
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks to Radigar, hian, ChipNoir from TheLifestream and NeithOF from GF to pointing out and translating this Japanese-only interview from last summer with Shinichiro Biwa, Planner of the Business Division 1 (the internal SE team making FFVIIR). He talks about the team's structure, workflow etc.

hian said:
I'm looking over it, but it's pretty extensive and a big part of it is the person being interviewed explaining his work process, and the workflow/structure of the Div.1 team working on the remake.

But, here are some bullet-points :

- he talks a lot about having creative freedom, and that the people on the team have the room to pursue their passion and have creative input on the work. He says, even despite the it being a legacy title with a lot of immovable parts, if you have a good idea, you can walk up and make a proposal directly to the director.
He also speaks generally in a way I think that indicates a lot of work has been done, since when asked about naming some successes and failures of the project, he mentions having succeeded at creating levels with satisfying play(play the team felt satisfied with) for the locations he was in charge of.
For a person to say this would indicate that gameplay systems are firmly in place, since it wouldn't be possible to determine whether to be satisfied with how gameplay works in the levels if systems were not properly implimented.

- There's an interesting spot where he basically says that "while the current project (FFVIIR) is an RPG with action elements, and while we have the freedom to create the fields (levels) from a view of it being a complete action game, we cannot add action elements that do not match up with the original game, or the world (of FFVII) [li. It's not like there is an infinite amount of options to choose from].
This goes back to confirm the game is indeed an action RPG (and not a full action game as some had feared due to the listing that seemed to suggest otherwise recently). It also seems to suggest they're working hard to make an action RPG system that takes into account the systems and lore of the original game.

- He expands on the above point by saying that, even so (seemingly working off of the previous notion of the action elements being limited) that he was interested in creating a game (taking inspiration from other action games) where simply walking, or maneuvering the enviroment is fun and interesting.
The Japanese seems to compound into an idea that whereas the actual combat might not be that action based, he as a level designer is interesting in, and feels as if he has succeeded at making environments that express other action elements.
What I take this to mean is that while they see the actual action elements as they pertain to combat to be somewhat limited by the legacy of the older game, and the lore, they see other ways of expressing active play through the use of the enviroments themselves, which might suggest things like free-running elements, climbing, platforming etc.

- He talks about the transition from 2D to 3D, saying that there's an entirely new dimension (no pun intended) to the act of discovering things in the environment. While points of interest where obvious before, they might not be now, and so the environments are not just a matter of walking through; you now have to look around, search for things, explore with your eyes.

Those or more or less the only interesting parts, so I don't know if I can spare the time to really go in-depth and translate the entire thing word for word.


NeithOF said:
I translated some parts of the interview that the guy on the TLS forum didn't. Keep in mind this is a rough translation, i am not fluent.

He splits the process of creating a location in 3 parts
Part 1: Interpretation of the locations he is in charge of from the original FF7 game
part 2: Planning modifications/additions and alterations to the location, then getting them approved through meetings as well as deciding how much resources are needed.
part 3: Actually implementing the above, then polishing up the location.

He says that because the story is already decided and the game has a linear progression (story wise) how to design a location depends on the battle scenarios that take part in it, from necessary character motions and actions to how vertical the area must be, the events/setpieces that will take place in the area etc, all are taken into consideration before creating the location
aka they use the original as direct reference on what will happen in each area, then adapt that to the new combat and additional events, taking into account how the characters will move and what actions they will have available etc then they create the location.

During the planning phase of a location they include all the elements that make up the game such as scenario, actions, terrain type, topography.
The resources ordered/asked for each location include everything, from experts on bug stuff, to character designers, scenario writers, cutscene directors, UI designers and motion directors, even texts for NPCs.

Once all this is done they of course can't just implement them arbitrarily, it is necessary to responsibly implement all the resources used and of course there are always issues and shortcomings that will be visible here and there so they promote revisions and when they move forward to the next location they keep in mind "how can we improve even more on this one".

For the above reasons the amount of work constantly gets increased but that is something that can't be helped/is inevitable since that's exactly what allows them to achieve what they really want freely. Even when keeping the games volume in mind the amount of work they have to do for each location seems as if you're making a game from 0 and because of that there is a lot of enthusiasm.

He also confirms that the planning phase for all locations is already settled, they have already entered the "building/making" phase and the locations are already taking shape, and getting closer to how they have imagined them every day.

Last interesting part, he was asked what is the most difficult time during work and he said
"When a great idea doesn't get realized as intended due to technical difficulties which then forces modifications on the initial plan, or when someone else comes up with a brilliant new idea which makes me feel bad for myself for not coming up with it.
Because when you're feeling like you have given all the great ideas you could come up with and then someone else comes with a new overwhelmingly good idea you feel the frustration."


Koozek you might consider updating the OP to reflect that this is a glorified advertisement to work at S-E, and that the FFVII relevant stuff is just describing what his job as a level planner is in a practical sense and not a reflection of what the current state of the game was, because nearly everyone in the thread is misunderstanding what is being communicated in the original interview. Like, just a thought. I know I'm probably obnoxious at this point.
You're getting posts like "Square is letting us know they're working on the game!" and "Wow, this game is never coming out," because people are seeing a lot what is seemingly early production "let's figure out how to approach this project" stuff that's being held up as an easy to understand, practical example of what kind of work his job entails, and assuming that that's what they're doing now. Without the context of it being a recruitment article, it's presumably an article for gamers to let them know about the state of the game (like the rest of the media posted on this site).

FFVII is actually only the subject of half of the article, although ostensibly his work on the game also applies to what he is describing as his broader experience at Square-Enix, etc.


(and thanks to my bae Ishiro for pointing out the translations)
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Attempting to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 26, 2017
"He also confirms that the planning phase for all locations is already settled, they have already entered the "building/making" phase and the locations are already taking shape, and getting closer to how they have imagined them every day."

2027 at least.


Jun 10, 2018
As usual, the hate that resetera has towards this game. OP, I don't know why you posted this. You already know their countless unfunny jokes will comprised of 'Not until 2050' and etc. This news gives me confidence that the marketing for this game will start soon.


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait to play this on the PS5 Pro. Hopefully the combat ends up hood unlike FF15's. I know they have some of the people who did KH2's.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
lol I love that last bit. That competitive spirit. I feel him though. When someone else comes up with a great idea and you get that "why didn't I think of that!?" feeling.

The Pharmercy

Oct 26, 2017
"He also confirms that the planning phase for all locations is already settled, they have already entered the "building/making" phase and the locations are already taking shape, and getting closer to how they have imagined them every day."

2027 at least.

I mean if they've basically decided on the content required/layouts for each location that's pretty good.


Dec 14, 2017
I can totally see this game with the same structure as FFX or FFXIII story wise with no world map.


Nov 6, 2017
Don't forget this interview is from the last summer so 6 months have passed. This means development is in further stage now so it's not impossible to see a release date/infos soon.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
As usual, the hate that resetera has towards this game. OP, I don't know why you posted this. You already know their countless unfunny jokes will comprised of 'Not until 2050' and etc. This news gives me confidence that the marketing for this game will start soon.
I lived through six years of this for Kingdom Hearts 3, I don't know if I have the strength to go through it all over again for Final Fantasy VIIR :(

Thanks for posting this OP! Even though it's 6 months old it's nice to hear anything on the development of the game. Hope things speed up this year now that it's Nomura's number one focus.


Oct 26, 2017
This is an advertisement to work at Square-Enix. One of the questions is "What is the appeal of working at Square-Enix and what do you think makes the job worth it?" and another, "What kind of person would you like to work with, and what kind of people do you think are a good fit for the job?" Explaining what he does on the job just allows the reader to imagine what kind of work they might be involved with on such a project, the kind of creativity that goes in to projects like FFVII, etc.

This isn't meant to provide some insight as to the development of the game. It's really not about FFVII.

The top link is literally http://www.jp.square-enix.com/recruit/career
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Oct 25, 2017
I feel for everyone involved in this project. Already read this interview months ago but I don't think we've gotten any closer to seeing how the game is shaping up. And maybe it's for the best.

Deleted member 12555

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Skimming through that, it kinda seems like there will be different battle controls and gameplay depending on the location? Am I reading that wrong? That would take way too much time (but it would be awesome to have a considerable number of bespoke battle scenarios and actions). I'll read more carefully later.


Oct 25, 2017
This is a 2020 game, isn't it.
To be honest that actually sounds like its coming along nicely.
How optimistic of you.
I lived through six years of this for Kingdom Hearts 3, I don't know if I have the strength to go through it all over again for Final Fantasy VIIR :(

Thanks for posting this OP! Even though it's 6 months old it's nice to hear anything on the development of the game. Hope things speed up this year now that it's Nomura's number one focus.
I think there is a chance for late 2019/early 2020. FWIW at least, it's apparently going well according to last year's comments from Kitase, Hamaguchi, Hashimoto, and SE's president Matsuda (also Uematsu accidentally leaked that at some point FFVIIR was actually supposed to release in 2018, lol):

Jan 2018:
Kitase-san mentioned that the game's development is going well. Asked his goal for 2018, he explained that about the remake he'd like to work on "comfort," also playing on words by mentioning that on a personal level hopes to take it easy (using the same word, "raku" which means "ease" or "comfort") if possible.


Feb 2018:
Hamaguchi goes on, after Nomura leaves, to comment on the long draught of info since the first trailers, and apologizes. He goes on to say that the project has moved completely in-house, and is again, progressing very smoothly. At the current point they're at the stage where they're basically cramming a bunch of stuff into the game, but once they hit the stage of polishing up the look of things and can deliver something with suffuciently high quality, they will be releasing new footage.

He anticipates this will be in the near future due to how smoothly things are progressing.

Kitase then signs us off by making the joke previously mentioned in the thread, saying he wishes to keep on polishing up the game for the 35th anniversary, to which they all laugh and Hamaguchi responds objectingly "Hey that's a long ways off!"
He then however, also goes on to say that a lot is hanging on the next (presumably big) event, and that they're hoping to show off (the game) by then.


June 2018:
It's been three years since we've seen anything from Square Enix regarding its episodic remake of Final Fantasy VII. The game was a no-show again at E3 this year, but it remains in development, according to Tetsuya Nomura, who has a hand in the title along with directing Kingdom Hearts III. "We are developing [Final Fantasy VII] in parallel, and it's not just in the early concept stages," he tells The Verge. "We are actually in development."

The longtime Square Enix developer says he's been giving equal effort to both highly anticipated games. "So right now, it's like I've been putting in 100 percent into Kingdom Hearts, 100 percent into Final Fantasy VII, 100 percent into Kingdom Hearts... just going back and forth," he says. "It's just like [working on] two titles is just going to be one [after Kingdom Hearts III's launch]. That's pretty much how I see it."


June 2018:
Final Fantasy VII Remake director Tetsuya Nomura commented on the status of the game's development in the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu.

Here are the tidbits:
"We're trying to figure out when we will put out the next news release."​
"Production is going well."​
"The scenario will also delve into the members of Avalanche."​
"[Development] is moving along more than expected, so please wait for the next news release with peace of mind."​


June 2018:
Square Enix Holdings 38th General Meeting of Stockholders [June 2018]

Question: Regarding Final Fantasy VII Remake, it's been three years since it was announced at E3 2015. About what percentage has development progressed?

Shinji Hashimoto: "I can't say a single word about that. As it has been reported, we took a second look at the development structure and continued from there. It's certainly hitting its milestones accordingly."

Yosuke Matsuda: "There is a lot being said about it, but it's progressing as it should so please don't fret. Things are coming along well."


June 2018:
When asked about Final Fantasy VII Remake during a recent interview, director Tetsuya Nomura said he acknowledges that there's been some fake news [Likely about the rumored 2023 release window] and fans may feel uneasy about it but he said the development is going favorably and solidifying.

However, Nomura said that the lack of new information on Final Fantasy VII Remake has nothing to do with its development Status. According to the director, the reason for this is because Square Enix is prioritizing the release of other titles, including Kingdom Hearts III.

Square Enix is currently looking ahead for a possible timing to release new information on Final Fantasy VII Remake, and Nomura asked fans to wait a little while longer. Kingdom Hearts III releases in January 25-29, 2019, so hopefully we'll get a more steady flow of news on the game after its release.


Dec 2018:

Keyword: Long-awaited!

Thoughts: Development on Final Fantasy 7 Remake is progressing smoothly! I would like to try hard to meet the expectations of fans.


Will it still be episodic or something like that?
FWIW, the VFX Art Director just a few months ago reiterated that it's a multi-game project (thanks to DKHF for pointing that out the other day):



Oct 26, 2017
I don't think the above translation gives you a good feel for the article, and seems a bit off to me. Or maybe just risks giving the wrong impression to an eager fanbase, trying to decipher how far along a game is by looking for deeper meaning behind every single word.

He also confirms that the planning phase for all locations is already settled, they have already entered the "building/making" phase and the locations are already taking shape, and getting closer to how they have imagined them every day.

The word "already" implies that it may have been a recent development, but I don't see anything in the Japanese that gives a nod as to how long they've been in the "creation" phase of development.


It would be just as correct, or perhaps incorrect, to translate this as "well in development," becasue they're just saying they've moved on from the planning phase and are mid development. He's saying "these are the sort of things I do, and this part of the planning phase is fun, because blah blah blah, but now it's exciting to see it come to fruition."

In other words, the appeal of working at a game company that produces titles like Final Fantasy VII.
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Self-requested ban.
Jan 28, 2018
I hate when people say that KH3 took "xxx years" because it didn't. RDR2 took longer and nobody said a thing. This is really tiresome.

Rockstar didnt announce RDR 2 5 years before the release, SE did with KH3 and FF7Remake. We all know games take a lot of years so it is better to stfu and work on your game instead of announcing it 5 years earlier.

KH3 was revealed at E3 2013 and it is coming 5 and a half years later.


Oct 25, 2017
I would be surprised by that. I don't think a first release is skipping next year no matter how it launches, but I don't believe it will be early 2020.
Hm. You think the huge expected spike in revenue in the fiscal year of April 2019-April 2020 is due to Avengers then (what else if not that and/or FFVIIR)? 🤔

Oct 30, 2017
And of course no new topic related to FFVII Remake without the hate unfunny comments about ( lol this will come in 202X \ I will play it two consoles away \ you are being optimistic thinking this game a year or two away you need to be pessimistic like us or DIE ).

Like seriously when you people are going to stop being a broken record in EVERY single news related to the game? this isn't even close to be funny anymore it's just making bad comments to annoy others at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
Hm. You think the huge expected spike in revenue in the fiscal year of April 2019-April 2020 is due to Avengers then (what else if not that and/or FFVIIR)? 🤔


I don't think those presentations are fit to guess when the game will release. I don't recall if that's strictly taking about console game sales, but if they are expecting a huge and drastic spike in revenue I pretty much doubt it will be because of a single player FF game for consoles.


Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if the decision to split the game up to 3 parts will ultimately backfire on them. I know they have been episodic games, including ones published by SE themselves (Hitman), but for a RPG? I personally wish they have scrapped that idea and instead make a single release. Doesn't have to be a 1:1 remake, just need to be a good game.


Oct 25, 2017
Rockstar didnt announce RDR 2 5 years before the release, SE did with KH3 and FF7Remake. We all know games take a lot of years so it is better to stfu and work on your game instead of announcing it 5 years earlier.

KH3 was revealed at E3 2013 and it is coming 5 and a half years later.
Just wanted to point out that Cyberpunk 2077 was announced in 2012 with no gameplay reveal until E3 2018. Not defending SE here though. They seem to not want to do early reveals themselves anymore though - see all their games this year being revealed less than 6 months before release (Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Just Cause 4, Life is Strange 2, The Quiet Man etc.).

Tbf, SE wasn't even that bad in that regard outside of the Versus/KH3/FFVIIR. See their games in the last few years:

Reveal ~2 years before release:
  • NieR: Automata
  • Dragon Quest XI
Reveal ~1.5 years before release:
  • Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider
  • Octopath Traveler
  • Left Alive
Reveal ~1 years before release:
  • Just Cause 3
  • Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness
  • I Am Setsuna
  • Dragon Quest Builders 2
Reveal ~6 months before release:
  • World of Final Fantasy
  • Dragon Quest Builders
  • Shadow of the Tomb Raider
  • Just Cause 4
  • Life is Strange 2
  • The Quiet Man

Not worse than Sony for example where many games announced since 2015 and 2016 have/will have been 3-4 years away from their reveal when they release, e.g. WiLD, Dreams, Detroit: Become Human (and I assume TLoU2 and Death Stranding), or others with ~2 years between reveal and release, e.g. Horizon, God of War, Days Gone, and Spiderman.
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Dec 14, 2018
Rio de Janeiro
Rockstar didnt announce RDR 2 5 years before the release, SE did with KH3 and FF7Remake. We all know games take a lot of years so it is better to stfu and work on your game instead of announcing it 5 years earlier.

KH3 was revealed at E3 2013 and it is coming 5 and a half years later.
5 years and a half is the average for game development nowadays, not a problem imo.


Oct 31, 2017
The length of time that SE take to develop games is not a problem at all. Apart from FFXV but obviously that had a bumpy road.

They just annouce stuff to early..as soon as they have given the green light to start making something they annouce it. It's an issue for them because then they are asked about it all the time.

If it hits late 2019/early 2020 then that's pretty standard development time.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if the decision to split the game up to 3 parts will ultimately backfire on them. I know they have been episodic games, including ones published by SE themselves (Hitman), but for a RPG? I personally wish they have scrapped that idea and instead make a single release. Doesn't have to be a 1:1 remake, just need to be a good game.

The game is not episodic. The project is. Their approach is closer to the God of War project in which they laid out a new trilogy and then decided on what to tell on each game. They don't seem to be aiming for a 1:1 remake neither, the project goes for a different take on the world of VII.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if the decision to split the game up to 3 parts will ultimately backfire on them. I know they have been episodic games, including ones published by SE themselves (Hitman), but for a RPG? I personally wish they have scrapped that idea and instead make a single release. Doesn't have to be a 1:1 remake, just need to be a good game.
Huh? Hitman was actually episodic like people expect from the term - it's not a correct comparison for FFVIIR, which is multiple full-sized games with probably 2 years between each one, similar to Mass Effect 1-3, or - from SE themselves - the FFXIII trilogy, the new Tomb Raiders and Deus Ex (which was at least planned as a trilogy too).
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Oct 26, 2017
To further clarify, some of the stuff he is talking about could easily be his experience with the game as early as 2014. Some of the stuff posted above about how they are approaching the development of the game is because he starts with "I am currently working as a level planner."

"The job of a level planner (at Square-Enix) is to abc, and we approach it with xyz."

Then, "As to how that relates to the development of FFVII R, blah blah blah."

The flow of the interview is "What is your work history?" > "Why did you decide to work for Square-Enix?" > "Please describe what you are currently working on/the nature of your current job" (What is a level planner) > "Have you had any successes or failures" > "What is the appeal of working at Square-Enix and what do you think makes the job worth it?" > "Please describe what you feel is difficult or [rough] about the job" > "What kind of person would you like to work with, and what kind of person do you think is a good fit for the job?" > "Do you have any future goals or dreams?" > "Please give a message inviting people to work at Square-Enix" > "The following jobs are open!"


Use of alt account
Sep 3, 2018
AAA games now are insanely detailed and ambitious and almost have the graphical fidelity of CG animated movies so shouldn't it kinda be more widely accepted they'll take longer to make?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
"Shinichiro Biwa" doesn't exist online. Who's this guy?