Which Do You Normally Choose?

  • Male

    Votes: 448 40.3%
  • Female

    Votes: 638 57.4%
  • Non-Binary or Androgynous (If Available)

    Votes: 26 2.3%

  • Total voters

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
Depends. If the idea is you start as an "everyman", I'll usually make myself, so a dude.

Anything else, and I'll pick female, usually just because it's something different.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
I usually chose the male since I am a male; especially if there's a customization feature. Like trying to put myself into the game I'm playing.


Nov 7, 2017
I usually pick female characters. I remember having a conversation with my boss about Assassins Creed Odyssey, and how I was gonna play as the girl and he thought that was stupid why would I play as a girl.

And I said cause if I get a choice of who's ass I'm gonna stare at for 100 hours its going to be a girls. He seemed to understand.

Now that's not 100% the reason, but it is part of the reason.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
If it's a create a character type thing, usually a female but I really don't like the concept of seeing myself in the character or the game so I usually name her after my best friend and hope the game does her justice.

Cooler design or better voice acting would lead to me picking the male. Also if we're talking defined protagonist I'll pick whichever character I like better. My favorite game characters tend to be male.


Nov 13, 2017
Male. I'm a guy and I prefer to play characters that look like me. Will switch it up if I do multiple playthroughs a la Mass Effect.


Alt Account
Nov 30, 2019
ultimately it depends on the genre. But I never put myself in the game, I'm never the character that I'm playing. I always found it weird that people were able to do that.


Mobile Gaming Product Manager
Nov 19, 2017
San Francisco bay area
I play whatever appears to be the "canon" main character; male Shep, female Inkling.

Games without any kind of defined main character, usually kind of a split between the two. My insane "murder-you-for-*my*-hat" character in New Vegas is a man, my snowboarder in Steep is a woman. No real rhyme or reason to those, though.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
It depends on whether I want to watch a story play out (female) or insert myself into the story (male). I go back and forth depending on the game


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Male because I'm a guy, really nothing beyond that really. No hate towards female protagonist obviously as I have no problem playing them when they are the only option. But if there is a choice I'm always going to pick the male character.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 29, 2017
Usually choose to play as a woman. Design wise it's my preference.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 14, 2020
In create your character games I go male just cause I'm a dude, not much thought into it tbh. Me going with a female character doesn't really show solidarity or anything so I don't think about it too hard


May 9, 2018
I usually do girl on the first playthrough, and male on the second to vary it up a little, like in Fire Emblem Three Houses.

But really I prefer a full character creator where I can just spend way too much time agonizing over tiny details I will never actually pay attention to in the game.


Nov 1, 2017
As others have said, it depends on the game. For AC: Odyssey and Immortals: Fenix Rising I went with the female character. Haven't played Valhalla yet, but will likely go with the male character when I do. There are games like RE1 where I played through as Jill first, whereas with RE2, I went Leon on my first playthrough.

For military shooters, I almost always go with a male soldier. For fantasy games, it's pretty split down the middle. For competitive games that have set characters to choose from like Overwatch, R6: Siege, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, etc. I opt for the best character that suits my playstyle. In Street Fighter that is almost always Chun-Li, where as in Mortal Kombat it's Sub-Zero.

One of the things I do like about having options is that I can replay a game as a new character. For example, I played through Fallout 4 as a male character on my first go around. However, I opted to play as a female character in my second playthrough.

However, overall as a general rule I usually go with the character that looks or seems the most interesting.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It varies just depends on the feel

But I will say I switched to female in FFXIV because they get all the good glamors


Oct 28, 2017
90% of the time I roll a woman.

tend to have better voice acting and armor designs. Well, save for those series that jack the skin factor to 11.

Beary Jams

Nov 5, 2017
Portland, OR
I predominantly choose Male characters just because I'm male and particularly if it's a character I'm going to be shaping either by decisions or by creating their appearance I'd prefer them to look and/or act like me. I will say there are definitely games where the experience of playing the female character is certainly better for me because of available romance options like Mass Effect and Persona 3 Portable giving you better (or any in P3P's case) male romance options if you're playing as a female. In an ideal world I'd have the option to be the gayest possible man with lots of good romance choices, but aside from a few ok VNs I've played I find good gay male romance in games to be very lacking.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I generally wind up being a self-insert even when I try to play a character, so I typically go male. Except in the Elder Scrolls. While playing Arena for the first time, my joke Female character wound up being the only one to survive long enough to become a viable save file. In honour of her I played Daggerfall through Skyrim as women, and will do the same for VI


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Almost universally female,

Mostly due to fashion. There's a lot of female fashion out there for women in games that's questionable, but even the most boring fashion styles for women in games is still better than the most flamboyant male fashion options, which usually cap out at "here's a giant fully covering suit of armor that looks really edgy and cringy".

Game designers have a lot to learn about fashion. I've been looking at the X-Men at the Met thread and most of those outfits are so fucking good, and it makes me long for better.


Oct 27, 2017
Depends on the game. Often I will try to customize both in the editor and see which one I end up happier with.

There are lots of variables : voice actors, differences in possible outfits, animations, possible story variations... All these come together to make me choose whichever feels the best for me. And in some games, I will try the other gender in a second playthrough.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm male, more often than not I choose female. I've never tried to create myself in a game, never had any desire to do so. I play games to inhabit realities that are very far removed from myself.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I usually chose a male character as I like to play as a digital avatar of myself.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
Two factors play into this:
How the voice actor plays is the major one. The other how they design the character.

I usually play males.

Tappin Brews

Oct 25, 2017
Depends on 1) how the game was marketed - I usually go with the model I associate with the character, and 2) which is modeled better.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't really pick one or the other. It is more so that I design a character backstory (if you create a character from scratch) and while doing so I decide if they are a man or a lady.

If it is a pre made character it depends on who looks more cool.


Oct 28, 2017
I actually really don't care what the sex of the character is. If it's a good game I'll enjoy it regardless. Even though I don't care though I definitely think more devs should give the players who do have a preference more options though.


Dec 4, 2019
I prefer female unless there is an optional romance in the game like in Cyberpunk 2077. I played as male V for my first playthrough for the romance and then I played as female V. I ignored the romance options on the second playthrough

Deleted member 721

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
it depends on design and voice to me, if they are the similar today i usualy go with female, unless the game character is suposed to be your avatar then i go with male


Oct 27, 2017
Almost always pick female if I have a choice, simply because the majority of games I've played and will play have male protagonists as the default character.


Oct 26, 2017
Almost universally I'll go with the female option. The vast majority of games default to a male protagonist so I'll take any chance I can get to deviate away from that.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm always amused with the "can't relate" thing.
I mean, it is a character, right? not you

as for me, I choose females because they are nicer to look at...
it is not the most progressive reason, I know.

Agreed OP, the VO for Sunset Overdrive is amazing.

As mentioned earlier, playing with females in COD might irritate some bigots and like this feeling, lol