Is such a big age gap creepy?

  • Yes, you're a creepy.

    Votes: 1,883 42.4%
  • I'm not sure.

    Votes: 836 18.8%
  • No, you're fine.

    Votes: 1,727 38.8%

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User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
It does depend on the people involved. But the point is that it is much easier for someone in the (arbitrary)18-21 range to be taken advantage of by someone much older, who is much more developed and has much more life experience. Those who are barely adults are more likely to lack the critical judgement gained from that wisdom, and are thus also more likely to end up in situations that they regret because of people much older that knew exactly what they were doing.
I don't think OP would have made this thread if she was someone who wasn't thinking about these exact topics. If she's aware of the exact spots where these kinds of relationships go wrong, isn't it good she knows what to look out for?

It is more likely for an 18-year-old to be emotionally and even physically abused by a 30-year-old than it is for a 30-year-old to do the same to another 30-year-old.
I think that's probably true it's more likely, but I think that simplifies a lot of the complex realities of how an abuser attains power and control over their victim.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Some people here really wanna interpret something between the lines, just because of the possibility.
Guess what, younger peple can be more adult than older.
You can abuse someone in a relationship even if they are of the same age.
There are people that are happy even with a bigger age gap.

With any relationship it depens on who is involved and not on their physical age. Sure it is an indicator
and you shouldn't date someone underaged as an adult but other than that, what is the problem?
Omg reason.

that 19 yr old could be playing the shit out of the OP and manipulating her to bell and back. Age means nothing with maturity. There are grown as people of all ages in this country who support Donald Trump and believe bullshit fake news. Maturity is a meaningless argument.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
I went on a coffee date with a 19 around that age and it was fucking weird. I felt like an old man.

My cousin is 18 and the difference is night and day. He's dating a boy around his age for a month and already want to live together lol

that 19 yr old could be playing the shit out of the OP and manipulating her to bell and back.

What's more likely, though?

Yeah a 19yo could be a super manipulative genius, like a 15yo could be. But that's not likely.
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Nov 1, 2017
Not creepy but the main issue could be differences in emotional maturity, but that isn't to say everyone that young is immature. There are 30+ year olds who still have crazy unrealistic ideas about relationships

However I couldn't deal with dating 18-20 year olds even when I was like 24 because of this though lol.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
How do you even get to be friends with someone that much younger than you? I have a good friend who was 22 when I met her (I was 28), but that was because we met in a rec sports league so it kinda just happened. But 11 years younger is a lot

She was interning at the company I worked for at the time, and she was attending my alma mater. We were also both big time gamers and horror fans, so we had a lot to bond over. Funny enough, I performed her wedding ceremony last year.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah you missed my point entirely. Some people age and mature faster than others. Nobody is fully mature in their 20's. You are learning to be an adult.
I didn't miss anything. You're trying to equate that someone fresh out of high school is on the same level mentally and emotionally as someone that maybe doesn't have their shit together in their late-20's, or that someone that finished college much earlier than normal is on the same level as someone who has their shit together in their late-20's. It doesn't matter how put-together that older person is in their life, they are still well-beyond any kid fresh out of high school.


Nov 21, 2017
Half your age + 7 is the youngest you should go. so in your case yes, she's too young for you.


Oct 25, 2017
I was 26 when I married my ex-wife who was 19.

Speaking from experience it's less about creepy and more about hassle and difficulty. Especially since to someone like me now in my 40s - people that are 19 and people that are in their late 20s isn't an obvious age gap physically if I were to see you out and about.

So to me the problem is that people that age don't always have leveled out emotions and are still finding themselves and understanding their place in the world. It can all be a very dramatic and exhausting process that you may have not noticed when you went through it at their age.

Also having a relationship with someone that is that young doesn't feel like an equal partnership.

After having lived through that I have fewer issues with someone that is in their 40s dating someone who is like 25+. Once you hit about mid 20s then it's not really my business what anyone chooses to do although it may look weird.
I think from the outside it can look creepy but if the relationship works it works. And once you are together you probably won't care what people think about you.

I would rather resist the urge to judge people I don't know. Most decent people are trying to get to the same place and if they do it differently and it works more power to them.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh I agree hence why I said the example was probably being used for a different reason which in this case it was being used to say a 57 year old isn't mature enough or whatever.

I'm just saying that the age gap DOES have something I would argue isn't okay which is a 57 year old is the one with the power imbalance in that relationship.

For sure. The hardest part would probably be finding a centennial to begin with. Not sure how many are out there actively dating.

King Kingo

Dec 3, 2019
Are there cases of that in the world? Absolutely. But to assume that of even the majority would be quite a stretch. You can rest assure their are people at 19 that are much more mature than people at 27. It depends on the people involved.

The science of human cognitive development disagrees. A 19 year old cannot be more mature than a 27 year old partly because they have less life experience and partly because their brain is still malleable as a young adult. Granted, there's neurological variables depending on the individual but I just can't agree with this statement.

I mean, an adult can still be taken advantage of regardless of age range. I don't think that's exclusive to dating someone younger. A 19 year old dating another 19 year old can still do all of those things.

Like if I date someone the same age as me who abuses me I am "consenting" to that relationship, but that doesn't make that relationship acceptable nor is my consent something I am giving in a healthy manner.

Same age relationships or legal relationships within a three year age difference are not at all comparable to significant age gap relationships when one of the person is a young adult and the other is an adult.

Large age gap relationships between a young adult and adult have public stigma because of the drastic power dynamic differences that close age range relationships or adult to adult relationships just don't have.

Honestly people who think like this are so patronizing. Just because you are 30 does not make you anymore mature than anyone else. Maturity is brought on from experience and learning from them. I've met some stunted ass 32 year olds and I've met some mature ass 20 somethings. Being 30 has given you time to mature but at the end of the day it's up to you to make the choice to mature or stay sheltered.

Yeah, I don't approve of infantalising adults, either. That's a whole other discussion but I've been seeing it lately especially on Twitter.

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
Honestly people who think like this are so patronizing. Just because you are 30 does not make you anymore mature than anyone else. Maturity is brought on from experience and learning from them. I've met some stunted ass 32 year olds and I've met some mature ass 20 somethings. Being 30 has given you time to mature but at the end of the day it's up to you to make the choice to mature or stay sheltered.

Um ok. Go ahead and point out where I said maturity. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Im speaking for myself. Not you. So I'm gonna go ahead and state that it's not an issue of maturity vs immaturity.

It's just I'm in a completely different place in life compare to your average 20 something. Most people in their 30's/40's and even 20's aren't in the same place as a 19 year old. Don't know what else to tell you .

And I absolutely agree with you! There are highly immature 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 year olds. I've met some. They're exhausting.

That doesn't negate my statement about myself not having anything tangible in common with your average 20 something. And certainly not a 19 year old. Experience does absolutely matter. Hence why I wouldn't wanna mess with someone less than half my age…and still can't legally share drinks (in the US).

Sorry if you take offense but it is what it is.


Nov 2, 2017
It ain't illegal, but I wouldn't personally mess around with a 19 year old. Especially if you're looking for a relationship, with that age gap it's unlikely you would have much in common.


Oct 30, 2017
Nope, never got why it would be. Two consenting adults flirting with each other, what's the issue? The perceived "creepy age gap"? Screw that. I don't care if you're 60 flirting with a 22 year old, if y'all are both into it then go for it.

Don't let other people dictate your feelings towards a fellow consenting adult.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Same age relationships or legal relationships within a three year age difference are not at all comparable to significant age gap relationships when one of the person is a young adult and the other is an adult.

Large age gap relationships between a young adult and adult have public stigma because of the drastic power dynamic differences that close age range relationships or adult to adult relationships just don't have.
I don't see how that's relevant to the point of "a person can be abused by another person even if they're the same age."


Oct 25, 2017

I was 23 when I met my partner (he was 55 at the time). We have been happy for almost 20 years now.

It's not creepy. It's just a difference in age, that's all.
Um...that is absolutely creepy.

I don't care if it worked out for you. People in their 50s should NOT be dating or pursuing someone in their early 20s.

Fart Master

Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
A dumpster
No, the difference between 28 and 19 doesn't reflect maturity or interests and sometimes chemistry and attraction supersede all that. Life is short and if the two of you can find happiness together, then do it.
This, I feel like before I met my GF I was so sad and lonely despite having a decent support network. Ever since we met she's helped me cope with sadness and vice versa. She's 13 years older than me I don't think about unless someone brings it up tbh.


Persona Central
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think OP would have made this thread if they were someone who wasn't thinking about these exact topics. If they're aware of the exact spots where these kinds of relationships go wrong, isn't it good they know what to look out for?
Certainly, I was speaking in more general terms, though I still vote for "creepy." I think someone who would ask this kind of question before engaging in a potential relationship is already much better off than someone who would try to engage through malicious intent, obviously. It's that self-awareness from both parties that can make it work, for sure.
I think that's probably true it's more likely, but I think that simplifies a lot of the complex realities of how an abuser attains power and control over their victim.
It's only one facet of a power dynamic in a relationship, but it's a fundamental one that I feel some are disregarding. There's a whole lot more to it, however age is tied to so much more that can determine how problematic these kinds of relationships can become.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
Ehhhhhh I don't know if I can agree with that but not for the reason I assume that example was used.

I would say there is risk of the 57 year old taking advantage of the 100 year old for the obvious reasons of aging.

OK, sure.

But let's not apply that logic to this thread to suggest that the younger party might, in fact, have the upper hand in the power dymanic.

Even though OP has self-identified as autistic, which itself raises questions as whether this relationship makes sense.


Oct 26, 2017
Friends? Fine.

Romantically? Yes I find that creepy personally.

It's not against the law as far as I know though. Dating someone fresh out of highschool when you are over 25 to me is not something I find attractive. But legally speaking theres nothing wrong with it. So who really cares about my opinion on it. You can do what you want.


Oct 25, 2017
Half your age + 7 is the youngest you should go. so in your case yes, she's too young for you.
The fuck does this come from lmao. This is some internet wisdom bullshit.

OP, even though there is an age difference, it doesn't matter. If both are you are happy, that is what matters. You are both adults. And even if there is an age difference, if you can make it work on the basis of equality, you both should go for it. Don't deny yourself and your partner happiness just because stupid people on the internet think it's "creepy".

If I would've listened to these dumbasses I wouldn't be as happy as I am now in my relationship with my older partner.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
The science of human cognitive development disagrees. A 19 year old cannot be more mature than a 27 year old partly because they have less life experience and partly because their brain is still malleable as a young adult. Granted, there's neurological variables depending on the individual but I just can't agree with this statement.

Same age relationships or legal relationships within a three year age difference are not at all comparable to significant age gap relationships when one of the person is a young adult and the other is an adult.

Large age gap relationships between a young adult and adult have public stigma because of the drastic power dynamic differences that close age range relationships or adult to adult relationships just don't have.

Yeah, I don't approve of infantalising adults, either. That's a whole other discussion but I've been seeing it lately especially on Twitter.
I think you need to put the book down and see life for what it is. There are absolutely people who are 18 that are more levelheaded and mature than grown ass adults. I doesn't matter if their brain is fully developed or how much life experiences anyone has. There are morons who believe the earth is flat.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Certainly, I was speaking in more general terms, though I still vote for "creepy." I think someone who would ask this kind of question before engaging in a potential relationship is already much better off than someone who would try to engage through malicious intent, obviously. It's that self-awareness from both parties that can make it work, for sure.

It's only one facet of a power dynamic in a relationship, but it's a fundamental one that I feel some are disregarding. There's a whole lot more to it, however age is tied to so much more that can determine how problematic these kinds of relationships can become.
Well yeah I agree with both of these statements, I just think that means that it's a question of putting in the work and acknowledging where these kinds of relationships can go wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego-ish
nah you're good unless the reason you're trying to be with them is because they're young. that said i might be biased because there's quite an age gap (12 years) between me and my partner. but fuck it you're both adults and love is love. if you're happy together it doesn't matter.
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Oct 25, 2017
What do you mean why? I know you're biased but jfc you really can't see anything wrong with a person having a 30+ year age gap? That person is the same age as most 20 year olds parents. It's such a massive power imbalance and lifestyle difference.

Lol. The best thing about what you just wrote is they don't give a fuck about your opinion.
The best thing in this thread is you showing how much of a creep you are. Keep thinking it's cool to date teenagers as a 31 year old man! :)


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
What do you mean why? I know you're biased but jfc you really can't see anything wrong with a person having a 30+ year age gap? That person is the same age as most 20 year olds parents. It's such a massive power imbalance and lifestyle difference.
You don't think it's overstepping some kind of boundary of good taste to tell someone that a relationship they've had for 20 years is inherently sick and wrong?

King Kingo

Dec 3, 2019
I don't see how that's relevant to the point of "a person can be abused by another person even if they're the same age."

It is because you're far more likely to be abused in a large age gap relationship for a variety of reasons be it difference of emotional maturity or the older person taking advantage of the younger persons naievity of a relationship with a much older person.

Same age or close in age relationships have a more balanced power dynamic which makes moments of abuse easier to confront. There's also the fact that close in age relationships often means that they're far more likely to have aligning values and hang around in similar social circles.


Mar 18, 2018
I don't think OP would have made this thread if she was someone who wasn't thinking about these exact topics. If she's aware of the exact spots where these kinds of relationships go wrong, isn't it good she knows what to look out for?

Thats true for nearly every relationship thread on this site but mercy is discouraged.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
What do you mean why? I know you're biased but jfc you really can't see anything wrong with a person having a 30+ year age gap? That person is the same age as most 20 year olds parents. It's such a massive power imbalance and lifestyle difference.
There is nothing wrong with an age gap. It only is to you. The sooner you get that the sooner you can move on with your life.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I think you need to put the book down and see life for what it is. There are absolutely people who are 18 that are more levelheaded and mature than grown ass adults. I doesn't matter if their brain is fully developed or how much life experiences anyone has. There are morons who believe the earth is flat.
There's also morons that think it's fine to date people fresh out of high school while in their 30's, and then try to blame the kid for it happening.
Oct 26, 2017
You are both adults, but it is an awkward age gap and people will certainly judge. If it works for you and you two are happy, go for it. But long term a 19 year old is going to go through a lot more social development than you will at 28, which may change the dynamic of the relationship. Might be for the best to let her figure this stuff out among people her own age.


Oct 25, 2017
You don't think it's overstepping some kind of boundary of good taste to tell someone that a relationship they've had for 20 years is inherently sick and wrong?
No I don't. I'm not going to support 30+ age gaps just because someone popped in here and said it worked out for them especially when this age gap is between a 20 year old and 50 year old.

I can't even believe this is something that is being debated on here.

There is nothing wrong with an age gap. It only is to you. The sooner you get that the sooner you can move on with your life.
I'm sure you meant to write between consenting adults but I don't know if I want to give you the benefit of the doubt considering how hard you are advocating for inappropriate age gaps in this thread so I'll say no age gaps are not always okay and that should be common sense that we don't allow grown people to date teenagers and children.

A 19 year old is a teen. It doesn't matter if they aren't in highschool they are still a teenager. It blows my mind that some of you act like a person gets 1 year added and suddenly becomes an adult. That is not a thing and life experience/growth is what matures a person.
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Fart Master

Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
A dumpster
Um ok. Go ahead and point out where I said maturity. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Im speaking for myself. Not you. So I'm gonna go ahead and state that it's not an issue of maturity vs immaturity.

It's just I'm in a completely different place in life compare to your average 20 something. Most people in their 30's/40's and even 20's aren't in the same place as a 19 year old. Don't know what else to tell you .

And I absolutely agree with you! There are highly immature 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 year olds. I've met some. They're exhausting.

That doesn't negate my statement about myself not having anything tangible in common with your average 20 something. And certainly not a 19 year old. Experience does absolutely matter. Hence why I wouldn't wanna mess with someone less than half my age…and still can't legally share drinks (in the US).

Sorry if you take offense but it is what it is.
I didn't mean to come off angry or anything it's just a pet peeve of my mine haha. I do understand where you coming from but honestly you'd be surprised how much someone can grow in a few years. I think perhaps you just happen to live in a place where people just happen to have simpler lives. Poverty and isolation can really make mature fast. Sorry if I made any assumptions that offend you.


Mar 18, 2018
Dude. I was 31 and had a 19 year old pursue me and I ended up dating her. I didn't persue her at all. She worked me down. Did it last? No. Do I regret it? No. Was she mature? No. Did I have some good times? Yes.

it's all about life experiences. If everything is on the up and up. It's fine.

If it helps, with this post you've made OP seem not so creepy in comparison.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
I think it goes without saying that there are exceptions to every rule.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm more weirded out by everyone here asking "what do you even have in comon? What would you talk about?"..... like really? You think you can't have things in comon because of an age gap? It's like your underestimate younger people thinking they would only like shitty things from their own generations... iit's kind of a shitty mentality imo

i'm 33 and i've seen plenty of young adults (18-20 and so on) way more mature than me, with a shit tons of different interets and wide culture, while i'm stuck being all anxious and akward, only being able to talk about videogames and other nerdy stuff (In a lot of server i'm in on discord, i'm usually one of the oldest, people from this generations have usually way more in comon with me than those of my age, cause now more people are into videogames, anime, and so on... not saying there no people my age into these things, but they're harder to come by) !

Also Look at some crazy talented people on youtube, some doing video essays, some doing music, all with incredible talents and knowledge, and a lot of them are very young... it's kinda shitty to assume you can't find anything in comon with someone younger...

it doesn't even have to be romantic or sexual, you can simply be friends with younger people and have ton of fun, just don't be creepy, that's all


Oct 25, 2017
I think you need to put the book down and see life for what it is. There are absolutely people who are 18 that are more levelheaded and mature than grown ass adults. I doesn't matter if their brain is fully developed or how much life experiences anyone has. There are morons who believe the earth is flat.

Pretty easy to argue "maturity" when you can't actually define it. No 18 year has gone through long term relationships and grown from them. No 18 year old has lived independently. No 18 year old is the same person 10 years later. Everyone grows and learns from life experiences, so arguing "maturity" as some excuse for dating teenagers in your 30s ain't a good look, and really just indicates that you've been unable to mature past your prior mistakes.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Of course but that don't mean it ain't a rule for some very obvious reasons.

Well, yeah. lol

I think we all know an example of a huge youth/age gap that worked (or at least convinced themselves it worked). But, speaking for myself, for every one that worked I know twenty that didn't...and usually for the same reason.


Oct 25, 2018
"She seems pretty mature for her age". Yeah, that's textbook for something I'm not gonna say. I don't care if you have the same orientation as me, that phrase doesn't cut it and yo are in two different places in your life.

Incredible that this is being debated in Resetera.


Oct 27, 2017
Yea, its a little creepy. Ya'll might like video games or w/e, but in reality, you'll have nothing of value in common. Different parts of life etc.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
It is because you're far more likely to be abused in a large age gap relationship for a variety of reasons be it difference of emotional maturity or the older person taking advantage of the younger persons naievity of a relationship with a much older person.

Same age or close in age relationships have a more balanced power dynamic which makes moments of abuse easier to confront. There's also the fact that close in age relationships often means that they're far more likely to have aligning values and hang around in similar social circles.
That sounds like a lot of assumptions. Imbalanced power dynamics in relationships isn't hardcoded, it manifests in a lot of ways such as financial abuse.

Moreover, even if I agree that there's a larger proportional risk, that just seems like a reason for these two adults to talk it out and establish healthy boundaries, which is what the OP of this thread wants to do. If we have someone here saying "yeah this bugs me, what should i do" it sounds like we've got someone who is sincerely wanting to learn.

And, speaking from experience, confronting abuse isn't as simple as you're making it sound.

No I don't. I'm not going to support 30+ age gaps just because someone popped in here and said it worked out for them especially when this age gap is between a 20 year old and 50 year old.

I can't even believe this is something that is being debated on here.
I mean, okay I guess? Do you think someone saying that marrying someone 30 years older when they were 23 is going to lead to a bunch of other 50 year olds doing in en masse?

You don't really need to be okay with it, I'm saying telling someone that their two decade relationship is inherently wrong is overstepping.
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