
Oct 25, 2017
I've never played a Devil May Cry game, and DMC: Devil May Cry is only ten bucks on PSN right now and I am unsure as to get it. I hear lots of mixed thoughts on the game generally too, so that's why I've come here to get a bit more to see if it is worth my time.

So Era, what say you?


Oct 25, 2017
It's my second favorite behind 3. I like the art design and the level design quite a bit and the Definitive Edition release really beefed up the combat.


Dec 7, 2017
DMC fans will tell you the game is a sacrilege of the series. It is actually a pretty good action game if you don't care about Dante's hair and that BS.


Feb 19, 2018
The story is shit but the combat of the definitive edition is okay instead of terrible. Its better to just play DMC3 and DMC4 with actual decent characters and bomb ass combat.


Jun 22, 2018
The definitive edition is a pretty good action game in it's own right and fixed a lot of problems from the original release.

It's 60FPS, has a lock-on button (though it's kinda odd since the game was designed without lock-on in mind), I'm pretty sure it removed the annoying colour coded enemies as well.

Hell, they even took out Vergil's dinky fedora in most of his scenes!


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I fixed your thread title OP. The lower case m is a unique identifier that title has to differentiate it from the others. But yes, DmC is easily worth that asking price. The DE is a great game and has a lot of fixes and changes. Easily making it the best western developed action game.

Most dislike comes from either not liking what it did with the series combat and story wise. Since it's vastly different from the original series. But it sounds like that won't be an issue for you.

Nah. DMC4 is a great combat system with terrible encounters and level design. I was so bummed out when I played it after hearing so much praise lathered on it for years.

Yeah DMC 4:SE really falters in its campaigns. I bought it again recently as well and couldn't make it all the way through due to the level design and puzzles. I can't imagine essentially beating that game 5 Times to play as all the characters. Unless you already know the game like the back of your hand, thus you can blaze through the bad levels.


Oct 27, 2017
If you haven't played another Devil May Cry game before, then it's as good a place to start.

Don't go into the rest of the series expecting it to be very much like DmC, though. The main series is very different.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Depends on what you're looking for. It's not the worst stylish action game out there, but it's also a pretty bad Devil May Cry. For $10 it's not a bad deal, though.

DMC4SE is a better buy if you have the choice.


Oct 25, 2017
You're talking about the Definitive Edition, right? 'Cause I'd say that's worth $10. Not the vanilla version though. The DE fixed up so many gameplay issues.

It's still not as good as DMC 1,3, or 4, but hey it's only $10.


Oct 25, 2017
As long as it's the definitive edition. Although, If you're looking at getting to the series then DMC3 would be a better starting point.


Oct 25, 2017
Have the older Devil May Cry games aged well? Would I be better to start at the very start instead of DmC?


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
DmC's fine, yeah, especially the DE which fixes a lot of the issues.

It's better to play it before playing the rest of the series so you don't go in with any preconceived notions.


Oct 25, 2017
Have the older Devil May Cry games aged well? Would I be better to start at the very start instead of DmC?
DMC1 still has the best enemy design and overall atmosphere, but the combat focus is less geared toward being as fancy or in-depth.

DMC3:SE would be a better first game than DmC. 4:SE might be more overwhelming mechanically as a result of how Dante plays in that one.
DMC fans will tell you the game is a sacrilege of the series. It is actually a pretty good action game if you don't care about Dante's hair and that BS.
Even with the reboot continuity dead, this tired strawman endures.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Have the older Devil May Cry games aged well? Would I be better to start at the very start instead of DmC?

Mechanically they still really stand the test of time and require skill, execution and patience, but DmC is a good place to start with Character Action games because it's really easy to play and do cool stuff.


Jun 7, 2018
Los Angeles, CA
is it the definitive edition? then yeah, do it. the original's an alright game but the definitive edition did a lot of much needed tweaking to bring it from 'alright' to 'great'. i think it's the perfect game to ease newcomers into the fires of character action hell. don't expect anything shakespearean though.

...and buy the hd collection when you can.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Fans of the original games did not like the new tone and slightly simplified combat system, but that doesn't stop it from being an amazing game on its own.


Oct 25, 2017
DMC3:SE would be a better first game. 4:SE might be more overwhelming mechanically as a result of how Dante plays in that one.

Even with the reboot continuity dead, this tired strawman endures.

Sure, it might be a strawman nowadays, but you're kidding yourself if you really believe it wasn't one of the single biggest things that people overreacted over before the game even came out.


Oct 25, 2017
Great game on PS4 with 60fps and the balance changes.

Def worth a lot more then 10 bucks.


Oct 27, 2017
Don't listen to the super fans of the series and give it a try. I'm a fan of the series and really enjoyed it. I didn't even know it was hated until I came on Gaf and on here and read opinions pretty far away from release. Me and a friend loved it and I was taken back by the backlash.

Reading opinions on the internet is pretty terrible sometimes.

Deleted member 39587

User requested account closure
Feb 6, 2018
Yep what he said. Game is so damn fun! Loved every momen

It's the best DMC game so yeah.

I'm with you, brother.

First post nails other, sorry for all the man babies who are going to throw a fit over it.

love y'all! <3 <3


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Vanilla PS360PC DmC? No. Definitive Edition, though, absolutely.

It's trash by DMC standards and just barely average by general action game standards.

I wouldn't pay more than a few bucks for it.

It's okay by DMC standards and has the best non-shooter action game combat system.

Yes, it's the best DMC game out there.

Don't even try to @ me!

Worst boss fights since 2, worse combat than 3 and 4 you


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Sure, it might be a strawman nowadays, but you're kidding yourself if you really believe it wasn't one of the single biggest things that people overreacted over before the game even came out.

I mean there was also the jarring tonal shift and the ugly colour palette and antagonistic devs and journalists, and upon release that shifted to the dumbed down combat mechanics.

But sure, it's just the hair.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Don't listen to the super fans of the series and give it a try. I'm a fan of the series and really enjoyed it. I didn't even know it was hated until I came on Gaf and on here and read opinions pretty far away from release. Me and a friend loved it and I was taken back by the backlash.

Reading opinions on the internet is pretty terrible sometimes.

As a super fan:

Vanilla PS360PC DmC? No. Definitive Edition, though, absolutely.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, it was a good game. You must play 3 and/or 4, too.

I love DMC1 very much, but it's pretty difficult to go back to now, and 2 is just a total avoid.