
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
There are areas of Gran Pulse, Eden and places such as Gapra Whitewood which are also striking when playing through it, but I can't seem to find many good sources of images from them right now.






Oct 28, 2017
the cutscene direction in xiii is astronomically better than xv even though xv has the better story. im still confused what happened there.
May 18, 2018
You can get over the game being linear but the characters are bad, def the worst cast in any modern ff game. Hope and vanille are annoying and have no redeeming qualities. It's the only ff game I struggled to beat.
Jun 17, 2018
I couldn't stand it. The story was shit and it holds your hand for what feels like over 15 hours. I also heard that by the time it opens up its basically over. Bad FF game in my opinion.

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I don't think it's some hidden masterpiece, but I enjoyed it more than X or XV. Snow can absolutely just fuck off though.


Oct 25, 2017
https://store.steampowered.com/app/292120/FINAL_FANTASY_XIII/ - mostly positive.

Checking other user score sources too, it seems to be one of those games where it's actually divisive nearly down the middle, maybe with a swing toward slightly more people liking. Of course, this is hardly scientific...

You could do the same with a lot of games that have a loud vocal negative reaction, like FFXV... which has a Very Positive rating on Steam, and was in our top 10 GotY, but the negative feedback on this site might have made you guess otherwise.

And before anyone suggests it, this is not saying the negativity is wrong. It's valid to dislike these games. I don't like 13 outside of its excellent combat, but I can recognize a lot of people do like it as whole game.

FF and MGS are some of my fave series ever and I would love to discuss them but the toxicity on Era is something else.

I end up not participating or just ignoring most of the threads.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 24, 2020
It's the only game i have ever beat where i couldn't tell you a single plot point or even tell you remotely what happened. Sahz is the only character i remember due to him having a baby chocobo in his hair so that kinda speaks volumes about the story and characters. I do remember a few of the areas you walk through tho so i guess that's a plus

Deleted member 13155

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I kinda agree. It's not linearity that's the problem. Otherwise people wouldn't love X and VIIR wouldn't be the highest reviewed SP FF in years. It's the feel of it being linear. Distractions like side stuff and mini games in the linear sections go a long way to get people to not feel it's so linear

VII R has very similar non battle gameplay, level design and everything. Its very similar in a lot of ways. Even the combat. The combat of VII isn't static but it has the same stagger mechanic and certain moves required to build it. VII is in every respect a deeper version of XIII. The combat is deeper, with more emphasis on builds, weaknesses, statuses et al. You're also controlling 3 characters. VII R has much better pacing, it has chapters that focus on NPC interaction (though there aren't many NPC you can converse with), side missions, minigames. Helps too that, outside of the already controversial climax, VII has a FAR better story and cast than XIII for a fact. Another issue XIII has is its insufferable cast and bad story. If the story was legit great then the linearity might've even worked out in its favor.

X, I've never really compared X to XIII. X was the most linear before XIII was a thing but X is still quite a bit different from XIII and even VII R. X lets you go everywhere. Aside from a world map it has a fully realized world. You can fast travel to Luca, Besaid, even Baaj Temple.. you can revisit nearly everything. If you missed an item in Besaid, you can go back and claim it. Now, if you've missed the second Elemental or Aerith's Limit Break in VII R, sucks to be you. You have to know what chapter and replay it from square one and do everything all over again. If you missed something in XIII before Gran Pulse, you're fucked.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes OP

Yes, it is.

XIII stumbles on basically everything that makes the other games in the series great.
Oct 25, 2017
It's my least favorite mainline Final Fantasy, and the only one I'd consider fundamentally "bad" (haven't finished II yet). I actually think it gets worse when you reach Gran Pulse, contrary to the popular opinion.

Its sequels are good fun though, made me actually like the characters and the setting, but not enough to salvage the first game.
Remember that dungeon after you defeat Barthandelus and it's the longest fucking hallway ever? Like damn, they could've cut it in half and it still would feel to long.


Oct 25, 2017
divorced from baggage of being an FF game i'd say it's a 7.5/10 jrpg
Played through a bit of it last year and had some fun. It's stunning on my 1X and the combat is still pretty good. But the story and characters aren't great and it's way too linear without any of the positives of modern linear games.

Look! The Pie!

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
I just wonder how many people who hated FFXIII's level design are now worshipping FF7R, maybe FF7R just hides it better though.

At least FF7R has actual town areas and side content (albeit there isn't enough of it as I'd like), you're allowed to backtrack occasionally, and it features locations and characters I love. XIII is just an entirely linear series of highly polished tunnels in the company of assholes.


Oct 27, 2017
Ipswich, England
i'm currently playing this again on the one s, and wow it still looks good... seriously, production is through the roof

i always liked the game, and re-visiting i find myself still liking it

paradigm'ing at the speed of light when shit gets real never looses its magnificence

Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
FF XIII has th best battle system in the series. yes seriously its that good. however the rest of the game is bad. i mean graphics are still top tier but aside of that its bad.

i will say that FFXIII-2 fixes a lot of the problems though (despite having a similarly confusing, convoluted story that makes Kingdom Hearts like shakespeare)


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
It's a very, very linear game with few ways to venture off the beaten path until towards the end of the game. Near the end, the game opens up and allows you to explore, take on monster hunts, and freely customize your characters' fighting styles, but by then, you've already played the game for 20 hours or more. I enjoyed the game, but it definitely isn't for everyone.

The sequels are much better in that regard, giving you a lot more freedom pretty much from the start.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, it's really that bad. It's a 30 hour hallway that opens up into a pretty but pointless fetch quest machine and doesn't have a single interesting character in the whole thing.

But it's still better than 15.

XIII-2 is actually pretty good, though.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it is. Outside of the technically stunning graphics and the pretty good soundtrack, I disliked everything about it. Hated the level design and how Cocoon felt like bunch of places randomly slapped together with, hated the combat system which barely gave you any control, mostly disliked the art style, story was incomprehensible nonsense even if you read the damn codex, and the characters were universally terrible. It's still the worst RPG I've ever played and I've played some pretty bad ones.


Jan 22, 2019
I enjoyed it a lot, and is one of the FF I love to get back to.

I absolutely despise FFXV, but FFXIII is totally fine in my book.

You really need to try these games yourself, people will have wildly different opinions about them.
Yeah, same for me.

I am a big fan of most FF games up to IX, but I didn't enjoy XII so much. After reading the vast criticism about XIII, I was prepared to hate it. However, I ended up finding the game quite enjoyable (despite many defects like all the corridors, Hope etc), and found it as good as XIII-2. Beautiful OST and artwork, fun combat, kind of a cohesive world and experience once you get used to the terminology. I guess it is my favorite single player FF after IX? It doesn't come nowhere close to III - IX, but it is still a good game. Way better than the butchered mess of a game which is XV.


Oct 25, 2017
ff 13 was my introduction to final fantasy and i thought it was trash. if i hadnt given the ps1 final fantasies a try i would have swore off the series


Oct 25, 2017
It is. I didn't play XIII until last year, but when I did.. well, it's a really boring game. Extremely linear progression, mediocre story, terrible level design, and on and on... I did enjoy it enough to finish it, but it's not as good as X or XII, not even close.


Nov 27, 2017
Kitwe, Zambia.
VII R has very similar non battle gameplay, level design and everything. Its very similar in a lot of ways. Even the combat. The combat of VII isn't static but it has the same stagger mechanic and certain moves required to build it. VII is in every respect a deeper version of XIII. The combat is deeper, with more emphasis on builds, weaknesses, statuses et al. You're also controlling 3 characters. VII R has much better pacing, it has chapters that focus on NPC interaction (though there aren't many NPC you can converse with), side missions, minigames. Helps too that, outside of the already controversial climax, VII has a FAR better story and cast than XIII for a fact. Another issue XIII has is its insufferable cast and bad story. If the story was legit great then the linearity might've even worked out in its favor.

X, I've never really compared X to XIII. X was the most linear before XIII was a thing but X is still quite a bit different from XIII and even VII R. X lets you go everywhere. Aside from a world map it has a fully realized world. You can fast travel to Luca, Besaid, even Baaj Temple.. you can revisit nearly everything. If you missed an item in Besaid, you can go back and claim it. Now, if you've missed the second Elemental or Aerith's Limit Break in VII R, sucks to be you. You have to know what chapter and replay it from square one and do everything all over again. If you missed something in XIII before Gran Pulse, you're fucked.
Yeah I've said it before but VIIR is in many ways XIII done better(bar the endings). You can see a lot of the similarities but having side quests, minigames and most importantly Imo likeable characters amd interactions/dialogue goes a long way. I don't necessarily need my characters to be likeable to be into them but I think that really affects people's enjoyment of a JRPG

Space Lion

May 24, 2019
I suppose. But in many of the games, excluding the original and 3, the worlds are tight corridors and you don't have any more item and resource management than you do in FFXIII. The trinity signs were ditched after the original and only reintroduced with hidden Mickey's. The "towns" in Kingdom Hearts small hubs which one or two shops total. I would argue having to manage resources is a big negative for me in RPG's. I appreciate games like Xenoblade one FFXIII that heals you after every battle automatically.

Kingdom Hearts is my favorite game series but I get annoyed when people complain about what they dislike about FFXIII despite plenty of RPG's having those same design choices but are never brought up then.

Well 1 is my favorite KH and I have criticized 2 for being more linear. Haven't played 3.


Oct 27, 2017
Y'know I really just can't emphasize how bad the cast of antagonists are. Like I can accept different tastes and that there are people who legitimately like the good guys... but XIII's villains? Holy hell there isn't even anything there, how does that happen?


Oct 28, 2017
Final Fantasy games since VIII have become very divisive, as each game tries its own set of concepts and ideas.

XIII along with the first version XIV were the games that endangered the brand. And that is a fact.

XIII was a game that suffered from serious development issues and lack of direction and vision, and it shows on the cast, the level design, the battle system, and so on.

The battle system and soundtrack are strong. But the battle system only opens to its' true potential after 20 hours or so. And it definitely hurts the game from a gameplay perspective.

I won't even discuss the linear design. X is linear, but each setting tells its own story and has interesting substories that goes along with the player journey.

This is not the case on XIII. The game is disjointed in that sense (and I have played the whole trilogy). You can't connect to the characters, not because they weren't supposed to be believable and relatable, but the director chose to focus on aspects of them that were not interesting.

I agree XV is divisive as well, but I think it holds better than XIII on many aspects. It also recover the brand along with XIV 2.0.

Comparing XIII and XV from a gameplay and structure standpoint does not make much sense (for me, at least). I would relate XIII to a poorly envisioned game that fails to capitalize on the strengths of X and VII.
Last edited:


Jul 22, 2019
Nah, most things aren't really that bad nor really that good.

Mediocrity is where it lies.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a bad game. And XV isn't great either.

Not sure I'd call it one of the worst games ever, though. People don't realize how much shovelware junk gets pushed out every year.

Deleted member 10612

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
That game was so bad that I not only stopped playing it after giving it a fair chance (5-8 hours) it made me non interested in anything FF from that time going forward. I finished every FF since 7.

I still dont feel like picking up FF7re because I'm still disappointed and fear it's the same linear crap all over again. Never even thought about buying or renting 15.
Oct 30, 2017
An JRPG game with no cities or villages or NPCs to interact with.. just the main 6 characters interacting with each others most of the game in liner paths and when the game opens up it's just very big open empty depressing spaces.. very lonely world that you interact with freaking STONES.

.... What SE were thinking -_-"


Oct 28, 2017
Likely more of an isolated issue, but it's the only game I've ever refunded because it gave me motion sickness. Was playing on PC so it wasn't the Framerate, but there's something about the camera and coridors that I just couldn't stomach.


Oct 28, 2017
Its a plain badly desinged game until 25 hours in when the battle system and world opens. Its not worth it. I can see a child remembering this fondly but we know children and nostalgia are just fucking stupid.


Oct 28, 2017
- worst FF cast ever made by a monolithic amount
- terrible cast in general, it's like picking the most annoying anime stereotypes and putting that shit group together. Snow is one of the worst fictional characters I've ever seen in any medium.
- no towns
- story that isn't engaging, and a horrible way to tell a story as well
- bad linear design. I loved X and found this to be drastically worse
- it's not fun or a memorable journey which for an FF game, is the biggest insult

+ overall great battle system
+ amazing OST, but not on the level of classic FF which is iconic
+ some of the best graphics going around when it came out

7/10, saved mostly by two biggest strengths, being pretty sounding fantastic.

You should review games professionally. You nailed it.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
No, i liked it a lot. Great combat system.

Was pretty cool to see the staggering mechanic come back in FF7R.


Unshakable Resolve
Sep 27, 2019
My friend absolutely despises it. He says... "It is one of the worst games I have ever played. The game literally just plays itself until you get to a cutscene."

I thought to myself, is it really that bad? I've seen more people hate on XV here, but apparently XV is a HUGE improvement over this game.
It really falls off after the first hour. It's beautiful but very on rails. I have replayed nearly all the FFs and this one is one I just came being myself to finish. Very few NPCs to interact with. Battle system is the smoothest form of ATB out there that isn't straight up action.


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
I really enjoyed every previous ff game but 13 is not only a bad ff I find it to be a bad game.

I never made it to where the game apparently opens up, but the combat and characters absolutely sucked for the hours I did put into it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 16, 2018
Definitely not.
It was very good, imo. It's one of those games where almost no reason apply to its criticism anymore - "auto battle until the end" is still alive, for example?

I thought Hope was kinda bad, but same as Tidus, a lot was because of the voice actor. But oh well, it was fine.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Narratively yes. Its story is the biggest mess of the franchise.

It's mechanically fine.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
As you can see OP opinions are extremely divided on XIII. Just spend the 4 to 6 dollars and try it yourself.


Oct 25, 2017
End game battle system is fantastic. Story is uhh not the best. Music kicks ass though


One Winged Slayer
Jun 15, 2019
Absolutey loved it. 100%ed it, would do it again if they remastered it. Very challenging and flexible combat system (in my opinion. It starts off really restrictive though), one of the best soundtracks in the series and I adored the end/postgame.

Don't play it for the story though. Even after beating it twice, I still couldn't tell you what it was really about.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
Y'know I really just can't emphasize how bad the cast of antagonists are. Like I can accept different tastes and that there are people who legitimately like the good guys... but XIII's villains? Holy hell there isn't even anything there, how does that happen?

I still find it really funny that Jihl Nabaat was hyped up (to the extent I remember her name) and she's killed off in a cutscene and IIRC doesn't even talk to any of the cast, except maybe Sazh?

Cid Raines and Space Pope are the only ones I actually remember, and they only even really tried with the former, and not very hard

At least Caius is fun in the sequels


Oct 27, 2017
It's nowhere near the worst game ever and it's actually decent fun to play, the issue is that it's a slog to progress through.

And whenever people pointed out it was linear, you're told "wait until Grand Pulse" which you get to and all that does it expands the corridor our and then funnels you back in.

It was at that point I was just done.
Feb 15, 2019
I basically only liked the combat system and the graphics when it released. The problem with the combat system is that you don't actually start to really use it till the game's almost over. So for the entire main story you're stuck with (obviously imo) shitty characters, pretty boring level design, a random ass story too and half a combat system.


One Winged Slayer
Jul 3, 2018
Even the battle system in 13 blows, it's way too grindy to actually build up the roles you want on each character even after the game "opens up." Also the battles are too slow for their own good and the later enemies/bosses become ridiculous HP sponges. Also also having to watch that 3 second animation every time you paradigm shift for the first time in a battle is beyond obnoxious.

13-2 was still way too grindy for its own good but if you're bored enough to put the time in you can actually get some fun out of it.


Oct 27, 2017
I never really thought the "linear corridors" complaint was an issue since I still ended up enjoying the game. I mean, FF 7 Remake is basically the same thing again and I'm so far fine with it.

I only played it on the PS3, but I imagine the game still looking really good at 4k with something like the One X.