarding player pool and skill gaps, but maybe that's for another thread.


Next Level Seer
May 15, 2020
The switch uses friend codes, still has the same low quality connection for games like smash bros, still lacks good first party deals on the eshop, no miiverse or equivalent/something to fill the void, and they're charging for it. What do you get in return? A save cloud feature that doesn't work for the games that actually need it and a handful of decades old ROMs everyone's played. Is this the only time an online service has gotten worse on a newer gen system?


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
Ever since the console industry went towards paying for MP I've more or less dropped MP entirely

When I get together with friends for local co-op, we're playing the GameCube not any modern systems. It's too much of a faff now


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It's strange how Nintendo still hasn't made structural decisions regarding (online) multiplayer. It's crazy inconsistent and from Nintendo themselves, especially after the WiiU and it now being paid, you'd think they at least would keep that level of service. I still can't believe that the WiiU to this day, even with the pulled Miiverse and Video Chat, still offers a better service for free.

I honestly think that Iwata was the driving force behind all of that, I can't imagine another reason they went backward so much.

Or you could just, I don't know, not subscribe to the service? Whining and screaming like goddamn children isn't going to fix shit. Voicing criticism is one thing, making 20 damn threads that regurgitate the same shit over and over is another. Vote with your wallet people.
Honestly, I don't want the bloody service, but I don't want to risk losing my save files either. Especially not my Xenoblade 2 save with Kos-Mos. At least now with Panel de Pon tbeh offered me something of value. I've already played that game more than some retail games I have.
Oct 27, 2017
It is terrible. The fact that some people even defend it is even worse.

Like how does one go from the Wii U to the switch which is paid but worse?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Animal Crossing never had single screen local multiplayer until the newest entry and it shows why that premise doesn't really fit AC. Bashing local multiplayer because of 51 games, a largely 2 player focused collection of games, because of it's limited pool of 4 player games is nonsense. Yes a few of the games like Bowling and Darts should have supported 4 players, but that would have added maybe an hour at most to your local multiplayer experience, and it wouldn't change the fact this is mostly a collection of 2 player only games.


Nov 4, 2017
Fed up this generation? They have been pretty piss poor since the first time they tried - it really is just tiresome at this stage.


Oct 25, 2019
Your Anus
still worse than the wiiu, a system that they released 5 years prior. Not to mention friend codes were essentially universally reviled in the first place

It's arguable that they should've at least picked a better name for it on the Switch.

Regardless, while I won't argue people's grievances with the Switch's online currently. Seeing 20 damn threads on this topic every other week, on top of nobody actually coming up with ideas or compromises on how to make it better other than just "Make it like Xbox", and people making stupid claims like "IT's worse online than the DS" (Which isn't true) is just tired at this point.

It is terrible. The fact that some people even defend it is even worse.
The even worse part is that nobody actually offers any solutions. They just keep bitching about how much it sucks without actually listing what can make it better. At this point is complaining for the sake of complaining.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 16, 2020

Look at the OP for examples. There have been a lot of opportunities for better local multiplayer options and they just haven't been there. Even New Super Mario Bros. U had it's co-op features gimped in the Switch release. I have to keep my Wii U around if I want to play 4-player co-op without anybody getting a handicap. Maybe you're happy with what Nintendo's done, but personally I've been extremely disappointed.

Or you could just, I don't know, not subscribe to the service? Whining and screaming like goddamn children isn't going to fix shit. Voicing criticism is one thing, making 20 damn threads that regurgitate the same shit over and over is another. Vote with your wallet people.

Nintendo has a habit of interpreting things weird. Somebody (Miyomoto?) said in an Iwata Asks once that fan-feedback is why the Paper Mario series changed directions so drastically. Better to not take chances.

But seriously, the $20 a year is worth it to me for Tetris 99 alone. Doesn't mean that I don't realize that most other online multiplayer games couldn't be improved dramatically. Complaints led to improvements in Super Mario Maker 2 co-op and New Horizon's save backup options. Squeaky wheel, and all that.


Oct 25, 2017
London, UK
Not on certain games. On others, like I mentioned above, there are plenty of them. Why does a game like 51 Worldwide Games advertising 4-player co-op have a whopping 2 games out of 51 offer 4-player modes, for example? What technical limitations made it so that the bowling minigame, for example, could only be played with 2 players?
Aside from bowling, which of the other games do you think could be played, and work well, with 4 players. Ludo is the other game isn't it?

EDIT: I looked at the OP in the OT thread.
Of the 51 games, 14 of them are actually playable by up to 4 players in real life.
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It's been as good as it always is(as in not great). A little worse because they're charging us for lackluster online now, but I haven't noticed a significant shakeup from past gens. It's bad, but I knew what I was getting going in and they've mostly met that expectation.

Definitely disappointing if you wanted them to improve. I bought into the Switch for the single player Zelda/Mario experience though with anything decent that comes with that being a bonus. I had so little faith in Nintendo after last gen that any little steps forward have been pleasant surprises.

daase ko

Oct 26, 2017
Splatoon 2 needs and deserves way more than that p2p lowered tickrate heavy disconnect bad matchmaking hell.
And it has the awful tendancy to get even heavier lag if you don't restart your console which is of course perfect for the switch concept...


Oct 25, 2019
Your Anus
Look at the OP for examples. There have been a lot of opportunities for better local multiplayer options and they just haven't been there. Even New Super Mario Bros. U had it's co-op features gimped in the Switch release. I have to keep my Wii U around if I want to play 4-player co-op without anybody getting a handicap. Maybe you're happy with what Nintendo's done, but personally I've been extremely disappointed.

None of those are very good examples.

Nintendo has a habit of interpreting things weird. Somebody (Miyomoto?) said in an Iwata Asks once that fan-feedback is why the Paper Mario series changed directions so drastically. Better to not take chances.
You must be naive to think any company would interpret lack of subscriptions as people not wanting online features. It's not even like NIntendo hasn't been adding some improvements. We finally got a game invite feature, and we're getting free trials and free games. They still need to do a lot more, but
Oct 27, 2017
It's arguable that they should've at least picked a better name for it on the Switch.

Regardless, while I won't argue people's grievances with the Switch's online currently. Seeing 20 damn threads on this topic every other week, on top of nobody actually coming up with ideas or compromises on how to make it better other than just "Make it like Xbox", and people making stupid claims like "IT's worse online than the DS" (Which isn't true) is just tired at this point.

The even worse part is that nobody actually offers any solutions. They just keep bitching about how much it sucks without actually listing what can make it better. At this point is complaining for the sake of complaining.
Reverse it back to the Wii U. Look at PSN and Xbox Live and take notes. These are what I would have done if I was Nintendo.

Thingss like trying to push phone apps, paying for bad experience etc etc and yet expecting people to pay is bad. And no, expecting better isn't bitching or whining. Get over it.


Oct 25, 2019
Your Anus
Complaints led to improvements in Super Mario Maker 2 co-op and New Horizon's save backup options. Squeaky wheel, and all that.
Of course, feel free to voice criticism, but actually give reasons as to what should be fixed. Saying "Grr, this sucks" over and over without giving any solutions yourself is a waste of time.

Reverse it back to the Wii U. Look at PSN and Xbox Live and take notes. These are what I would have done if I was Nintendo.
I mean, some things should be borrowed from the competition. But not everything, and Nintendo should have their own ideas for features as well. You can strike a balance between being unique, and adopting the competition's features. Yet for some reason nobody acknowledges that. This is why most of the people who complain about Nintendo's online often don't deserve to be taken seriously, because they argue with feelings, not facts.

Thingss like trying to push phone apps, paying for bad experience etc etc and yet expecting people to pay is bad. And no, expecting better isn't bitching or whining. Get over it.

See, complaining about the problems without offering any actual solutions.
Last edited:

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Aside from bowling, which of the other games do you think could be played, and work well, with 4 players. Ludo is the other game isn't it?

Bowling could work, as shown with other games. Darts could work. Golf could definitely work. Texas Hold 'Em could work, as real tournaments often have more than 4 players too in fact. Various other games could work with some gameplay adjustments, like Memory (more cards) or the Tank minigame (maybe a slightly bigger arena would be needed).

I wasn't expecting the game to support Chess or Mandala for 4-players, as those would need structural changes to the boards and the game's rules to make it work. But 2 out of 51 when a good chunk of the advertising materials focus on "up to 4 players" and showing parties of 4 playing, I sure expected more than 2 out of 51 games to suppoer said feature.


Oct 28, 2017
Of course, feel free to voice criticism, but actually give reasons as to what should be fixed. Saying "Grr, this sucks" over and over without giving any solutions yourself is a waste of time.

I mean, some things should be borrowed from the competition. But not everything, and Nintendo should have their own ideas for features as well. You can strike a balance between being unique, and adopting the competition's features. Yet for some reason nobody acknowledges that. This is why most of the people who complain about Nintendo's online often don't deserve to be taken seriously, because they argue with feelings, not facts.

See, complaining about the problems without offering any actual solutions.

What? We are the customers. If they can't come up with something better, it's there job to convince us that their product is worth our time and money.


Oct 25, 2017
London, UK
Bowling could work, as shown with other games. Darts could work. Golf could definitely work. Texas Hold 'Em could work, as real tournaments often have more than 4 players too in fact. Various other games could work with some gameplay adjustments, like Memory (more cards) or the Tank minigame (maybe a slightly bigger arena would be needed).

I wasn't expecting the game to support Chess or Mandala for 4-players, as those would need structural changes to the boards and the game's rules to make it work. But 2 out of 51 when a good chunk of the advertising materials focus on "up to 4 players" and showing parties of 4 playing, I sure expected more than 2 out of 51 games to suppoer said feature.

Sorry, I edited my post.

I checked the OP for 51 Worldwide games and the first post has a list showing 14 of those games are playable with 4 players in real life. 9 of the games in the package are 4 player online.

Sadly, on one Switch console, only 3 of the games have 4 player and another has 3 player.


Oct 25, 2019
Your Anus
If they can't come up with something better, it's there job to convince us that their product is worth our time and money.

That's the point. If the company isn't offering a good product, you should let them know that by not buying it, and you should let them know what needs to be fixed for you to buy it. And Nintendo fans wonder why Nintendo doesn't listen to them sometimes, because they keep complaining about something that needs work, but give no actual criticism. It's just bitching with no substance.