
Oct 27, 2017
It's not a huge deal personally but I think they could put the battery icon before the signal bars and fit a percentage above it. I know that breaks the traditional ordering but having the number was nice.


Oct 25, 2017
Even though I will definitely be using my apple case I'm very happy with how the bare phone is not slippery. It feels very nice.

My matte black 7+ was a slippery guy.


Oct 25, 2017
Worked for me. Took my sim out of my old six plus and popped it right in.

I did that and it's telling me I have to call T-Mobile. wtf.

I also just tried to restore from my 7's last backup (on 11.1) and it won't let me because the X is on 11.01, and there's no way to upgrade it from iTunes so I'm going to have to set it up as a new phone first. This is not a good first experience.
Oct 25, 2017
Alright. Some hot takes from using mine for a bit after mostly using android for the past 1-2 years (still have an iphone around for work stuff too).

  1. Still feels like modern ios, as in most things are smooth, yet random places like in settings or a few apps where scrolling is a bit stuttery for some reason.
  2. The way memory is managed is wacky. games stick around for a while, but twitter seems to reload really often, also slower to load than android for some reason, and lacking landscape view as well.
  3. face id generally works but the lack of feedback is super annoying when its not working. Give me some red x or something to at least let me know this thing is attempting it. Not too good naturally if i'm laying in bed with a portion of my face smothered in a pillow which is problematic... this is how I use phones in bed lol.
  4. A surprising amount of apps are updated already. Didn't even have to buy tweetbot again!
  5. Not sure if its due to app design guidances or what, but i'm pretty disappointed in many updated apps, even the stock ones.
    like every single app has that margin at the bottom, such a waste of space! Feels like there is a bit more margin at the top too.
  6. apps not updated, especially games is a pain, because the new 'home bar' is always on the screen. For example:
    . Apple please.
  7. Not really sure if this is a iphone x specific thing, but I really do wish apple allows smaller ui elements for these 'non plus' phones now that the resolution is way higher, I tend to use ui the smallest when available. This is iphone x:
    compared to my pixel 2 xl:
    The amount of text on screen difference is huge, and the phones aren't THAT much difference in size.
  8. Holy damn are the speakers nice. no clue what kind of magic apple gets with these 'stereo' speakers. Comparable to my pixel 2 xl which is a damn good praise.


Oct 25, 2017
Isn't the keyboard at roughly the same distance from the bottom of the phone as all previous iPhone models? I figure if they pushed it all the way down, the phone would potentially feel unbalanced. I don't have my X yet, so I'm just imagining it with my 6.

Yeah it's is and that makes sense. Looks pretty silly though. They didn't do this with the 5


Oct 25, 2017
LOVE the size of this thing. It feels like an iPhone sized phone, with a Plus sized screen.

That notch is also very cool looking. And a great brand indicator.

Coming from a 6s it feels quite a bit larger and heavier. But still fits my pocket way better than the plus did so that's good

Colour shift is very noticeable when I tilt the phone away from me - it is currently quite yellow so that might accentuate the blue shift?


Oct 25, 2017
Alright. Some hot takes from using mine for a bit after mostly using android for the past 1-2 years (still have an iphone around for work stuff too).
  1. Not sure if its due to app design guidances or what, but i'm pretty disappointed in many updated apps, even the stock ones. like every single app has that margin at the bottom, such a waste of space! Feels like there is a bit more margin at the top too.

Yes, those are basically mandates from Apple. The bottom area is reserved for what is basically the home button / app switcher. There'd be too many problems if apps used that area for content. We already saw that with the pre-X Notification Center, where swiping up within an app would often trigger a button instead of activating the system gesture (that happens a lot for me in Tweetbot). They want access to the new Home Button to be reliable.


Oct 27, 2017
I did that and it's telling me I have to call T-Mobile. wtf.

I also just tried to restore from my 7's last backup (on 11.1) and it won't let me because the X is on 11.01, and there's no way to upgrade it from iTunes so I'm going to have to set it up as a new phone first. This is not a good first experience.

I had to do the same. I'm thinking the KRACK vulnerability in WPA2 kind of forced them to update when they did otherwise I'm sure they'd prefer the phones to ship with the latest.


Oct 25, 2017
I had to do the same. I'm thinking the KRACK vulnerability in WPA2 kind of forced them to update when they did otherwise I'm sure they'd prefer the phones to ship with the latest.

At least 11 has the new slick feature where it will pull your settings from your nearby iPhone. No need to find the wifi password and whatnot.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
Thoughts from those who went from a Plus to an X? I don't want to go to a smaller phone, my 6+ is perfect size for me (larger hands)


Oct 27, 2017
The X screen is very similar or even the same width as the standard 6/7/8 but slightly taller than the plus models.


Oct 25, 2017
whats the tip to get this thing activated? Just spinning on activation

edit: restarted the phone fixed it, activated :)

Punished Dan

Oct 27, 2017
Anyone got any cool wallpapers they want to share.
I saw the post a couple of pages back but not really fancying anything there.


Oct 25, 2017
Apple Watch (series 0) syncing is taking forevvvvver, as usual.

TrueTone is legit though. This screen is so beautiful. The 7 looks
Oct 25, 2017
Apple's speaker/audio game this year has been on point. They put the beats purchase to work. The speakers in the rMBP w/ touchbar are fantastic.


Oct 27, 2017
More thoughts as I use the phone today:

Because of the increased grip, I no longer feel like I have to support the phone with my pinky when I hold it one handed..and I no longer have to hold it with an iron grip. This has made a HUGE difference in the ergonomics of using this phone. It is absolutely a one handed phone.

The notch, even in video, disappears for me.

FaceID has worked every single time, indoor, outdoor, regardless of angle.

I've noticed some micro stutters in the home screen (especially during one of the live photos), opening and closing app animations..and bringing down the control center. It certainly doesnt feel buttery smooth all the time.


Oct 27, 2017
This is my first experience with an OLED screen. Is the colour change when viewing the screen at an angle bad on other phones? The blue tint when tilting the X slightly is kinda annoying.


Oct 25, 2017
The screenshot gesture (wake/Siri button + volume up) is pretty awkward. The height is also going to take a long time to get used to. Having the Control Center at the top just feels really wrong for something that should be quick to access.


Oct 25, 2017
London, UK
My iPhone X is still 3 weeks away delivery so I was wondering if anyone could try...

Recording 4K video on 24fps and 60fps. Any stuttering during recording or playback? I tried an iPhone 8 regular size yesterday and there seemed to be stuttering during the 4K recording and playback.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
What's the best way to go from an iPhone 8 Plus with an Apple Watch to an iPhone X? I've been carrying a backup since the 3G, so it's around 50 GB. In the past iCloud has taken a week to fully restore, but I'm worried about using iTunes now that it doesn't sync apps. I have 500 or so installed.

iTunes encrypted backup to restore? And iOS 11 quick start from the old phone to begin? Do I need to unpair my watch? The Apple support doc says you don't have to but I'm skeptical. Have had the X sitting here for hours without time to start!
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Got mine today and I absolutely love it, it's a really great device.

FaceID is a viable replacement for the home button, it's super easy to unlock and be ready to interact with the phone and the 1Password integration is fabulous.

The screen and performance is also superb, it's truly a joy to use and makes me feel more efficient in the 10 hours I've had it. The gestures are easy to adapt to and I do t miss the home button.

What surprised me the most is just how many applications actually support the iPhone X on day 1, probably like 80% of The apps I use daily has support for it.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
I think I'm going to wait one year for the eventually 120hz screen next time.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I'm going to wait one year for the eventually 120hz screen next time.
I think you'll be waiting longer than a year. 120Hz OLEDs are prohibitively expensive to make at that size, I don't think they'll have reduced in price by the time they need to start making the iPhone X-2. I could see that being a thing in 2019 though.


Oct 25, 2017
Apollo for reddit was updated and it has a pure black dark mode which is glorious on this display.

I'm loving the phone so far. faceid within apps is great. It's so nice having it basically automatic. It's pretty much the original idea of the slide to unlock with actual security.


Oct 27, 2017
Finally using the caudabe case on my iphone x. Love how it looks and feels pretty nice! It does get pretty dirty tho if you take your phone in and out repeatedly.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Is there a way for the phone to automatically go to the home screen after unlocking with your face? I hate the swipe.